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Copyright (c) 2003-2018, Arvid Norberg
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the author nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include "libtorrent/aux_/disable_warnings_push.hpp"
#include <boost/shared_array.hpp>
#include "libtorrent/aux_/disable_warnings_pop.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/config.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/fwd.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/bdecode.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/time.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/assert.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/copy_ptr.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/sha1_hash.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/file_storage.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/aux_/vector.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/announce_entry.hpp"
namespace libtorrent {
struct lazy_entry;
// internal, exposed for the unit test
TORRENT_EXTRA_EXPORT void sanitize_append_path_element(std::string& path
, string_view element);
TORRENT_EXTRA_EXPORT bool verify_encoding(std::string& target);
// the web_seed_entry holds information about a web seed (also known
// as URL seed or HTTP seed). It is essentially a URL with some state
// associated with it. For more information, see `BEP 17`_ and `BEP 19`_.
struct TORRENT_EXPORT web_seed_entry
// http seeds are different from url seeds in the
// protocol they use. http seeds follows the original
// http seed spec. by John Hoffman
enum type_t { url_seed, http_seed };
using headers_t = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>;
// hidden
web_seed_entry(std::string const& url_, type_t type_
, std::string const& auth_ = std::string()
, headers_t const& extra_headers_ = headers_t());
// URL and type comparison
bool operator==(web_seed_entry const& e) const
{ return type == e.type && url == e.url; }
// URL and type less-than comparison
bool operator<(web_seed_entry const& e) const
if (url < e.url) return true;
if (url > e.url) return false;
return type < e.type;
// The URL of the web seed
std::string url;
// Optional authentication. If this is set, it's passed
// in as HTTP basic auth to the web seed. The format is:
// username:password.
std::string auth;
// Any extra HTTP headers that need to be passed to the web seed
headers_t extra_headers;
// The type of web seed (see type_t)
std::uint8_t type;
// hidden
class from_span_t {};
// used to disambiguate a bencoded buffer and a filename
extern TORRENT_EXPORT from_span_t from_span;
// this object holds configuration options for limits to use when loading
// torrents. They are meant to prevent loading potentially malicious torrents
// that cause excessive memory allocations.
struct load_torrent_limits
int max_buffer_size = 6000000;
// the max number of pieces allowed in the torrent
int max_pieces = 0x100000;
// the max recursion depth in the bdecoded structure
int max_decode_depth = 100;
// the max number of bdecode tokens
int max_decode_tokens = 2000000;
// the torrent_info class holds the information found in a .torrent file.
class TORRENT_EXPORT torrent_info
// The constructor that takes an info-hash will initialize the info-hash
// to the given value, but leave all other fields empty. This is used
// internally when downloading torrents without the metadata. The
// metadata will be created by libtorrent as soon as it has been
// downloaded from the swarm.
// The constructor that takes a bdecode_node will create a torrent_info
// object from the information found in the given torrent_file. The
// bdecode_node represents a tree node in an bencoded file. To load an
// ordinary .torrent file into a bdecode_node, use bdecode().
// The version that takes a buffer pointer and a size will decode it as a
// .torrent file and initialize the torrent_info object for you.
// The version that takes a filename will simply load the torrent file
// and decode it inside the constructor, for convenience. This might not
// be the most suitable for applications that want to be able to report
// detailed errors on what might go wrong.
// There is an upper limit on the size of the torrent file that will be
// loaded by the overload taking a filename. If it's important that even
// very large torrent files are loaded, use one of the other overloads.
// The overloads that takes an ``error_code const&`` never throws if an
// error occur, they will simply set the error code to describe what went
// wrong and not fully initialize the torrent_info object. The overloads
// that do not take the extra error_code parameter will always throw if
// an error occurs. These overloads are not available when building
// without exception support.
