libtorrent manual



libtorrent is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around. It is a library and not a full featured client, although it comes with a working example client.

The main goals of libtorrent are:

  • to be cpu efficient
  • to be memory efficient
  • to be very easy to use

libtorrent is not finished. It is an ongoing project (including this documentation). The current state includes the following features:

  • multitracker extension support (as described by John Hoffman)
  • serves multiple torrents on a single port and a single thread
  • supports http proxies and proxy authentication
  • gzipped tracker-responses
  • piece picking on block-level like in Azureus (as opposed to piece-level).
  • queues torrents for file check, instead of checking all of them in parallel.
  • uses separate threads for checking files and for main downloader, with a fool-proof thread-safe library interface. (i.e. There's no way for the user to cause a deadlock).
  • can limit the upload and download bandwidth usage and the maximum number of unchoked peers
  • piece-wise, unordered, file allocation
  • implements fair trade. User settable trade-ratio, must at least be 1:1, but one can choose to trade 1 for 2 or any other ratio that isn't unfair to the other party. (i.e. real tit for tat)
  • fast resume support, a way to get rid of the costly piece check at the start of a resumed torrent. Saves the storage state, piece_picker state as well as all local peers in a separate fast-resume file.
  • supports the extension protocol described by Nolar. See extensions.
  • supports files > 2 gigabytes.
  • supports the no_peer_id=1 extension that will ease the load off trackers.
  • supports the udp-tracker protocol by Olaf van der Spek.
  • possibility to limit the number of connections.
  • delays have messages if there's no other outgoing traffic to the peer, and doesn't send have messages to peers that already has the piece. This saves bandwidth.
  • does not have any requirements on the piece order in a torrent that it resumes. This means it can resume a torrent downloaded by any client.
  • adjusts the length of the request queue depending on download rate.
  • supports the compact=1 tracker parameter.

Functions that are yet to be implemented:

  • better identification of peers that send bad data
  • ip-filters
  • file-level priority

libtorrent is portable at least among windows, macosx, and UNIX-systems. It uses boost.thread, boost.filesystem, boost.date_time and various other boost libraries as well as zlib.

libtorrent has been successfully compiled and tested on:

  • Windows 2000 vc7.1
  • Linux x86 (debian) GCC 3.0.4, GCC 3.2.3
  • Windows 2000, msvc6 sp5 (does not support 64-bit values due to problems with operator<<(ostream&, __int64))
  • MacOS X, GCC 3.3

Fails on:

  • GCC 2.95.4 (std::ios_base is missing)
  • Cygwin GCC 3.3.1 (builds but crashes)

libtorrent is released under the BSD-license.

downloading and building

To acquire the latest version of libtorrent, you'll have to grab it from CVS. You'll find instructions on how to do this here (see Anonymous CVS access).

The easiest way to build libtorrent is probably to use boost-build. Make sure you install it correctly by setting the environment variable BOOST_BUILD_PATH and modifying the user_config.jam to reflect the toolsets you have installed.

You also need to install boost 1.31.0.

Before you invoke bjam you have to set the environment variable BOOST_ROOT to the path where you installed boost. This will be used to build and link against the required boost libraries as well as be used as include path for boost headers.

To build you just have to run:

bjam <toolset> link=static

in the libtorrent directory.

If you're building on a platform where dlls share the same heap, you can build libtorrent as a dll too, by typing link=shared instead of link=static.

To build on MacOS X, you need the latest version of boost-build, from the boost cvs.

If you're making your own project file, note that there are two versions of the file abstraction. There's one file_win.cpp which relies on windows file API that supports files larger than 2 Gigabytes. This does not work in vc6 for some reason, possibly because it may require windows NT and above. The other file, file.cpp is the default implementation that simply relies on the standard low level io routines (read, write etc.), but for some reason this implementation doesn't seem to work on windows.

cygwin and msvc

Note that if you're building on windows using the msvc toolset, you cannot run it from a cygwin terminal, you'll have to run it from a cmd terminal. The same goes for cygwin, if you're building with gcc (mingw) you'll have to run it from a cygwin terminal. Also, make sure the paths are correct in the different environments. In cygwin, the paths (BOOST_BUILD_PATH and BOOST_ROOT) should be in the typical unix-format (e.g. /cygdrive/c/boost_1_31_0). In the windows environment, they should have the typical windows format (c:/boost_1_31_0).

If you're building in developer studio, you may have to set the compiler options "force conformance in for loop scope", "treat wchar_t as built-in type" and "Enable Run-Time Type Info" to Yes.

