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Copyright (c) 2006-2016, Arvid Norberg
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the author nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.
#include "libtorrent/units.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/flags.hpp"
// libtorrent has a plugin interface for implementing extensions to the protocol.
// These can be general extensions for transferring metadata or peer exchange
// extensions, or it could be used to provide a way to customize the protocol
// to fit a particular (closed) network.
// In short, the plugin interface makes it possible to:
// * register extension messages (sent in the extension handshake), see
// extensions_.
// * add data and parse data from the extension handshake.
// * send extension messages and standard bittorrent messages.
// * override or block the handling of standard bittorrent messages.
// * save and restore state via the session state
// * see all alerts that are posted
// .. _extensions: extension_protocol.html
// a word of caution
// -----------------
// Writing your own plugin is a very easy way to introduce serious bugs such as
// dead locks and race conditions. Since a plugin has access to internal
// structures it is also quite easy to sabotage libtorrent's operation.
// All the callbacks are always called from the libtorrent network thread. In
// case portions of your plugin are called from other threads, typically the main
// thread, you cannot use any of the member functions on the internal structures
// in libtorrent, since those require the mutex to be locked. Furthermore, you would
// also need to have a mutex on your own shared data within the plugin, to make
// sure it is not accessed at the same time from the libtorrent thread (through a
// callback). If you need to send out a message from another thread, it is
// advised to use an internal queue, and do the actual sending in ``tick()``.
// Since the plugin interface gives you easy access to internal structures, it
// is not supported as a stable API. Plugins should be considered specific to a
// specific version of libtorrent. Although, in practice the internals mostly
// don't change that dramatically.
// plugin-interface
// ================
// The plugin interface consists of three base classes that the plugin may
// implement. These are called plugin, torrent_plugin and peer_plugin.
// They are found in the ``<libtorrent/extensions.hpp>`` header.
// These plugins are instantiated for each session, torrent and possibly each peer,
// respectively.
// For plugins that only need per torrent state, it is enough to only implement
// ``torrent_plugin`` and pass a constructor function or function object to
// ``session::add_extension()`` or ``torrent_handle::add_extension()`` (if the
// torrent has already been started and you want to hook in the extension at
// run-time).
// The signature of the function is::
// std::shared_ptr<torrent_plugin> (*)(torrent_handle const&, void*);
// The second argument is the userdata passed to ``session::add_torrent()`` or
// ``torrent_handle::add_extension()``.
// The function should return a ``std::shared_ptr<torrent_plugin>`` which
// may or may not be 0. If it is a nullptr, the extension is simply ignored
// for this torrent. If it is a valid pointer (to a class inheriting
// ``torrent_plugin``), it will be associated with this torrent and callbacks
// will be made on torrent events.
// For more elaborate plugins which require session wide state, you would
// implement ``plugin``, construct an object (in a ``std::shared_ptr``) and pass
// it in to ``session::add_extension()``.
// custom alerts
// =============
// Since plugins are running within internal libtorrent threads, one convenient
// way to communicate with the client is to post custom alerts.
// The expected interface of any alert, apart from deriving from the alert
// base class, looks like this:
// .. parsed-literal::
// static const int alert_type = *<unique alert ID>*;
// virtual int type() const { return alert_type; }
// virtual std::string message() const;
// static const int static_category = *<bitmask of alert::category_t flags>*;
// virtual int category() const { return static_category; }
// virtual char const* what() const { return *<string literal of the name of this alert>*; }
// The ``alert_type`` is used for the type-checking in ``alert_cast``. It must
// not collide with any other alert. The built-in alerts in libtorrent will
// not use alert type IDs greater than ``user_alert_id``. When defining your
// own alert, make sure it's greater than this constant.
// ``type()`` is the run-time equivalence of the ``alert_type``.
// The ``message()`` virtual function is expected to construct a useful
// string representation of the alert and the event or data it represents.
// Something convenient to put in a log file for instance.
// ``clone()`` is used internally to copy alerts. The suggested implementation
// of simply allocating a new instance as a copy of ``*this`` is all that's
// expected.
// The static category is required for checking whether or not the category
// for a specific alert is enabled or not, without instantiating the alert.
// The ``category`` virtual function is the run-time equivalence.
// The ``what()`` virtual function may simply be a string literal of the class
// name of your alert.
