/* Copyright (c) 2003-2017, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "torrent_view.hpp" #include "print.hpp" #include "libtorrent/add_torrent_params.hpp" #include "libtorrent/torrent_handle.hpp" #include "libtorrent/torrent_status.hpp" #include "libtorrent/torrent_info.hpp" const int header_size = 2; using lt::queue_position_t; std::string torrent_state(lt::torrent_status const& s) { static char const* state_str[] = {"checking (q)", "checking", "dl metadata" , "downloading", "finished", "seeding", "allocating", "checking (r)"}; if (s.errc) return s.errc.message(); std::string ret; if ((s.flags & lt::torrent_flags::paused) && (s.flags & lt::torrent_flags::auto_managed)) { ret += "queued "; } if ((s.flags & lt::torrent_flags::upload_mode)) ret += "upload mode"; else ret += state_str[s.state]; if (!(s.flags & lt::torrent_flags::auto_managed)) { if (s.flags & lt::torrent_flags::paused) ret += " [P]"; else ret += " [F]"; } char buf[10]; std::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " (%.1f%%)", s.progress_ppm / 10000.f); ret += buf; return ret; } bool compare_torrent(lt::torrent_status const* lhs, lt::torrent_status const* rhs) { if (lhs->queue_position != queue_position_t{-1} && rhs->queue_position != queue_position_t{-1}) { // both are downloading, sort by queue pos return lhs->queue_position < rhs->queue_position; } else if (lhs->queue_position == queue_position_t{-1} && rhs->queue_position == queue_position_t{-1}) { // both are seeding, sort by seed-rank if (lhs->seed_rank != rhs->seed_rank) return lhs->seed_rank > rhs->seed_rank; return lhs->info_hash < rhs->info_hash; } return (lhs->queue_position == queue_position_t{-1}) < (rhs->queue_position == queue_position_t{-1}); } torrent_view::torrent_view() : m_active_torrent(0) , m_scroll_position(0) , m_torrent_filter(0) , m_width(80) , m_height(30) {} void torrent_view::set_size(int width, int height) { if (m_width == width && m_height == height) return; m_width = width; m_height = height; render(); } int torrent_view::filter() const { return m_torrent_filter; } void torrent_view::set_filter(int filter) { if (filter == m_torrent_filter) return; m_torrent_filter = filter; update_filtered_torrents(); render(); } // returns the lt::torrent_status of the currently selected torrent. lt::torrent_status const& torrent_view::get_active_torrent() const { if (m_active_torrent >= int(m_filtered_handles.size())) m_active_torrent = int(m_filtered_handles.size()) - 1; if (m_active_torrent < 0) m_active_torrent = 0; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_active_torrent >= 0); return *m_filtered_handles[m_active_torrent]; } lt::torrent_handle torrent_view::get_active_handle() const { if (m_active_torrent >= int(m_filtered_handles.size())) m_active_torrent = int(m_filtered_handles.size()) - 1; if (m_active_torrent < 0) m_active_torrent = 0; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_active_torrent >= 0); if (m_filtered_handles.empty()) return lt::torrent_handle(); return m_filtered_handles[m_active_torrent]->handle; } void torrent_view::remove_torrent(lt::torrent_handle h) { auto i = m_all_handles.find(h); if (i == m_all_handles.end()) return; bool need_rerender = false; if (show_torrent(i->second)) { auto j = std::find(m_filtered_handles.begin(), m_filtered_handles.end() , &i->second); if (j != m_filtered_handles.end()) { m_filtered_handles.erase(j); need_rerender = true; } } m_all_handles.erase(i); if (need_rerender) render(); } void torrent_view::update_torrents(std::vector st) { std::set updates; bool need_filter_update = false; for (lt::torrent_status& t : st) { auto j = m_all_handles.find(t.handle); // add new entries here if (j == m_all_handles.end()) { auto handle = t.handle; j = m_all_handles.emplace(handle, std::move(t)).first; if (show_torrent(j->second)) { m_filtered_handles.push_back(&j->second); need_filter_update = true; } } else { bool const prev_show = show_torrent(j->second); j->second = std::move(t); if (prev_show != show_torrent(j->second)) need_filter_update = true; else updates.insert(j->second.handle); } } if (need_filter_update) { update_filtered_torrents(); render(); } else { int torrent_index = 0; for (auto i = m_filtered_handles.begin(); i != m_filtered_handles.end(); ++i) { if (torrent_index < m_scroll_position || torrent_index >= m_scroll_position + m_height - header_size) { ++torrent_index; continue; } lt::torrent_status const& s = **i; if (!s.handle.is_valid()) continue; if (updates.count(s.handle) == 0) { ++torrent_index; continue; } set_cursor_pos(0, header_size + torrent_index - m_scroll_position); print_torrent(s, torrent_index == m_active_torrent); ++torrent_index; } } } int torrent_view::height() const { return m_height; } void torrent_view::arrow_up() { if (m_filtered_handles.empty()) return; if (m_active_torrent <= 0) return; if (m_active_torrent - 1 < m_scroll_position) { --m_active_torrent; m_scroll_position = m_active_torrent; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_scroll_position >= 0); render(); return; } set_cursor_pos(0, header_size + m_active_torrent - m_scroll_position); print_torrent(*m_filtered_handles[m_active_torrent], false); --m_active_torrent; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_active_torrent >= 0); set_cursor_pos(0, header_size + m_active_torrent - m_scroll_position); print_torrent(*m_filtered_handles[m_active_torrent], true); } void torrent_view::arrow_down() { if (m_filtered_handles.empty()) return; if (m_active_torrent >= int(m_filtered_handles.size()) - 1) return; int bottom_pos = m_height - header_size - 1; if (m_active_torrent - m_scroll_position + 1 > bottom_pos) { ++m_active_torrent; m_scroll_position = m_active_torrent - bottom_pos; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_scroll_position >= 0); render(); return; } set_cursor_pos(0, header_size + m_active_torrent - m_scroll_position); print_torrent(*m_filtered_handles[m_active_torrent], false); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_active_torrent >= 0); ++m_active_torrent; set_cursor_pos(0, header_size + m_active_torrent - m_scroll_position); print_torrent(*m_filtered_handles[m_active_torrent], true); } void torrent_view::render() { print_tabs(); print_headers(); int lines_printed = header_size; int torrent_index = 0; for (std::vector::iterator i = m_filtered_handles.begin(); i != m_filtered_handles.end();) { if (torrent_index < m_scroll_position) { ++i; ++torrent_index; continue; } if (lines_printed >= m_height) break; lt::torrent_status const& s = **i; if (!s.handle.is_valid()) { i = m_filtered_handles.erase(i); continue; } ++i; set_cursor_pos(0, torrent_index + header_size - m_scroll_position); print_torrent(s, torrent_index == m_active_torrent); ++lines_printed; ++torrent_index; } clear_rows(torrent_index + header_size, m_height); } void torrent_view::print_tabs() { set_cursor_pos(0, 0); char str[400]; int pos = 0; char const* filter_names[] = { "all", "downloading", "non-paused" , "seeding", "queued", "stopped", "checking"}; for (int i = 0; i < int(sizeof(filter_names)/sizeof(filter_names[0])); ++i) { pos += std::snprintf(str+ pos, sizeof(str) - pos, "%s[%s]%s" , m_torrent_filter == i?esc("7"):"" , filter_names[i], m_torrent_filter == i?esc("0"):""); } pos += std::snprintf(str + pos, sizeof(str) - pos, "\x1b[K"); if (m_width + 1 < int(sizeof(str))) str[m_width + 1] = '\0'; print(str); } void torrent_view::print_headers() { set_cursor_pos(0, 1); char str[400]; // print title bar for torrent list std::snprintf(str, sizeof(str) , " %-3s %-50s %-35s %-14s %-17s %-17s %-11s %-6s %-6s %-4s\x1b[K" , "#", "Name", "Progress", "Pieces", "Download", "Upload", "Peers (D:S)" , "Down", "Up", "Flags"); if (m_width + 1 < int(sizeof(str))) str[m_width + 1] = '\0'; print(str); } void torrent_view::print_torrent(lt::torrent_status const& s, bool selected) { int pos = 0; char str[512]; // the active torrent is highligted in the list // this inverses the forground and background colors char const* selection = ""; if (selected) selection = "\x1b[1m\x1b[44m"; char queue_pos[16] = {0}; if (s.queue_position == queue_position_t{-1}) std::snprintf(queue_pos, sizeof(queue_pos), "-"); else std::snprintf(queue_pos, sizeof(queue_pos), "%d" , static_cast(s.queue_position)); std::string name = s.name; if (name.size() > 50) name.resize(50); color_code progress_bar_color = col_yellow; if (s.errc) progress_bar_color = col_red; else if (s.flags & lt::torrent_flags::paused) progress_bar_color = col_blue; else if (s.state == lt::torrent_status::downloading_metadata) progress_bar_color = col_magenta; else if (s.current_tracker.empty()) progress_bar_color = col_green; auto ti = s.torrent_file.lock(); int const total_pieces = ti ? ti->num_pieces() : 0; color_code piece_color = total_pieces == s.num_pieces ? col_green : col_yellow; pos += std::snprintf(str + pos, sizeof(str) - pos, "%s%-3s %-50s %s%s %s/%s %s (%s) " "%s (%s) %5d:%-5d %s %s %c" , selection , queue_pos , name.c_str() , progress_bar(s.progress_ppm / 1000, 35, progress_bar_color, '-', '#', torrent_state(s)).c_str() , selection , color(to_string(s.num_pieces, 6), piece_color).c_str() , color(to_string(total_pieces, 6), piece_color).c_str() , color(add_suffix(s.download_rate, "/s"), col_green).c_str() , color(add_suffix(s.total_download), col_green).c_str() , color(add_suffix(s.upload_rate, "/s"), col_red).c_str() , color(add_suffix(s.total_upload), col_red).c_str() , s.num_peers - s.num_seeds, s.num_seeds , color(add_suffix(s.all_time_download), col_green).c_str() , color(add_suffix(s.all_time_upload), col_red).c_str() , s.need_save_resume?'S':' '); // if this is the selected torrent, restore the background color if (selected) pos += std::snprintf(str + pos, sizeof(str) - pos, "%s", esc("0")); pos += std::snprintf(str + pos, sizeof(str) - pos, "\x1b[K"); print(str); } bool torrent_view::show_torrent(lt::torrent_status const& st) { switch (m_torrent_filter) { case torrents_all: return true; case torrents_downloading: return !(st.flags & lt::torrent_flags::paused) && st.state != lt::torrent_status::seeding && st.state != lt::torrent_status::finished; case torrents_not_paused: return !(st.flags & lt::torrent_flags::paused); case torrents_seeding: return !(st.flags & lt::torrent_flags::paused) && (st.state == lt::torrent_status::seeding || st.state == lt::torrent_status::finished); case torrents_queued: return (st.flags & lt::torrent_flags::paused) && (st.flags & lt::torrent_flags::auto_managed); case torrents_stopped: return (st.flags & lt::torrent_flags::paused) && !(st.flags & lt::torrent_flags::auto_managed); case torrents_checking: return st.state == lt::torrent_status::checking_files; } return true; } // refresh all pointers in m_filtered_handles. This must be done when // inserting or removing elements from m_all_handles, since pointers may // be invalidated or when a torrent changes status to either become // visible or filtered void torrent_view::update_filtered_torrents() { m_filtered_handles.clear(); for (auto const& h : m_all_handles) { if (!show_torrent(h.second)) continue; m_filtered_handles.push_back(&h.second); } if (m_active_torrent >= int(m_filtered_handles.size())) m_active_torrent = int(m_filtered_handles.size()) - 1; if (m_active_torrent < 0) m_active_torrent = 0; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_active_torrent >= 0); std::sort(m_filtered_handles.begin(), m_filtered_handles.end(), &compare_torrent); if (m_scroll_position + m_height - header_size > int(m_filtered_handles.size())) { m_scroll_position = std::max(0, int(m_filtered_handles.size()) - m_height + header_size); } }