If you're building in developer studio 6, you will probably have to use the previous version of boost, boost 1.30.2. And you'll definately have to use at least service pack 5 (sp5).

release and debug builds

The Jamfile can build both a release and debug version of libtorrent. In debug mode, libtorrent will have pretty expensive invariant checks and asserts built into it. If you want to disable such checks (you want to do that in a release build) you can see the table below for which defines you can use to control the build. The Jamfile will define NDEBUG when it's building a release build.

macro description
NDEBUG If you define this macro, all asserts, invariant checks and general debug code will be removed. This option takes precedence over other debug settings.
TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING If you define this macro, every peer connection will log its traffic to a log file. This setting requires a debug build, i.e. if you set NDEBUG aswell, no logs will be written.
TORRENT_STORAGE_DEBUG This will enable extra expensive invariant checks in the storage, including logging of piece sorting.
TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSIONS This will disble the support for extensions. For more information on which extensions are currently implemented, see extensions.

If you experience that libtorrent uses unreasonable amounts of cpu, it will definately help to define NDEBUG.


The interface of libtorrent consists of a few classes. The main class is the session, it contains the main loop that serves all torrents.

The basic usage is as follows:

Each class and function is described in this manual.


The session class has the following synopsis:

class session: public boost::noncopyable

        session(const fingerprint& print = libtorrent::fingerprint("LT", 0, 1, 0, 0));

                const fingerprint& print
                , std::pair<int, int> listen_port_range
                , const char* listen_interface = 0);

        torrent_handle add_torrent(
                entry const& e
                , boost::filesystem::path const& save_path
                , entry const& resume_data = entry());

        torrent_handle add_torrent(
                char const* tracker_url
                , sha1_hash const& info_hash
                , boost::filesystem::path const& save_path
                , entry const& resume_data = entry());

        void remove_torrent(torrent_handle const& h);

        void set_http_settings(const http_settings& settings);

        void set_upload_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second);
        void set_download_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second);

        session_status status() const;

        bool is_listening() const;
        unsigned short listen_port() const;
        bool listen_on(
                std::pair<int, int> const& port_range
                , char const* interface = 0);

        std::auto_ptr<alert> pop_alert();
        void set_severity_level(alert::severity_t s);


Once it's created, the session object will spawn the main thread that will do all the work. The main thread will be idle as long it doesn't have any torrents to participate in.


session(const fingerprint& print = libtorrent::fingerprint("LT", 0, 1, 0, 0));
        const fingerprint& print
        , std::pair<int, int> listen_port_range
        , const char* listen_interface = 0);

If the fingerprint in the first overload is ommited, the client will get a default fingerprint stating the version of libtorrent. The fingerprint is a short string that will be used in the peer-id to identify the client and the client's version. For more details see the fingerprint class. The constructor that only takes a fingerprint will not open a listen port for the session, to get it running you'll have to call session::listen_on(). The other constructor, that takes a port range and an interface as well as the fingerprint will automatically try to listen on a port on the given interface. For more information about the parameters, see listen_on() function.


The destructor of session will notify all trackers that our torrents have been shut down. If some trackers are down, they will time out. All this before the destructor of session returns. So, it's adviced that any kind of interface (such as windows) are closed before destructing the sessoin object. Because it can take a few second for it to finish. The timeout can be set with set_http_settings().


torrent_handle add_torrent(
        entry const& e
        , boost::filesystem::path const& save_path
        , entry const& resume_data = entry());
torrent_handle add_torrent(
        char const* tracker_url
        , sha1_hash const& info_hash
        , boost::filesystem::path const& save_path
        , entry const& resume_data = entry());

You add torrents through the add_torrent() function where you give an object representing the information found in the torrent file and the path where you want to save the files. The save_path will be prepended to the directory structure in the torrent-file.

If the torrent you are trying to add already exists in the session (is either queued for checking, being checked or downloading) add_torrent() will throw duplicate_torrent which derives from std::exception.

The optional last parameter, resume_data can be given if up to date fast-resume data is available. The fast-resume data can be acquired from a running torrent by calling torrent_handle::write_resume_data(). See fast resume.

The torrent_handle returned by add_torrent() can be used to retrieve information about the torrent's progress, its peers etc. It is also used to abort a torrent.

The second overload that takes a tracker url and an info-hash instead of metadata (entry) can be used with torrents where (at least some) peers support the metadata extension. For the overload to be available, libtorrent must be built with extensions enabled (TORRENT_ENABLE_EXTENSIONS defined).


void remove_torrent(torrent_handle const& h);

remove_torrent() will close all peer connections associated with the torrent and tell the tracker that we've stopped participating in the swarm.

set_upload_rate_limit() set_download_rate_limit()

void set_upload_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second);
void set_download_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second);

set_upload_rate_limit() set the maximum number of bytes allowed to be sent to peers per second. This bandwidth is distributed among all the peers. If you don't want to limit upload rate, you can set this to -1 (the default). set_download_rate_limit() works the same way but for download rate instead of upload rate.


