local sql = require("lsqlite3") local util = {} --[[ Runs an sql query and receives the 3 arguments back, prints a nice error message on fail, and returns true on success. ]] function util.sqlassert(...) local r,errcode,err = ... if not r then error(string.format("%d: %s",errcode, err)) end return r end --[[ Continuously tries to perform an sql statement until it goes through ]] function util.do_sql(stmnt) if not stmnt then error("No statement",2) end local err local i = 0 repeat err = stmnt:step() print("After stepping, err is", err) if err == sql.BUSY then i = i + 1 coroutine.yield() end until(err ~= sql.BUSY or i > 10) assert(i < 10, "Database busy") return err end --[[ Binds an argument to as statement with nice error reporting on failure stmnt :: sql.stmnt - the prepared sql statemnet call :: string - a string "bind" or "bind_blob" position :: number - the argument position to bind to data :: string - The data to bind ]] function util.sqlbind(stmnt,call,position,data) assert(call == "bind" or call == "bind_blob","Bad bind call, call was:" .. call) local f = stmnt[call](stmnt,position,data) if f ~= sql.OK then error(string.format("Failed to %s at %d with %q: %s", call, position, data, db:errmsg()),2) end end --see https://perishablepress.com/stop-using-unsafe-characters-in-urls/ --no underscore because we use that for our operative pages local url_characters = [[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]].. [[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]].. [[0123456789]].. [[$-+!*'(),]] local url_characters_rev = {} for i = 1,string.len(url_characters) do url_characters_rev[string.sub(url_characters,i,i)] = i end --[[ Encode a number to a shorter HTML-safe url path ]] function util.encode_id(number) local result = {} local charlen = string.len(url_characters) repeat local pos = (number % charlen) + 1 number = math.floor(number / charlen) table.insert(result,string.sub(url_characters,pos,pos)) until number == 0 return table.concat(result) end --[[ Given a short HTML-safe url path, convert it to a storyid ]] function util.decode_id(s) local res, id = pcall(function() local n = 0 local charlen = string.len(url_characters) for i = 1,string.len(s) do local char = string.sub(s,i,i) local pos = url_characters_rev[char] - 1 n = n + (pos*math.pow(charlen,i-1)) end return n end) if res then return id else error("Failed to decode id:" .. s) end end --[[ Parses a semicolon seperated string into it's parts: 1. seperates by semicolon 2. trims whitespace 3. lowercases 4. capitalizes the first letter. Returns an array of zero or more strings. There is no blank tag, parsing "one;two;;three" will yield {"one","two","three"} ]] function util.parse_tags(str) local tags = {} for tag in string.gmatch(str,"([^;]+)") do assert(tag, "Found a nil or false tag in:" .. str) local tag_trimmed = string.match(tag,"%s*(.*)%s*") local tag_lower = string.lower(tag_trimmed) local tag_capitalized = string.gsub(tag_lower,"^.",string.upper) assert(tag_capitalized, "After processing tag:" .. tag .. " it was falsey.") if string.len(tag_capitalized) > 0 then table.insert(tags, tag_capitalized) end end return tags end return util