local sql = require("sqlite3") local session = require("session") local tags = require("tags") local db = require("db") local queries = require("queries") local util = require("util") local cache = require("cache") local pages = require("pages") local config = require("config") local stmnt_read, stmnt_update_views, stmnt_comments local oldconfigure = configure function configure(...) stmnt_read = assert(db.conn:prepare(queries.select_post)) stmnt_update_views = assert(db.conn:prepare(queries.update_views)) stmnt_comments = assert(db.conn:prepare(queries.select_comments)) return oldconfigure(...) end --[[ Increases a story's hit counter by 1 ]] local function add_view(storyid) stmnt_update_views:bind_names{ id = storyid } local err = util.do_sql(stmnt_update_views) assert(err == sql.DONE, "Failed to update view counter:"..tostring(err)) stmnt_update_views:reset() end --[[ Populates ps with story settings, returns true if story was found, or nil if it wasn't ]] local function populate_ps_story(req,ps) --Make sure our story exists stmnt_read:bind_names{ id = ps.storyid } local err = util.do_sql(stmnt_read) if err == sql.DONE then --We got no story stmnt_read:reset() print("No story by this name",ps.storyid) return false end --If we've made it here, we have a story. Populate our settings --with title, text, ect. assert(err == sql.ROW) local title, storytext, tauthor, isanon, authorname, views = unpack( stmnt_read:get_values() ) ps.title = title ps.text = zlib.decompress(storytext) ps.tauthor = tauthor ps.isanon = isanon == 1 ps.author = authorname ps.views = views stmnt_read:reset() --Tags ps.tags = tags.get(ps.storyid) return true end --[[ Get the comments for a story ]] local function get_comments(req,ps) stmnt_comments:bind_names{ id = ps.storyid } err = util.do_sql(stmnt_comments) local comments = {} while err ~= sql.DONE do local com_author, com_isanon, com_text = unpack(stmnt_comments:get_values()) table.insert(comments,{ author = com_author, isanon = com_isanon == 1, --int to boolean text = com_text }) err = stmnt_comments:step() end stmnt_comments:reset() return comments end --[[ The author is viewing their own story, give them an edit button ]] local function read_get_author(req,storyid,author,authorid,comments) end --[[ An author is viewing a story, allow them to post comments as themselves ]] local function read_get_loggedin(req,ps) if ps.tauthor == ps.authorid then --The story exists and we're logged in as the --owner, display the edit button return read_get_author(req,ps) end return pages.read(ps) end local function read_get(req) --Pages settings local ps = { domain = config.domain, host = http_request_get_host(req), path = http_request_get_path(req), method = http_method_text(req), } print("reading", ps.path) --Get our story id assert(string.len(ps.path) > 0,"Tried to read 0-length story id") ps.idp = string.sub(ps.path,2)--remove leading "/" ps.storyid = util.decode_id(ps.idp) add_view(ps.storyid) --If we're logged in, set author and authorid local author, authorid = session.get(req) if author and authorid then ps.loggedauthor = author ps.iam = author ps.loggedauthorid = authorid end --If we need to show comments http_request_populate_qs(req) ps.show_comments = http_argument_get_string(req,"comments") if ps.show_comments then ps.comments = get_comments(req,ps) end local text --normal story display if (not ps.loggedauthor) then print("not author") local cachestr = string.format("%s%s%s", ps.host, ps.path, ps.show_comments and "?comments=1" or "" ) text = cache.render(cachestr,function() if not populate_ps_story(req,ps) then return pages.nostory(ps) end local output = pages.read(ps) assert(output,"failed to read page:" .. cachestr) return output end) else --we are logged in, don't cache print("is author") if not populate_ps_story(req,ps) then return pages.nostory(ps) end print("tauthor was", ps.tauthor, "while author was:",ps.author) ps.owner = (ps.loggedauthorid == ps.tauthor) text = pages.read(ps) end assert(text) http_response(req,200,text) return end return read_get