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2020-11-08 18:19:10 +01:00
2020-11-08 18:20:52 +01:00
2020-11-08 18:19:10 +01:00
# accountage
Shows how old your accounts is
Usage: `%accountage @user`
# activity
Changes the bot's game activity **(bot owner only)**
Usage `%activity hi`
# aiwaifu
Sends an AI Generated waifu
Usage: `%aiwaifu`
# appendpasta
Adds a copypasta to the database
Usage: `%appendpasta Zero two has me lying on my back`
# ask
Ask the bot a question
Usage: `%ask How are you?`
# avatar
Get someone's avatar
Usage: `%avatar @user`
# bmi
Calculate your BMI (Body mass index), Units are in Kg and Meters
Usage: `%bmi 50 1.80`
# changeavatar
Changes the bot's avatar **(bot owner only)**
Usage: `%changeavatar [attached image]`
# convert
Converts 2 units
Usage: `%convert`
# delete
Deletes a message
Usage: `%delete messageid`
# dict
Look up the definition of a word
Usage: `%dict vehicle`
# femboyrate
2020-11-08 18:20:52 +01:00
Rates how much of a femboy someone is
2020-11-08 18:19:10 +01:00
Usage: `%femboyrate @user`
# frame
Frames someone to say something
Usage: `%frame userid Hi`
# hugging
Generates a hugging caption image
# imagesearch
Reverse searches an image on Google
Usage: `%imagesearch`
# img
Searches an image on Google
Usage: `%img funny cats`
# iplocation
Get the location of an IP
Usage: `%iplocation`
# kissing
Generates a kissing caption image
Usage: `%kissing person person2`
# lying
Generates the has me lying copypasta with a specific person
Usage: `%lying userid he/she`
# nmap
Runs an Nmap scan **(bot owner only)**
Usage: `%nmap`
# opinion
Gives you my opinion on someone
Usage: `%opinion @user`
# orgyship
Orgy ship
Usage: `%orgyship @user @user2 @user3 @user4 @user5`
# osu
Searches for a user or a beatmap on osu!
User search:
Usage: `%osu user josesucks`
Beatmap Search:
Usage: `%osu beatmap id` (the id is at the end of the beatmap url
# passgen
Generates a password
Usage: `%passgen length`
# ping
Pings a website
Usage: `%ping`
# pocky
Generates a pocky caption image
Usage: `%pocky user user2`
# randnum
Generates a random number
Usage: `%randnum`
# randompasta
Gets a random copypasta from the database
Usage: `%randompasta`
# randomwaifu
Gets a random waifu
Usage: `%randomwaifu`
# randomwaifu2
Gets a random waifu (better command)
Usage: `%randomwaifu2`
# rate
Rates someone
Usage: `%rate @user`
# react
Reacts to a message (remove soon)
Usage: `%react messageid`
# rename
Changes the bot's name
Usage: `%rename unfunny cat`
# request
Makes a URL Request (remove soon)
Usage: `%request URL`
# say
Makes the bot say something
Usage: `%say Hello`
# ~~screenshot~~
Screenshots a website (temporarily not working)
Usage: `%screenshot URL`
# servers
Lists the servers the bot is in
Usage: `%servers`
# ship
Ships 2 people
Usage: `%ship @user @user2`
# speedconvert
Converts a speed unit
Usage: `%speedconvert kmh 100`
# tempconvert
Converts a temperature unit
Usage: `%tempconvert c 40`
# threesomeship
Ships 3 people together
Usage: `%threesomeship @user @user2 @user3`
# translate
Translates something
Usage: `%translate en ar Hello`
# typing
Makes the bot type
Usage: `%typing`
# urban
Searches for a word in the urban dictionary
Usage: `%urban man`
2020-11-08 18:20:52 +01:00
# webhooktransmit
2020-11-08 18:19:10 +01:00
Sends a webhook (debug command)
Usage: `%webhook URL name AVATAR hi`
# weightconvert
Converts a weight unit
Usage: `%weightconvert kg 45`
# whatanime
Searches for an anime using tracemoe with a screenshot
Usage: `%whatanime [attachment]`
2020-11-08 18:20:52 +01:00
2020-11-08 18:19:10 +01:00
# wordcloud
Generates a wordcloud
Usage: `%wordcloud 100`
# yomama
Sends a Yo Mama joke
Usage: `%yomama`
# duckduckgo
Searches for a term on DuckDuckGo
Usage: `%duckduckgo python 1`
# kiss, hug, and poke
2020-11-08 18:20:52 +01:00
Reacts with a hug, kiss or poke gif. User argument required
2020-11-08 18:19:10 +01:00
`%kiss @man`
`%hug @man`
`%poke @man`
# Gelbooru (not working atm)
Search for images on gelbooru with tags
Usage: `%gelbooru reizei_mako`
# gay
Draws a gay overlay over an image
Usage: `%gay [attachment]`
# lyrics
Search for the lyrics of a song
Usage: `%lyrics vanilla salt`
# aita
Returns a random post from r/AmitheAsshole
Usage: `%aita`
# tag
Tag command similar to notsobot's
Usage cases:
`%tag add jose :slightly_smiling_face:`
`%tag remove jose`
`%tag list`
`%tag jose`
# invite
Gives you an Oauth2 invite for the bot
Usage: `%invite`
# politeness
Unofficial API for
Usage: `%politeness How are you?`
# fraudcheck
Checks if an IP is fraudulent
Usage: `%fraudcheck`
# sauce
SauceNao search
Usage: `%sauce [attachment]`
# sqlsearch
Search for a logged message in memecord
Usage: `%sqlsearch hi` (append % to the start and end of the search term for word search)
# yuri
Gives you a yuri image
2020-11-08 18:20:52 +01:00
Usage: `%yuri`
2020-11-08 18:27:37 +01:00
# anchovy
Gives you an image of anchovy
Usage: `%anchovy`
2020-11-13 14:09:53 +01:00
# ruined
React with ruined
Usage: `%ruined @someone`
# charactersearch
Searches for an anime character
Usage: `%character mako`
# animesearch
Searches for an anime from myanimelist
Usage: `%anime toradora`
# character
Returns a random image of a character
Usage: `%character list`
# define
Defines a word
Usage: `%define keyboard`