1766 lines
59 KiB
1766 lines
59 KiB
Copyright (c) 2003-2018, Arvid Norberg
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the author nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <list>
#include <deque>
#include <limits> // for numeric_limits
#include <memory> // for unique_ptr
#include "libtorrent/fwd.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/optional.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/torrent_handle.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/entry.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/torrent_info.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/socket.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/address.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/peer_list.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/tracker_manager.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/stat.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/alert.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/piece_picker.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/config.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/bandwidth_limit.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/bandwidth_queue_entry.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/storage_defs.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/assert.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/aux_/session_interface.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/aux_/time.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/deadline_timer.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/peer_class_set.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/link.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/vector_utils.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/linked_list.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/debug.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/piece_block.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/disk_interface.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/aux_/file_progress.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/aux_/suggest_piece.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/units.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/aux_/vector.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/aux_/deferred_handler.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/aux_/allocating_handler.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/extensions.hpp" // for add_peer_flags_t
// there is no forward declaration header for asio
namespace boost {
namespace asio {
namespace ssl {
class context;
class verify_context;
#include "libtorrent/peer_connection.hpp"
// define as 0 to disable. 1 enables debug output of the pieces and requested
// blocks. 2 also enables trace output of the time critical piece picking
// logic
namespace libtorrent {
class http_parser;
struct tracker_request;
class bt_peer_connection;
using web_seed_flag_t = flags::bitfield_flag<std::uint8_t, struct web_seed_flag_tag>;
// internal
enum class waste_reason
piece_timed_out, piece_cancelled, piece_unknown, piece_seed
, piece_end_game, piece_closing
, max
TORRENT_EXTRA_EXPORT std::int64_t calc_bytes(file_storage const& fs, piece_count const& pc);
struct time_critical_piece
// when this piece was first requested
time_point first_requested;
// when this piece was last requested
time_point last_requested;
// by what time we want this piece
time_point deadline;
// 1 = send alert with piece data when available
deadline_flags_t flags;
// how many peers it's been requested from
int peers;
// the piece index
piece_index_t piece;
// the number of multiple requests are allowed
// to blocks still not downloaded (debugging only)
int timed_out;
bool operator<(time_critical_piece const& rhs) const
{ return deadline < rhs.deadline; }
// this is the internal representation of web seeds
struct web_seed_t : web_seed_entry
explicit web_seed_t(web_seed_entry const& wse);
web_seed_t(std::string const& url_, web_seed_entry::type_t type_
, std::string const& auth_ = std::string()
, web_seed_entry::headers_t const& extra_headers_ = web_seed_entry::headers_t());
// if this is > now, we can't reconnect yet
time_point32 retry = aux::time_now32();
// if the hostname of the web seed has been resolved,
// these are its IP addresses
std::vector<tcp::endpoint> endpoints;
// this is the peer_info field used for the
// connection, just to count hash failures
// it's also used to hold the peer_connection
// pointer, when the web seed is connected
ipv4_peer peer_info{tcp::endpoint(), true, {}};
// this is initialized to true, but if we discover the
// server not to support it, it's set to false, and we
// make larger requests.
bool supports_keepalive = true;
// this indicates whether or not we're resolving the
// hostname of this URL
bool resolving = false;
// if the user wanted to remove this while
// we were resolving it. In this case, we set
// the removed flag to true, to make the resolver
// callback remove it
bool removed = false;
// this indicates whether this web seed has any files. A server that only
// redirects to other servers for instance, may not have any files and
// once we've seen all redirects, there's no point in connecting to it
// again.
bool interesting = true;
// if this is true, this URL was created by a redirect and should not be
// saved in the resume data
bool ephemeral = false;
// if the web server doesn't support keepalive or a block request was
// interrupted, the block received so far is kept here for the next
// connection to pick up
peer_request restart_request = { piece_index_t(-1), -1, -1};
std::vector<char> restart_piece;
// this maps file index to a URL it has been redirected to. If an entry is
// missing, it means it has not been redirected and the full path should
// be constructed normally based on the filename. All redirections are
// relative to the web seed hostname root.
std::map<file_index_t, std::string> redirects;
// if this bitfield is non-empty, it represents the files this web server
// has.
typed_bitfield<file_index_t> have_files;
#if defined __GNUC__ && defined _GLIBCXX_DEBUG
// this works around a bug in libstdc++'s checked iterators
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22915325/avoiding-self-assignment-in-stdshuffle
web_seed_t& operator=(web_seed_t&& rhs) noexcept
if (&rhs == this) return *this;
retry = std::move(rhs.retry);
endpoints = std::move(rhs.endpoints);
peer_info = std::move(rhs.peer_info);
supports_keepalive = std::move(rhs.supports_keepalive);
resolving = std::move(rhs.resolving);
removed = std::move(rhs.removed);
ephemeral = std::move(rhs.ephemeral);
restart_request = std::move(rhs.restart_request);
restart_piece = std::move(rhs.restart_piece);
redirects = std::move(rhs.redirects);
have_files = std::move(rhs.have_files);
return *this;
web_seed_t& operator=(web_seed_t const&) = default;
web_seed_t(web_seed_t const&) = default;
struct TORRENT_EXTRA_EXPORT torrent_hot_members
torrent_hot_members(aux::session_interface& ses
, add_torrent_params const& p, bool session_paused);
// the piece picker. This is allocated lazily. When we don't
// have anything in the torrent (for instance, if it hasn't
// been started yet) or if we have everything, there is no
// picker. It's allocated on-demand the first time we need
// it in torrent::need_picker(). In order to tell the
// difference between having everything and nothing in
// the case there is no piece picker, see m_have_all.
std::unique_ptr<piece_picker> m_picker;
// TODO: make this a raw pointer. perhaps keep the shared_ptr
// around further down the object to maintain an owner
std::shared_ptr<torrent_info> m_torrent_file;
// a back reference to the session
// this torrent belongs to.
aux::session_interface& m_ses;
// this vector is sorted at all times, by the pointer value.