session_status status() const;

status() returns session wide-statistics and status. The session_status struct has the following members:

struct session_status
        bool has_incoming_connections;

        float upload_rate;
        float download_rate;

        float payload_upload_rate;
        float payload_download_rate;

        size_type total_download;
        size_type total_upload;

        size_type total_payload_download;
        size_type total_payload_upload;

        int num_peers;

has_incoming_connections is false as long as no incoming connections have been established on the listening socket. Every time you change the listen port, this will be reset to false.

upload_rate, download_rate, payload_download_rate and payload_upload_rate are the total download and upload rates accumulated from all torrents. The payload versions is the payload download only.

total_download and total_upload are the total number of bytes downloaded and uploaded to and from all torrents. total_payload_download and total_payload_upload are the same thing but where only the payload is considered.

num_peers is the total number of peer connections this session have.

is_listening() listen_port() listen_on()

bool is_listening() const;
unsigned short listen_port() const;
bool listen_on(
        std::pair<int, int> const& port_range
        , char const* interface = 0);

is_listening() will tell you wether or not the session has successfully opened a listening port. If it hasn't, this function will return false, and then you can use listen_on() to make another try.

listen_port() returns the port we ended up listening on. Since you just pass a port-range to the constructor and to listen_on(), to know which port it ended up using, you have to ask the session using this function.

listen_on() will change the listen port and/or the listen interface. If the session is already listening on a port, this socket will be closed and a new socket will be opened with these new settings. The port range is the ports it will try to listen on, if the first port fails, it will continue trying the next port within the range and so on. The interface parameter can be left as 0, in that case the os will decide which interface to listen on, otherwise it should be the ip-address of the interface you want the listener socket bound to. listen_on() returns true if it managed to open the socket, and false if it failed. If it fails, it will also generate an appropriate alert (listen_failed_alert).

The interface parameter can also be a hostname that will resolve to the device you want to listen on.

pop_alert() set_severity_level()

std::auto_ptr<alert> pop_alert();
void set_severity_level(alert::severity_t s);

pop_alert() is used to ask the session if any errors or events has occured. With set_severity_level() you can filter how serious the event has to be for you to receive it through pop_alert(). For information, see alerts.


The entry class represents one node in a bencoded hierarchy. It works as a variant type, it can be either a list, a dictionary (std::map), an integer or a string. This is its synopsis:

class entry

        typedef std::list<std::pair<std::string, entry> > dictionary_type;
        typedef std::string string_type;
        typedef std::list<entry> list_type;
        typedef size_type integer_type;

        enum data_type

        data_type type() const;

        entry(const dictionary_type&);
        entry(const string_type&);
        entry(const list_type&);
        entry(const integer_type&);

        entry(data_type t);
        entry(const entry& e);

        void operator=(const entry& e);
        void operator=(const dictionary_type&);
        void operator=(const string_type&);
        void operator=(const list_type&);
        void operator=(const integer_type&);

        integer_type& integer();
        integer_type const& integer() const;
        string_type& string();
        string_type const& string() const;
        list_type& list();
        list_type const& list() const;
        dictionary_type& dict();
        dictionary_type const& dict() const;

        // these functions requires that the entry
        // is a dictionary, otherwise they will throw   
        entry& operator[](char const* key);
        entry& operator[](std::string const& key);
        const entry& operator[](char const* key) const;
        const entry& operator[](std::string const& key) const;
        entry* find_key(char const* key);
        entry const* find_key(char const* key) const;
        void print(std::ostream& os, int indent = 0) const;

TODO: finish documentation of entry.

integer() string() list() dict() type()

integer_type& integer();
integer_type const& integer() const;
string_type& string();
string_type const& string() const;
list_type& list();
list_type const& list() const;
dictionary_type& dict();
dictionary_type const& dict() const;

The integer(), string(), list() and dict() functions are accessors that return the respecive type. If the entry object isn't of the type you request, the accessor will throw type_error (which derives from std::runtime_error). You can ask an entry for its type through the type() function.

The print() function is there for debug purposes only.

If you want to create an entry you give it the type you want it to have in its constructor, and then use one of the non-const accessors to get a reference which you then can assign the value you want it to have.

The typical code to get info from a torrent file will then look like this:

entry torrent_file;
// ...

const entry::dictionary_type& dict = torrent_file.dict();
entry::dictionary_type::const_iterator i;
i = dict.find("announce");
if (i != dict.end())
        std::string tracker_url= i->second.string();
        std::cout << tracker_url << "\n";

To make it easier to extract information from a torren file, the class torrent_info exists.


