/* Copyright (c) 2003, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "libtorrent/pch.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libtorrent/config.hpp" #include "zlib.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push, 1) #endif #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif #include "libtorrent/tracker_manager.hpp" #include "libtorrent/http_tracker_connection.hpp" #include "libtorrent/entry.hpp" #include "libtorrent/bencode.hpp" #include "libtorrent/torrent.hpp" #include "libtorrent/io.hpp" #include "libtorrent/instantiate_connection.hpp" using namespace libtorrent; using boost::bind; namespace { enum { minimum_tracker_response_length = 3, http_buffer_size = 2048 }; enum { FTEXT = 0x01, FHCRC = 0x02, FEXTRA = 0x04, FNAME = 0x08, FCOMMENT = 0x10, FRESERVED = 0xe0, GZIP_MAGIC0 = 0x1f, GZIP_MAGIC1 = 0x8b }; } namespace { char to_lower(char c) { return std::tolower(c); } } namespace libtorrent { http_tracker_connection::http_tracker_connection( io_service& ios , connection_queue& cc , tracker_manager& man , tracker_request const& req , std::string const& protocol , std::string const& hostname , unsigned short port , std::string request , address bind_infc , boost::weak_ptr c , session_settings const& stn , proxy_settings const& ps , std::string const& auth) : tracker_connection(man, req, ios, bind_infc, c) , m_man(man) , m_name_lookup(ios) , m_port(port) , m_socket(ios) #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL , m_ssl(protocol == "https") #endif , m_recv_pos(0) , m_buffer(http_buffer_size) , m_settings(stn) , m_proxy(ps) , m_password(auth) , m_timed_out(false) , m_connection_ticket(-1) , m_cc(cc) { m_send_buffer.assign("GET "); // should we use the proxy? if (m_proxy.type == proxy_settings::http || m_proxy.type == proxy_settings::http_pw) { m_send_buffer += "http://"; m_send_buffer += hostname; if (port != 80) { m_send_buffer += ":"; m_send_buffer += boost::lexical_cast(port); } } if (tracker_req().kind == tracker_request::scrape_request) { // find and replace "announce" with "scrape" // in request std::size_t pos = request.find("announce"); if (pos == std::string::npos) { fail(-1, ("scrape is not available on url: '" + tracker_req().url +"'").c_str()); return; } request.replace(pos, 8, "scrape"); } m_send_buffer += request; // if request-string already contains // some parameters, append an ampersand instead // of a question mark size_t arguments_start = request.find('?'); if (arguments_start != std::string::npos) m_send_buffer += "&"; else m_send_buffer += "?"; if (!url_has_argument(request, "info_hash")) { m_send_buffer += "info_hash="; m_send_buffer += escape_string( reinterpret_cast(req.info_hash.begin()), 20); m_send_buffer += '&'; } if (tracker_req().kind == tracker_request::announce_request) { if (!url_has_argument(request, "peer_id")) { m_send_buffer += "peer_id="; m_send_buffer += escape_string( reinterpret_cast(req.pid.begin()), 20); m_send_buffer += '&'; } if (!url_has_argument(request, "port")) { m_send_buffer += "port="; m_send_buffer += boost::lexical_cast(req.listen_port); m_send_buffer += '&'; } if (!url_has_argument(request, "uploaded")) { m_send_buffer += "uploaded="; m_send_buffer += boost::lexical_cast(req.uploaded); m_send_buffer += '&'; } if (!url_has_argument(request, "downloaded")) { m_send_buffer += "downloaded="; m_send_buffer += boost::lexical_cast(req.downloaded); m_send_buffer += '&'; } if (!url_has_argument(request, "left")) { m_send_buffer += "left="; m_send_buffer += boost::lexical_cast(req.left); m_send_buffer += '&'; } if (req.event != tracker_request::none) { if (!url_has_argument(request, "event")) { const char* event_string[] = {"completed", "started", "stopped"}; m_send_buffer += "event="; m_send_buffer += event_string[req.event - 1]; m_send_buffer += '&'; } } if (!url_has_argument(request, "key")) { m_send_buffer += "key="; std::stringstream key_string; key_string << std::hex << req.key; m_send_buffer += key_string.str(); m_send_buffer += '&'; } if (!url_has_argument(request, "compact")) { m_send_buffer += "compact=1&"; } if (!url_has_argument(request, "numwant")) { m_send_buffer += "numwant="; m_send_buffer += boost::lexical_cast( (std::min)(req.num_want, 999)); m_send_buffer += '&'; } if (m_settings.announce_ip != address() && !url_has_argument(request, "ip")) { m_send_buffer += "ip="; m_send_buffer += m_settings.announce_ip.to_string(); m_send_buffer += '&'; } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION m_send_buffer += "supportcrypto=1&"; #endif if (!url_has_argument(request, "ipv6") && !req.ipv6.empty()) { m_send_buffer += "ipv6="; m_send_buffer += req.ipv6; m_send_buffer += '&'; } // extension that tells the tracker that // we don't need any peer_id's in the response if (!url_has_argument(request, "no_peer_id")) { m_send_buffer += "no_peer_id=1"; } else { // remove the trailing '&' m_send_buffer.resize(m_send_buffer.size() - 1); } } m_send_buffer += " HTTP/1.0\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip\r\n" "User-Agent: "; m_send_buffer += m_settings.user_agent; m_send_buffer += "\r\n" "Host: "; m_send_buffer += hostname; if (port != 80) { m_send_buffer += ':'; m_send_buffer += boost::lexical_cast(port); } if (m_proxy.type == proxy_settings::http_pw) { m_send_buffer += "\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic "; m_send_buffer += base64encode(m_proxy.username + ":" + m_proxy.password); } if (!auth.empty()) { m_send_buffer += "\r\nAuthorization: Basic "; m_send_buffer += base64encode(auth); } m_send_buffer += "\r\n\r\n"; #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) boost::shared_ptr cb = requester(); if (cb) { cb->debug_log("==> TRACKER_REQUEST [ ih: " + boost::lexical_cast(req.info_hash) + " str: " + m_send_buffer + " ]"); } #endif tcp::resolver::query q(hostname , boost::lexical_cast(m_port)); m_name_lookup.async_resolve(q, boost::bind(&http_tracker_connection::name_lookup, self(), _1, _2)); set_timeout(req.event == tracker_request::stopped ? m_settings.stop_tracker_timeout : m_settings.tracker_completion_timeout , m_settings.tracker_receive_timeout); } void http_tracker_connection::on_timeout() { #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) boost::shared_ptr cb = requester(); if (cb) cb->debug_log("*** HTTP_TRACKER [ timed out ]"); #endif m_timed_out = true; asio::error_code ec; m_socket.close(ec); m_name_lookup.cancel(); if (m_connection_ticket > -1) m_cc.done(m_connection_ticket); m_connection_ticket = -1; fail_timeout(); } void http_tracker_connection::close() { asio::error_code ec; m_socket.close(ec); m_name_lookup.cancel(); if (m_connection_ticket > -1) m_cc.done(m_connection_ticket); m_connection_ticket = -1; m_timed_out = true; tracker_connection::close(); #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) boost::shared_ptr cb = requester(); if (cb) cb->debug_log("*** HTTP_TRACKER [ close: " + boost::lexical_cast(m_man.num_requests()) + " ]"); #endif } void http_tracker_connection::name_lookup(asio::error_code const& error , tcp::resolver::iterator i) { boost::shared_ptr cb = requester(); #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) if (cb) cb->debug_log("*** HTTP_TRACKER [ tracker name lookup handler called ]"); #endif if (error == asio::error::operation_aborted) return; if (m_timed_out) return; if (error || i == tcp::resolver::iterator()) { fail(-1, error.message().c_str()); return; } #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) if (cb) cb->debug_log("*** HTTP_TRACKER [ name lookup successful ]"); #endif restart_read_timeout(); // look for an address that has the same kind as the one // we're listening on. To make sure the tracker get our // correct listening address. tcp::resolver::iterator target = i; tcp::resolver::iterator end; tcp::endpoint target_address = *i; for (; target != end && target->endpoint().address().is_v4() != bind_interface().is_v4(); ++target); if (target == end) { TORRENT_ASSERT(target_address.address().is_v4() != bind_interface().is_v4()); if (cb) { std::string tracker_address_type = target_address.address().is_v4() ? "IPv4" : "IPv6"; std::string bind_address_type = bind_interface().is_v4() ? "IPv4" : "IPv6"; cb->tracker_warning("the tracker only resolves to an " + tracker_address_type + " address, and you're listening on an " + bind_address_type + " socket. This may prevent you from receiving incoming connections."); } } else { target_address = *target; } if (cb) cb->m_tracker_address = target_address; asio::io_service& ios = m_name_lookup.io_service(); #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL if (m_ssl) { m_socket.instantiate >(ios); ssl_stream& s = m_socket.get >(); bool ret = instantiate_connection(ios, m_proxy, s.next_layer()); TORRENT_ASSERT(ret); } else { m_socket.instantiate(ios); bool ret = instantiate_connection(ios, m_proxy, m_socket.get()); TORRENT_ASSERT(ret); } #else bool ret = instantiate_connection(ios, m_proxy, m_socket); TORRENT_ASSERT(ret); #endif if (m_proxy.type == proxy_settings::http || m_proxy.type == proxy_settings::http_pw) { // the tracker connection will talk immediately to // the proxy, without requiring CONNECT support m_socket.get().set_no_connect(true); } asio::error_code ec; m_socket.open(target_address.protocol(), ec); if (ec) { fail(-1, ec.message().c_str()); return; } m_socket.bind(tcp::endpoint(bind_interface(), 0), ec); if (ec) { fail(-1, ec.message().c_str()); return; } m_cc.enqueue(bind(&http_tracker_connection::connect, self(), _1, target_address) , bind(&http_tracker_connection::on_timeout, self()) , seconds(m_settings.tracker_receive_timeout)); } void http_tracker_connection::connect(int ticket, tcp::endpoint target_address) { m_connection_ticket = ticket; m_socket.async_connect(target_address, bind(&http_tracker_connection::connected, self(), _1)); } void http_tracker_connection::connected(asio::error_code const& error) { if (m_connection_ticket > -1) m_cc.done(m_connection_ticket); m_connection_ticket = -1; if (error == asio::error::operation_aborted) return; if (m_timed_out) return; if (error) { fail(-1, error.message().c_str()); return; } #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) boost::shared_ptr cb = requester(); if (cb) cb->debug_log("*** HTTP_TRACKER [ connection successful ]"); #endif restart_read_timeout(); async_write(m_socket, asio::buffer(m_send_buffer.c_str() , m_send_buffer.size()), bind(&http_tracker_connection::sent , self(), _1)); } void http_tracker_connection::sent(asio::error_code const& error) { if (error == asio::error::operation_aborted) return; if (m_timed_out) return; if (error) { fail(-1, error.message().c_str()); return; } #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) boost::shared_ptr cb = requester(); if (cb) cb->debug_log("*** HTTP_TRACKER [ send completed ]"); #endif restart_read_timeout(); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_buffer.size() - m_recv_pos > 0); m_socket.async_read_some(asio::buffer(&m_buffer[m_recv_pos] , m_buffer.size() - m_recv_pos), bind(&http_tracker_connection::receive , self(), _1, _2)); } void http_tracker_connection::receive(asio::error_code const& error , std::size_t bytes_transferred) { if (error == asio::error::operation_aborted) return; if (m_timed_out) return; if (error) { if (error == asio::error::eof) { on_response(); close(); return; } fail(-1, error.message().c_str()); return; } restart_read_timeout(); TORRENT_ASSERT(bytes_transferred > 0); #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) boost::shared_ptr cb = requester(); if (cb) cb->debug_log("*** HTTP_TRACKER [ reading: " + boost::lexical_cast(bytes_transferred) + " ]"); #endif m_recv_pos += bytes_transferred; bool e = false; m_parser.incoming(buffer::const_interval(&m_buffer[0] , &m_buffer[0] + m_recv_pos), e); if (e) { fail(-1, "incorrect http response"); } // if the receive buffer is full, expand it with http_buffer_size if ((int)m_buffer.size() == m_recv_pos) { if ((int)m_buffer.size() >= m_settings.tracker_maximum_response_length) { fail(200, "too large tracker response"); return; } TORRENT_ASSERT(http_buffer_size > 0); if ((int)m_buffer.size() + http_buffer_size > m_settings.tracker_maximum_response_length) m_buffer.resize(m_settings.tracker_maximum_response_length); else m_buffer.resize(m_buffer.size() + http_buffer_size); } if (m_parser.header_finished()) { int cl = atoi(m_parser.header("content-length").c_str()); if (cl > m_settings.tracker_maximum_response_length) { fail(-1, "content-length is greater than maximum response length"); return; } if (cl > 0 && cl < minimum_tracker_response_length && m_parser.status_code() == 200) { fail(-1, "content-length is smaller than minimum response length"); return; } } if (m_parser.finished()) { on_response(); close(); return; } TORRENT_ASSERT(m_buffer.size() - m_recv_pos > 0); m_socket.async_read_some(asio::buffer(&m_buffer[m_recv_pos] , m_buffer.size() - m_recv_pos), bind(&http_tracker_connection::receive , self(), _1, _2)); } void http_tracker_connection::on_response() { if (!m_parser.header_finished()) { fail(-1, "premature end of file"); return; } std::string location = m_parser.header("location"); boost::shared_ptr cb = requester(); if (m_parser.status_code() >= 300 && m_parser.status_code() < 400) { if (location.empty()) { std::string error_str = "got redirection response ("; error_str += boost::lexical_cast(m_parser.status_code()); error_str += ") without 'Location' header"; fail(-1, error_str.c_str()); return; } // if the protocol isn't specified, assume http if (location.compare(0, 7, "http://") != 0 && location.compare(0, 6, "udp://") != 0) { location.insert(0, "http://"); } #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) if (cb) cb->debug_log("*** HTTP_TRACKER [ redirecting to: " + location + "]"); #endif if (cb) cb->tracker_warning("Redirecting to \"" + location + "\""); tracker_request req = tracker_req(); req.url = location; m_man.queue_request(m_name_lookup.get_io_service(), m_cc, req , m_password, bind_interface(), m_requester); close(); return; } if (m_parser.status_code() != 200) { fail(m_parser.status_code(), m_parser.message().c_str()); return; } buffer::const_interval buf(&m_buffer[0] + m_parser.body_start(), &m_buffer[0] + m_recv_pos); std::string content_encoding = m_parser.header("content-encoding"); #if defined(TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING) || defined(TORRENT_LOGGING) if (cb) cb->debug_log("*** HTTP_TRACKER [ content-encoding: " + content_encoding + "]"); #endif if (content_encoding == "gzip" || content_encoding == "x-gzip") { if (!cb) { close(); return; } m_buffer.erase(m_buffer.begin(), m_buffer.begin() + m_parser.body_start()); if (inflate_gzip(m_buffer, tracker_req(), cb.get(), m_settings.tracker_maximum_response_length)) { close(); return; } buf.begin = &m_buffer[0]; buf.end = &m_buffer[0] + m_buffer.size(); } else if (!content_encoding.empty()) { std::string error_str = "unknown content encoding in response: \""; error_str += content_encoding; error_str += "\""; fail(-1, error_str.c_str()); return; } // handle tracker response entry e = bdecode(buf.begin, buf.end); if (e.type() != entry::undefined_t) { parse(e); } else { std::string error_str("invalid bencoding of tracker response: \""); for (char const* i = buf.begin, *end(buf.end); i != end; ++i) { if (std::isprint(*i)) error_str += *i; else error_str += "0x" + boost::lexical_cast((unsigned int)*i) + " "; } error_str += "\""; fail(m_parser.status_code(), error_str.c_str()); } close(); } bool http_tracker_connection::extract_peer_info(const entry& info, peer_entry& ret) { // extract peer id (if any) if (info.type() != entry::dictionary_t) { fail(-1, "invalid response from tracker (invalid peer entry)"); return false; } entry const* i = info.find_key("peer id"); if (i != 0) { if (i->type() != entry::string_t || i->string().length() != 20) { fail(-1, "invalid response from tracker (invalid peer id)"); return false; } std::copy(i->string().begin(), i->string().end(), ret.pid.begin()); } else { // if there's no peer_id, just initialize it to a bunch of zeroes std::fill_n(ret.pid.begin(), 20, 0); } // extract ip i = info.find_key("ip"); if (i == 0 || i->type() != entry::string_t) { fail(-1, "invalid response from tracker"); return false; } ret.ip = i->string(); // extract port i = info.find_key("port"); if (i == 0 || i->type() != entry::int_t) { fail(-1, "invalid response from tracker"); return false; } ret.port = (unsigned short)i->integer(); return true; } void http_tracker_connection::parse(entry const& e) { boost::shared_ptr cb = requester(); if (!cb) return; // parse the response entry const* failure = e.find_key("failure reason"); if (failure && failure->type() == entry::string_t) { fail(m_parser.status_code(), failure->string().c_str()); return; } entry const* warning = e.find_key("warning message"); if (warning && warning->type() == entry::string_t) { cb->tracker_warning(warning->string()); } std::vector peer_list; if (tracker_req().kind == tracker_request::scrape_request) { std::string ih; std::copy(tracker_req().info_hash.begin(), tracker_req().info_hash.end() , std::back_inserter(ih)); entry const* files = e.find_key("files"); if (files == 0 || files->type() != entry::dictionary_t) { fail(-1, "invalid or missing 'files' entry in scrape response"); return; } entry const* scrape_data = e.find_key(ih.c_str()); if (scrape_data == 0 || scrape_data->type() != entry::dictionary_t) { fail(-1, "missing or invalid info-hash entry in scrape response"); return; } entry const* complete = scrape_data->find_key("complete"); entry const* incomplete = scrape_data->find_key("incomplete"); entry const* downloaded = scrape_data->find_key("downloaded"); if (complete == 0 || incomplete == 0 || downloaded == 0 || complete->type() != entry::int_t || incomplete->type() != entry::int_t || downloaded->type() != entry::int_t) { fail(-1, "missing 'complete' or 'incomplete' entries in scrape response"); return; } cb->tracker_scrape_response(tracker_req(), complete->integer() , incomplete->integer(), downloaded->integer()); return; } entry const* interval = e.find_key("interval"); if (interval == 0 || interval->type() != entry::int_t) { fail(-1, "missing or invalid 'interval' entry in tracker response"); return; } entry const* peers_ent = e.find_key("peers"); if (peers_ent == 0) { fail(-1, "missing 'peers' entry in tracker response"); return; } if (peers_ent->type() == entry::string_t) { std::string const& peers = peers_ent->string(); for (std::string::const_iterator i = peers.begin(); i != peers.end();) { if (std::distance(i, peers.end()) < 6) break; peer_entry p; p.pid.clear(); p.ip = detail::read_v4_address(i).to_string(); p.port = detail::read_uint16(i); peer_list.push_back(p); } } else if (peers_ent->type() == entry::list_t) { entry::list_type const& l = peers_ent->list(); for(entry::list_type::const_iterator i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i) { peer_entry p; if (!extract_peer_info(*i, p)) return; peer_list.push_back(p); } } else { fail(-1, "invalid 'peers' entry in tracker response"); return; } entry const* ipv6_peers = e.find_key("peers6"); if (ipv6_peers && ipv6_peers->type() == entry::string_t) { std::string const& peers = ipv6_peers->string(); for (std::string::const_iterator i = peers.begin(); i != peers.end();) { if (std::distance(i, peers.end()) < 18) break; peer_entry p; p.pid.clear(); p.ip = detail::read_v6_address(i).to_string(); p.port = detail::read_uint16(i); peer_list.push_back(p); } } // look for optional scrape info int complete = -1; int incomplete = -1; entry const* complete_ent = e.find_key("complete"); if (complete_ent && complete_ent->type() == entry::int_t) complete = complete_ent->integer(); entry const* incomplete_ent = e.find_key("incomplete"); if (incomplete_ent && incomplete_ent->type() == entry::int_t) incomplete = incomplete_ent->integer(); cb->tracker_response(tracker_req(), peer_list, interval->integer(), complete , incomplete); } }