import modules ; BOOST_ROOT = [ modules.peek : BOOST_ROOT ] ; use-project /torrent : .. ; if $(BOOST_ROOT) { use-project /boost : $(BOOST_ROOT) ; } project client_test : requirements multi /torrent//torrent darwin:-Wno-unused-command-line-argument # disable warning C4275: non DLL-interface classkey 'identifier' used as base for DLL-interface classkey 'identifier' msvc:/wd4275 # C4268: 'identifier' : 'const' static/global data initialized # with compiler generated default constructor fills the object with zeros msvc:/wd4268 msvc:/wd4373 : default-build static ; exe client_test : client_test.cpp print.cpp torrent_view.cpp session_view.cpp ; exe simple_client : simple_client.cpp ; exe custom_storage : custom_storage.cpp ; exe bt-get : bt-get.cpp ; exe bt-get2 : bt-get2.cpp ; exe stats_counters : stats_counters.cpp ; exe dump_torrent : dump_torrent.cpp ; exe make_torrent : make_torrent.cpp ; exe connection_tester : connection_tester.cpp ; exe upnp_test : upnp_test.cpp ; explicit stage_client_test ; explicit stage_connection_tester ; install stage_client_test : client_test : . ; install stage_connection_tester : connection_tester : . ;