#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import libtorrent as lt import unittest import time import os import shutil import binascii import subprocess as sub import sys # include terminal interface for travis parallel executions of scripts which use # terminal features: fix multiple stdin assignment at termios.tcgetattr if os.name != 'nt': import pty class test_create_torrent(unittest.TestCase): def test_from_torrent_info(self): ti = lt.torrent_info('unordered.torrent') ct = lt.create_torrent(ti) entry = ct.generate() content = lt.bencode(entry).strip() with open('unordered.torrent', 'rb') as f: file_content = bytearray(f.read().strip()) print(content) print(file_content) print(entry) self.assertEqual(content, file_content) class test_session_stats(unittest.TestCase): def test_unique(self): l = lt.session_stats_metrics() self.assertTrue(len(l) > 40) idx = set() for m in l: self.assertTrue(m.value_index not in idx) idx.add(m.value_index) def test_find_idx(self): self.assertEqual(lt.find_metric_idx("peer.error_peers"), 0) class test_torrent_handle(unittest.TestCase): def setup(self): self.ses = lt.session({ 'alert_mask': lt.alert.category_t.all_categories, 'enable_dht': False}) self.ti = lt.torrent_info('url_seed_multi.torrent') self.h = self.ses.add_torrent({ 'ti': self.ti, 'save_path': os.getcwd()}) def test_torrent_handle(self): self.setup() self.assertEqual(self.h.file_priorities(), [4, 4]) self.assertEqual(self.h.piece_priorities(), [4]) self.h.prioritize_files([0, 1]) self.assertEqual(self.h.file_priorities(), [0, 1]) self.h.prioritize_pieces([0]) self.assertEqual(self.h.piece_priorities(), [0]) # also test the overload that takes a list of piece->priority mappings self.h.prioritize_pieces([(0, 1)]) self.assertEqual(self.h.piece_priorities(), [1]) def test_file_status(self): self.setup() l = self.h.file_status() print(l) def test_piece_deadlines(self): self.setup() self.h.clear_piece_deadlines() def test_torrent_status(self): self.setup() st = self.h.status() ti = st.handle self.assertEqual(ti.info_hash(), self.ti.info_hash()) # make sure we can compare torrent_status objects st2 = self.h.status() self.assertEqual(st2, st) def test_read_resume_data(self): resume_data = lt.bencode({ 'file-format': 'libtorrent resume file', 'info-hash': 'abababababababababab', 'name': 'test', 'save_path': '.', 'peers': '\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x01\x02\x02\x02\x02\x00\x02', 'file_priority': [0, 1, 1]}) tp = lt.read_resume_data(resume_data) self.assertEqual(tp.name, 'test') self.assertEqual(tp.info_hash, lt.sha1_hash('abababababababababab')) self.assertEqual(tp.file_priorities, [0, 1, 1]) self.assertEqual(tp.peers, [('', 1), ('', 2)]) ses = lt.session({'alert_mask': lt.alert.category_t.all_categories}) h = ses.add_torrent(tp) h.connect_peer(('', 3)) for i in range(0, 10): alerts = ses.pop_alerts() for a in alerts: print(a.message()) time.sleep(0.1) def test_scrape(self): self.setup() # this is just to make sure this function can be called like this # from python self.h.scrape_tracker() def test_cache_info(self): self.setup() cs = self.ses.get_cache_info(self.h) self.assertEqual(cs.pieces, []) def test_unknown_torrent_parameter(self): self.ses = lt.session({'alert_mask': lt.alert.category_t.all_categories, 'enable_dht': False}) try: self.h = self.ses.add_torrent({'unexpected-key-name': ''}) self.assertFalse('should have thrown an exception') except KeyError as e: print(e) def test_torrent_parameter(self): self.ses = lt.session({'alert_mask': lt.alert.category_t.all_categories, 'enable_dht': False}) self.ti = lt.torrent_info('url_seed_multi.torrent'); self.h = self.ses.add_torrent({ 'ti': self.ti, 'save_path': os.getcwd(), 'trackers': ['http://test.com/announce'], 'dht_nodes': [('', 6881), ('', 6881)], 'file_priorities': [1,1], 'http_seeds': ['http://test.com/file3'], 'url_seeds': ['http://test.com/announce-url'], 'peers': [('', 6881)], 'banned_peers': [('', 6881)], 'renamed_files': { 0: 'test.txt', 2: 'test.txt' } }) self.st = self.h.status() self.assertEqual(self.st.save_path, os.getcwd()) trackers = self.h.trackers(); self.assertEqual(len(trackers), 1) self.assertEqual(trackers[0].get('url'), 'http://test.com/announce') self.assertEqual(trackers[0].get('tier'), 0) self.assertEqual(self.h.file_priorities(), [1,1]) self.assertEqual(self.h.http_seeds(),['http://test.com/file3']) # url_seeds was already set, test that it did not got overwritten self.assertEqual(self.h.url_seeds(), ['http://test.com/announce-url/', 'http://test.com/file/']) self.assertEqual(self.h.piece_priorities(),[4]) self.assertEqual(self.ti.merkle_tree(),[]) self.assertEqual(self.st.verified_pieces,[]) class