// use sorted_insert() and sorted_find() on it. The GNU STL
// implementation on Darwin uses significantly less memory to
// represent a vector than a set, and this set is typically
// relatively small, and it's cheap to copy pointers.
aux::vector<peer_connection*> m_connections;
// the scrape data from the tracker response, this
// is optional and may be 0xffffff
std::uint32_t m_complete:24;
// set to true when this torrent may not download anything
bool m_upload_mode:1;
// this is set to false as long as the connections
// of this torrent hasn't been initialized. If we
// have metadata from the start, connections are
// initialized immediately, if we didn't have metadata,
// they are initialized right after files_checked().
// valid_resume_data() will return false as long as
// the connections aren't initialized, to avoid
// them from altering the piece-picker before it
// has been initialized with files_checked().
bool m_connections_initialized:1;
// is set to true when the torrent has
// been aborted.
bool m_abort:1;
// is true if this torrent has allows having peers
bool m_paused:1;
// is true if the session is paused, in which case the torrent is
// effectively paused as well.
bool m_session_paused:1;
// this is set when the torrent is in share-mode
bool m_share_mode:1;
// this is true if we have all pieces. If it's false,
// it means we either don't have any pieces, or, if
// there is a piece_picker object present, it contains
// the state of how many pieces we have
bool m_have_all:1;
// set to true when this torrent has been paused but
// is waiting to finish all current download requests
// before actually closing all connections, when in graceful pause mode,
// m_paused is also true.
bool m_graceful_pause_mode:1;
// state subscription. If set, a pointer to this torrent will be added
// to the session_impl::m_torrent_lists[torrent_state_updates]
// whenever this torrent's state changes (any state).
bool m_state_subscription:1;
// the maximum number of connections for this torrent
std::uint32_t m_max_connections:24;
// the state of this torrent (queued, checking, downloading, etc.)
std::uint32_t m_state:3;
std::unique_ptr<peer_list> m_peer_list;
// a torrent is a class that holds information
// for a specific download. It updates itself against
// the tracker
: private single_threaded
, private torrent_hot_members
, public request_callback
, public peer_class_set
, public aux::error_handler_interface
, public std::enable_shared_from_this<torrent>
torrent(aux::session_interface& ses
, bool session_paused, add_torrent_params const& p);
~torrent() override;
// This may be called from multiple threads
sha1_hash const& info_hash() const { return m_info_hash; }
bool is_deleted() const { return m_deleted; }
// starts the announce timer
void start();
void added()
TORRENT_ASSERT(m_added == false);
m_added = true;
void removed()
TORRENT_ASSERT(m_added == true);
m_added = false;
// make sure we decrement the gauge counter for this torrent
// deprecated in 1.2
void start_download_url();
// returns which stats gauge this torrent currently
// has incremented.
int current_stats_state() const;
void add_extension(std::shared_ptr<torrent_plugin>);
void remove_extension(std::shared_ptr<torrent_plugin>);
void add_extension_fun(std::function<std::shared_ptr<torrent_plugin>(torrent_handle const&, void*)> const& ext
, void* userdata);
void notify_extension_add_peer(tcp::endpoint const& ip
, peer_source_flags_t src, add_peer_flags_t flags);
peer_connection* find_lowest_ranking_peer() const;
bool has_peer(peer_connection const* p) const
{ return sorted_find(m_connections, p) != m_connections.end(); }
bool is_single_thread() const { return single_threaded::is_single_thread(); }
// this is called when the torrent has metadata.
// it will initialize the storage and the piece-picker
void init();
// find the peer that introduced us to the given endpoint. This is
// used when trying to holepunch. We need the introducer so that we
// can send a rendezvous connect message
bt_peer_connection* find_introducer(tcp::endpoint const& ep) const;
// if we're connected to a peer at ep, return its peer connection
// only count BitTorrent peers
bt_peer_connection* find_peer(tcp::endpoint const& ep) const;
peer_connection* find_peer(peer_id const& pid);
// checks to see if this peer id is used in one of our own outgoing
// connections.
bool is_self_connection(peer_id const& pid) const;
void on_resume_data_checked(status_t status, storage_error const& error);
void on_force_recheck(status_t status, storage_error const& error);
void on_piece_hashed(piece_index_t piece, sha1_hash const& piece_hash
, storage_error const& error);
void files_checked();
void start_checking();
void start_announcing();
void stop_announcing();
void send_upload_only();
void send_share_mode();
void set_share_mode(bool s);
bool share_mode() const { return m_share_mode; }
// TODO: make graceful pause also finish all sending blocks
// before disconnecting
bool graceful_pause() const { return m_graceful_pause_mode; }
torrent_flags_t flags() const;
void set_flags(torrent_flags_t flags, torrent_flags_t mask);
void set_upload_mode(bool b);
bool upload_mode() const { return m_upload_mode || m_graceful_pause_mode; }
bool is_upload_only() const { return is_finished() || upload_mode(); }
int seed_rank(aux::session_settings const& s) const;
void add_piece(piece_index_t piece, char const* data, add_piece_flags_t flags);
void on_disk_write_complete(storage_error const& error
, peer_request const& p);
void set_progress_ppm(int p) { m_progress_ppm = std::uint32_t(p); }
struct read_piece_struct
boost::shared_array<char> piece_data;
int blocks_left;
bool fail;
error_code error;
void read_piece(piece_index_t piece);
void on_disk_read_complete(disk_buffer_holder block, disk_job_flags_t, storage_error const& se
, peer_request const& r, std::shared_ptr<read_piece_struct> rp);
storage_mode_t storage_mode() const;
// this will flag the torrent as aborted. The main
// loop in session_impl will check for this state
// on all torrents once every second, and take
// the necessary actions then.