// For more information, see the `alert section`_.
// .. _`alert section`: reference-Alerts.html
#include <vector>
#include "libtorrent/config.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/span.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/sha1_hash.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/string_view.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/socket.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/error_code.hpp"
namespace libtorrent {
struct peer_plugin;
struct peer_request;
class entry;
struct bdecode_node;
struct bitfield;
class alert;
struct torrent_plugin;
struct add_torrent_params;
struct torrent_handle;
struct session_handle;
struct peer_connection_handle;
struct feature_flags_tag;
// these are flags that can be returned by implemented_features()
// indicating which callbacks this plugin is interested in
using feature_flags_t = flags::bitfield_flag<std::uint8_t, feature_flags_tag>;
// this is the base class for a session plugin. One primary feature
// is that it is notified of all torrents that are added to the session,
// and can add its own torrent_plugins.
struct TORRENT_EXPORT plugin
// hidden
virtual ~plugin() {}
// include this bit if your plugin needs to alter the order of the
// optimistic unchoke of peers. i.e. have the on_optimistic_unchoke()
// callback be called.
static constexpr feature_flags_t optimistic_unchoke_feature = 1_bit;
// include this bit if your plugin needs to have on_tick() called
static constexpr feature_flags_t tick_feature = 2_bit;
// include this bit if your plugin needs to have on_dht_request()
// called
static constexpr feature_flags_t dht_request_feature = 3_bit;
// include this bit if your plugin needs to have on_alert()
// called
static constexpr feature_flags_t alert_feature = 4_bit;
// This function is expected to return a bitmask indicating which features
// this plugin implements. Some callbacks on this object may not be called
// unless the corresponding feature flag is returned here. Note that
// callbacks may still be called even if the corresponding feature is not
// specified in the return value here. See feature_flags_t for possible
// flags to return.
virtual feature_flags_t implemented_features() { return {}; }
// this is called by the session every time a new torrent is added.
// The ``torrent*`` points to the internal torrent object created
// for the new torrent. The ``void*`` is the userdata pointer as
// passed in via add_torrent_params.
// If the plugin returns a torrent_plugin instance, it will be added
// to the new torrent. Otherwise, return an empty shared_ptr to a
// torrent_plugin (the default).
virtual std::shared_ptr<torrent_plugin> new_torrent(torrent_handle const&, void*)
{ return std::shared_ptr<torrent_plugin>(); }
// called when plugin is added to a session
virtual void added(session_handle const&) {}
// called when a dht request is received.
// If your plugin expects this to be called, make sure to include the flag
// ``dht_request_feature`` in the return value from implemented_features().
virtual bool on_dht_request(string_view /* query */
, udp::endpoint const& /* source */, bdecode_node const& /* message */
, entry& /* response */)
{ return false; }
// called when an alert is posted alerts that are filtered are not posted.
// If your plugin expects this to be called, make sure to include the flag
// ``alert_feature`` in the return value from implemented_features().
virtual void on_alert(alert const*) {}
// return true if the add_torrent_params should be added
virtual bool on_unknown_torrent(sha1_hash const& /* info_hash */
, peer_connection_handle const& /* pc */, add_torrent_params& /* p */)
{ return false; }
// called once per second.
// If your plugin expects this to be called, make sure to include the flag
// ``tick_feature`` in the return value from implemented_features().
virtual void on_tick() {}
// called when choosing peers to optimistically unchoke. The return value
// indicates the peer's priority for unchoking. Lower return values
// correspond to higher priority. Priorities above 2^63-1 are reserved.
// If your plugin has no priority to assign a peer it should return 2^64-1.
// If your plugin expects this to be called, make sure to include the flag
// ``optimistic_unchoke_feature`` in the return value from implemented_features().
// If multiple plugins implement this function the lowest return value
// (i.e. the highest priority) is used.
virtual uint64_t get_unchoke_priority(peer_connection_handle const& /* peer */)
{ return (std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max)(); }
// called when saving settings state
virtual void save_state(entry&) {}
// called when loading settings state
virtual void load_state(bdecode_node const&) {}
// Torrent plugins are associated with a single torrent and have a number
// of functions called at certain events. Many of its functions have the
// ability to change or override the default libtorrent behavior.
struct TORRENT_EXPORT torrent_plugin
// hidden
virtual ~torrent_plugin() {}
// This function is called each time a new peer is connected to the torrent. You
// may choose to ignore this by just returning a default constructed
// ``shared_ptr`` (in which case you don't need to override this member
// function).
