
426 lines
14 KiB

#include "libtorrent/piece_picker.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/policy.hpp"
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "test.hpp"
using namespace libtorrent;
std::vector<bool> string2vec(char const* have_str)
const int num_pieces = strlen(have_str);
std::vector<bool> have(num_pieces, false);
for (int i = 0; i < num_pieces; ++i)
if (have_str[i] != ' ') have[i] = true;
return have;
// availability is a string where each character is the
// availability of that piece, '1', '2' etc.
// have_str is a string where each character represents a
// piece, ' ' means we don't have the piece and any other
// character means we have it
boost::shared_ptr<piece_picker> setup_picker(
char const* availability
, char const* have_str
, char const* priority
, char const* partial)
const int blocks_per_piece = 4;
const int num_pieces = strlen(availability);
assert(int(strlen(have_str)) == num_pieces);
boost::shared_ptr<piece_picker> p(new piece_picker(blocks_per_piece, num_pieces * blocks_per_piece));
std::vector<bool> have = string2vec(have_str);
std::vector<piece_picker::downloading_piece> unfinished;
piece_picker::downloading_piece pp;
piece_picker::block_info blocks[blocks_per_piece * num_pieces];
for (int i = 0; i < num_pieces; ++i)
if (partial[i] == 0) break;
pp.index = i; = blocks + i * blocks_per_piece;
if (partial[i] == ' ') continue;
int blocks = 0;
if (partial[i] >= '0' && partial[i] <= '9')
blocks = partial[i] - '0';
blocks = partial[i] - 'a' + 10;
if (blocks & 1)[0].state = piece_picker::block_info::state_finished;
if (blocks & 2)[1].state = piece_picker::block_info::state_finished;
if (blocks & 4)[3].state = piece_picker::block_info::state_finished;
if (blocks & 8)[4].state = piece_picker::block_info::state_finished;
for (int i = 0; i < num_pieces; ++i)
if (priority[i] == 0) break;
const int prio = priority[i] - '0';
assert(prio >= 0);
p->set_piece_priority(i, prio);
TEST_CHECK(p->piece_priority(i) == prio);
std::vector<int> verify_pieces;
p->files_checked(have, unfinished, verify_pieces);
for (std::vector<piece_picker::downloading_piece>::iterator i = unfinished.begin()
, end(unfinished.end()); i != end; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < blocks_per_piece; ++j)
TEST_CHECK(p->is_finished(piece_block(i->index, j)) == (i->info[j].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_finished));
piece_picker::downloading_piece st;
p->piece_info(i->index, st);
TEST_CHECK(st.writing == 0);
TEST_CHECK(st.requested == 0);
TEST_CHECK(st.index == i->index);
int counter = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < blocks_per_piece; ++j)
if (i->info[j].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_finished) ++counter;
TEST_CHECK(st.finished == counter);
for (int i = 0; i < num_pieces; ++i)
if (!have[i]) continue;
for (int j = 0; j < blocks_per_piece; ++j)
TEST_CHECK(p->is_finished(piece_block(i, j)));
for (int i = 0; i < num_pieces; ++i)
const int avail = availability[i] - '0';
assert(avail >= 0);
for (int j = 0; j < avail; ++j) p->inc_refcount(i);
std::vector<int> availability_vec;
for (int i = 0; i < num_pieces; ++i)
const int avail = availability[i] - '0';
assert(avail >= 0);
TEST_CHECK(avail == availability_vec[i]);
return p;
bool verify_pick(boost::shared_ptr<piece_picker> p
, std::vector<piece_block> const& picked)
if (picked.empty()) return true;
int last_peer_count = p->num_peers(picked.front());
for (std::vector<piece_block>::const_iterator i = picked.begin() + 1
, end(picked.end()); i != end; ++i)
if (last_peer_count > p->num_peers(*i)) return false;
return true;
void print_pick(std::vector<piece_block> const& picked)
for (int i = 0; i < int(picked.size()); ++i)
std::cout << "(" << picked[i].piece_index << ", " << picked[i].block_index << ") ";
std::cout << std::endl;
int test_main()
tcp::endpoint endp;
policy::peer peer_struct(endp, policy::peer::connectable, 0);
std::vector<piece_block> picked;
boost::shared_ptr<piece_picker> p;
// make sure the block that is picked is from piece 1, since it
// it is the piece with the lowest availability
p = setup_picker("2223333", "* * * ", "", "");
p->pick_pieces(string2vec("*******"), picked, 1, false, 0, piece_picker::fast, true);
TEST_CHECK(picked.size() > 0);
TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 1);
// ========================================================
// make sure the block that is picked is from piece 5, since it
// has the highest priority among the available pieces
p = setup_picker("1111111", "* * * ", "1111122", "");
p->pick_pieces(string2vec("****** "), picked, 1, false, 0, piece_picker::fast, true);
TEST_CHECK(picked.size() > 0);
TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 5);
// ========================================================
// make sure the 4 blocks are picked from the same piece if
// whole pieces are preferred. The only whole piece is 1.