void abort();
bool is_aborted() const { return m_abort; }
void panic();
void new_external_ip();
torrent_status::state_t state() const
{ return torrent_status::state_t(m_state); }
void set_state(torrent_status::state_t s);
aux::session_settings const& settings() const;
aux::session_interface& session() { return m_ses; }
void set_sequential_download(bool sd);
bool is_sequential_download() const
{ return m_sequential_download || m_auto_sequential; }
void queue_up();
void queue_down();
void set_queue_position(queue_position_t p);
queue_position_t queue_position() const { return m_sequence_number; }
// used internally
void set_queue_position_impl(queue_position_t const p)
if (m_sequence_number == p) return;
m_sequence_number = p;
void second_tick(int tick_interval_ms);
// see if we need to connect to web seeds, and if so,
// connect to them
void maybe_connect_web_seeds();
std::string name() const;
stat statistics() const { return m_stat; }
boost::optional<std::int64_t> bytes_left() const;
void bytes_done(torrent_status& st, status_flags_t) const;
void sent_bytes(int bytes_payload, int bytes_protocol);
void received_bytes(int bytes_payload, int bytes_protocol);
void trancieve_ip_packet(int bytes, bool ipv6);
void sent_syn(bool ipv6);
void received_synack(bool ipv6);
void set_ip_filter(std::shared_ptr<const ip_filter> ipf);
void port_filter_updated();
ip_filter const* get_ip_filter() { return m_ip_filter.get(); }
std::string resolve_filename(file_index_t file) const;
void handle_exception();
enum class disk_class { none, write };
void handle_disk_error(string_view job_name
, storage_error const& error, peer_connection* c = nullptr
, disk_class rw = disk_class::none);
void clear_error();
void set_error(error_code const& ec, file_index_t file);
bool has_error() const { return !!m_error; }
error_code error() const { return m_error; }
void flush_cache();
void pause(pause_flags_t flags = {});
void resume();
void set_session_paused(bool b);
void set_paused(bool b, pause_flags_t flags = torrent_handle::clear_disk_cache);
void set_announce_to_dht(bool b) { m_announce_to_dht = b; }
void set_announce_to_trackers(bool b) { m_announce_to_trackers = b; }
void set_announce_to_lsd(bool b) { m_announce_to_lsd = b; }
void stop_when_ready(bool b);
time_point32 started() const { return m_started; }
void step_session_time(int seconds);
void do_pause(pause_flags_t flags = torrent_handle::clear_disk_cache);
void do_resume();
seconds32 finished_time() const;
seconds32 active_time() const;
seconds32 seeding_time() const;
seconds32 upload_mode_time() const;
bool is_paused() const;
bool is_torrent_paused() const { return m_paused; }
void force_recheck();
void save_resume_data(resume_data_flags_t flags);
bool need_save_resume_data() const { return m_need_save_resume_data; }
void set_need_save_resume()
m_need_save_resume_data = true;
bool is_auto_managed() const { return m_auto_managed; }
void auto_managed(bool a);
bool should_check_files() const;
bool delete_files(remove_flags_t options);
void peers_erased(std::vector<torrent_peer*> const& peers);
void file_progress_float(aux::vector<float, file_index_t>& fp);
void piece_availability(aux::vector<int, piece_index_t>& avail) const;
void set_piece_priority(piece_index_t index, download_priority_t priority);
download_priority_t piece_priority(piece_index_t index) const;
void prioritize_pieces(aux::vector<download_priority_t, piece_index_t> const& pieces);
void prioritize_piece_list(std::vector<std::pair<piece_index_t, download_priority_t>> const& pieces);
void piece_priorities(aux::vector<download_priority_t, piece_index_t>*) const;
void set_file_priority(file_index_t index, download_priority_t priority);
download_priority_t file_priority(file_index_t index) const;
void on_file_priority(storage_error const& err, aux::vector<download_priority_t, file_index_t> prios);
void prioritize_files(aux::vector<download_priority_t, file_index_t> files);
void file_priorities(aux::vector<download_priority_t, file_index_t>*) const;
void cancel_non_critical();
void set_piece_deadline(piece_index_t piece, int t, deadline_flags_t flags);
void reset_piece_deadline(piece_index_t piece);
void clear_time_critical();
void update_piece_priorities(
aux::vector<download_priority_t, file_index_t> const& file_prios);
void status(torrent_status* st, status_flags_t flags);
// this torrent changed state, if the user is subscribing to
// it, add it to the m_state_updates list in session_impl
void state_updated();
void file_progress(aux::vector<std::int64_t, file_index_t>& fp, int flags = 0);
void use_interface(std::string net_interface);
void connect_to_url_seed(std::list<web_seed_t>::iterator url);
bool connect_to_peer(torrent_peer* peerinfo, bool ignore_limit = false);
int priority() const;
void set_priority(int prio);
// --------------------------------------------
void set_upload_limit(int limit);
int upload_limit() const;
void set_download_limit(int limit);
int download_limit() const;
peer_class_t peer_class() const { return m_peer_class; }
void set_max_uploads(int limit, bool state_update = true);
int max_uploads() const { return int(m_max_uploads); }
void set_max_connections(int limit, bool state_update = true);
int max_connections() const { return int(m_max_connections); }
// --------------------------------------------
static constexpr web_seed_flag_t ephemeral = 0_bit;
// add_web_seed won't add duplicates. If we have already added an entry
// with this URL, we'll get back the existing entry
web_seed_t* add_web_seed(std::string const& url
, web_seed_t::type_t type
, std::string const& auth = std::string()
, web_seed_t::headers_t const& extra_headers = web_seed_entry::headers_t()
, web_seed_flag_t flags = {});
void remove_web_seed(std::string const& url, web_seed_t::type_t type);
void disconnect_web_seed(peer_connection* p);
void retry_web_seed(peer_connection* p, boost::optional<seconds32> retry = boost::none);
void remove_web_seed_conn(peer_connection* p, error_code const& ec
, operation_t op, disconnect_severity_t error = peer_connection_interface::normal);
std::set<std::string> web_seeds(web_seed_entry::type_t type) const;
bool free_upload_slots() const
{ return m_num_uploads < m_max_uploads; }
bool choke_peer(peer_connection& c);
bool unchoke_peer(peer_connection& c, bool optimistic = false);
void trigger_unchoke() noexcept;
void trigger_optimistic_unchoke() noexcept;
// used by peer_connection to attach itself to a torrent
// since incoming connections don't know what torrent
// they're a part of until they have received an info_hash.
