version: "{build}" branches: only: - master - RC_1_1 - RC_1_0 os: Visual Studio 2015 clone_depth: 1 environment: matrix: - cmake: 1 - variant: test_debug compiler: msvc-14.0 model: 64 sim: 1 - variant: test_debug compiler: msvc-14.0 model: 32 bjam: 1 - variant: test_release compiler: msvc-14.0 model: 64 python: 1 crypto: openssl bjam: 1 - variant: test_debug compiler: gcc model: 32 crypto: openssl bjam: 1 install: - git submodule update --init --recursive - set ROOT_DIRECTORY=%CD% - cd %ROOT_DIRECTORY% - if not defined compiler ( set compiler="" ) - if not defined crypto ( set crypto=built-in ) - if not defined linkflags ( set linkflags="" ) - if not defined include ( set include="" ) - if %compiler% == msvc-14.0 if defined crypto if not exist openssl-1.0.1p-vs2015.7z ( echo downloading openssl-2015 & appveyor DownloadFile "" ) - if %compiler% == msvc-14.0 if defined crypto ( echo extracting openssl-2015 & 7z x -oc:\ -aoa openssl-1.0.1p-vs2015.7z > nul & rename c:\openssl-1.0.1p-vs2015 openssl & copy c:\openssl\lib64\ssleay32MT.lib c:\openssl\lib64\ssleay32.lib & copy c:\openssl\lib64\libeay32MT.lib c:\openssl\lib64\libeay32.lib & copy c:\openssl\lib\ssleay32MT.lib c:\openssl\lib\ssleay32.lib & copy c:\openssl\lib\libeay32MT.lib c:\openssl\lib\libeay32.lib ) - cd %ROOT_DIRECTORY% - set BOOST_ROOT=c:\Libraries\boost_1_63_0 - set BOOST_BUILD_PATH=%BOOST_ROOT%\tools\build - echo %BOOST_ROOT% - echo %BOOST_BUILD_PATH% - set PATH=%PATH%;%BOOST_BUILD_PATH%\src\engine\bin.ntx86 - ps: '"using msvc : 14.0 ;`nusing gcc : : : -std=c++11 ;`nusing python : 3.5 : c:\\Python35-x64 : c:\\Python35-x64\\include : c:\\Python35-x64\\libs ;`n" | Set-Content $env:HOMEDRIVE\$env:HOMEPATH\user-config.jam' - type %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\user-config.jam - cd %ROOT_DIRECTORY% - set PATH=c:\msys64\mingw32\bin;%PATH% - g++ --version - python --version - echo %ROOT_DIRECTORY% - cd %BOOST_BUILD_PATH%\src\engine - build.bat >nul - cd %ROOT_DIRECTORY% cache: - openssl-1.0.1p-vs2015.7z build_script: # examples - cd %ROOT_DIRECTORY%\examples - if defined bjam ( b2.exe --hash openssl-version=pre1.1 warnings-as-errors=on -j2 %compiler% address-model=%model% picker-debugging=on invariant-checks=full variant=%variant% %linkflags% %include% link=shared crypto=%crypto% ) # tools - cd %ROOT_DIRECTORY%\tools - if defined bjam ( b2.exe --hash openssl-version=pre1.1 warnings-as-errors=on -j2 %compiler% address-model=%model% picker-debugging=on invariant-checks=full variant=%variant% %linkflags% %include% link=shared crypto=%crypto% ) # test - cd %ROOT_DIRECTORY%\test - if defined bjam ( b2.exe --hash openssl-version=pre1.1 warnings-as-errors=on -j2 %compiler% address-model=%model% picker-debugging=on invariant-checks=full variant=%variant% %linkflags% %include% link=shared crypto=%crypto% win-tests test_upnp test_natpmp testing.execute=off ) # python binding - cd %ROOT_DIRECTORY%\bindings\python # we use 64 bit python builds - if defined python ( b2.exe --hash openssl-version=pre1.1 warnings-as-errors=on -j2 %compiler% address-model=%model% picker-debugging=on invariant-checks=full variant=%variant% %linkflags% %include% link=shared crypto=%crypto% libtorrent-link=shared stage_module stage_dependencies ) # simulations - cd %ROOT_DIRECTORY%\simulation - if defined sim ( b2.exe --hash openssl-version=pre1.1 warnings-as-errors=on -j2 %compiler% address-model=%model% debug-iterators=off picker-debugging=on invariant-checks=full test_debug %linkflags% %include% boost-link=default link=static crypto=built-in define=BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_IOCP testing.execute=off ) # minimal support for cmake build - cd %ROOT_DIRECTORY% - mkdir build && cd build - if defined cmake ( set "PATH=c:\Python27-x64;%PATH%" && cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=11 -Dbuild_tests=ON -Dbuild_examples=ON -Dbuild_tools=ON -Dpython-bindings=%python% -Dboost-python-module-name="python" -Dskip-python-runtime-test=true -DPython_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS="2.7" -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" .. && cmake --build . --config Release ) test_script: - cd %ROOT_DIRECTORY%\test - if defined bjam ( appveyor-retry b2.exe -l400 --hash openssl-version=pre1.1 warnings-as-errors=on -j2 %compiler% address-model=%model% picker-debugging=on invariant-checks=full variant=%variant% %linkflags% %include% link=shared crypto=%crypto% win-tests ) - cd %ROOT_DIRECTORY%\bindings\python # we use 64 bit python build - if defined python ( copy dependencies\*.* . & c:\Python35-x64\python.exe -b ) - if defined cmake ( appveyor-retry ctest ) # simulation tests # debug iterators are turned off here because msvc has issues with noexcept # specifiers when debug iterators are enabled. Specifically, constructors that # allocate memory are still marked as noexcept. That results in program # termination # the IOCP backend in asio appears to have an issue where it hangs under # certain unexpected terminations (through exceptions) - cd %ROOT_DIRECTORY%\simulation - if defined sim ( b2.exe --hash openssl-version=pre1.1 warnings-as-errors=on -j2 %compiler% address-model=%model% debug-iterators=off picker-debugging=on invariant-checks=full test_debug %linkflags% %include% boost-link=default link=static crypto=built-in define=BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_IOCP )