// The overload that takes a ``span`` also needs an extra parameter of
// type ``from_span_t`` to disambiguate the ``std::string`` overload for
// string literals. There is an object in the libtorrent namespace of this
// type called ``from_span``.
explicit torrent_info(bdecode_node const& torrent_file);
torrent_info(char const* buffer, int size)
: torrent_info(span<char const>{buffer, size}, from_span) {}
explicit torrent_info(span<char const> buffer, from_span_t);
explicit torrent_info(std::string const& filename);
torrent_info(std::string const& filename, load_torrent_limits const& cfg);
torrent_info(span<char const> buffer, load_torrent_limits const& cfg, from_span_t);
torrent_info(bdecode_node const& torrent_file, load_torrent_limits const& cfg);
torrent_info(torrent_info const& t);
explicit torrent_info(sha1_hash const& info_hash);
torrent_info(bdecode_node const& torrent_file, error_code& ec);
torrent_info(char const* buffer, int size, error_code& ec)
: torrent_info(span<char const>{buffer, size}, ec, from_span) {}
torrent_info(span<char const> buffer, error_code& ec, from_span_t);
torrent_info(std::string const& filename, error_code& ec);
torrent_info(char const* buffer, int size, int)
: torrent_info(span<char const>{buffer, size}, from_span) {}
torrent_info(bdecode_node const& torrent_file, error_code& ec, int)
: torrent_info(torrent_file, ec) {}
torrent_info(std::string const& filename, error_code& ec, int)
: torrent_info(filename, ec) {}
torrent_info(char const* buffer, int size, error_code& ec, int)
: torrent_info(span<char const>{buffer, size}, ec, from_span) {}
explicit torrent_info(lazy_entry const& torrent_file);
torrent_info(lazy_entry const& torrent_file, error_code& eca);
// all wstring APIs are deprecated since 0.16.11 instead, use the wchar
// -> utf8 conversion functions and pass in utf8 strings
torrent_info(std::wstring const& filename, error_code& ec);
explicit torrent_info(std::wstring const& filename);
// frees all storage associated with this torrent_info object
// The file_storage object contains the information on how to map the
// pieces to files. It is separated from the torrent_info object because
// when creating torrents a storage object needs to be created without
// having a torrent file. When renaming files in a storage, the storage
// needs to make its own copy of the file_storage in order to make its
// mapping differ from the one in the torrent file.
// ``orig_files()`` returns the original (unmodified) file storage for
// this torrent. This is used by the web server connection, which needs
// to request files with the original names. Filename may be changed using
// ``torrent_info::rename_file()``.
// For more information on the file_storage object, see the separate
// document on how to create torrents.
file_storage const& files() const { return m_files; }
file_storage const& orig_files() const
return m_orig_files ? *m_orig_files : m_files;
// Renames a the file with the specified index to the new name. The new
// filename is reflected by the ``file_storage`` returned by ``files()``
// but not by the one returned by ``orig_files()``.
// If you want to rename the base name of the torrent (for a multi file
// torrent), you can copy the ``file_storage`` (see files() and
// orig_files() ), change the name, and then use `remap_files()`_.
// The ``new_filename`` can both be a relative path, in which case the
// file name is relative to the ``save_path`` of the torrent. If the
// ``new_filename`` is an absolute path (i.e. ``is_complete(new_filename)
// == true``), then the file is detached from the ``save_path`` of the
// torrent. In this case the file is not moved when move_storage() is
// invoked.
void rename_file(file_index_t index, std::string const& new_filename)
if (m_files.file_path(index) == new_filename) return;
m_files.rename_file(index, new_filename);
// all wstring APIs are deprecated since 0.16.11
// instead, use the wchar -> utf8 conversion functions
// and pass in utf8 strings
void rename_file(file_index_t index, std::wstring const& new_filename);
// Remaps the file storage to a new file layout. This can be used to, for
// instance, download all data in a torrent to a single file, or to a
// number of fixed size sector aligned files, regardless of the number
// and sizes of the files in the torrent.