p = setup_picker("1111111", " ", "1111111", "1023460");
p->pick_pieces(string2vec("****** "), picked, 1, true, 0, piece_picker::fast, true);
TEST_CHECK(picked.size() >= 4);
for (int i = 0; i < 4 && i < int(picked.size()); ++i)
TEST_CHECK(picked[i].piece_index == 1);
// ========================================================
// test the distributed copies function. It should include ourself
// in the availability. i.e. piece 0 has availability 2.
// there are 2 pieces with availability 2 and 5 with availability 3
p = setup_picker("1233333", "* ", "", "");
float dc = p->distributed_copies();
TEST_CHECK(fabs(dc - (2.f + 5.f / 7.f)) < 0.01f);
// ========================================================
// make sure filtered pieces are ignored
p = setup_picker("1111111", " ", "0010000", "");
p->pick_pieces(string2vec("*** ** "), picked, 1, false, 0, piece_picker::fast, true);
TEST_CHECK(picked.size() > 0);
TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 2);
// ========================================================
// test sequenced download
p = setup_picker("1212211", " ", "", "");
p->pick_pieces(string2vec(" * ** "), picked, 4 * 3, false, 0, piece_picker::fast, true);
TEST_CHECK(picked.size() >= 4 * 3);
for (int i = 0; i < 4 && i < int(picked.size()); ++i)
TEST_CHECK(picked[i].piece_index == 1);
for (int i = 4; i < 8 && i < int(picked.size()); ++i)
TEST_CHECK(picked[i].piece_index == 3);
for (int i = 8; i < 12 && i < int(picked.size()); ++i)
TEST_CHECK(picked[i].piece_index == 4);
// ========================================================
// test non-rarest-first mode
p = setup_picker("1234567", "* * * ", "1111122", "");
p->pick_pieces(string2vec("****** "), picked, 5 * 4, false, 0, piece_picker::fast, false);
TEST_CHECK(picked.size() == 4 * 4);
for (int i = 0; i < 4 * 4 && i < int(picked.size()); ++i)
TEST_CHECK(picked[i].piece_index != 0);
TEST_CHECK(picked[i].piece_index != 2);
TEST_CHECK(picked[i].piece_index != 4);
// ========================================================
// test have_all and have_none
p = setup_picker("1233333", "* ", "", "");
dc = p->distributed_copies();
TEST_CHECK(fabs(dc - (3.f + 5.f / 7.f)) < 0.01f);
dc = p->distributed_copies();
TEST_CHECK(fabs(dc - (2.f + 5.f / 7.f)) < 0.01f);
// ========================================================
// test have_all and have_none, with a sequenced download threshold
p = setup_picker("1233333", "* ", "", "");
dc = p->distributed_copies();
TEST_CHECK(fabs(dc - (3.f + 5.f / 7.f)) < 0.01f);
dc = p->distributed_copies();
TEST_CHECK(fabs(dc - (2.f + 5.f / 7.f)) < 0.01f);
dc = p->distributed_copies();
TEST_CHECK(fabs(dc - (2.f + 4.f / 7.f)) < 0.01f);
p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(1,0), &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast);
p->mark_as_downloading(piece_block(1,1), &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast);
dc = p->distributed_copies();
TEST_CHECK(fabs(dc - (2.f + 5.f / 7.f)) < 0.01f);
// make sure it won't pick the piece we just got
p->pick_pieces(string2vec(" * ****"), picked, 1, false, 0, piece_picker::fast, false);
TEST_CHECK(picked.size() >= 1);
TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 3);
p.pick_pieces(peer1, picked, 1, false, 0, piece_picker::fast, true);
TEST_CHECK(picked.size() == 1);
TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 2);
// now pick a piece from peer2. The block is supposed to be
// from piece 3, since it is the rarest piece that peer has.
p.pick_pieces(peer2, picked, 1, false, 0, piece_picker::fast, true);
TEST_CHECK(picked.size() == 1);
TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 3);
// same thing for peer3.