The torrent_info has the following synopsis:

class torrent_info

        torrent_info(const entry& torrent_file)
        torrent_info(int piece_size, const char* name);

        entry create_torrent() const;
        void set_comment(char const* str);
        void set_creator(char const* str);
        void set_hash(int index, const sha1_hash& h);
        void add_tracker(std::string const& url, int tier = 0);
        void add_file(boost::filesystem::path file, size_type size);

        typedef std::vector>file_entry>::const_iterator file_iterator;
        typedef std::vector<file_entry>::const_reverse_iterator reverse_file_iterator;

        file_iterator begin_files() const;
        file_iterator end_files() const;
        reverse_file_iterator rbegin_files() const;
        reverse_file_iterator rend_files() const;

        int num_files() const;
        const file_entry& file_at(int index) const;

        const std::vector<announce_entry>& trackers() const;

        int prioritize_tracker(int index);

        size_type total_size() const;
        size_type piece_length() const;
        int num_pieces() const;
        const sha1_hash& info_hash() const;
        const std::stirng& name() const;
        const std::string& comment() const;

        creation_date() const;

        void print(std::ostream& os) const;

        size_type piece_size(unsigned int index) const;
        const sha1_hash& hash_for_piece(unsigned int index) const;

begin_files() end_files() rbegin_files() rend_files()

file_iterator begin_files() const;
file_iterator end_files() const;
reverse_file_iterator rbegin_files() const;
reverse_file_iterator rend_files() const;

This class will need some explanation. First of all, to get a list of all files in the torrent, you can use begin_files(), end_files(), rbegin_files() and rend_files(). These will give you standard vector iterators with the type file_entry.

struct file_entry
        boost::filesystem::path path;
        size_type size;

num_files() file_at()

int num_files() const;
const file_entry& file_at(int index) const;

If you need index-access to files you can use the num_files() and file_at() to access files using indices.


void print(std::ostream& os) const;

The print() function is there for debug purposes only. It will print the info from the torrent file to the given outstream.

trackers() prioritize_tracker()

const std::vector<announce_entry>& trackers() const;
int prioritize_tracker(int index);

The trackers() function will return a sorted vector of announce_entry. Each announce entry contains a string, which is the tracker url, and a tier index. The tier index is the high-level priority. No matter which trackers that works or not, the ones with lower tier will always be tried before the one with higher tier number.

struct announce_entry
        std::string url;
        int tier;

The prioritize_tracker() is used internally to move a tracker to the front of its tier group. i.e. It will never be moved pass a tracker with a different tier number. For more information about how multiple trackers are dealt with, see the specification.

total_size() piece_length() piece_size() num_pieces()

size_type total_size() const;
size_type piece_length() const;
size_type piece_size(unsigned int index) const;
int num_pieces() const;

total_size(), piece_length() and num_pieces() returns the total number of bytes the torrent-file represents (all the files in it), the number of byte for each piece and the total number of pieces, respectively. The difference between piece_size() and piece_length() is that piece_size() takes the piece index as argument and gives you the exact size of that piece. It will always be the same as piece_length() except in the case of the last piece, which may be smaller.

hash_for_piece() info_hash()

size_type piece_size(unsigned int index) const;
const sha1_hash& hash_for_piece(unsigned int index) const;

hash_for_piece() takes a piece-index and returns the 20-bytes sha1-hash for that piece and info_hash() returns the 20-bytes sha1-hash for the info-section of the torrent file. For more information on the sha1_hash, see the big_number class.

name() comment() creation_date()

const std::stirng& name() const;
const std::string& comment() const;
boost::optional<boost::posix_time::ptime> creation_date() const;

name() returns the name of the torrent.

comment() returns the comment associated with the torrent. If there's no comment, it will return an empty string. creation_date() returns a boost::posix_time::ptime object, representing the time when this torrent file was created. If there's no timestamp in the torrent file, this will return a date of january 1:st 1970.


You will usually have to store your torrent handles somewhere, since it's the object through which you retrieve infromation about the torrent and aborts the torrent. Its declaration looks like this:

struct torrent_handle

        torrent_status status();
        void get_download_queue(std::vector<partial_piece_info>& queue);
        void get_peer_info(std::vector<peer_info>& v);
        torrent_info const& get_torrent_info();
        bool is_valid();

        entry write_resume_data();
        void force_reannounce();
        void connect_peer(address const& adr) const;

        void set_tracker_login(std::string const& username, std::string const& password);

        void set_ratio(float ratio);
        void set_max_uploads(int max_uploads);
        void set_max_connections(int max_connections);
        void set_upload_limit(int limit);
        void set_download_limit(int limit);
        void use_interface(char const* net_interface);

        void pause();
        void resume();
        bool is_paused() const;

        boost::filsystem::path save_path() const;
        bool move_storage(boost::filesystem::path const& save_path);

        sha1_hash info_hash() const;

        bool operator==(const torrent_handle&) const;
        bool operator!=(const torrent_handle&) const;
        bool operator<(const torrent_handle&) const;