// false means attach failed
bool attach_peer(peer_connection* p);
// this will remove the peer and make sure all
// the pieces it had have their reference counter
// decreased in the piece_picker
void remove_peer(std::shared_ptr<peer_connection> p) noexcept;
// cancel requests to this block from any peer we're
// connected to on this torrent
void cancel_block(piece_block block);
bool want_tick() const;
void update_want_tick();
void update_state_list();
bool want_peers() const;
bool want_peers_download() const;
bool want_peers_finished() const;
void update_want_peers();
void update_want_scrape();
void update_gauge();
bool try_connect_peer();
torrent_peer* add_peer(tcp::endpoint const& adr
, peer_source_flags_t source, pex_flags_t flags = {});
bool ban_peer(torrent_peer* tp);
void update_peer_port(int port, torrent_peer* p, peer_source_flags_t src);
void set_seed(torrent_peer* p, bool s);
void clear_failcount(torrent_peer* p);
std::pair<peer_list::iterator, peer_list::iterator> find_peers(address const& a);
// the number of peers that belong to this torrent
int num_peers() const { return int(m_connections.size() - m_peers_to_disconnect.size()); }
int num_seeds() const;
int num_downloaders() const;
using peer_iterator = std::vector<peer_connection*>::iterator;
using const_peer_iterator = std::vector<peer_connection*>::const_iterator;
const_peer_iterator begin() const { return m_connections.begin(); }
const_peer_iterator end() const { return m_connections.end(); }
peer_iterator begin() { return m_connections.begin(); }
peer_iterator end() { return m_connections.end(); }
void get_full_peer_list(std::vector<peer_list_entry>* v) const;
void get_peer_info(std::vector<peer_info>* v);
void get_download_queue(std::vector<partial_piece_info>* queue) const;
void update_auto_sequential();
void remove_connection(peer_connection const* p);
// --------------------------------------------
// these are callbacks called by the tracker_connection instance
// (either http_tracker_connection or udp_tracker_connection)
// when this torrent got a response from its tracker request
// or when a failure occurred
void tracker_response(
tracker_request const& r
, address const& tracker_ip
, std::list<address> const& ip_list
, struct tracker_response const& resp) override;
void tracker_request_error(tracker_request const& r
, error_code const& ec, const std::string& msg
, seconds32 retry_interval) override;
void tracker_warning(tracker_request const& req
, std::string const& msg) override;
void tracker_scrape_response(tracker_request const& req
, int complete, int incomplete, int downloaded, int downloaders) override;
void update_scrape_state();
// if no password and username is set
// this will return an empty string, otherwise
// it will concatenate the login and password
// ready to be sent over http (but without
// base64 encoding).
std::string tracker_login() const;
// generate the tracker key for this torrent.
// The key is passed to http trackers as ``&key=``.
std::uint32_t tracker_key() const;
// if we need a connect boost, connect some peers
// immediately
void do_connect_boost();
// forcefully sets next_announce to the current time
void force_tracker_request(time_point, int tracker_idx, reannounce_flags_t flags);
void scrape_tracker(int idx, bool user_triggered);
void announce_with_tracker(std::uint8_t e
= tracker_request::none);
void dht_announce();
// sets the username and password that will be sent to
// the tracker
void set_tracker_login(std::string const& name, std::string const& pw);
announce_entry* find_tracker(std::string const& url);
// --------------------------------------------
void recalc_share_mode();
bool super_seeding() const
// we're not super seeding if we're not a seed
return m_super_seeding;
void set_super_seeding(bool on);
piece_index_t get_piece_to_super_seed(typed_bitfield<piece_index_t> const&);
// returns true if we have downloaded the given piece
bool have_piece(piece_index_t index) const
if (!valid_metadata()) return false;
if (!has_picker()) return m_have_all;
return m_picker->have_piece(index);
// returns true if we have downloaded the given piece
bool user_have_piece(piece_index_t index) const
if (!valid_metadata()) return false;
if (index < piece_index_t{0} || index >= m_torrent_file->end_piece()) return false;
if (!has_picker()) return m_have_all;
return m_picker->have_piece(index);
// returns true if we have downloaded the given piece
bool has_piece_passed(piece_index_t index) const
if (!valid_metadata()) return false;
if (index < piece_index_t(0) || index >= torrent_file().end_piece()) return false;
if (!has_picker()) return m_have_all;
return m_picker->has_piece_passed(index);
// a predictive piece is a piece that we might
// not have yet, but still announced to peers, anticipating that
// we'll have it very soon
bool is_predictive_piece(piece_index_t index) const
return std::binary_search(m_predictive_pieces.begin(), m_predictive_pieces.end(), index);
// called when we learn that we have a piece
// only once per piece
void we_have(piece_index_t index);
int num_have() const
// pretend we have every piece when in seed mode
if (m_seed_mode) return m_torrent_file->num_pieces();
if (has_picker()) return m_picker->have().num_pieces;
if (m_have_all) return m_torrent_file->num_pieces();
return 0;
// the number of pieces that have passed
// hash check, but aren't necessarily
// flushed to disk yet
int num_passed() const
if (has_picker()) return m_picker->num_passed();
if (m_have_all) return m_torrent_file->num_pieces();
return 0;
// when we get a have message, this is called for that piece
void peer_has(piece_index_t index, peer_connection const* peer);
// when we get a bitfield message, this is called for that piece
void peer_has(typed_bitfield<piece_index_t> const& bits, peer_connection const* peer);
void peer_has_all(peer_connection const* peer);
void peer_lost(piece_index_t index, peer_connection const* peer);
void peer_lost(typed_bitfield<piece_index_t> const& bits
, peer_connection const* peer);
int block_size() const
return valid_metadata()
? (std::min)(m_torrent_file->piece_length(), default_block_size)
: default_block_size;
peer_request to_req(piece_block const& p) const;
void disconnect_all(error_code const& ec, operation_t op);
int disconnect_peers(int num, error_code const& ec);
// called every time a block is marked as finished in the
// piece picker. We might have completed the torrent and
// we can delete the piece picker
void maybe_done_flushing();
// this is called when the torrent has completed
// the download. It will post an event, disconnect
// all seeds and let the tracker know we're finished.