// The new specified ``file_storage`` must have the exact same size as
// the current one.
void remap_files(file_storage const& f);
// ``add_tracker()`` adds a tracker to the announce-list. The ``tier``
// determines the order in which the trackers are to be tried.
// The ``trackers()`` function will return a sorted vector of
// ``announce_entry``. Each announce entry contains a string, which is
// the tracker url, and a tier index. The tier index is the high-level
// priority. No matter which trackers that works or not, the ones with
// lower tier will always be tried before the one with higher tier
// number. For more information, see announce_entry_.
void add_tracker(std::string const& url, int tier = 0);
void add_tracker(std::string const& url, int tier
, announce_entry::tracker_source source);
std::vector<announce_entry> const& trackers() const { return m_urls; }
// These two functions are related to `BEP 38`_ (mutable torrents). The
// vectors returned from these correspond to the "similar" and
// "collections" keys in the .torrent file. Both info-hashes and
// collections from within the info-dict and from outside of it are
// included.
// .. _`BEP 38`: http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0038.html
std::vector<sha1_hash> similar_torrents() const;
std::vector<std::string> collections() const;
// deprecated in 0.16. Use web_seeds() instead
std::vector<std::string> url_seeds() const;
std::vector<std::string> http_seeds() const;
// deprecated in 1.1
bool parse_info_section(lazy_entry const& e, error_code& ec);
// ``web_seeds()`` returns all url seeds and http seeds in the torrent.
// Each entry is a ``web_seed_entry`` and may refer to either a url seed
// or http seed.
// ``add_url_seed()`` and ``add_http_seed()`` adds one url to the list of
// url/http seeds. Currently, the only transport protocol supported for
// the url is http.
// ``set_web_seeds()`` replaces all web seeds with the ones specified in
// the ``seeds`` vector.
// The ``extern_auth`` argument can be used for other authorization
// schemes than basic HTTP authorization. If set, it will override any
// username and password found in the URL itself. The string will be sent
// as the HTTP authorization header's value (without specifying "Basic").
// The ``extra_headers`` argument defaults to an empty list, but can be
// used to insert custom HTTP headers in the requests to a specific web
// seed.
// See http-seeding_ for more information.
void add_url_seed(std::string const& url
, std::string const& extern_auth = std::string()
, web_seed_entry::headers_t const& extra_headers = web_seed_entry::headers_t());
void add_http_seed(std::string const& url
, std::string const& extern_auth = std::string()
, web_seed_entry::headers_t const& extra_headers = web_seed_entry::headers_t());
std::vector<web_seed_entry> const& web_seeds() const { return m_web_seeds; }
void set_web_seeds(std::vector<web_seed_entry> seeds);
// ``total_size()``, ``piece_length()`` and ``num_pieces()`` returns the
// total number of bytes the torrent-file represents (all the files in
// it), the number of byte for each piece and the total number of pieces,
// respectively. The difference between ``piece_size()`` and
// ``piece_length()`` is that ``piece_size()`` takes the piece index as
// argument and gives you the exact size of that piece. It will always be
// the same as ``piece_length()`` except in the case of the last piece,
// which may be smaller.
std::int64_t total_size() const { return m_files.total_size(); }
int piece_length() const { return m_files.piece_length(); }
int num_pieces() const { return m_files.num_pieces(); }
// ``last_piece()`` returns the index to the last piece in the torrent and
// ``end_piece()`` returns the index to the one-past-end piece in the
// torrent
// ``piece_range()`` returns an implementation-defined type that can be
// used as the container in a range-for loop. Where the values are the
// indices of all pieces in the file_storage.
piece_index_t last_piece() const { return m_files.last_piece(); }
piece_index_t end_piece() const
TORRENT_ASSERT(m_files.num_pieces() > 0);
return m_files.end_piece();
index_range<piece_index_t> piece_range() const
{ return m_files.piece_range(); }
// returns the info-hash of the torrent
const sha1_hash& info_hash() const { return m_info_hash; }
// deprecated in 1.0. Use the variants that take an index instead
// internal_file_entry is no longer exposed in the API
using file_iterator = file_storage::iterator;
using reverse_file_iterator = file_storage::reverse_iterator;
// This class will need some explanation. First of all, to get a list of
// all files in the torrent, you can use ``begin_files()``,
// ``end_files()``, ``rbegin_files()`` and ``rend_files()``. These will
// give you standard vector iterators with the type
// ``internal_file_entry``, which is an internal type.
