/* Copyright (c) 2003, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "libtorrent/pch.hpp" #include "libtorrent/config.hpp" #include "libtorrent/alloca.hpp" #include #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS // windows part #include "libtorrent/utf8.hpp" #include #include #else // posix part #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #include #include #include #include #include #include // make sure the _FILE_OFFSET_BITS define worked // on this platform BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(lseek(0, 0, 0)) >= 8); #endif #include #include "libtorrent/file.hpp" #include #include #include #ifdef TORRENT_USE_WPATH // for safe_convert #include "libtorrent/storage.hpp" #endif #include "libtorrent/assert.hpp" BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((libtorrent::file::rw_mask & libtorrent::file::no_buffer) == 0); namespace { #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS std::string utf8_native(std::string const& s) { try { std::wstring ws; libtorrent::utf8_wchar(s, ws); std::size_t size = wcstombs(0, ws.c_str(), 0); if (size == std::size_t(-1)) return s; std::string ret; ret.resize(size); size = wcstombs(&ret[0], ws.c_str(), size + 1); if (size == std::size_t(-1)) return s; ret.resize(size); return ret; } catch(std::exception) { return s; } } #endif } namespace libtorrent { namespace fs = boost::filesystem; file::file() #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS : m_file_handle(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) #else : m_fd(-1) #endif , m_open_mode(0) {} file::file(fs::path const& path, int mode, error_code& ec) #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS : m_file_handle(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) #else : m_fd(-1) #endif , m_open_mode(0) { open(path, mode, ec); } file::~file() { close(); } bool file::open(fs::path const& path, int mode, error_code& ec) { close(); #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS #ifdef TORRENT_USE_WPATH m_path = safe_convert(path.external_file_string()); #else m_path = utf8_native(path.external_file_string()); #endif m_file_handle = CreateFile( m_path.c_str() , mode & rw_mask , FILE_SHARE_READ , 0 , ((mode & rw_mask) == read_write || (mode & rw_mask) == write_only)?OPEN_ALWAYS:OPEN_EXISTING , FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS | (mode & no_buffer?FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED | FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING:0) , 0); if (m_file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ec = error_code(GetLastError(), get_system_category()); return false; } // try to make the file sparse if supported if ((mode & rw_mask) == write_only || (mode & rw_mask) == read_write) { DWORD temp; ::DeviceIoControl(m_file_handle, FSCTL_SET_SPARSE, 0, 0 , 0, 0, &temp, 0); } #else // rely on default umask to filter x and w permissions // for group and others int permissions = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH; m_fd = ::open(path.external_file_string().c_str() , mode, permissions); if (m_fd == -1) { ec = error_code(errno, get_posix_category()); return false; } #ifdef F_NOCACHE if (mode & no_buffer) { int yes = 1; fcntl(m_fd, F_NOCACHE, &yes); } #endif #ifdef POSIX_FADV_RANDOM // disable read-ahead posix_fadvise(m_fd, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_RANDOM); #endif #endif m_open_mode = mode; TORRENT_ASSERT(is_open()); return true; } bool file::is_open() const { #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS return m_file_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #else return m_fd != -1; #endif } void file::close() { #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS if (m_file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; CloseHandle(m_file_handle); m_file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; m_path.clear(); #else if (m_fd == -1) return; ::close(m_fd); m_fd = -1; #endif m_open_mode = 0; } // defined in storage.cpp int bufs_size(file::iovec_t const* bufs, int num_bufs); #if defined TORRENT_WINDOWS || defined TORRENT_DEBUG int file::m_page_size = 0; void file::init_file() { if (m_page_size != 0) return; #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS SYSTEM_INFO si; GetSystemInfo(&si); m_page_size = si.dwPageSize; #else m_page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); #endif } #endif size_type file::readv(size_type file_offset, iovec_t const* bufs, int num_bufs, error_code& ec) { TORRENT_ASSERT((m_open_mode & rw_mask) == read_only || (m_open_mode & rw_mask) == read_write); TORRENT_ASSERT(bufs); TORRENT_ASSERT(num_bufs > 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(is_open()); #if defined TORRENT_WINDOWS || defined TORRENT_DEBUG // make sure m_page_size is initialized init_file(); #endif #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG if (m_open_mode & no_buffer) { bool eof = false; int size = 0; TORRENT_ASSERT((file_offset & (m_page_size-1)) == 0); for (file::iovec_t const* i = bufs, *end(bufs + num_bufs); i < end; ++i) { TORRENT_ASSERT((int(i->iov_base) & (m_page_size-1)) == 0); // every buffer must be a multiple of the page size // except for the last one