void completed();
void on_i2p_resolve(error_code const& ec, char const* dest);
bool is_i2p() const { return m_torrent_file && m_torrent_file->is_i2p(); }
// this is the asio callback that is called when a name
// lookup for a PEER is completed.
void on_peer_name_lookup(error_code const& e
, std::vector<address> const& addrs
, int port);
// this is the asio callback that is called when a name
// lookup for a WEB SEED is completed.
void on_name_lookup(error_code const& e
, std::vector<address> const& addrs
, int port
, std::list<web_seed_t>::iterator web);
void connect_web_seed(std::list<web_seed_t>::iterator web, tcp::endpoint a);
// this is the asio callback that is called when a name
// lookup for a proxy for a web seed is completed.
void on_proxy_name_lookup(error_code const& e
, std::vector<address> const& addrs
, std::list<web_seed_t>::iterator web, int port);
// re-evaluates whether this torrent should be considered inactive or not
void on_inactivity_tick(error_code const& ec);
// calculate the instantaneous inactive state (the externally facing
// inactive state is not instantaneous, but low-pass filtered)
bool is_inactive_internal() const;
// remove a web seed, or schedule it for removal in case there
// are outstanding operations on it
void remove_web_seed_iter(std::list<web_seed_t>::iterator web);
// this is called when the torrent has finished. i.e.
// all the pieces we have not filtered have been downloaded.
// If no pieces are filtered, this is called first and then
// completed() is called immediately after it.
void finished();
// This is the opposite of finished. It is called if we used
// to be finished but enabled some files for download so that
// we wasn't finished anymore.
void resume_download();
void verify_piece(piece_index_t piece);
void on_piece_verified(piece_index_t piece
, sha1_hash const& piece_hash, storage_error const& error);
// this is called whenever a peer in this swarm becomes interesting
// it is responsible for issuing a block request, if appropriate
void peer_is_interesting(peer_connection& c);
// piece_passed is called when a piece passes the hash check
// this will tell all peers that we just got his piece
// and also let the piece picker know that we have this piece
// so it wont pick it for download
void piece_passed(piece_index_t index);
// piece_failed is called when a piece fails the hash check
void piece_failed(piece_index_t index);
// this is the handler for hash failure piece synchronization
// i.e. resetting the piece
void on_piece_sync(piece_index_t piece);
// this is the handler for write failure piece synchronization
void on_piece_fail_sync(piece_index_t piece, piece_block b);
void add_redundant_bytes(int b, waste_reason reason);
void add_failed_bytes(int b);
// this is true if we have all the pieces, but not necessarily flushed them to disk
bool is_seed() const;
// this is true if we have all the pieces that we want
// the pieces don't necessarily need to be flushed to disk
bool is_finished() const;
bool is_inactive() const;
std::string save_path() const;
alert_manager& alerts() const;
piece_picker& picker()
return *m_picker;
piece_picker const& picker() const
return *m_picker;
void need_picker();
bool has_picker() const
return m_picker.get() != nullptr;
void update_max_failcount()
if (!m_peer_list) return;
torrent_state st = get_peer_list_state();
int num_known_peers() const { return m_peer_list ? m_peer_list->num_peers() : 0; }
int num_connect_candidates() const { return m_peer_list ? m_peer_list->num_connect_candidates() : 0; }
bool has_storage() const { return bool(m_storage); }
storage_index_t storage() const { return m_storage; }
storage_interface* get_storage_impl() const;
torrent_info const& torrent_file() const
{ return *m_torrent_file; }
std::shared_ptr<const torrent_info> get_torrent_copy();
// deprecated in 1.2
std::string const& uuid() const { return m_uuid; }
void set_uuid(std::string const& s) { m_uuid = s; }
std::string const& url() const { return m_url; }
void set_url(std::string const& s) { m_url = s; }
std::string const& source_feed_url() const { return m_source_feed_url; }
void set_source_feed_url(std::string const& s) { m_source_feed_url = s; }
std::vector<announce_entry> const& trackers() const
{ return m_trackers; }
// this sets all the "enabled" states on all trackers, giving them
// all one more chance of being tried
void enable_all_trackers();
void replace_trackers(std::vector<announce_entry> const& urls);
// returns true if the tracker was added, and false if it was already
// in the tracker list (in which case the source was added to the
// entry in the list)
bool add_tracker(announce_entry const& url);
torrent_handle get_handle();
void write_resume_data(add_torrent_params& atp) const;
void seen_complete() { m_last_seen_complete = ::time(nullptr); }
int time_since_complete() const { return int(::time(nullptr) - m_last_seen_complete); }
time_t last_seen_complete() const { return m_last_seen_complete; }
template <typename Fun, typename... Args>
void wrap(Fun f, Args&&... a);
bool should_log() const override;
void debug_log(const char* fmt, ...) const noexcept override TORRENT_FORMAT(2,3);
void log_to_all_peers(char const* message);
time_point m_dht_start_time;
void check_invariant() const;
// --------------------------------------------
// flags are defined in storage.hpp
void move_storage(std::string const& save_path, move_flags_t flags);
// renames the file with the given index to the new name
// the name may include a directory path
// posts alert to indicate success or failure
void rename_file(file_index_t index, std::string name);
// unless this returns true, new connections must wait
// with their initialization.
bool ready_for_connections() const
{ return m_connections_initialized; }
bool valid_metadata() const
{ return m_torrent_file->is_valid(); }
bool are_files_checked() const
{ return m_files_checked; }
// parses the info section from the given
// bencoded tree and moves the torrent
// to the checker thread for initial checking
// of the storage.
