
Write some more documentation.
This commit is contained in:
Robin Malley 2023-04-06 20:22:54 +00:00
parent fea953fdef
commit 68e73aba3e
3 changed files with 71 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ end
Provides an iterator that loops over results in an sql statement
or throws an error, then resets the statement after the loop is done.
Returned iterator returns varargs, so the values can be unpacked in-line in the
for loop.
function db.sql_rows(stmnt)
if not stmnt then error("No statement",2) end

View File

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ function configure(...)
return oldconfigure(...)
When a user is typing in the "tags" editbox when posting a story, suggest
tags for them to include based on what they've typed so far.
local function suggest_tags(req,data)
Prevent a malicious user from injecting '%' into the string

View File

@ -105,12 +105,18 @@ do_lua(struct http_request *req, const char *name){
#define route(method, lua_method) \
method(struct http_request *req){\
return do_lua(req,#lua_method);\
Called at the endpoint <domain>/_paste.
This method doesn't need any parameters for GET requests,
and expects the following parametrs when POSTing:
* title :: string
* text :: string
This method doesn't need any parameters for GET requests.
This method expects the following for POST requests:
* title :: string - story title
* text :: string - text to put through markup
* markup :: string - a valid markup type
In addition to the normal assets, this page includes
suggest_tags.js, which suggests tags that have been
@ -119,26 +125,65 @@ submitted to the site before.
@custom http_method GET POST
@param http_request req The request to service
post_story(struct http_request *req){
return do_lua(req,"paste");
edit_story(struct http_request *req){
return do_lua(req,"edit");
Called at the endpoint <domain>/_edit.
This method requires the following for GET requests:
* story :: string - The url of the story to edit
This method requires the following for POST requests:
* title :: string - story title
* text :: string - text to put through markup
* markup :: string - a valid markup type
* story :: string - the story we're editing
In addition to normal assets, this page includes
suggest_tags.js, which suggests tags that have been
submitted to the site before.
@function _G.edit
@custom http_method GET POST
@param http_request req The request to service
route(edit_story, "edit");
edit_bio(struct http_request *req){
return do_lua(req,"edit_bio");
Called at the endpoint <domain>/_bio
This method does not need any parameters for GET requests.
This method requires the following for POST requests:
* text :: string - The text to use as the author bio
* author :: string - The author to modify
If the logged in user does not match the author being
modified, the user recives a 401 Unauthorized error.
@function _G.edit_bio
@custom http_method GET POST
@param http_request req The request to service
route(edit_bio, "edit_bio");
read_story(struct http_request *req){
return do_lua(req,"read");
Called at the endpoint <domain>/[^_]*
This method does not require any parameters for GET requests, but may include:
* load_comments :: 0 | 1 - Legacy parameter for loading comments
* pwd :: [0-9a-f]{128} - If the post is marked as "unlisted", this parameter is
needed, if it is not passed, the user receives a 401 Unauthorized error.
This method requires the following for POST requests:
* text :: string - Comment text
* postas :: string - The user to post as, if this is not "Anonymous", the
request must include a session cookie. If it does not, the user receives
a 401 Unauthorized error.
* pwd :: [0-9a-f]{128} - Currently unused, but it's intended use is to validate
the user has the password for unlisted stories.
@custom http_method GET POST
@param http_request req The request to service
route(read_story, "read");
Called at the endpoint <domain>/_login
This method does not requirei any parameters for GET requests.
This method requiries the following for POST requests:
* user :: [a-z0-9]{1,30} - The username to log in as
* pass :: any - The passfile for this user
login(struct http_request *req){
return do_lua(req,"login");