TORRENT_ASSERT((i->iov_len & (m_page_size-1)) == 0 || i == end-1); if ((i->iov_len & (m_page_size-1)) != 0) eof = true; size += i->iov_len; } error_code code; if (eof) TORRENT_ASSERT(file_offset + size >= get_size(code)); } #endif #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS DWORD ret = 0; // since the ReadFileScatter requires the file to be opened // with no buffering, and no buffering requires page aligned // buffers, open the file in non-buffered mode in case the // buffer is not aligned. Most of the times the buffer should // be aligned though if ((m_open_mode & no_buffer) == 0) { // this means the buffer base or the buffer size is not aligned // to the page size. Use a regular file for this operation. LARGE_INTEGER offs; offs.QuadPart = file_offset; if (SetFilePointerEx(m_file_handle, offs, &offs, FILE_BEGIN) == FALSE) { ec = error_code(GetLastError(), get_system_category()); return -1; } for (file::iovec_t const* i = bufs, *end(bufs + num_bufs); i < end; ++i) { DWORD intermediate = 0; if (ReadFile(m_file_handle, (char*)bufs->iov_base , (DWORD)bufs->iov_len, &intermediate, 0) == FALSE) { ec = error_code(GetLastError(), get_system_category()); return -1; } ret += intermediate; } return ret; } int size = bufs_size(bufs, num_bufs); // number of pages for the read. round up int num_pages = (size + m_page_size - 1) / m_page_size; // allocate array of FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT for ReadFileScatter FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT* segment_array = TORRENT_ALLOCA(FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT, num_pages + 1); FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT* cur_seg = segment_array; for (file::iovec_t const* i = bufs, *end(bufs + num_bufs); i < end; ++i) { for (int k = 0; k < i->iov_len; k += m_page_size) { cur_seg->Buffer = ((char*)i->iov_base) + k; ++cur_seg; } } // terminate the array cur_seg->Buffer = 0; OVERLAPPED ol; ol.Internal = 0; ol.InternalHigh = 0; ol.OffsetHigh = file_offset >> 32; ol.Offset = file_offset & 0xffffffff; ol.Pointer = 0; ol.hEvent = CreateEvent(0, true, false, 0); ret += size; size = num_pages * m_page_size; if (ReadFileScatter(m_file_handle, segment_array, size, 0, &ol) == 0) { DWORD last_error = GetLastError(); if (last_error != ERROR_IO_PENDING && last_error != ERROR_HANDLE_EOF) { ec = error_code(GetLastError(), get_system_category()); CloseHandle(ol.hEvent); return -1; } if (GetOverlappedResult(m_file_handle, &ol, &ret, true) == 0) { ec = error_code(GetLastError(), get_system_category()); CloseHandle(ol.hEvent); return -1; } } return ret; #else size_type ret = lseek(m_fd, file_offset, SEEK_SET); if (ret < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, get_posix_category()); return -1; } #ifdef TORRENT_LINUX bool aligned = false; int size = 0; // if we're not opened in no-buffer mode, we don't need alignment if ((m_open_mode & no_buffer) == 0) aligned = true; if (!aligned) { size = bufs_size(bufs, num_bufs); if (size & (m_page_size-1) == 0) aligned = true; } if (aligned) #endif { ret = ::readv(m_fd, bufs, num_bufs); if (ret < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, get_posix_category()); return -1; } return ret; } #ifdef TORRENT_LINUX file::iovec_t* temp_bufs = TORRENT_ALLOCA(file::iovec_t, num_bufs); memcpy(temp_bufs, bufs, sizeof(file::iovec_t) * num_bufs); iovec_t& last = temp_bufs[num_bufs-1]; last.iov_len = (last.iov_len & ~(m_page_size-1)) + m_page_size; ret = ::readv(m_fd, temp_bufs, num_bufs); if (ret < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, get_posix_category()); return -1; } return (std::min)(ret, size_type(size)); #endif #endif } size_type file::writev(size_type file_offset, iovec_t const* bufs, int num_bufs, error_code& ec) { TORRENT_ASSERT((m_open_mode & rw_mask) == write_only || (m_open_mode & rw_mask) == read_write); TORRENT_ASSERT(bufs); TORRENT_ASSERT(num_bufs > 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(is_open()); #if defined TORRENT_WINDOWS || defined TORRENT_DEBUG // make sure m_page_size is initialized init_file(); #endif #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG if (m_open_mode & no_buffer) { bool eof = false; int size = 0; TORRENT_ASSERT((file_offset & (m_page_size-1)) == 0); for (file::iovec_t const* i = bufs, *end(bufs + num_bufs); i < end; ++i) { TORRENT_ASSERT((int(i->iov_base) & (m_page_size-1)) == 0); // every buffer must be a multiple of the page size // except for the last one TORRENT_ASSERT((i->iov_len & (m_page_size-1)) == 0 || i == end-1); if ((i->iov_len & (m_page_size-1)) != 0) eof = true; size += i->iov_len; } error_code code; if (eof) TORRENT_ASSERT(file_offset + size >= get_size(code)); } #endif #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS DWORD ret = 0; // since the ReadFileScatter requires the file to be opened // with no buffering, and no buffering requires page aligned // buffers, open the file in non-buffered mode in case the // buffer is not aligned. Most of the times the buffer should // be aligned though if ((m_open_mode & no_buffer) == 0) { // this means the buffer base or the buffer size is not aligned // to the page size. Use a regular file for this operation. LARGE_INTEGER