// You can resolve it into the public representation of a file
// (``file_entry``) using the ``file_storage::at`` function, which takes
// an index and an iterator.
file_iterator begin_files() const { return m_files.begin_deprecated(); }
file_iterator end_files() const { return m_files.end_deprecated(); }
reverse_file_iterator rbegin_files() const { return m_files.rbegin_deprecated(); }
reverse_file_iterator rend_files() const { return m_files.rend_deprecated(); }
file_iterator file_at_offset(std::int64_t offset) const
{ return m_files.file_at_offset_deprecated(offset); }
file_entry file_at(int index) const { return m_files.at_deprecated(index); }
// If you need index-access to files you can use the ``num_files()`` along
// with the ``file_path()``, ``file_size()``-family of functions to access
// files using indices.
int num_files() const { return m_files.num_files(); }
// This function will map a piece index, a byte offset within that piece
// and a size (in bytes) into the corresponding files with offsets where
// that data for that piece is supposed to be stored. See file_slice.
std::vector<file_slice> map_block(piece_index_t const piece
, std::int64_t offset, int size) const
return m_files.map_block(piece, offset, size);
// This function will map a range in a specific file into a range in the
// torrent. The ``file_offset`` parameter is the offset in the file,
// given in bytes, where 0 is the start of the file. See peer_request.
// The input range is assumed to be valid within the torrent.
// ``file_offset`` + ``size`` is not allowed to be greater than the file
// size. ``file_index`` must refer to a valid file, i.e. it cannot be >=
// ``num_files()``.
peer_request map_file(file_index_t const file, std::int64_t offset, int size) const
return m_files.map_file(file, offset, size);
// ------- start deprecation -------
// deprecated in 1.2
void load(char const*, int, error_code&) {}
void unload() {}
explicit torrent_info(entry const& torrent_file);
// ------- end deprecation -------
// Returns the SSL root certificate for the torrent, if it is an SSL
// torrent. Otherwise returns an empty string. The certificate is
// the public certificate in x509 format.
string_view ssl_cert() const;
// returns true if this torrent_info object has a torrent loaded.
// This is primarily used to determine if a magnet link has had its
// metadata resolved yet or not.
bool is_valid() const { return m_files.is_valid(); }
// returns true if this torrent is private. i.e., the client should not
// advertise itself on the trackerless network (the Kademlia DHT) for this torrent.
bool priv() const { return (m_flags & private_torrent) != 0; }
// returns true if this is an i2p torrent. This is determined by whether
// or not it has a tracker whose URL domain name ends with ".i2p". i2p
// torrents disable the DHT and local peer discovery as well as talking
// to peers over anything other than the i2p network.
bool is_i2p() const { return (m_flags & i2p) != 0; }
// returns the piece size of file with ``index``. This will be the same as piece_length(),
// except for the last piece, which may be shorter.
int piece_size(piece_index_t index) const { return m_files.piece_size(index); }
// ``hash_for_piece()`` takes a piece-index and returns the 20-bytes
// sha1-hash for that piece and ``info_hash()`` returns the 20-bytes
// sha1-hash for the info-section of the torrent file.