p.pick_pieces(peer3, picked, 1, false, 0, piece_picker::fast, true);
TEST_CHECK(picked.size() == 1);
TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 5);
// now, if all peers would have piece 1 (the piece we have partially)
// it should be prioritized over picking a completely new piece.
peer3[1] = true;
p.pick_pieces(peer3, picked, 1, false, 0, piece_picker::fast, true);
TEST_CHECK(picked.size() == 1);
TEST_CHECK(picked.front().piece_index == 1);
// and the block picked should not be 0 or 2
// since we already have those blocks
TEST_CHECK(picked.front().block_index != 0);
TEST_CHECK(picked.front().block_index != 2);
// now, if we mark piece 1 and block 0 in piece 2
// as being downloaded and picks a block from peer1,
// it should pick a block from piece 2. But since
// block 0 is marked as requested from another peer,
// the piece_picker will continue to pick blocks
// until it can return at least 1 block (since we
// tell it we want one block) that is not being
// downloaded from anyone else. This is to make it
// possible for us to determine if we want to request
// the block from more than one peer.
// Both piece 1 and 2 are partial pieces, but pice
// 2 is the rarest, so that's why it is picked.
// we have block 0 and 2 already, so we can't mark
// them as begin downloaded.
p.mark_as_downloading(piece_block(1, 1), &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast);
p.mark_as_downloading(piece_block(1, 3), &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast);
p.mark_as_downloading(piece_block(2, 0), &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast);
std::vector<piece_picker::downloading_piece> const& downloads = p.get_download_queue();
TEST_CHECK(downloads.size() == 2);
TEST_CHECK(downloads[0].index == 1);
TEST_CHECK(downloads[0].info[0].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_finished);
TEST_CHECK(downloads[0].info[1].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_requested);
TEST_CHECK(downloads[0].info[2].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_finished);
TEST_CHECK(downloads[0].info[3].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_requested);
TEST_CHECK(downloads[1].index == 2);
TEST_CHECK(downloads[1].info[0].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_requested);
TEST_CHECK(downloads[1].info[1].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_none);
TEST_CHECK(downloads[1].info[2].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_none);
TEST_CHECK(downloads[1].info[3].state == piece_picker::block_info::state_none);
TEST_CHECK(p.is_requested(piece_block(1, 1)));
TEST_CHECK(p.is_requested(piece_block(1, 3)));
TEST_CHECK(p.is_requested(piece_block(2, 0)));
TEST_CHECK(!p.is_requested(piece_block(2, 1)));
p.pick_pieces(peer1, picked, 1, false, 0, piece_picker::fast, true);
TEST_CHECK(picked.size() == 2);
piece_block expected3[] = { piece_block(2, 0), piece_block(2, 1) };
, picked.end(), expected3));
// now, if we assume we're downloading at such a speed that
// we might prefer to download whole pieces at a time from
// this peer. It should not pick piece 1 or 2 (since those are
// partially selected)
p.pick_pieces(peer1, picked, 1, true, 0, piece_picker::fast, true);
// it will pick 4 blocks, since we said we
// wanted whole pieces.
TEST_CHECK(picked.size() == 4);
piece_block expected4[] =
piece_block(3, 0), piece_block(3, 1)
, piece_block(3, 2), piece_block(3, 3)
, picked.end(), expected4));
// now, try the same thing, but pick as many pieces as possible
// to make sure it can still fall back on partial pieces
p.pick_pieces(peer1, picked, 100, true, 0, piece_picker::fast, true);
TEST_CHECK(picked.size() == 12);
piece_block expected5[] =
piece_block(3, 0), piece_block(3, 1)
, piece_block(3, 2), piece_block(3, 3)
, piece_block(5, 0), piece_block(5, 1)
, piece_block(5, 2), piece_block(5, 3)
, piece_block(2, 0), piece_block(2, 1)
, piece_block(2, 2), piece_block(2, 3)
, picked.end(), expected5));
// now, try the same thing, but pick as many pieces as possible
// to make sure it can still fall back on partial pieces
p.pick_pieces(peer1, picked, 100, true, &peer_struct, piece_picker::fast, true);
TEST_CHECK(picked.size() == 11);
piece_block expected6[] =
piece_block(2, 1), piece_block(2, 2)
, piece_block(2, 3)
, piece_block(3, 0), piece_block(3, 1)
, piece_block(3, 2), piece_block(3, 3)
, piece_block(5, 0), piece_block(5, 1)
, piece_block(5, 2), piece_block(5, 3)
, picked.end(), expected6));
// make sure the piece picker allows filtered pieces
// to become available
p.mark_as_finished(piece_block(4, 2), 0);
return 0;