// a return value of false indicates an error
bool set_metadata(span<char const> metadata);
void on_torrent_download(error_code const& ec, http_parser const& parser
, span<char const> data);
queue_position_t sequence_number() const { return m_sequence_number; }
bool seed_mode() const { return m_seed_mode; }
enum class seed_mode_t { check_files, skip_checking };
void leave_seed_mode(seed_mode_t checking);
bool all_verified() const
{ return int(m_num_verified) == m_torrent_file->num_pieces(); }
bool verifying_piece(piece_index_t const piece) const
{ return m_verifying.get_bit(piece); }
void verifying(piece_index_t const piece)
TORRENT_ASSERT(m_verifying.get_bit(piece) == false);
bool verified_piece(piece_index_t piece) const
{ return m_verified.get_bit(piece); }
void verified(piece_index_t piece);
bool add_merkle_nodes(std::map<int, sha1_hash> const& n, piece_index_t piece);
// this is called once periodically for torrents
// that are not private
void lsd_announce();
void update_last_upload() { m_last_upload = aux::time_now32(); }
void set_apply_ip_filter(bool b);
bool apply_ip_filter() const { return m_apply_ip_filter; }
std::vector<piece_index_t> const& predictive_pieces() const
{ return m_predictive_pieces; }
// this is called whenever we predict to have this piece
// within one second
void predicted_have_piece(piece_index_t index, int milliseconds);
void clear_in_state_update()
void inc_num_connecting(torrent_peer* pp)
if (pp->seed) ++m_num_connecting_seeds;
void dec_num_connecting(torrent_peer* pp)
TORRENT_ASSERT(m_num_connecting > 0);
if (pp->seed)
TORRENT_ASSERT(m_num_connecting_seeds > 0);
TORRENT_ASSERT(m_num_connecting <= int(m_connections.size()));
bool is_ssl_torrent() const { return m_ssl_torrent; }
void set_ssl_cert(std::string const& certificate
, std::string const& private_key
, std::string const& dh_params
, std::string const& passphrase);
void set_ssl_cert_buffer(std::string const& certificate
, std::string const& private_key
, std::string const& dh_params);
boost::asio::ssl::context* ssl_ctx() const { return m_ssl_ctx.get(); }
int num_time_critical_pieces() const
return int(m_time_critical_pieces.size());
return 0;
int get_suggest_pieces(std::vector<piece_index_t>& p
, typed_bitfield<piece_index_t> const& bits
, int const n)
return m_suggest_pieces.get_pieces(p, bits, n);
void add_suggest_piece(piece_index_t index);
static constexpr int no_gauge_state = 0xf;
void on_exception(std::exception const& e) override;
void on_error(error_code const& ec) override;
// trigger deferred disconnection of peers
void on_remove_peers() noexcept;
void ip_filter_updated();
void inc_stats_counter(int c, int value = 1);
// initialize the torrent_state structure passed to peer_list
// member functions. Don't forget to also call peers_erased()
// on the erased member after the peer_list call
torrent_state get_peer_list_state();
void construct_storage();
void update_list(torrent_list_index_t list, bool in);
void on_files_deleted(storage_error const& error);
void on_torrent_paused();
void on_storage_moved(status_t status, std::string const& path
, storage_error const& error);
void on_file_renamed(std::string const& filename
, file_index_t file_idx
, storage_error const& error);
void on_cache_flushed(bool manually_triggered);
// this is used when a torrent is being removed.It synchronizes with the
// disk thread
void on_torrent_aborted();
// upload and download rate limits for the torrent
void set_limit_impl(int limit, int channel, bool state_update = true);
int limit_impl(int channel) const;
int deprioritize_tracker(int tracker_index);
void update_peer_interest(bool was_finished);
void prioritize_udp_trackers();
void update_tracker_timer(time_point32 now);
void on_tracker_announce(error_code const& ec);
static void on_dht_announce_response_disp(std::weak_ptr<torrent> t
, std::vector<tcp::endpoint> const& peers);
void on_dht_announce_response(std::vector<tcp::endpoint> const& peers);
bool should_announce_dht() const;
void remove_time_critical_piece(piece_index_t piece, bool finished = false);
void remove_time_critical_pieces(aux::vector<download_priority_t, piece_index_t> const& priority);
void request_time_critical_pieces();
void need_peer_list();
std::shared_ptr<const ip_filter> m_ip_filter;
// all time totals of uploaded and downloaded payload
// stored in resume data
std::int64_t m_total_uploaded = 0;
std::int64_t m_total_downloaded = 0;
// this is a handle that keeps the storage object in the disk io subsystem
// alive, as well as the index referencing the storage/torrent in the disk
// I/O. When this destructs, the torrent will be removed from the disk
// subsystem.
storage_holder m_storage;
std::unique_ptr<boost::asio::ssl::context> m_ssl_ctx;
bool verify_peer_cert(bool preverified, boost::asio::ssl::verify_context& ctx);
void init_ssl(string_view cert);
void setup_peer_class();
// The list of web seeds in this torrent. Seeds with fatal errors are
// removed from the set. It's important that iterators are not
// invalidated as entries are added and removed from this list, hence the
// std::list
std::list<web_seed_t> m_web_seeds;
std::list<std::shared_ptr<torrent_plugin>> m_extensions;
// used for tracker announces
deadline_timer m_tracker_timer;
// used to detect when we are active or inactive for long enough
// to trigger the auto-manage logic
deadline_timer m_inactivity_timer;
// this is the upload and download statistics for the whole torrent.
// it's updated from all its peers once every second.
libtorrent::stat m_stat;
// -----------------------------
// this vector is allocated lazily. If no file priorities are
// ever changed, this remains empty. Any unallocated slot
// implicitly means the file has priority 4.
// TODO: this wastes 5 bits per file
aux::vector<download_priority_t, file_index_t> m_file_priority;
// any file priority updates attempted while another file priority update
// is in-progress/outstanding with the disk I/O thread, are queued up in
// this dictionary. Once the outstanding update comes back, all of these
// are applied in one batch
std::map<file_index_t, download_priority_t> m_deferred_file_priorities;
// this object is used to track download progress of individual files
aux::file_progress m_file_progress;
// a queue of the most recent low-availability pieces we accessed on disk.
// These are good candidates for suggesting other peers to request from
// us.
aux::suggest_piece m_suggest_pieces;
aux::vector<announce_entry> m_trackers;
// this list is sorted by time_critical_piece::deadline
std::vector<time_critical_piece> m_time_critical_pieces;
std::string m_trackerid;
// deprecated in 1.1
std::string m_username;
std::string m_password;
std::string m_save_path;
// deprecated in 1.2
// if we don't have the metadata, this is a url to
// the torrent file
std::string m_url;
// if this was added from an RSS feed, this is the unique
// identifier in the feed.
std::string m_uuid;
// if this torrent was added by an RSS feed, this is the
// URL to that feed
std::string m_source_feed_url;
// this is a list of all pieces that we have announced
// as having, without actually having yet. If we receive
// a request for a piece in this list, we need to hold off
// on responding until we have completed the piece and
// verified its hash. If the hash fails, send reject to
// peers with outstanding requests, and dont_have to other
// peers. This vector is ordered, to make lookups fast.