// ``hash_for_piece_ptr()`` returns a pointer to the 20 byte sha1 digest
// for the piece. Note that the string is not 0-terminated.
sha1_hash hash_for_piece(piece_index_t index) const;
char const* hash_for_piece_ptr(piece_index_t const index) const
TORRENT_ASSERT(index >= piece_index_t(0));
TORRENT_ASSERT(index < m_files.end_piece());
int const idx = static_cast<int>(index);
if (is_merkle_torrent())
TORRENT_ASSERT(idx < m_merkle_tree.end_index() - m_merkle_first_leaf);
return m_merkle_tree[m_merkle_first_leaf + idx].data();
TORRENT_ASSERT(m_piece_hashes >= m_info_section.get());
TORRENT_ASSERT(m_piece_hashes < m_info_section.get() + m_info_section_size);
TORRENT_ASSERT(idx < int(m_info_section_size / 20));
return &m_piece_hashes[idx * 20];
bool is_loaded() const { return m_piece_hashes || !m_merkle_tree.empty(); }
// ``merkle_tree()`` returns a reference to the merkle tree for this
// torrent, if any.
// ``set_merkle_tree()`` moves the passed in merkle tree into the
// torrent_info object. i.e. ``h`` will not be identical after the call.
// You need to set the merkle tree for a torrent that you've just created
// (as a merkle torrent). The merkle tree is retrieved from the
// ``create_torrent::merkle_tree()`` function, and need to be saved
// separately from the torrent file itself. Once it's added to
// libtorrent, the merkle tree will be persisted in the resume data.
std::vector<sha1_hash> const& merkle_tree() const { return m_merkle_tree; }
void set_merkle_tree(std::vector<sha1_hash>& h)
{ TORRENT_ASSERT(h.size() == m_merkle_tree.size() ); m_merkle_tree.swap(h); }
// ``name()`` returns the name of the torrent.
// name contains UTF-8 encoded string.
const std::string& name() const { return m_files.name(); }
// ``creation_date()`` returns the creation date of the torrent as time_t
// (`posix time`_). If there's no time stamp in the torrent file, the
// optional object will be uninitialized.
// .. _`posix time`: http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/time.html
std::time_t creation_date() const
{ return m_creation_date; }
// ``creator()`` returns the creator string in the torrent. If there is
// no creator string it will return an empty string.
const std::string& creator() const
{ return m_created_by; }
// ``comment()`` returns the comment associated with the torrent. If
// there's no comment, it will return an empty string.
// comment contains UTF-8 encoded string.
const std::string& comment() const
{ return m_comment; }
// If this torrent contains any DHT nodes, they are put in this vector in
// their original form (host name and port number).
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> const& nodes() const
{ return m_nodes; }
// This is used when creating torrent. Use this to add a known DHT node.
// It may be used, by the client, to bootstrap into the DHT network.
void add_node(std::pair<std::string, int> const& node)
{ m_nodes.push_back(node); }
// populates the torrent_info by providing just the info-dict buffer.
// This is used when loading a torrent from a magnet link for instance,
// where we only have the info-dict. The bdecode_node ``e`` points to a
// parsed info-dictionary. ``ec`` returns an error code if something
// fails (typically if the info dictionary is malformed).
// the `piece_limit` parameter allows limiting the amount of memory
// dedicated to loading the torrent, and fails for torrents that exceed
// the limit
bool parse_info_section(bdecode_node const& e, error_code& ec);
bool parse_info_section(bdecode_node const& e, error_code& ec, int piece_limit);
// This function looks up keys from the info-dictionary of the loaded
// torrent file. It can be used to access extension values put in the
// .torrent file. If the specified key cannot be found, it returns nullptr.
bdecode_node info(char const* key) const;
// swap the content of this and ``ti``.
void swap(torrent_info& ti);
// ``metadata()`` returns a the raw info section of the torrent file. The size
// of the metadata is returned by ``metadata_size()``.
int metadata_size() const { return m_info_section_size; }
boost::shared_array<char> metadata() const
{ return m_info_section; }
// internal
bool add_merkle_nodes(std::map<int, sha1_hash> const& subtree
, piece_index_t piece);
std::map<int, sha1_hash> build_merkle_list(piece_index_t piece) const;
// returns whether or not this is a merkle torrent.
// see `BEP 30`__.
