# this is meant to parse the dht_lookups.log generated by parse_dht_log.py import os nodes = {} def get_origin(n): if n in nodes: return list(nodes[n]['conns']) else: return [''] def calculate_pos(nid, dist): nid = int(nid[0:7], 16) x = 0 y = 0 for i in range(0, 28, 2): x |= (nid & (1 << i)) >> (i / 2) y |= (nid & (2 << i)) >> (i / 2 + 1) # print '%d -> %d %d' % (dist, x, y) return (x / 3, y / 3) def plot_nodes(nodes, frame): try: os.mkdir('dht_frames') except: pass out = open('dht_frames/plot-%02d.dot' % frame, 'w+') edges = set() print >>out, 'graph swarm {' # print >>out, '"tl" [shape=point pos="0,0!"];' # print >>out, '"tr" [shape=point pos="1638,0!"];' # print >>out, '"ll" [shape=point pos="1638,1638!"];' # print >>out, '"tr" [shape=point pos="0,1638!"];' for dst, n in nodes.items(): shape = 'point' if 's' in n: shape = n['s'] print >>out, '"%s" [shape=%s fillcolor="%s" label="" pos="%d,%d!"];' % (dst, shape, n['c'], n['p'][0], n['p'][1]) for e in n['conns']: if (e, dst) in edges: continue # only add an edge once to the .dot file edges.add((e, dst)) edges.add((dst, e)) style = 'solid' col = 'gray' if nodes[dst]['c'] != 'white' and nodes[e]['c'] != 'white': style = 'solid' col = 'black' print >>out, '"%s" -- "%s" [style="%s" color="%s"];' % (e, dst, style, col) print >>out, '}' out.close() os.system('neato -n dht_frames/plot-%02d.dot -Tpng -o dht_frames/frame-%02d.png' % (frame, frame)) frame = 0 next_render_time = 100 f = open('dht_lookups.txt') for l in f: if l.startswith('***'): break kind = l[0:3].strip() l = l[3:].strip().split(' ') if kind == '===': continue t = int(l[0]) if t > next_render_time: plot_nodes(nodes, frame) frame += 1 next_render_time += 100 # sys.exit(0) if kind == '<>': p = calculate_pos(l[1], 0) dst = '' if not dst in nodes: nodes[dst] = { 'conns': set(), 'p': p, 'c': 'blue', 's': 'circle'} p = calculate_pos(l[2], 25) dst = '' if not dst in nodes: nodes[dst] = { 'conns': set(), 'p': p, 'c': 'yellow', 's': 'circle'} elif kind == '->': dst = l[3] if not dst in nodes: src = get_origin(dst) p = calculate_pos(l[2], int(l[1])) nodes[dst] = { 'conns': set(src), 'p': p, 'c': 'grey'} nodes[dst]['c'] = 'grey' elif kind == '+': dst = l[3] src = l[4] p = calculate_pos(l[2], int(l[1])) if not dst in nodes: nodes[dst] = { 'conns': set(), 'p': p, 'c': 'white'} nodes[dst]['conns'].add(src) elif kind == '<-': dst = l[3] nodes[dst]['c'] = 'green' elif kind == 'x': dst = l[3] nodes[dst]['c'] = 'orange' elif kind == 'X': dst = l[3] nodes[dst]['c'] = 'red' f.close()