// TODO: 3 factor out predictive pieces and all operations on it into a
// separate class (to use as memeber here instead)
std::vector<piece_index_t> m_predictive_pieces;
// the performance counters of this session
counters& m_stats_counters;
// each bit represents a piece. a set bit means
// the piece has had its hash verified. This
// is only used in seed mode (when m_seed_mode
// is true)
typed_bitfield<piece_index_t> m_verified;
// this means there is an outstanding, async, operation
// to verify each piece that has a 1
typed_bitfield<piece_index_t> m_verifying;
// set if there's an error on this torrent
error_code m_error;
// used if there is any resume data. Some of the information from the
// add_torrent_params struct are needed later in the torrent object's life
// cycle, and not in the constructor. So we need to save if away here
std::unique_ptr<add_torrent_params> m_add_torrent_params;
// if the torrent is started without metadata, it may
// still be given a name until the metadata is received
// once the metadata is received this field will no
// longer be used and will be reset
std::unique_ptr<std::string> m_name;
storage_constructor_type m_storage_constructor;
// the posix time this torrent was added and when
// it was completed. If the torrent isn't yet
// completed, m_completed_time is 0
std::time_t m_added_time;
std::time_t m_completed_time;
// this was the last time _we_ saw a seed in this swarm
std::time_t m_last_seen_complete = 0;
// this is the time last any of our peers saw a seed
// in this swarm
std::time_t m_swarm_last_seen_complete = 0;
// keep a copy if the info-hash here, so it can be accessed from multiple
// threads, and be cheap to access from the client
sha1_hash m_info_hash;
// these are the lists this torrent belongs to. For more
// details about each list, see session_impl.hpp. Each list
// represents a group this torrent belongs to and makes it
// efficient to enumerate only torrents belonging to a specific
// group. Such as torrents that want peer connections or want
// to be ticked etc.
// TODO: 3 factor out the links (as well as update_list() to a separate
// class that torrent can inherit)
aux::array<link, aux::session_interface::num_torrent_lists, torrent_list_index_t>
// m_num_verified = m_verified.count()
std::uint32_t m_num_verified = 0;
// if this torrent is running, this was the time
// when it was started. This is used to have a
// bias towards keeping seeding torrents that
// recently was started, to avoid oscillation
// this is specified at a second granularity
// in session-time. see session_impl for details.
// the reference point is stepped forward every 4
// hours to keep the timestamps fit in 16 bits
time_point32 m_started = aux::time_now32();
// if we're a seed, this is the session time
// timestamp of when we became one
time_point32 m_became_seed = aux::time_now32();
// if we're finished, this is the session time
// timestamp of when we finished
time_point32 m_became_finished = aux::time_now32();
// when checking, this is the first piece we have not
// issued a hash job for
piece_index_t m_checking_piece{0};
// the number of pieces we completed the check of
piece_index_t m_num_checked_pieces{0};
// if the error occurred on a file, this is the index of that file
// there are a few special cases, when this is negative. See
// set_error()
file_index_t m_error_file;
// the average time it takes to download one time critical piece
std::int32_t m_average_piece_time = 0;
// the average piece download time deviation
std::int32_t m_piece_time_deviation = 0;
// the number of bytes that has been
// downloaded that failed the hash-test
std::int32_t m_total_failed_bytes = 0;
std::int64_t m_total_redundant_bytes = 0;
// the sequence number for this torrent, this is a
// monotonically increasing number for each added torrent
queue_position_t m_sequence_number;
// used to post a message to defer disconnecting peers
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<peer_connection>> m_peers_to_disconnect;
aux::deferred_handler m_deferred_disconnect;
#ifdef _M_AMD64
aux::handler_storage<96> m_deferred_handler_storage;
aux::handler_storage<64> m_deferred_handler_storage;
// these are the peer IDs we've used for our outgoing peer connections for
// this torrent. If we get an incoming peer claiming to have one of these,
// it's a connection to ourself, and we should reject it.
std::set<peer_id> m_outgoing_pids;
// for torrents who have a bandwidth limit, this is != 0
// and refers to a peer_class in the session.
peer_class_t m_peer_class{0};
// of all peers in m_connections, this is the number
// of peers that are outgoing and still waiting to
// complete the connection. This is used to possibly
// kick out these connections when we get incoming
// connections (if we've reached the connection limit)
std::uint16_t m_num_connecting = 0;
// this is the peer id we generate when we add the torrent. Peers won't
// use this (they generate their own peer ids) but this is used in case
// the tracker returns peer IDs, to identify ourself in the peer list to
// avoid connecting back to it.
peer_id m_peer_id;
// ==============================
// The following members are specifically
// ordered to make the 24 bit members
// properly 32 bit aligned by inserting
// 8 bits after each one
// ==============================
// the session time timestamp of when we entered upload mode
// if we're currently in upload-mode
time_point32 m_upload_mode_time = aux::time_now32();
// true when this torrent should announce to
// trackers
bool m_announce_to_trackers:1;
// true when this torrent should announce to
// the local network
bool m_announce_to_lsd:1;
// is set to true every time there is an incoming
// connection to this torrent
bool m_has_incoming:1;
// this is set to true when the files are checked
// before the files are checked, we don't try to
// connect to peers
bool m_files_checked:1;
// determines the storage state for this torrent.
unsigned int m_storage_mode:2;
// this is true while tracker announcing is enabled
// is is disabled while paused and checking files
bool m_announcing:1;
// this is true when the torrent has been added to the session. Before
// then, it isn't included in the counters (session_stats)
bool m_added:1;
// this is > 0 while the tracker deadline timer
// is in use. i.e. one or more trackers are waiting
// for a reannounce
std::int8_t m_waiting_tracker = 0;
// ----
// total time we've been active on this torrent. i.e. either (trying to)
// download or seed. does not count time when the torrent is stopped or
// paused. specified in seconds. This only track time _before_ we started
// the torrent this last time. When the torrent is paused, this counter is
// incremented to include this current session.
seconds32 m_active_time{0};
// the index to the last tracker that worked
std::int8_t m_last_working_tracker = -1;
// ----
// total time we've been finished with this torrent.
