
194 lines
4.3 KiB

#include "libtorrent/io.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/socket.hpp"
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <asio/read.hpp>
#include <asio/write.hpp>
namespace libtorrent {
class http_stream : boost::noncopyable
typedef stream_socket::lowest_layer_type lowest_layer_type;
typedef stream_socket::endpoint_type endpoint_type;
typedef stream_socket::protocol_type protocol_type;
explicit http_stream(asio::io_service& io_service)
: m_sock(io_service)
, m_resolver(io_service)
, m_no_connect(false)
void set_no_connect(bool c) { m_no_connect = c; }
void set_proxy(std::string hostname, int port)
m_hostname = hostname;
m_port = port;
void set_username(std::string const& user
, std::string const& password)
m_user = user;
m_password = password;
template <class Mutable_Buffers, class Handler>
void async_read_some(Mutable_Buffers const& buffers, Handler const& handler)
m_sock.async_read_some(buffers, handler);
template <class Mutable_Buffers>
std::size_t read_some(Mutable_Buffers const& buffers, asio::error_code& ec)
return m_sock.read_some(buffers, ec);
template <class Mutable_Buffers>
std::size_t read_some(Mutable_Buffers const& buffers)
return m_sock.read_some(buffers);
template <class IO_Control_Command>
void io_control(IO_Control_Command& ioc)
template <class IO_Control_Command>
void io_control(IO_Control_Command& ioc, asio::error_code& ec)
m_sock.io_control(ioc, ec);
template <class Const_Buffers, class Handler>
void async_write_some(Const_Buffers const& buffers, Handler const& handler)
m_sock.async_write_some(buffers, handler);
void bind(endpoint_type const& endpoint)
template <class Error_Handler>
void bind(endpoint_type const& endpoint, Error_Handler const& error_handler)
m_sock.bind(endpoint, error_handler);
void open(protocol_type const& p)
template <class Error_Handler>
void open(protocol_type const& p, Error_Handler const& error_handler)
{, error_handler);
void close()
m_remote_endpoint = endpoint_type();
template <class Error_Handler>
void close(Error_Handler const& error_handler)
endpoint_type remote_endpoint()
return m_remote_endpoint;
template <class Error_Handler>
endpoint_type remote_endpoint(Error_Handler const& error_handler)
return m_remote_endpoint;
endpoint_type local_endpoint()
return m_sock.local_endpoint();
template <class Error_Handler>
endpoint_type local_endpoint(Error_Handler const& error_handler)
return m_sock.local_endpoint(error_handler);
asio::io_service& io_service()
return m_sock.io_service();
lowest_layer_type& lowest_layer()
return m_sock.lowest_layer();
typedef boost::function<void(asio::error_code const&)> handler_type;
template <class Handler>
void async_connect(endpoint_type const& endpoint, Handler const& handler)
m_remote_endpoint = endpoint;
// the connect is split up in the following steps:
// 1. resolve name of proxy server
// 2. connect to proxy server
// 3. send HTTP CONNECT method and possibly username+password
// 4. read CONNECT response
// to avoid unnecessary copying of the handler,
// store it in a shaed_ptr
boost::shared_ptr<handler_type> h(new handler_type(handler));
tcp::resolver::query q(m_hostname
, boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(m_port));
m_resolver.async_resolve(q, boost::bind(
&http_stream::name_lookup, this, _1, _2, h));
void name_lookup(asio::error_code const& e, tcp::resolver::iterator i
, boost::shared_ptr<handler_type> h);
void connected(asio::error_code const& e, boost::shared_ptr<handler_type> h);
void handshake1(asio::error_code const& e, boost::shared_ptr<handler_type> h);
void handshake2(asio::error_code const& e, boost::shared_ptr<handler_type> h);
stream_socket m_sock;
// the http proxy
std::string m_hostname;
int m_port;
// send and receive buffer
std::vector<char> m_buffer;
// proxy authentication
std::string m_user;
std::string m_password;
endpoint_type m_remote_endpoint;
tcp::resolver m_resolver;
// this is true if the connection is HTTP based and
// want to talk directly to the proxy
bool m_no_connect;