// If you need an extension to the peer connection (which most plugins do) you
// are supposed to return an instance of your peer_plugin class. Which in
// turn will have its hook functions called on event specific to that peer.
// The ``peer_connection_handle`` will be valid as long as the ``shared_ptr``
// is being held by the torrent object. So, it is generally a good idea to not
// keep a ``shared_ptr`` to your own peer_plugin. If you want to keep references
// to it, use ``weak_ptr``.
// If this function throws an exception, the connection will be closed.
virtual std::shared_ptr<peer_plugin> new_connection(peer_connection_handle const&)
{ return std::shared_ptr<peer_plugin>(); }
// These hooks are called when a piece passes the hash check or fails the hash
// check, respectively. The ``index`` is the piece index that was downloaded.
// It is possible to access the list of peers that participated in sending the
// piece through the ``torrent`` and the ``piece_picker``.
virtual void on_piece_pass(piece_index_t /*index*/) {}
virtual void on_piece_failed(piece_index_t /*index*/) {}
// This hook is called approximately once per second. It is a way of making it
// easy for plugins to do timed events, for sending messages or whatever.
virtual void tick() {}
// These hooks are called when the torrent is paused and resumed respectively.
// The return value indicates if the event was handled. A return value of
// ``true`` indicates that it was handled, and no other plugin after this one
// will have this hook function called, and the standard handler will also not be
// invoked. So, returning true effectively overrides the standard behavior of
// pause or resume.
// Note that if you call ``pause()`` or ``resume()`` on the torrent from your
// handler it will recurse back into your handler, so in order to invoke the
// standard handler, you have to keep your own state on whether you want standard
// behavior or overridden behavior.
virtual bool on_pause() { return false; }
virtual bool on_resume() { return false; }
// This function is called when the initial files of the torrent have been
// checked. If there are no files to check, this function is called immediately.
// i.e. This function is always called when the torrent is in a state where it
// can start downloading.
virtual void on_files_checked() {}
// called when the torrent changes state
// the state is one of torrent_status::state_t
// enum members
virtual void on_state(int /*s*/) {}
// called every time policy::add_peer is called
// src is a bitmask of which sources this peer
// has been seen from. flags is a bitmask of:
enum flags_t {
// this is the first time we see this peer
first_time = 1,
// this peer was not added because it was
// filtered by the IP filter
filtered = 2
// called every time a new peer is added to the peer list.
// This is before the peer is connected to. For ``flags``, see
// torrent_plugin::flags_t. The ``source`` argument refers to
// the source where we learned about this peer from. It's a
// bitmask, because many sources may have told us about the same
// peer. For peer source flags, see peer_info::peer_source_flags.
virtual void on_add_peer(tcp::endpoint const&,
int /*src*/, int /*flags*/) {}
// peer plugins are associated with a specific peer. A peer could be
// both a regular bittorrent peer (``bt_peer_connection``) or one of the
// web seed connections (``web_peer_connection`` or ``http_seed_connection``).
// In order to only attach to certain peers, make your
// torrent_plugin::new_connection only return a plugin for certain peer
// connection types
struct TORRENT_EXPORT peer_plugin
// hidden
virtual ~peer_plugin() {}
// This function is expected to return the name of
// the plugin.
virtual string_view type() const { return {}; }
// can add entries to the extension handshake
// this is not called for web seeds
virtual void add_handshake(entry&) {}
// called when the peer is being disconnected.
virtual void on_disconnect(error_code const& /*ec*/) {}
// called when the peer is successfully connected. Note that
// incoming connections will have been connected by the time
// the peer plugin is attached to it, and won't have this hook
// called.
virtual void on_connected() {}
// throwing an exception from any of the handlers (except add_handshake)
// closes the connection
// this is called when the initial bittorrent handshake is received.
// Returning false means that the other end doesn't support this extension
// and will remove it from the list of plugins. this is not called for web
// seeds
virtual bool on_handshake(span<char const> /*reserved_bits*/) { return true; }
// called when the extension handshake from the other end is received
// if this returns false, it means that this extension isn't
// supported by this peer. It will result in this peer_plugin
// being removed from the peer_connection and destructed.
