/* Copyright (c) 2008, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include "libtorrent/session.hpp" #include "libtorrent/hasher.hpp" #include "libtorrent/thread.hpp" #include #include "test.hpp" #include "libtorrent/assert.hpp" #include "libtorrent/alert_types.hpp" #include "libtorrent/create_torrent.hpp" using namespace libtorrent; bool tests_failure = false; void report_failure(char const* err, char const* file, int line) { #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS HANDLE console = CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, 0); SetConsoleTextAttribute(console, FOREGROUND_RED); std::cerr << "\n**** " << file << ":" << line << " \"" << err << " ****\n\n"; CloseHandle(console); #else std::cerr << "\033[31m" << file << ":" << line << " \"" << err << "\"\033[0m\n"; #endif tests_failure = true; } bool print_alerts(libtorrent::session& ses, char const* name , bool allow_disconnects, bool allow_no_torrents, bool allow_failed_fastresume , bool (*predicate)(libtorrent::alert*)) { bool ret = false; std::vector handles = ses.get_torrents(); TEST_CHECK(!handles.empty() || allow_no_torrents); torrent_handle h; if (!handles.empty()) h = handles[0]; std::auto_ptr a; a = ses.pop_alert(); while (a.get()) { if (predicate && predicate(a.get())) ret = true; if (peer_disconnected_alert* p = dynamic_cast(a.get())) { std::cerr << name << "(" << p->ip << "): " << p->message() << "\n"; } else if (a->message() != "block downloading" && a->message() != "block finished" && a->message() != "piece finished") { std::cerr << name << ": " << a->message() << "\n"; } TEST_CHECK(dynamic_cast(a.get()) == 0 || allow_failed_fastresume); TEST_CHECK(dynamic_cast(a.get()) == 0 || (!handles.empty() && h.is_seed()) || a->message() == "connecting to peer" || a->message() == "closing connection to ourself" || a->message() == "duplicate connection" || a->message() == "duplicate peer-id, connection closed" || (allow_disconnects && a->message() == "Broken pipe") || (allow_disconnects && a->message() == "Connection reset by peer") || (allow_disconnects && a->message() == "End of file.")); a = ses.pop_alert(); } return ret; } void test_sleep(int millisec) { libtorrent::sleep(millisec); } void stop_web_server(int port) { char buf[100]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "kill `cat ./lighty%d.pid` >/dev/null", port); system(buf); } void start_web_server(int port, bool ssl) { stop_web_server(port); if (ssl) { fprintf(stderr, "generating SSL key\n"); system("echo . > tmp"); system("echo test province >>tmp"); system("echo test city >> tmp"); system("echo test company >> tmp"); system("echo test department >> tmp"); system("echo tester >> tmp"); system("echo test@test.com >> tmp"); system("openssl req -new -x509 -keyout server.pem -out server.pem " "-days 365 -nodes \"%s://\"" ", \"^/infinite_redirect$\" => \"%s://\"" ", \"^/relative/redirect$\" => \"../test_file\"" ")\n" "$HTTP[\"url\"] == \"/test_file.gz\" {\n" " setenv.add-response-header = ( \"Content-Encoding\" => \"gzip\" )\n" "}\n" "ssl.engine = \"%s\"\n" "ssl.pemfile = \"server.pem\"\n" , current_working_directory().c_str(), port, port , (ssl?"https":"http"), port, (ssl?"https":"http"), port , (ssl?"enable":"disable")); file::iovec_t b = { buf, buf_size }; f.writev(0, &b, 1, ec); if (ec) { fprintf(stderr, "error writing lighty config file: %s\n", ec.message().c_str()); return; } f.close(); fprintf(stderr, "starting lighty\n\n%s\n\n", buf); system("lighttpd -f lighty_config 2> lighty.err >lighty.log &"); test_sleep(1000); } void stop_proxy(int port) { char buf[100]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "delegated -P%d -Fkill", port); system(buf); } void start_proxy(int port, int proxy_type) { using namespace libtorrent; stop_proxy(port); char const* type = ""; char const* auth = ""; switch (proxy_type) { case proxy_settings::socks4: type = "socks4"; break; case proxy_settings::socks5: type = "socks5"; break; case proxy_settings::socks5_pw: type = "socks5"; auth = "AUTHORIZER=-list{testuser:testpass}"; break; case proxy_settings::http: type = "http"; break; case proxy_settings::http_pw: type = "http"; auth = "AUTHORIZER=-list{testuser:testpass}"; break; } char buf[512]; // we need to echo n since dg will ask us to configure it snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "echo n | delegated -P%d ADMIN=test@test.com " "PERMIT=\"*:*:localhost\" REMITTABLE=+,https RELAY=proxy,delegate " "SERVER=%s %s" , port, type, auth); system(buf); test_sleep(1000); } using namespace libtorrent; template boost::intrusive_ptr clone_ptr(boost::intrusive_ptr const& ptr) { return boost::intrusive_ptr(new T(*ptr)); } boost::intrusive_ptr create_torrent(std::ostream* file, int piece_size, int num_pieces) { char const* tracker_url = "http://non-existent-name.com/announce"; // excercise the path when encountering invalid urls char const* invalid_tracker_url = "http:"; char const* invalid_tracker_protocol = "foo://non/existent-name.com/announce"; file_storage fs; int total_size = piece_size * num_pieces; fs.add_file("temporary", total_size); libtorrent::create_torrent t(fs, piece_size); t.add_tracker(tracker_url); t.add_tracker(invalid_tracker_url); t.add_tracker(invalid_tracker_protocol); std::vector piece(piece_size); for (int i = 0; i < int(piece.size()); ++i) piece[i] = (i % 26) + 'A'; // calculate the hash for all pieces int num = t.num_pieces(); sha1_hash ph = hasher(&piece[0], piece.size()).final(); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) t.set_hash(i, ph); if (file) { while (total_size > 0) { file->write(&piece[0], (std::min)(int(piece.size()), total_size)); total_size -= piece.size(); } } std::vector tmp; std::back_insert_iterator > out(tmp); bencode(out, t.generate()); return boost::intrusive_ptr(new torrent_info(&tmp[0], tmp.size())); } boost::tuple setup_transfer(session* ses1, session* ses2, session* ses3 , bool clear_files, bool use_metadata_transfer, bool connect_peers , std::string suffix, int piece_size , boost::intrusive_ptr* torrent, bool super_seeding , add_torrent_params const* p) { assert(ses1); assert(ses2); session_settings sess_set; sess_set.allow_multiple_connections_per_ip = true; sess_set.ignore_limits_on_local_network = false; ses1->set_settings(sess_set); ses2->set_settings(sess_set); if (ses3) ses3->set_settings(sess_set); ses1->set_alert_mask(~alert::progress_notification); ses2->set_alert_mask(~alert::progress_notification); if (ses3) ses3->set_alert_mask(~alert::progress_notification); std::srand(time(0)); peer_id pid; std::generate(&pid[0], &pid[0] + 20, std::rand); ses1->set_peer_id(pid); std::generate(&pid[0], &pid[0] + 20, std::rand); ses2->set_peer_id(pid); assert(ses1->id() != ses2->id()); if (ses3) { std::generate(&pid[0], &pid[0] + 20, std::rand); ses3->set_peer_id(pid); assert(ses3->id() != ses2->id()); } boost::intrusive_ptr t; if (torrent == 0) { error_code ec; create_directory("./tmp1" + suffix, ec); std::ofstream file(("./tmp1" + suffix + "/temporary").c_str()); t = ::create_torrent(&file, piece_size, 19); file.close(); if (clear_files) { remove_all("./tmp2" + suffix + "/temporary", ec); remove_all("./tmp3" + suffix + "/temporary", ec); } char ih_hex[41]; to_hex((char const*)&t->info_hash()[0], 20, ih_hex); std::cerr << "generated torrent: " << ih_hex << " ./tmp1" << suffix << "/temporary" << std::endl; } else { t = *torrent; } // they should not use the same save dir, because the // file pool will complain if two torrents are trying to // use the same files sha1_hash info_hash = t->info_hash(); add_torrent_params param; if (p) param = *p; param.ti = clone_ptr(t); param.save_path = "./tmp1" + suffix; torrent_handle tor1 = ses1->add_torrent(param); tor1.super_seeding(super_seeding); TEST_CHECK(!ses1->get_torrents().empty()); torrent_handle tor2; torrent_handle tor3; // the downloader cannot use seed_mode param.seed_mode = false; if (ses3) { param.ti = clone_ptr(t); param.save_path = "./tmp3" + suffix; tor3 = ses3->add_torrent(param); TEST_CHECK(!ses3->get_torrents().empty()); } if (use_metadata_transfer) { param.ti = 0; param.info_hash = t->info_hash(); } else { param.ti = clone_ptr(t); } param.save_path = "./tmp2" + suffix; tor2 = ses2->add_torrent(param); TEST_CHECK(!ses2->get_torrents().empty()); assert(ses1->get_torrents().size() == 1); assert(ses2->get_torrents().size() == 1); test_sleep(100); if (connect_peers) { std::cerr << "connecting peer\n"; error_code ec; tor1.connect_peer(tcp::endpoint(address::from_string("", ec) , ses2->listen_port())); if (ses3) { // give the other peers some time to get an initial // set of pieces before they start sharing with each-other tor3.connect_peer(tcp::endpoint( address::from_string("", ec) , ses2->listen_port())); tor3.connect_peer(tcp::endpoint( address::from_string("", ec) , ses1->listen_port())); } } return boost::make_tuple(tor1, tor2, tor3); }