/* Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Arvid Norberg, Alden Torres All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "libtorrent/kademlia/dht_storage.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace libtorrent { namespace dht { namespace { using detail::write_endpoint; // this is the entry for every peer // the timestamp is there to make it possible // to remove stale peers struct peer_entry { time_point added; tcp::endpoint addr; bool seed; }; // internal bool operator<(peer_entry const& lhs, peer_entry const& rhs) { return lhs.addr.address() == rhs.addr.address() ? lhs.addr.port() < rhs.addr.port() : lhs.addr.address() < rhs.addr.address(); } // this is a group. It contains a set of group members struct torrent_entry { std::string name; std::set peers; }; // TODO: 2 make this configurable in dht_settings enum { announce_interval = 30 }; struct dht_immutable_item { // the actual value std::unique_ptr value; // this counts the number of IPs we have seen // announcing this item, this is used to determine // popularity if we reach the limit of items to store bloom_filter<128> ips; // the last time we heard about this time_point last_seen; // number of IPs in the bloom filter int num_announcers = 0; // size of malloced space pointed to by value int size = 0; }; struct dht_mutable_item : dht_immutable_item { signature sig; sequence_number seq; public_key key; std::string salt; }; void touch_item(dht_immutable_item* f, address const& address) { f->last_seen = aux::time_now(); // maybe increase num_announcers if we haven't seen this IP before sha1_hash iphash; hash_address(address, iphash); if (!f->ips.find(iphash)) { f->ips.set(iphash); ++f->num_announcers; } } // return true of the first argument is a better candidate for removal, i.e. // less important to keep struct immutable_item_comparator { explicit immutable_item_comparator(std::vector const& node_ids) : m_node_ids(node_ids) {} immutable_item_comparator(immutable_item_comparator const&) = default; template bool operator()(std::pair const& lhs , std::pair const& rhs) const { int const l_distance = min_distance_exp(lhs.first, m_node_ids); int const r_distance = min_distance_exp(rhs.first, m_node_ids); // this is a score taking the popularity (number of announcers) and the // fit, in terms of distance from ideal storing node, into account. // each additional 5 announcers is worth one extra bit in the distance. // that is, an item with 10 announcers is allowed to be twice as far // from another item with 5 announcers, from our node ID. Twice as far // because it gets one more bit. return lhs.second.num_announcers / 5 - l_distance < rhs.second.num_announcers / 5 - r_distance; } private: // explicitly disallow assignment, to silence msvc warning immutable_item_comparator& operator=(immutable_item_comparator const&); std::vector const& m_node_ids; }; // picks the least important one (i.e. the one // the fewest peers are announcing, and farthest // from our node IDs) template typename std::map::const_iterator pick_least_important_item( std::vector const& node_ids, std::map const& table) { return std::min_element(table.begin(), table.end() , immutable_item_comparator(node_ids)); } class dht_default_storage final : public dht_storage_interface, boost::noncopyable { using table_t = std::map; using dht_immutable_table_t = std::map; using dht_mutable_table_t = std::map; public: explicit dht_default_storage(dht_settings const& settings) : m_settings(settings) { m_counters.reset(); } ~dht_default_storage() override = default; #ifndef TORRENT_NO_DEPRECATE size_t num_torrents() const override { return m_map.size(); } size_t num_peers() const override { size_t ret = 0; for (auto const& t : m_map) ret += t.second.peers.size(); return ret; } #endif void update_node_ids(std::vector const& ids) override { m_node_ids = ids; } bool get_peers(sha1_hash const& info_hash , bool const noseed, bool const scrape , entry& peers) const override { table_t::const_iterator i = m_map.lower_bound(info_hash); if (i == m_map.end()) return false; if (i->first != info_hash) return false; torrent_entry const& v = i->second; if (!v.name.empty()) peers["n"] = v.name; if (scrape) { bloom_filter<256> downloaders; bloom_filter<256> seeds; for (std::set::const_iterator peer_it = v.peers.begin() , end(v.peers.end()); peer_it != end; ++peer_it) { sha1_hash iphash; hash_address(peer_it->addr.address(), iphash); if (peer_it->seed) seeds.set(iphash); else downloaders.set(iphash); } peers["BFpe"] = downloaders.to_string(); peers["BFsd"] = seeds.to_string(); } else { int max = m_settings.max_peers_reply; // if these are IPv6 peers their addresses are 4x the size of IPv4 // so reduce the max peers 4 fold to compensate // max_peers_reply should probably be specified in bytes if (!v.peers.empty() && v.peers.begin()->addr.protocol() == tcp::v6()) max /= 4; // we're picking "to_pick" from a list of "num" at random. int const to_pick = (std::min)(int(v.peers.size()), max); std::set::const_iterator iter = v.peers.begin(); entry::list_type& pe = peers["values"].list(); for (int t = 0, m = 0; m < to_pick && iter != v.peers.end(); ++iter) { // if the node asking for peers is a seed, skip seeds from the // peer list if (noseed && iter->seed) continue; ++t; std::string* str; if (t <= to_pick) { pe.push_back(entry()); str = &pe.back().string(); } else { // maybe replace an item we've already picked if (random(t-1) >= to_pick) continue; str = &pe[random(to_pick - 1)].string(); } str->resize(18); std::string::iterator out = str->begin(); write_endpoint(iter->addr, out); str->resize(out - str->begin()); ++m; } } return true; } void announce_peer(sha1_hash const& info_hash , tcp::endpoint const& endp , string_view name, bool const seed) override { table_t::iterator ti = m_map.find(info_hash); torrent_entry* v; if (ti == m_map.end()) { // we don't have this torrent, add it // do we need to remove another one first? if (!m_map.empty() && int(m_map.size()) >= m_settings.max_torrents) { // we need to remove some. Remove the ones with the // fewest peers int num_peers = int(m_map.begin()->second.peers.size()); table_t::iterator candidate = m_map.begin(); for (table_t::iterator i = m_map.begin() , end(m_map.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (int(i->second.peers.size()) > num_peers) continue; if (i->first == info_hash) continue; num_peers = int(i->second.peers.size()); candidate = i; } m_map.erase(candidate); m_counters.peers -= num_peers; m_counters.torrents -= 1; } m_counters.torrents += 1; v = &m_map[info_hash]; } else { v = &ti->second; } // the peer announces a torrent name, and we don't have a name // for this torrent. Store it. if (!name.empty() && v->name.empty()) { v->name = name.substr(0, 100).to_string(); } peer_entry peer; peer.addr = endp; peer.added = aux::time_now(); peer.seed = seed; std::set::iterator i = v->peers.find(peer); if (i != v->peers.end()) { v->peers.erase(i++); m_counters.peers -= 1; } else if (v->peers.size() >= m_settings.max_peers) { // when we're at capacity, there's a 50/50 chance of dropping the // announcing peer or an existing peer if (random(1)) return; i = v->peers.lower_bound(peer); if (i == v->peers.end()) --i; v->peers.erase(i++); m_counters.peers -= 1; } v->peers.insert(i, peer); m_counters.peers += 1; } bool get_immutable_item(sha1_hash const& target , entry& item) const override { dht_immutable_table_t::const_iterator i = m_immutable_table.find(target); if (i == m_immutable_table.end()) return false; item["v"] = bdecode(i->second.value.get() , i->second.value.get() + i->second.size); return true; } void put_immutable_item(sha1_hash const& target , span buf , address const& addr) override { TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_node_ids.empty()); dht_immutable_table_t::iterator i = m_immutable_table.find(target); if (i == m_immutable_table.end()) { // make sure we don't add too many items if (int(m_immutable_table.size()) >= m_settings.max_dht_items) { auto j = pick_least_important_item(m_node_ids , m_immutable_table); TORRENT_ASSERT(j != m_immutable_table.end()); m_immutable_table.erase(j); m_counters.immutable_data -= 1; } dht_immutable_item to_add; to_add.value.reset(new char[buf.size()]); to_add.size = int(buf.size()); memcpy(to_add.value.get(), buf.data(), buf.size()); std::tie(i, std::ignore) = m_immutable_table.insert( std::make_pair(target, std::move(to_add))); m_counters.immutable_data += 1; } // std::fprintf(stderr, "added immutable item (%d)\n", int(m_immutable_table.size())); touch_item(&i->second, addr); } bool get_mutable_item_seq(sha1_hash const& target , sequence_number& seq) const override { dht_mutable_table_t::const_iterator i = m_mutable_table.find(target); if (i == m_mutable_table.end()) return false; seq = i->second.seq; return true; } bool get_mutable_item(sha1_hash const& target , sequence_number seq, bool force_fill , entry& item) const override { dht_mutable_table_t::const_iterator i = m_mutable_table.find(target); if (i == m_mutable_table.end()) return false; dht_mutable_item const& f = i->second; item["seq"] = f.seq.value; if (force_fill || (sequence_number(0) <= seq && seq < f.seq)) { item["v"] = bdecode(f.value.get(), f.value.get() + f.size); item["sig"] = f.sig.bytes; item["k"] = f.key.bytes; } return true; } void put_mutable_item(sha1_hash const& target , span buf , signature const& sig , sequence_number seq , public_key const& pk , span salt , address const& addr) override { TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_node_ids.empty()); dht_mutable_table_t::iterator i = m_mutable_table.find(target); if (i == m_mutable_table.end()) { // this is the case where we don't have an item in this slot // make sure we don't add too many items if (int(m_mutable_table.size()) >= m_settings.max_dht_items) { auto j = pick_least_important_item(m_node_ids , m_mutable_table); TORRENT_ASSERT(j != m_mutable_table.end()); m_mutable_table.erase(j); m_counters.mutable_data -= 1; } dht_mutable_item to_add; to_add.value.reset(new char[buf.size()]); to_add.size = int(buf.size()); to_add.seq = seq; to_add.salt.assign(salt.data(), salt.size()); to_add.sig = sig; to_add.key = pk; memcpy(to_add.value.get(), buf.data(), buf.size()); std::tie(i, std::ignore) = m_mutable_table.insert( std::make_pair(target, std::move(to_add))); m_counters.mutable_data += 1; } else { // this is the case where we already dht_mutable_item& item = i->second; if (item.seq < seq) { if (item.size != buf.size()) { item.value.reset(new char[buf.size()]); item.size = int(buf.size()); } item.seq = seq; item.sig = sig; memcpy(item.value.get(), buf.data(), buf.size()); } } touch_item(&i->second, addr); } void tick() override { time_point now(aux::time_now()); // look through all peers and see if any have timed out for (table_t::iterator i = m_map.begin(), end(m_map.end()); i != end;) { torrent_entry& t = i->second; purge_peers(t.peers); if (!t.peers.empty()) { ++i; continue; } // if there are no more peers, remove the entry altogether m_map.erase(i++); m_counters.torrents -= 1;// peers is decreased by purge_peers } if (0 == m_settings.item_lifetime) return; time_duration lifetime = seconds(m_settings.item_lifetime); // item lifetime must >= 120 minutes. if (lifetime < minutes(120)) lifetime = minutes(120); for (dht_immutable_table_t::iterator i = m_immutable_table.begin(); i != m_immutable_table.end();) { if (i->second.last_seen + lifetime > now) { ++i; continue; } m_immutable_table.erase(i++); m_counters.immutable_data -= 1; } for (dht_mutable_table_t::iterator i = m_mutable_table.begin(); i != m_mutable_table.end();) { if (i->second.last_seen + lifetime > now) { ++i; continue; } m_mutable_table.erase(i++); m_counters.mutable_data -= 1; } } dht_storage_counters counters() const override { return m_counters; } private: dht_settings const& m_settings; dht_storage_counters m_counters; std::vector m_node_ids; table_t m_map; dht_immutable_table_t m_immutable_table; dht_mutable_table_t m_mutable_table; void purge_peers(std::set& peers) { for (std::set::iterator i = peers.begin() , end(peers.end()); i != end;) { // the peer has timed out if (i->added + minutes(int(announce_interval * 3 / 2)) < aux::time_now()) { peers.erase(i++); m_counters.peers -= 1; } else ++i; } } }; } void dht_storage_counters::reset() { torrents = 0; peers = 0; immutable_data = 0; mutable_data = 0; } std::unique_ptr dht_default_storage_constructor( dht_settings const& settings) { return std::unique_ptr(new dht_default_storage(settings)); } } } // namespace libtorrent::dht