The default constructor will initialize the handle to an invalid state. Which means you cannot perform any operation on it, unless you first assign it a valid handle. If you try to perform any operation on an uninitialized handle, it will throw invalid_handle.


boost::filsystem::path save_path() const;

save_path() returns the path that was given to add_torrent() when this torrent was started.


bool move_storage(boost::filsystem::path const& save_path);

Moves the file(s) that this torrent are currently seeding from or downloading to. This operation will only have the desired effect if the given save_path is located on the same drive as the original save path. If the move operation fails, this function returns false, otherwise true. Post condition for successful operation is: save_path() == save_path.


void force_reannounce();

force_reannounce() will force this torrent to do another tracker request, to receive new peers. If the torrent is invalid, queued or in checking mode, this functions will throw invalid_handle.


void connect_peer(address const& adr) const;

connect_peer() is a way to manually connect to peers that one believe is a part of the torrent. If the peer does not respond, or is not a member of this torrent, it will simply be disconnected. No harm can be done by using this other than an unnecessary connection attempt is made. If the torrent is uninitialized or in queued or checking mode, this will throw invalid_handle.


void set_ratio(float ratio);

set_ratio() sets the desired download / upload ratio. If set to 0, it is considered being infinite. i.e. the client will always upload as much as it can, no matter how much it gets back in return. With this setting it will work much like the standard clients.

Besides 0, the ratio can be set to any number greater than or equal to 1. It means how much to attempt to upload in return for each download. e.g. if set to 2, the client will try to upload 2 bytes for every byte received. The default setting for this is 0, which will make it work as a standard client.

set_upload_limit() set_download_limit()

void set_upload_limit(int limit);
void set_download_limit(int limit);

set_upload_limit will limit the upload bandwidth used by this particular torrent to the limit you set. It is given as the number of bytes per second the torrent is allowed to upload. set_download_limit works the same way but for download bandwidth instead of upload bandwidth. Note that setting a higher limit on a torrent then the global limit (session::set_upload_rate_limit) will not override the global rate limit. The torrent can never upload more than the global rate limit.

pause() resume() is_paused()

void pause();
void resume();
bool is_paused() const;

pause(), and resume() will disconnect all peers and reconnect all peers respectively. When a torrent is paused, it will however remember all share ratios to all peers and remember all potential (not connected) peers. You can use is_paused() to determine if a torrent is currently paused. Torrents may be paused automatically if there is a file error (eg. disk full) or something similar. See file_error_alert.


void set_tracker_login(std::string const& username, std::string const& password);

set_tracker_login() sets a username and password that will be sent along in the HTTP-request of the tracker announce. Set this if the tracker requires authorization.


void use_interface(char const* net_interface);

use_interface() sets the network interface this torrent will use when it opens outgoing connections. By default, it uses the same interface as the session uses to listen on. The parameter can be a string containing an ip-address or a hostname.


sha1_hash info_hash() const;

info_hash() returns the info-hash for the torrent.

set_max_uploads() set_max_connections()

void set_max_uploads(int max_uploads);
void set_max_connections(int max_connections);

set_max_uploads() sets the maximum number of peers that's unchoked at the same time on this torrent. If you set this to -1, there will be no limit.

set_max_connections() sets the maximum number of connection this torrent will open. If all connections are used up, incoming connections may be refused or poor connections may be closed. This must be at least 2. The default is unlimited number of connections. If -1 is given to the function, it means unlimited.


entry write_resume_data();

write_resume_data() generates fast-resume data and returns it as an entry. This entry is suitable for being bencoded. For more information about how fast-resume works, see fast resume. It may throw invalid_handle if the torrent handle is invalid.

Note that by the time this function returns, the resume data may already be invalid if the torrent is still downloading! The recommended practice is to first pause the torrent, then generate the fast resume data, and then close it down.


torrent_status status();

status() will return a structure with information about the status of this torrent. If the torrent_handle is invalid, it will throw invalid_handle exception. See torrent_status.


void get_download_queue(std::vector<partial_piece_info>& queue);

get_download_queue() takes a non-const reference to a vector which it will fill with information about pieces that are partially downloaded or not downloaded at all but partially requested. The entry in the vector (partial_piece_info) looks like this:

struct partial_piece_info
        enum { max_blocks_per_piece };
        int piece_index;
        int blocks_in_piece;
        std::bitset<max_blocks_per_piece> requested_blocks;
        std::bitset<max_blocks_per_piece> finished_blocks;
        peer_id peer[max_blocks_per_piece];
        int num_downloads[max_blocks_per_piece];

piece_index is the index of the piece in question. blocks_in_piece is the number of blocks in this particular piece. This number will be the same for most pieces, but the last piece may have fewer blocks than the standard pieces.

requested_blocks is a bitset with one bit per block in the piece. If a bit is set, it means that that block has been requested, but not necessarily fully downloaded yet. To know from whom the block has been requested, have a look in the peer array. The bit-index in the requested_blocks and finished_blocks correspons to the array-index into peers and num_downloads. The array of peers is contains the id of the peer the piece was requested from. If a piece hasn't been requested (the bit in requested_blocks is not set) the peer array entry will be undefined.