// __ http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0030.html
bool is_merkle_torrent() const { return !m_merkle_tree.empty(); }
// TODO: there may be some opportunities to optimize the size if torrent_info.
// specifically to turn some std::string and std::vector into pointers
bool parse_torrent_file(bdecode_node const& libtorrent, error_code& ec);
bool parse_torrent_file(bdecode_node const& libtorrent, error_code& ec, int piece_limit);
void resolve_duplicate_filenames();
// the slow path, in case we detect/suspect a name collision
void resolve_duplicate_filenames_slow();
friend class invariant_access;
void check_invariant() const;
// not assignable
torrent_info const& operator=(torrent_info const&);
void copy_on_write();
file_storage m_files;
// if m_files is modified, it is first copied into
// m_orig_files so that the original name and
// filenames are preserved.
// the original filenames are required to build URLs for web seeds for
// instance
copy_ptr<const file_storage> m_orig_files;
// the URLs to the trackers
aux::vector<announce_entry> m_urls;
std::vector<web_seed_entry> m_web_seeds;
// dht nodes to add to the routing table/bootstrap from
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> m_nodes;
// the info-hashes (20 bytes each) in the "similar" key. The pointers
// point directly into the info_section. When copied, these pointers must
// be corrected to point into the copied-to buffer
std::vector<char const*> m_similar_torrents;
// these are similar torrents from outside of the info-dict. We can't
// have non-owning pointers to those, as we only keep the info-dict
// around.
std::vector<sha1_hash> m_owned_similar_torrents;
// these or strings of the "collections" key from the torrent file. The
// pointers point directly into the info_section buffer and when copied,
// these pointers must be corrected to point into the new buffer. The
// int is the length of the string. Strings are not 0-terminated.
std::vector<std::pair<char const*, int>> m_collections;
// these are the collections from outside of the info-dict. These are
// owning strings, since we only keep the info-section around, these
// cannot be pointers into that buffer.
std::vector<std::string> m_owned_collections;
// if this is a merkle torrent, this is the merkle
// tree. It has space for merkle_num_nodes(merkle_num_leafs(num_pieces))
// hashes
aux::vector<sha1_hash> m_merkle_tree;
// this is a copy of the info section from the torrent.
// it use maintained in this flat format in order to
// make it available through the metadata extension
// TODO: change the type to std::shared_ptr in C++17
boost::shared_array<char> m_info_section;
// this is a pointer into the m_info_section buffer
// pointing to the first byte of the first SHA-1 hash
char const* m_piece_hashes = nullptr;
// if a comment is found in the torrent file
// this will be set to that comment
std::string m_comment;
// an optional string naming the software used
// to create the torrent file
std::string m_created_by;
// the info section parsed. points into m_info_section
// parsed lazily
mutable bdecode_node m_info_dict;
// if a creation date is found in the torrent file
// this will be set to that, otherwise it'll be
// 1970, Jan 1
std::time_t m_creation_date = 0;
// the hash that identifies this torrent
sha1_hash m_info_hash;
// the number of bytes in m_info_section
std::int32_t m_info_section_size = 0;
// the index to the first leaf. This is where the hash for the
// first piece is stored
std::int32_t m_merkle_first_leaf = 0;
enum flags_t : std::uint8_t
// this is used when creating a torrent. If there's
// only one file there are cases where it's impossible
// to know if it should be written as a multi file torrent
// or not. e.g. test/test there's one file and one directory
// and they have the same name.
multifile = 1,
// this is true if the torrent is private. i.e., is should not
// be announced on the dht
private_torrent = 2,
// this is true if one of the trackers has an .i2p top
// domain in its hostname. This means the DHT and LSD
// features are disabled for this torrent (unless the
// settings allows mixing i2p peers with regular peers)
i2p = 4,
// this flag is set if we found an ssl-cert field in the info
// dictionary
ssl_torrent = 8,
// any combination of values from flags_t enum
std::uint8_t m_flags = 0;