local sql = require("lsqlite3") local zlib = require("zlib") local db = require("db") local queries = require("queries") local pages = require("pages") local parsers = require("parsers") local cache = require("cache") local config = require("config") local session = require("session") local stmnt_update_bio local oldconfigure = configure function configure(...) stmnt_update_bio = assert(db.conn:prepare(queries.update_bio)) return oldconfigure(...) end local function edit_bio(req) local author, author_id = session.get(req) if not (author and author_id) then local response = pages.error{ errcode = 401, errcodemsg = "Unauthorized", explanation = string.format("You must be logged in to edit a biography. Your login session may have expiried."), should_traceback = true, } http_response(req,401,response) return end http_request_populate_post(req) local text = http_argument_get_string(req,"text") or "" local parsed = parsers.plain(text) -- Make sure the plain parser can deal with it, even though we don't store this result. local compr_raw = zlib.compress(text) db.sqlbind(stmnt_update_bio, "bind_blob", 1,compr_raw) db.sqlbind(stmnt_update_bio, "bind", 2, author_id) if db.do_sql(stmnt_update_bio) ~= sql.DONE then stmnt_update_bio:reset() error("Failed to update biography") end stmnt_update_bio:reset() local loc = string.format("https://%s.%s",author,config.domain) -- Dirty the cache for the author's index, the only place where the bio is displayed. cache.dirty(string.format("%s.%s",author,config.domain)) http_response_header(req,"Location",loc) http_response(req,303,"") return end return edit_bio