/* Copyright (c) 2006-2016, Arvid Norberg & Daniel Wallin All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "libtorrent/time.hpp" // for total_seconds #include #include #include #include #include // for dht_logger #include #include // for read_*_endpoint #include // for dht_lookup #include #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING #include // to_hex #endif #include using namespace std::placeholders; namespace libtorrent { namespace dht { using detail::address_size; using detail::read_v4_endpoint; #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 using detail::read_v6_endpoint; #endif #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS template bool is_sorted(It b, It e, Cmp cmp) { if (b == e) return true; typename std::iterator_traits::value_type v = *b; ++b; while (b != e) { if (cmp(*b, v)) return false; v = *b; ++b; } return true; } #endif observer_ptr traversal_algorithm::new_observer(void* ptr , udp::endpoint const& ep, node_id const& id) { observer_ptr o(new (ptr) null_observer(self(), ep, id)); #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS o->m_in_constructor = false; #endif return o; } traversal_algorithm::traversal_algorithm( node& dht_node , node_id target) : m_node(dht_node) , m_target(target) , m_invoke_count(0) , m_branch_factor(3) , m_responses(0) , m_timeouts(0) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (get_node().observer()) { char hex_target[41]; aux::to_hex(target, hex_target); get_node().observer()->log(dht_logger::traversal, "[%p] NEW target: %s k: %d" , static_cast(this), hex_target, int(m_node.m_table.bucket_size())); } #endif } void traversal_algorithm::resort_results() { std::sort(m_results.begin(), m_results.end() , [this](observer_ptr const& lhs, observer_ptr const& rhs) { return compare_ref(lhs->id(), rhs->id(), m_target); }); } void traversal_algorithm::add_entry(node_id const& id, udp::endpoint addr, unsigned char flags) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_node.m_rpc.allocation_size() >= sizeof(find_data_observer)); void* ptr = m_node.m_rpc.allocate_observer(); if (ptr == nullptr) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (get_node().observer()) { get_node().observer()->log(dht_logger::traversal, "[%p] failed to allocate memory or observer. aborting!" , static_cast(this)); } #endif done(); return; } observer_ptr o = new_observer(ptr, addr, id); if (id.is_all_zeros()) { o->set_id(generate_random_id()); o->flags |= observer::flag_no_id; } o->flags |= flags; TORRENT_ASSERT(libtorrent::dht::is_sorted(m_results.begin(), m_results.end() , [this](observer_ptr const& lhs, observer_ptr const& rhs) { return compare_ref(lhs->id(), rhs->id(), m_target); })); std::vector::iterator iter = std::lower_bound( m_results.begin(), m_results.end(), o , [this](observer_ptr const& lhs, observer_ptr const& rhs) { return compare_ref(lhs->id(), rhs->id(), m_target); }); if (iter == m_results.end() || (*iter)->id() != id) { if (m_node.settings().restrict_search_ips && !(flags & observer::flag_initial)) { #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 if (o->target_addr().is_v6()) { address_v6::bytes_type addr_bytes = o->target_addr().to_v6().to_bytes(); address_v6::bytes_type::const_iterator prefix_it = addr_bytes.begin(); std::uint64_t const prefix6 = detail::read_uint64(prefix_it); if (m_peer6_prefixes.insert(prefix6).second) goto add_result; } else #endif { // mask the lower octet std::uint32_t const prefix4 = o->target_addr().to_v4().to_ulong() & 0xffffff00; if (m_peer4_prefixes.insert(prefix4).second) goto add_result; } // we already have a node in this search with an IP very // close to this one. We know that it's not the same, because // it claims a different node-ID. Ignore this to avoid attacks #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (get_node().observer()) { char hex_id[41]; aux::to_hex(o->id(), hex_id); get_node().observer()->log(dht_logger::traversal , "[%p] traversal DUPLICATE node. id: %s addr: %s type: %s" , static_cast(this), hex_id, print_address(o->target_addr()).c_str(), name()); } #endif return; } add_result: TORRENT_ASSERT((o->flags & observer::flag_no_id) || std::none_of(m_results.begin(), m_results.end() , [&id](observer_ptr const& ob) { return ob->id() == id; })); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (get_node().observer()) { char hex_id[41]; aux::to_hex(id, hex_id); get_node().observer()->log(dht_logger::traversal , "[%p] ADD id: %s addr: %s distance: %d invoke-count: %d type: %s" , static_cast(this), hex_id, print_endpoint(addr).c_str() , distance_exp(m_target, id), m_invoke_count, name()); } #endif iter = m_results.insert(iter, o); TORRENT_ASSERT(libtorrent::dht::is_sorted(m_results.begin(), m_results.end() , [this](observer_ptr const& lhs, observer_ptr const& rhs) { return compare_ref(lhs->id(), rhs->id(), m_target); })); } if (m_results.size() > 100) { for (int i = 100; i < int(m_results.size()); ++i) { if ((m_results[i]->flags & (observer::flag_queried | observer::flag_failed | observer::flag_alive)) == observer::flag_queried) { // set the done flag on any outstanding queries to prevent them from // calling finished() or failed() m_results[i]->flags |= observer::flag_done; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_invoke_count > 0); --m_invoke_count; } #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS m_results[i]->m_was_abandoned = true; #endif } m_results.resize(100); } } void traversal_algorithm::start() { // in case the routing table is empty, use the // router nodes in the table if (m_results.size() < 3) add_router_entries(); init(); bool is_done = add_requests(); if (is_done) done(); } void* traversal_algorithm::allocate_observer() { return m_node.m_rpc.allocate_observer(); } void traversal_algorithm::free_observer(void* ptr) { m_node.m_rpc.free_observer(ptr); } char const* traversal_algorithm::name() const { return "traversal_algorithm"; } void traversal_algorithm::traverse(node_id const& id, udp::endpoint addr) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (id.is_all_zeros() && get_node().observer()) { get_node().observer()->log(dht_logger::traversal , "[%p] WARNING node returned a list which included a node with id 0" , static_cast(this)); } #endif // let the routing table know this node may exist m_node.m_table.heard_about(id, addr); add_entry(id, addr, 0); } void traversal_algorithm::finished(observer_ptr o) { #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS auto i = std::find(m_results.begin(), m_results.end(), o); TORRENT_ASSERT(i != m_results.end() || m_results.size() == 100); #endif // if this flag is set, it means we increased the // branch factor for it, and we should restore it if (o->flags & observer::flag_short_timeout) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_branch_factor > 0); --m_branch_factor; } TORRENT_ASSERT(o->flags & observer::flag_queried); o->flags |= observer::flag_alive; ++m_responses; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_invoke_count > 0); --m_invoke_count; bool is_done = add_requests(); if (is_done) done(); } // prevent request means that the total number of requests has // overflown. This query failed because it was the oldest one. // So, if this is true, don't make another request void traversal_algorithm::failed(observer_ptr o, int flags) { // don't tell the routing table about // node ids that we just generated ourself if ((o->flags & observer::flag_no_id) == 0) m_node.m_table.node_failed(o->id(), o->target_ep()); if (m_results.empty()) return; TORRENT_ASSERT(o->flags & observer::flag_queried); if (flags & short_timeout) { // short timeout means that it has been more than // two seconds since we sent the request, and that // we'll most likely not get a response. But, in case // we do get a late response, keep the handler // around for some more, but open up the slot // by increasing the branch factor if ((o->flags & observer::flag_short_timeout) == 0) ++m_branch_factor; o->flags |= observer::flag_short_timeout; #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (get_node().observer()) { char hex_id[41]; aux::to_hex(o->id(), hex_id); get_node().observer()->log(dht_logger::traversal , "[%p] 1ST_TIMEOUT id: %s distance: %d addr: %s branch-factor: %d " "invoke-count: %d type: %s" , static_cast(this), hex_id, distance_exp(m_target, o->id()) , print_address(o->target_addr()).c_str(), m_branch_factor , m_invoke_count, name()); } #endif } else { o->flags |= observer::flag_failed; // if this flag is set, it means we increased the // branch factor for it, and we should restore it if (o->flags & observer::flag_short_timeout) --m_branch_factor; #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (get_node().observer()) { char hex_id[41]; aux::to_hex(o->id(), hex_id); get_node().observer()->log(dht_logger::traversal , "[%p] TIMEOUT id: %s distance: %d addr: %s branch-factor: %d " "invoke-count: %d type: %s" , static_cast(this), hex_id, distance_exp(m_target, o->id()) , print_address(o->target_addr()).c_str(), m_branch_factor , m_invoke_count, name()); } #endif ++m_timeouts; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_invoke_count > 0); --m_invoke_count; } if (flags & prevent_request) { --m_branch_factor; if (m_branch_factor <= 0) m_branch_factor = 1; } bool is_done = add_requests(); if (is_done) done(); } void traversal_algorithm::done() { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING int results_target = m_node.m_table.bucket_size(); int closest_target = 160; #endif for (auto const& o : m_results) { if ((o->flags & (observer::flag_queried | observer::flag_failed)) == observer::flag_queried) { // set the done flag on any outstanding queries to prevent them from // calling finished() or failed() after we've already declared the traversal // done o->flags |= observer::flag_done; } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (results_target > 0 && (o->flags & observer::flag_alive) && get_node().observer()) { TORRENT_ASSERT(o->flags & observer::flag_queried); char hex_id[41]; aux::to_hex(o->id(), hex_id); get_node().observer()->log(dht_logger::traversal , "[%p] id: %s distance: %d addr: %s" , static_cast(this), hex_id, closest_target , print_endpoint(o->target_ep()).c_str()); --results_target; int dist = distance_exp(m_target, o->id()); if (dist < closest_target) closest_target = dist; } #endif } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (get_node().observer()) { get_node().observer()->log(dht_logger::traversal , "[%p] COMPLETED distance: %d type: %s" , static_cast(this), closest_target, name()); } #endif // delete all our references to the observer objects so // they will in turn release the traversal algorithm m_results.clear(); m_invoke_count = 0; } bool traversal_algorithm::add_requests() { int results_target = m_node.m_table.bucket_size(); // this only counts outstanding requests at the top of the // target list. This is <= m_invoke count. m_invoke_count // is the total number of outstanding requests, including // old ones that may be waiting on nodes much farther behind // the current point we've reached in the search. int outstanding = 0; // if we're doing aggressive lookups, we keep branch-factor // outstanding requests _at the tops_ of the result list. Otherwise // we just keep any branch-factor outstanding requests bool agg = m_node.settings().aggressive_lookups; // Find the first node that hasn't already been queried. // and make sure that the 'm_branch_factor' top nodes // stay queried at all times (obviously ignoring failed nodes) // and without surpassing the 'result_target' nodes (i.e. k=8) // this is a slight variation of the original paper which instead // limits the number of outstanding requests, this limits the // number of good outstanding requests. It will use more traffic, // but is intended to speed up lookups for (std::vector::iterator i = m_results.begin() , end(m_results.end()); i != end && results_target > 0 && (agg ? outstanding < m_branch_factor : m_invoke_count < m_branch_factor); ++i) { observer* o = i->get(); if (o->flags & observer::flag_alive) { TORRENT_ASSERT(o->flags & observer::flag_queried); --results_target; continue; } if (o->flags & observer::flag_queried) { // if it's queried, not alive and not failed, it // must be currently in flight if ((o->flags & observer::flag_failed) == 0) ++outstanding; continue; } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (get_node().observer()) { char