
117 lines
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#include <libtorrent/socket.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/ptime.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <fstream>
namespace libtorrent
// int: external tcp port
// int: external udp port
// std::string: error message
typedef boost::function<void(int, int, std::string const&)> portmap_callback_t;
class natpmp
natpmp(io_service& ios, portmap_callback_t const& cb);
// maps the ports, if a port is set to 0
// it will not be mapped
void set_mappings(int tcp, int udp);
void close();
void update_mapping(int i, int port);
void send_map_request(int i);
void resend_request(int i, asio::error_code const& e);
void on_reply(asio::error_code const& e
, std::size_t bytes_transferred);
void try_next_mapping(int i);
void update_expiration_timer();
void refresh_mapping(int i);
void mapping_expired(asio::error_code const& e, int i);
struct mapping
: need_update(false)
, local_port(0)
, external_port(0)
, protocol(1)
// indicates that the mapping has changed
// and needs an update
bool need_update;
// the time the port mapping will expire
boost::posix_time::ptime expires;
// the local port for this mapping. If this is set
// to 0, the mapping is not in use
int local_port;
// the external (on the NAT router) port
// for the mapping. This is the port we
// should announce to others
int external_port;
// 1 = udp, 2 = tcp
int protocol;
portmap_callback_t m_callback;
// 0 is tcp and 1 is udp
mapping m_mappings[2];
// the endpoint to the nat router
udp::endpoint m_nat_endpoint;
// this is the mapping that is currently
// being updated. It is -1 in case no
// mapping is being updated at the moment
int m_currently_mapping;
// current retry count
int m_retry_count;
// used to receive responses in
char m_response_buffer[16];
// the endpoint we received the message from
udp::endpoint m_remote;
// the udp socket used to communicate
// with the NAT router
datagram_socket m_socket;
// used to resend udp packets in case
// they time out
deadline_timer m_send_timer;
// timer used to refresh mappings
deadline_timer m_refresh_timer;
bool m_disabled;
std::ofstream m_log;