The finished_blocks is a bitset where each bit says if the block is fully downloaded or not. And the num_downloads array says how many times that block has been downloaded. When a piece fails a hash verification, single blocks may be redownloaded to see if the hash teast may pass then.


void get_peer_info(std::vector<peer_info>&);

get_peer_info() takes a reference to a vector that will be cleared and filled with one entry for each peer connected to this torrent, given the handle is valid. If the torrent_handle is invalid, it will throw invalid_handle exception. Each entry in the vector contains information about that particular peer. See peer_info.


torrent_info const& get_torrent_info();

Returns a const reference to the torrent_info object associated with this torrent. This reference is valid as long as the torrent_handle is valid, no longer. If the torrent_handle is invalid, invalid_handle exception will be thrown.


bool is_valid() const;

Returns true if this handle refers to a valid torrent and false if it hasn't been initialized or if the torrent it refers to has been aborted. Note that a handle may become invalid after it has been added to the session. Usually this is because the storage for the torrent is somehow invalid or if the filenames are not allowed (and hence cannot be opened/created) on your filesystem. If such an error occurs, a file_error_alert is generated and all handles that refers to that torrent will become invalid.


It contains the following fields:

struct torrent_status
        enum state_t

        state_t state;
        bool paused;
        float progress;
        boost::posix_time::time_duration next_announce;
        boost::posix_time::time_duration announce_interval;

        std::string current_tracker;

        size_type total_download;
        size_type total_upload;

        size_type total_payload_download;
        size_type total_payload_upload;

        size_type total_failed_bytes;

        float download_rate;
        float upload_rate;

        float download_payload_rate;
        float upload_payload_rate;

        int num_peers;

        const std::vector<bool>* pieces;
        size_type total_done;

        int num_seeds;
        float distributed_copies;

        int block_size;

progress is a value in the range [0, 1], that represents the progress of the torrent's current task. It may be checking files or downloading. The torrent's current task is in the state member, it will be one of the following:

queued_for_checking The torrent is in the queue for being checked. But there currently is another torrent that are being checked. This torrent will wait for its turn.
checking_files The torrent has not started its download yet, and is currently checking existing files.
connecting_to_tracker The torrent has sent a request to the tracker and is currently waiting for a response
downloading The torrent is being downloaded. This is the state most torrents will be in most of the time. The progress meter will tell how much of the files that has been downloaded.
seeding In this state the torrent has finished downloading and is a pure seeder.

paused is set to true if the torrent is paused and false otherwise.

next_announce is the time until the torrent will announce itself to the tracker. And announce_interval is the time the tracker want us to wait until we announce ourself again the next time.

current_tracker is the URL of the last working tracker. If no tracker request has been successful yet, it's set to an empty string.

total_download and total_upload is the number of bytes downloaded and uploaded to all peers, accumulated, this session only.

total_payload_download and total_payload_upload counts the amount of bytes send and received this session, but only the actual oayload data (i.e the interesting data), these counters ignore any protocol overhead.

total_failed_bytes is the number of bytes that has been downloaded and that has failed the piece hash test. In other words, this is just how much crap that has been downloaded.

pieces is the bitmask that represents which pieces we have (set to true) and the pieces we don't have. It's a pointer and may be set to 0 if the torrent isn't downloading or seeding.

download_rate and upload_rate are the total rates for all peers for this torrent. These will usually have better precision than summing the rates from all peers. The rates are given as the number of bytes per second. The download_payload_rate and upload_payload_rate respectively is the total transfer rate of payload only, not counting protocol chatter. This might be slightly smaller than the other rates, but if projected over a long time (e.g. when calculating ETA:s) the difference may be noticable.

num_peers is the number of peers this torrent currently is connected to.

total_done is the total number of bytes of the file(s) that we have. All this does not necessarily has to be downloaded during this session (that's total_download_payload).

num_seeds is the number of peers that are seeding that this client is currently connected to.

distributed_copies is the number of distributed copies of the torrent. Note that one copy may be spread out among many peers. The integer part tells how many copies there are currently of the rarest piece(s) among the peers this client is connected to. The fractional part tells the share of pieces that have more copies than the rarest piece(s). For example: 2.5 would mean that the rarest pieces have only 2 copies among the peers this torrent is connected to, and that 50% of all the pieces have more than two copies.

block_size is the size of a block, in bytes. A block is a sub piece, it is the number of bytes that each piece request asks for and the number of bytes that each bit in the partial_piece_info's bitset represents (see get_download_queue()). This is typically 16 kB, but it may be larger if the pieces are larger.