hex_id[41]; aux::to_hex(o->id(), hex_id); get_node().observer()->log(dht_logger::traversal , "[%p] INVOKE nodes-left: %d top-invoke-count: %d " "invoke-count: %d branch-factor: %d " "distance: %d id: %s addr: %s type: %s" , static_cast(this), int(m_results.end() - i), outstanding, int(m_invoke_count) , int(m_branch_factor), distance_exp(m_target, o->id()), hex_id , print_address(o->target_addr()).c_str(), name()); } #endif o->flags |= observer::flag_queried; if (invoke(*i)) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_invoke_count < (std::numeric_limits::max)()); ++m_invoke_count; ++outstanding; } else { o->flags |= observer::flag_failed; } } // this is the completion condition. If we found m_node.m_table.bucket_size() // (i.e. k=8) completed results, without finding any still // outstanding requests, we're done. // also, if invoke count is 0, it means we didn't even find 'k' // working nodes, we still have to terminate though. return (results_target == 0 && outstanding == 0) || m_invoke_count == 0; } void traversal_algorithm::add_router_entries() { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (get_node().observer()) { get_node().observer()->log(dht_logger::traversal , "[%p] using router nodes to initiate traversal algorithm %d routers" , static_cast(this), int(std::distance(m_node.m_table.begin(), m_node.m_table.end()))); } #endif for (auto const& n : m_node.m_table) add_entry(node_id(), n, observer::flag_initial); } void traversal_algorithm::init() { m_branch_factor = m_node.branch_factor(); m_node.add_traversal_algorithm(this); } traversal_algorithm::~traversal_algorithm() { m_node.remove_traversal_algorithm(this); } void traversal_algorithm::status(dht_lookup& l) { l.timeouts = m_timeouts; l.responses = m_responses; l.outstanding_requests = m_invoke_count; l.branch_factor = m_branch_factor; l.type = name(); l.nodes_left = 0; l.first_timeout = 0; int last_sent = INT_MAX; time_point now = aux::time_now(); for (std::vector::iterator i = m_results.begin() , end(m_results.end()); i != end; ++i) { observer& o = **i; if (o.flags & observer::flag_queried) { last_sent = (std::min)(last_sent, int(total_seconds(now - o.sent()))); if (o.has_short_timeout()) ++l.first_timeout; continue; } ++l.nodes_left; } l.last_sent = last_sent; } void traversal_observer::reply(msg const& m) { bdecode_node r = m.message.dict_find_dict("r"); if (!r) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (get_observer()) { get_observer()->log(dht_logger::traversal , "[%p] missing response dict" , static_cast(algorithm())); } #endif return; } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (get_observer()) { bdecode_node nid = r.dict_find_string("id"); char hex_id[41]; aux::to_hex({nid.string_ptr(), 20}, hex_id); get_observer()->log(dht_logger::traversal , "[%p] RESPONSE id: %s invoke-count: %d addr: %s type: %s" , static_cast(algorithm()), hex_id, algorithm()->invoke_count() , print_endpoint(target_ep()).c_str(), algorithm()->name()); } #endif // look for nodes #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 udp protocol = algorithm()->get_node().protocol(); #endif char const* nodes_key = algorithm()->get_node().protocol_nodes_key(); bdecode_node n = r.dict_find_string(nodes_key); if (n) { char const* nodes = n.string_ptr(); char const* end = nodes + n.string_length(); while (end - nodes >= 20 + address_size(protocol) + 2) { node_id id; std::copy(nodes, nodes + 20, id.begin()); nodes += 20; udp::endpoint ep; #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 if (protocol == udp::v6()) ep = read_v6_endpoint(nodes); else #endif ep = read_v4_endpoint(nodes); algorithm()->traverse(id, ep); } } bdecode_node id = r.dict_find_string("id"); if (!id || id.string_length() != 20) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (get_observer()) { get_observer()->log(dht_logger::traversal, "[%p] invalid id in response" , static_cast(algorithm())); } #endif return; } // in case we didn't know the id of this peer when we sent the message to // it. For instance if it's a bootstrap node. set_id(node_id(id.string_ptr())); } } } // namespace libtorrent::dht