offs; offs.QuadPart = file_offset; if (SetFilePointerEx(m_file_handle, offs, &offs, SEEK_SET) == FALSE) { ec = error_code(GetLastError(), get_system_category()); return -1; } for (file::iovec_t const* i = bufs, *end(bufs + num_bufs); i < end; ++i) { DWORD intermediate = 0; if (WriteFile(m_file_handle, (char const*)bufs->iov_base , (DWORD)bufs->iov_len, &intermediate, 0) == FALSE) { ec = error_code(GetLastError(), get_system_category()); return -1; } ret += intermediate; } return ret; } int size = bufs_size(bufs, num_bufs); // number of pages for the write. round up int num_pages = (size + m_page_size - 1) / m_page_size; // allocate array of FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT for WriteFileGather FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT* segment_array = TORRENT_ALLOCA(FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT, num_pages + 1); FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT* cur_seg = segment_array; for (file::iovec_t const* i = bufs, *end(bufs + num_bufs); i < end; ++i) { for (int k = 0; k < i->iov_len; k += m_page_size) { cur_seg->Buffer = ((char*)i->iov_base) + k; ++cur_seg; } } // terminate the array cur_seg->Buffer = 0; OVERLAPPED ol; ol.Internal = 0; ol.InternalHigh = 0; ol.OffsetHigh = file_offset >> 32; ol.Offset = file_offset & 0xffffffff; ol.Pointer = 0; ol.hEvent = CreateEvent(0, true, false, 0); ret += size; // if file_size is > 0, the file will be opened in unbuffered // mode after the write completes, and truncate the file to // file_size. size_type file_size = 0; if ((size & (m_page_size-1)) != 0) { // if size is not an even multiple, this must be the tail // of the file. Write the whole page and then open a new // file without FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING and set the // file size to file_offset + size file_size = file_offset + size; size = num_pages * m_page_size; } if (WriteFileGather(m_file_handle, segment_array, size, 0, &ol) == 0) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { ec = error_code(GetLastError(), get_system_category()); CloseHandle(ol.hEvent); return -1; } if (GetOverlappedResult(m_file_handle, &ol, &ret, true) == 0) { ec = error_code(GetLastError(), get_system_category()); CloseHandle(ol.hEvent); return -1; } } CloseHandle(ol.hEvent); if (file_size > 0) { HANDLE f = CreateFile(m_path.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE , FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING , FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS, 0); if (f == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ec = error_code(GetLastError(), get_system_category()); return -1; } LARGE_INTEGER offs; offs.QuadPart = file_size; if (SetFilePointerEx(m_file_handle, offs, &offs, FILE_BEGIN) == FALSE) { CloseHandle(f); ec = error_code(GetLastError(), get_system_category()); return -1; } if (::SetEndOfFile(f) == FALSE) { ec = error_code(GetLastError(), get_system_category()); CloseHandle(f); return -1; } CloseHandle(f); } return ret; #else size_type ret = lseek(m_fd, file_offset, SEEK_SET); if (ret < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, get_posix_category()); return -1; } #ifdef TORRENT_LINUX bool aligned = false; int size = 0; // if we're not opened in no-buffer mode, we don't need alignment if ((m_open_mode & no_buffer) == 0) aligned = true; if (!aligned) { size = bufs_size(bufs, num_bufs); if (size & (m_page_size-1) == 0) aligned = true; } if (aligned) #endif { ret = ::writev(m_fd, bufs, num_bufs); if (ret < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, get_posix_category()); return -1; } return ret; } #ifdef TORRENT_LINUX file::iovec_t* temp_bufs = TORRENT_ALLOCA(file::iovec_t, num_bufs); memcpy(temp_bufs, bufs, sizeof(file::iovec_t) * num_bufs); iovec_t& last = temp_bufs[num_bufs-1]; last.iov_len = (last.iov_len & ~(m_page_size-1)) + m_page_size; ret = ::writev(m_fd, temp_bufs, num_bufs); if (ret < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, get_posix_category()); return -1; } if (ftruncate(m_fd, file_offset + size) < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, get_posix_category()); return -1; } return (std::min)(ret, size_type(size)); #endif #endif } bool file::set_size(size_type s, error_code& ec) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_open()); TORRENT_ASSERT(s >= 0); #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS LARGE_INTEGER offs; offs.QuadPart = s; if (SetFilePointerEx(m_file_handle, offs, &offs, FILE_BEGIN) == FALSE) { ec = error_code(GetLastError(), get_system_category()); return false; } if (::SetEndOfFile(m_file_handle) == FALSE) { ec = error_code(GetLastError(), get_system_category()); return false; } #else if (ftruncate(m_fd, s) < 0) { ec = error_code(errno, get_posix_category()); return false; } #endif return true; } size_type file::get_size(error_code& ec) { #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS LARGE_INTEGER file_size; if (!GetFileSizeEx(m_file_handle, &file_size)) { ec = error_code(GetLastError(), get_system_category()); return -1; } return file_size.QuadPart; #else struct stat fs; if (fstat(m_fd, &fs) != 0) { ec = error_code(errno, get_posix_category()); return -1; } return fs.st_size; #endif } }