It contains the following fields:

struct peer_info
                interesting = 0x1,
                choked = 0x2,
                remote_interested = 0x4,
                remote_choked = 0x8,
                supports_extensions = 0x10,
                local_connection = 0x20
        unsigned int flags;
        address ip;
        float up_speed;
        float down_speed;
        size_type total_download;
        size_type total_upload;
        peer_id id;
        std::vector<bool> pieces;
        int upload_limit;
        int upload_ceiling;

        size_type load_balancing;

        int download_queue_length;
        int upload_queue_length;

        int downloading_piece_index;
        int downloading_block_index;
        int downloading_progress;
        int downloading_total;

The flags attribute tells you in which state the peer is. It is set to any combination of the enums above. The following table describes each flag:

interesting we are interested in pieces from this peer.
choked we have choked this peer.
remote_interested remote_choked means the same thing but that the peer is interested in pieces from us and the peer has choked us.
support_extensions means that this peer supports the extension protocol.
local_connection The connection was initiated by us, the peer has a listen port open, and that port is the same is in the address of this peer. If this flag is not set, this peer connection was opened by this peer connecting to us.

The ip field is the IP-address to this peer. Its type is a wrapper around the actual address and the port number. See address class.

up_speed and down_speed is the current upload and download speed we have to and from this peer. These figures are updated aproximately once every second.

total_download and total_upload are the total number of bytes downloaded from and uploaded to this peer. These numbers do not include the protocol chatter, but only the payload data.

id is the peer's id as used in the bit torrent protocol. This id can be used to extract 'fingerprints' from the peer. Sometimes it can tell you which client the peer is using. See identify_client()_

pieces is a vector of booleans that has as many entries as there are pieces in the torrent. Each boolean tells you if the peer has that piece (if it's set to true) or if the peer miss that piece (set to false).

upload_limit is the number of bytes per second we are allowed to send to this peer every second. It may be -1 if there's no limit. The upload limits of all peers should sum up to the upload limit set by session::set_upload_limit.

upload_ceiling is the current maximum allowed upload rate given the cownload rate and share ratio. If the global upload rate is inlimited, the upload_limit for every peer will be the same as their upload_ceiling.

load_balancing is a measurment of the balancing of free download (that we get) and free upload that we give. Every peer gets a certain amount of free upload, but this member says how much extra free upload this peer has got. If it is a negative number it means that this was a peer from which we have got this amount of free download.

download_queue_length is the number of piece-requests we have sent to this peer that hasn't been answered with a piece yet.

upload_queue_length is the number of piece-requests we have received from this peer that we haven't answered with a piece yet.

You can know which piece, and which part of that piece, that is currently being downloaded from a specific peer by looking at the next four members. downloading_piece_index is the index of the piece that is currently being downloaded. This may be set to -1 if there's currently no piece downloading from this peer. If it is >= 0, the other three members are valid. downloading_block_index is the index of the block (or sub-piece) that is being downloaded. downloading_progress is the number of bytes of this block we have received from the peer, and downloading_total is the total number of bytes in this block.


The address class represents a name of a network endpoint (usually referred to as IP-address) and a port number. This is the same thing as a sockaddr_in would contain. Its declaration looks like this:

class address
        address(unsigned char a
                , unsigned char b
                , unsigned char c
                , unsigned char d
                , unsigned short  port);
        address(unsigned int addr, unsigned short port);
        address(const std::string& addr, unsigned short port);
        address(const address& a);

        std::string as_string() const;
        unsigned int ip() const;
        unsigned short port() const;

        bool operator<(const address& a) const;
        bool operator!=(const address& a) const;
        bool operator==(const address& a) const;

It is less-than comparable to make it possible to use it as a key in a map. as_string() may block while it does the DNS lookup, it returns a string that points to the address represented by the object.

ip() will return the 32-bit ip-address as an integer. port() returns the port number.


You have some control over tracker requests through the http_settings object. You create it and fill it with your settings and then use session::set_http_settings() to apply them. You have control over proxy and authorization settings and also the user-agent that will be sent to the tracker. The user-agent is a good way to identify your client.

struct http_settings
        std::string proxy_ip;
        int proxy_port;
        std::string proxy_login;
        std::string proxy_password;
        std::string user_agent;
        int tracker_timeout;
        int tracker_maximum_response_length;

proxy_ip may be a hostname or ip to a http proxy to use. If this is an empty string, no http proxy will be used.

proxy_port is the port on which the http proxy listens. If proxy_ip is empty, this will be ignored.

proxy_login should be the login username for the http proxy, if this empty, the http proxy will be trid to be used without authentication.

proxy_password the password string for the http proxy.

user_agent this is the client identification to the tracker. It will be followed by the string "(libtorrent)" to identify that this library is being used. This should be set to your client's name and version number.

tracker_timeout is the number of seconds the tracker connection will wait until it considers the tracker to have timed-out. Default value is 10 seconds.

tracker_maximum_response_length is the maximum number of bytes in a tracker response. If a response size passes this number it will be rejected and the connection will be closed. On gzipped responses this size is measured on the uncompressed data. So, if you get 20 bytes of gzip response that'll expand to 2 megs, it will be interrupted before the entire response has been uncompressed (given your limit is lower than 2 megs). Default limit is 1 megabyte.