// this is not called for web seeds
virtual bool on_extension_handshake(bdecode_node const&) { return true; }
// returning true from any of the message handlers
// indicates that the plugin has handled the message.
// it will break the plugin chain traversing and not let
// anyone else handle the message, including the default
// handler.
virtual bool on_choke() { return false; }
virtual bool on_unchoke() { return false; }
virtual bool on_interested() { return false; }
virtual bool on_not_interested() { return false; }
virtual bool on_have(piece_index_t) { return false; }
virtual bool on_dont_have(piece_index_t) { return false; }
virtual bool on_bitfield(bitfield const& /*bitfield*/) { return false; }
virtual bool on_have_all() { return false; }
virtual bool on_have_none() { return false; }
virtual bool on_allowed_fast(piece_index_t) { return false; }
virtual bool on_request(peer_request const&) { return false; }
// This function is called when the peer connection is receiving
// a piece. ``buf`` points (non-owning pointer) to the data in an
// internal immutable disk buffer. The length of the data is specified
// in the ``length`` member of the ``piece`` parameter.
// returns true to indicate that the piece is handled and the
// rest of the logic should be ignored.
virtual bool on_piece(peer_request const& /*piece*/
, span<char const> /*buf*/) { return false; }
virtual bool on_cancel(peer_request const&) { return false; }
virtual bool on_reject(peer_request const&) { return false; }
virtual bool on_suggest(piece_index_t) { return false; }
// called after a choke message has been sent to the peer
virtual void sent_unchoke() {}
// called after piece data has been sent to the peer
// this can be used for stats book keeping
virtual void sent_payload(int /* bytes */) {}
// called when libtorrent think this peer should be disconnected.
// if the plugin returns false, the peer will not be disconnected.
virtual bool can_disconnect(error_code const& /*ec*/) { return true; }
// called when an extended message is received. If returning true,
// the message is not processed by any other plugin and if false
// is returned the next plugin in the chain will receive it to
// be able to handle it. This is not called for web seeds.
// thus function may be called more than once per incoming message, but
// only the last of the calls will the ``body`` size equal the ``length``.
// i.e. Every time another fragment of the message is received, this
// function will be called, until finally the whole message has been
// received. The purpose of this is to allow early disconnects for invalid
// messages and for reporting progress of receiving large messages.
virtual bool on_extended(int /*length*/, int /*msg*/,
span<char const> /*body*/)
{ return false; }
// this is not called for web seeds
virtual bool on_unknown_message(int /*length*/, int /*msg*/,
span<char const> /*body*/)
{ return false; }
// called when a piece that this peer participated in either
// fails or passes the hash_check
virtual void on_piece_pass(piece_index_t) {}
virtual void on_piece_failed(piece_index_t) {}
// called approximately once every second
virtual void tick() {}
// called each time a request message is to be sent. If true
// is returned, the original request message won't be sent and
// no other plugin will have this function called.
virtual bool write_request(peer_request const&) { return false; }
struct TORRENT_EXPORT crypto_plugin
// hidden
virtual ~crypto_plugin() {}
virtual void set_incoming_key(span<char const> key) = 0;
virtual void set_outgoing_key(span<char const> key) = 0;
// encrypted the provided buffers and returns the number of bytes which
// are now ready to be sent to the lower layer. This must be at least
// as large as the number of bytes passed in and may be larger if there
// is additional data to be inserted at the head of the send buffer.
// The additional data is returned as the second tuple value. Any
// returned buffer as well as the iovec itself, to be prepended to the
// send buffer, must be owned by the crypto plugin and guaranteed to stay
// alive until the crypto_plugin is destructed or this function is called
// again.
virtual std::tuple<int, span<span<char const>>>
encrypt(span<span<char>> /*send_vec*/) = 0;
// decrypt the provided buffers.
// returns is a tuple representing the values
// (consume, produce, packet_size)
// consume is set to the number of bytes which should be trimmed from the
// head of the buffers, default is 0
// produce is set to the number of bytes of payload which are now ready to
// be sent to the upper layer. default is the number of bytes passed in receive_vec
// packet_size is set to the minimum number of bytes which must be read to
// advance the next step of decryption. default is 0
virtual std::tuple<int, int, int> decrypt(span<span<char>> /*receive_vec*/) = 0;