// does not count when the torrent is stopped or paused.
seconds32 m_finished_time{0};
// in case the piece picker hasn't been constructed
// when this settings is set, this variable will keep
// its value until the piece picker is created
bool m_sequential_download:1;
// this is set if the auto_sequential setting is true and this swarm
// satisfies the criteria to be considered high-availability. i.e. if
// there's mostly seeds in the swarm, download the files sequentially
// for improved disk I/O performance.
bool m_auto_sequential:1;
// this means we haven't verified the file content
// of the files we're seeding. the m_verified bitfield
// indicates which pieces have been verified and which
// haven't
bool m_seed_mode:1;
// if this is true, we're currently super seeding this
// torrent.
bool m_super_seeding:1;
// if this is set, whenever transitioning into a downloading/seeding state
// from a non-downloading/seeding state, the torrent is paused.
bool m_stop_when_ready:1;
// set to false when saving resume data. Set to true
// whenever something is downloaded
bool m_need_save_resume_data:1;
// when this is true, this torrent participates in the DHT
bool m_enable_dht:1;
// when this is true, this torrent participates in local service discovery
bool m_enable_lsd:1;
// ----
// total time we've been available as a seed on this torrent.
// does not count when the torrent is stopped or paused. This value only
// accounts for the time prior to the current start of the torrent. When
// the torrent is paused, this counter is incremented to account for the
// additional seeding time.
seconds32 m_seeding_time{0};
// ----
// the maximum number of uploads for this torrent
std::uint32_t m_max_uploads:24;
// these are the flags sent in on a call to save_resume_data
// we need to save them to check them in write_resume_data
resume_data_flags_t m_save_resume_flags;
// ----
// the number of unchoked peers in this torrent
unsigned int m_num_uploads:24;
// 3 unused bits
// when this is true, this torrent supports peer exchange
bool m_enable_pex:1;
// this is set to true if the torrent was started without
// metadata. It is used to save metadata in the resume file
// by default for such torrents. It does not necessarily
// have to be a magnet link.
bool m_magnet_link:1;
// set to true if the session IP filter applies to this
// torrent or not. Defaults to true.
bool m_apply_ip_filter:1;
// this is true when our effective inactive state is different from our
// actual inactive state. Whenever this state changes, there is a
// quarantine period until we change the effective state. This is to avoid
// flapping. If the state changes back during this period, we cancel the
// quarantine
bool m_pending_active_change:1;
// ----
// the number of (16kiB) blocks that fall entirely in pad files
// i.e. blocks that we consider we have on start-up
std::uint16_t m_padding_blocks = 0;
// this is set to the connect boost quota for this torrent.
// After having received this many priority peer connection attempts, it
// falls back onto the steady state peer connection logic, driven by the
// session tick. Each tracker response, as long as this is non-zero, will
// attempt to connect to peers immediately and decrement the counter.
// We give torrents a connect boost when they are first added and then
// every time they resume from being paused.
std::uint8_t m_connect_boost_counter;
// ----
// the scrape data from the tracker response, this
// is optional and may be 0xffffff
std::uint32_t m_incomplete:24;
// true when the torrent should announce to
// the DHT
bool m_announce_to_dht:1;
// even if we're not built to support SSL torrents,
// remember that this is an SSL torrent, so that we don't
// accidentally start seeding it without any authentication.
bool m_ssl_torrent:1;
// this is set to true if we're trying to delete the
// files belonging to it. When set, don't write any
// more blocks to disk!
bool m_deleted:1;
// ----
// the timestamp of the last piece passed for this torrent specified in
// seconds since epoch.
time_point32 m_last_download{seconds32(0)};
// the number of peer connections to seeds. This should be the same as
// counting the peer connections that say true for is_seed()
std::uint16_t m_num_seeds = 0;
// this is the number of peers that are seeds, and count against
// m_num_seeds, but have not yet been connected
std::uint16_t m_num_connecting_seeds = 0;
// the timestamp of the last byte uploaded from this torrent specified in
// seconds since epoch.
time_point32 m_last_upload{seconds32(0)};
// ----
// if this is true, libtorrent may pause and resume
// this torrent depending on queuing rules. Torrents
// started with auto_managed flag set may be added in
// a paused state in case there are no available
// slots.
bool m_auto_managed:1;
// the current stats gauge this torrent counts against
std::uint32_t m_current_gauge_state:4;
// set to true while moving the storage
bool m_moving_storage:1;
// this is true if this torrent is considered inactive from the
// queuing mechanism's point of view. If a torrent doesn't transfer
// at high enough rates, it's inactive.
bool m_inactive:1;
// ----
// the scrape data from the tracker response, this
// is optional and may be 0xffffff
std::uint32_t m_downloaded:24;
// the timestamp of the last scrape request to one of the trackers in
// this torrent specified in session_time. This is signed because it must
// be able to represent time before the session started
time_point32 m_last_scrape{seconds32(0)};
// ----
// progress parts per million (the number of
// millionths of completeness)
std::uint32_t m_progress_ppm:20;
// set to true once init() completes successfully. This is important to
// track in case it fails and need to be retried if the client clears
// the torrent error
bool m_torrent_initialized:1;
// this is set to true while waiting for an async_set_file_priority
bool m_outstanding_file_priority:1;
// set to true if we've sent an event=completed to any tracker. This will
// prevent us from sending it again to anyone
bool m_complete_sent:1;
// set to true when torrent is start()ed. It may only be started once
bool m_was_started = false;
bool m_outstanding_check_files = false;
// this is set to true while we're looping over m_connections. We may not
// mutate the list while doing this
mutable int m_iterating_connections = 0;