test_torrent_info(unittest.TestCase): def test_bencoded_constructor(self): info = lt.torrent_info({'info': { 'name': 'test_torrent', 'length': 1234, 'piece length': 16 * 1024, 'pieces': 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'}}) self.assertEqual(info.num_files(), 1) f = info.files() self.assertEqual(f.file_path(0), 'test_torrent') self.assertEqual(f.file_size(0), 1234) self.assertEqual(info.total_size(), 1234) def test_metadata(self): ti = lt.torrent_info('base.torrent') self.assertTrue(len(ti.metadata()) != 0) self.assertTrue(len(ti.hash_for_piece(0)) != 0) def test_web_seeds(self): ti = lt.torrent_info('base.torrent') ws = [{'url': 'http://foo/test', 'auth': '', 'type': 0}, {'url': 'http://bar/test', 'auth': '', 'type': 1}] ti.set_web_seeds(ws) web_seeds = ti.web_seeds() self.assertEqual(len(ws), len(web_seeds)) for i in range(len(web_seeds)): self.assertEqual(web_seeds[i]["url"], ws[i]["url"]) self.assertEqual(web_seeds[i]["auth"], ws[i]["auth"]) self.assertEqual(web_seeds[i]["type"], ws[i]["type"]) def test_iterable_files(self): # this detects whether libtorrent was built with deprecated APIs # the file_strage object is only iterable for backwards compatibility if not hasattr(lt, 'version'): return lt.session({'alert_mask': lt.alert.category_t.all_categories, 'enable_dht': False}) ti = lt.torrent_info('url_seed_multi.torrent') files = ti.files() idx = 0 expected = ['bar.txt', 'var.txt'] for f in files: print(f.path) self.assertEqual(os.path.split(f.path)[1], expected[idx]) self.assertEqual(os.path.split(f.path)[0], os.path.join('temp', 'foo')) idx += 1 class test_alerts(unittest.TestCase): def test_alert(self): ses = lt.session({'alert_mask': lt.alert.category_t.all_categories, 'enable_dht': False}) ti = lt.torrent_info('base.torrent') h = ses.add_torrent({'ti': ti, 'save_path': os.getcwd()}) st = h.status() time.sleep(1) ses.remove_torrent(h) ses.wait_for_alert(1000) # milliseconds alerts = ses.pop_alerts() for a in alerts: print(a.message()) for field_name in dir(a): if field_name.startswith('__'): continue field = getattr(a, field_name) if callable(field): print(' ', field_name, ' = ', field()) else: print(' ', field_name, ' = ', field) print(st.next_announce) self.assertEqual(st.name, 'temp') print(st.errc.message()) print(st.pieces) print(st.last_seen_complete) print(st.completed_time) print(st.progress) print(st.num_pieces) print(st.distributed_copies) print(st.paused) print(st.info_hash) print(st.seeding_duration) print(st.last_upload) print(st.last_download) self.assertEqual(st.save_path, os.getcwd()) def test_pop_alerts(self): ses = lt.session({'alert_mask': lt.alert.category_t.all_categories, 'enable_dht': False}) ses.async_add_torrent( {"ti": lt.torrent_info("base.torrent"), "save_path": "."}) # this will cause an error (because of duplicate torrents) and the # torrent_info object created here will be deleted once the alert goes out # of scope. When that happens, it will decrement the python object, to allow # it to release the object. # we're trying to catch the error described in this post, with regards to # torrent_info. # https://mail.python.org/pipermail/cplusplus-sig/2007-June/012130.html ses.async_add_torrent( {"ti": lt.torrent_info("base.torrent"), "save_path": "."}) time.sleep(1) for i in range(0, 10): alerts = ses.pop_alerts() for a in alerts: print(a.message()) time.sleep(0.1) class test_bencoder(unittest.TestCase): def test_bencode(self): encoded = lt.bencode({'a': 1, 'b': [1, 2, 3], 'c': 'foo'}) self.assertEqual(encoded, b'd1:ai1e1:bli1ei2ei3ee1:c3:fooe') def test_bdecode(self): encoded = b'd1:ai1e1:bli1ei2ei3ee1:c3:fooe' decoded = lt.bdecode(encoded) self.assertEqual(decoded, {b'a': 1, b'b': [1, 2, 3], b'c': b'foo'}) class test_sha1hash(unittest.TestCase): def test_sha1hash(self): h = 'a0'*20 s = lt.sha1_hash(binascii.unhexlify(h)) self.assertEqual(h, str(s)) class test_session(unittest.TestCase): def test_post_session_stats(self): s = lt.session({'alert_mask': lt.alert.category_t.stats_notification, 'enable_dht': False}) s.post_session_stats() a = s.wait_for_alert(1000) self.assertTrue(isinstance(a, lt.session_stats_alert)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(a.values, dict)) self.assertTrue(len(a.values) > 0) def test_add_torrent(self): s = lt.session({'alert_mask': lt.alert.category_t.stats_notification, 'enable_dht': False}) h = s.add_torrent({'ti': lt.torrent_info('base.torrent'), 'save_path': '.', 'dht_nodes': [('', 6881), ('', 6881)], 'http_seeds': ['http://test.com/seed'], 'peers': [('', 6881)], 'banned_peers': [('', 6881)], 'file_priorities': [1,1,1,2,0]}) def test_unknown_settings(self): try: s = lt.session({'unexpected-key-name': 42}) self.assertFalse('should have thrown an exception') except KeyError as e: print(e) def test_apply_settings(self): s = lt.session({'enable_dht': False}) s.apply_settings({'num_want': 66, 'user_agent': 'test123'}) self.assertEqual(s.get_settings()['num_want'], 66) self.assertEqual(s.get_settings()['user_agent'], 'test123') def test_post_session_stats(self): s = lt.session({'alert_mask': lt.alert.category_t.stats_notification, 'enable_dht': False}) s.post_session_stats() a = s.wait_for_alert(1000) self.assertTrue(isinstance(a, lt.session_stats_alert)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(a.values, dict)) self.assertTrue(len(a.values) > 0) def test_add_torrent(self): s = lt.session({'alert_mask': lt.alert.category_t.stats_notification, 'enable_dht': False}) s.add_torrent({ 'ti': lt.torrent_info('base.torrent'), 'save_path': '.', 'dht_nodes': [('', 6881), ('', 6881)], 'http_seeds': ['http://test.com/seed'], 'peers': [('', 6881)], 'banned_peers': [('', 6881)], 'file_priorities': [1, 1, 1, 2, 0]}) def test_unknown_settings(self): try: lt.session({'unexpected-key-name': 42}) self.assertFalse('should have thrown an exception') except KeyError as e: print(e) def test_apply_settings(self): s = lt.session({'enable_dht': False}) s.apply_settings({'num_want': 66, 'user_agent': 'test123'}) self.assertEqual(s.get_settings()['num_want'], 66) self.assertEqual(s.get_settings()['user_agent'], 'test123') def test_fingerprint(self): self.assertEqual(lt.generate_fingerprint('LT', 0, 1, 2, 3), '-LT0123-') self.assertEqual(lt.generate_fingerprint('..', 10, 1, 2, 3), '-..A123-') class test_example_client(unittest.TestCase): def test_execute_client(self): if os.name == 'nt': # TODO: fix windows includes of client.py return my_stdin = sys.stdin if os.name != 'nt': master_fd, slave_fd = pty.openpty() # slave_fd fix multiple stdin assignment at termios.tcgetattr my_stdin = slave_fd process = sub.Popen( [sys.executable,"client.py","url_seed_multi.torrent"], stdin=my_stdin, stdout=sub.PIPE, stderr=sub.PIPE) # python2 has no Popen.wait() timeout time.sleep(5) returncode = process.poll() if returncode == None: # this is an expected use-case process.kill() err = process.stderr.read().decode("utf-8") self.assertEqual('', err, 'process throw errors: \n' + err) # check error code if process did unexpected end if returncode != None: # in case of error return: output stdout if nothing was on stderr if returncode != 0: print("stdout:\n" + process.stdout.read().decode("utf-8")) self.assertEqual(returncode, 0, "returncode: " + str(returncode) + "\n" + "stderr: empty\n" + "some configuration does not output errors like missing module members," + "try to call it manually to get the error message\n") def test_execute_simple_client(self): process = sub.Popen( [sys.executable,"simple_client.py","url_seed_multi.torrent"], stdout=sub.PIPE, stderr=sub.PIPE) # python2 has no Popen.wait() timeout time.sleep(5) returncode = process.poll() if returncode == None: # this is an expected use-case process.kill() err = process.stderr.read().decode("utf-8") self.assertEqual('', err, 'process throw errors: \n' + err) # check error code if process did unexpected end if returncode != None: # in case of error return: output stdout if nothing was on stderr if returncode != 0: print("stdout:\n" + process.stdout.read().decode("utf-8")) self.assertEqual(returncode, 0, "returncode: " + str(returncode) + "\n" + "stderr: empty\n" + "some configuration does not output errors like missing module members," + "try to call it manually to get the error message\n") def test_execute_make_torrent(self): process = sub.Popen( [sys.executable,"make_torrent.py","url_seed_multi.torrent", "http://test.com/test"], stdout=sub.PIPE, stderr=sub.PIPE) returncode = process.wait() # python2 has no Popen.wait() timeout err = process.stderr.read().decode("utf-8") self.assertEqual('', err, 'process throw errors: \n' + err) # in case of error return: output stdout if nothing was on stderr if returncode != 0: print("stdout:\n" + process.stdout.read().decode("utf-8")) self.assertEqual(returncode, 0, "returncode: " + str(returncode) + "\n" + "stderr: empty\n" + "some configuration does not output errors like missing module members," + "try to call it manually to get the error message\n") if __name__ == '__main__': print(lt.__version__) shutil.copy(os.path.join('..', '..', 'test', 'test_torrents', 'url_seed_multi.torrent'), '.') shutil.copy(os.path.join('..', '..', 'test', 'test_torrents', 'base.torrent'), '.') shutil.copy(os.path.join('..', '..', 'test', 'test_torrents', 'unordered.torrent'), '.') unittest.main()