Both the peer_id and sha1_hash types are typedefs of the class big_number. It represents 20 bytes of data. Its synopsis follows:

class big_number
        bool operator==(const big_number& n) const;
        bool operator!=(const big_number& n) const;
        bool operator<(const big_number& n) const;

        const unsigned char* begin() const;
        const unsigned char* end() const;

        unsigned char* begin();
        unsigned char* end();

The iterators gives you access to individual bytes.


This class creates sha1-hashes. Its declaration looks like this:

class hasher

        void update(const char* data, unsigned int len);
        sha1_hash final();
        void reset();

You use it by first instantiating it, then call update() to feed it with data. i.e. you don't have to keep the entire buffer of which you want to create the hash in memory. You can feed the hasher parts of it at a time. When You have fed the hasher with all the data, you call final() and it will return the sha1-hash of the data.

If you want to reuse the hasher object once you have created a hash, you have to call reset() to reinitialize it.

The sha1-algorithm used was implemented by Steve Reid and released as public domain. For more info, see src/sha1.c.


The fingerprint class represents information about a client and its version. It is used to encode this information into the client's peer id.

This is the class declaration:

struct fingerprint
        fingerprint(const char* id_string, int major, int minor, int revision, int tag);

        std::string to_string() const;

        char id[2];
        char major_version;
        char minor_version;
        char revision_version;
        char tag_version;


The constructor takes a char const* that should point to a string constant containing exactly two characters. These are the characters that should be unique for your client. Make sure not to clash with anybody else. Here are some taken id's:

id chars client
'AZ' Azureus
'LT' libtorrent (default)
'BX' BittorrentX
'MT' Moonlight Torrent
'TS' Torrent Storm
'SS' Swarm Scope
'XT' Xan Torrent

The major, minor, revision and tag parameters are used to identify the version of your client. All these numbers must be within the range [0, 9].

to_string() will generate the actual string put in the peer-id, and return it.

free functions


std::string identify_client(peer_id const& id);

This function is declared in the header <libtorrent/identify_client.hpp>. It can can be used to extract a string describing a client version from its peer-id. It will recognize most clients that have this kind of identification in the peer-id.

bdecode() bencode()

template<class InIt> entry bdecode(InIt start, InIt end);
template<class OutIt> void bencode(OutIt out, const entry& e);

These functions will encode data to bencoded or decode bencoded data.

The entry class is the internal representation of the bencoded data and it can be used to retreive information, an entry can also be build by the program and given to bencode() to encode it into the OutIt iterator.

The OutIt and InIt are iterators (InputIterator_ and OutputIterator_ respectively). They are templates and are usually instantiated as ostream_iterator_, back_insert_iterator_ or istream_iterator_. These functions will assume that the iterator refers to a character (char). So, if you want to encode entry e into a buffer in memory, you can do it like this:

std::vector<char> buffer;
bencode(std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<char> >(buf), e);

If you want to decode a torrent file from a buffer in memory, you can do it like this:

std::vector<char> buffer;
// ...
entry e = bdecode(buf.begin(), buf.end());

Or, if you have a raw char buffer:

const char* buf;
// ...
entry e = bdecode(buf, buf + data_size);

Now we just need to know how to retrieve information from the entry.

If bdecode() encounters invalid encoded data in the range given to it it will throw invalid_encoding.


The pop_alert() function on session is the interface for retrieving alerts, warnings, messages and errors from libtorrent. If there hasn't occured any errors (matching your severity level) pop_alert() will return a zero pointer. If there has been some error, it will return a pointer to an alert object describing it. You can then use the alert object and query it for information about the error or message. To retrieve any alerts, you have to select a severity level using session::set_severity_level(). It defaults to alert::none, which means that you don't get any messages at all, ever. You have the following levels to select among:

none No alert will ever have this severity level, which effectively filters all messages.
fatal Fatal errors will have this severity level. Examples can be disk full or something else that will make it impossible to continue normal execution.
critical Signals errors that requires user interaction or messages that almost never should be ignored. For example, a chat message received from another peer is announced as severity critical.
warning Messages with the warning severity can be a tracker that times out or responds with invalid data. It will be retried automatically, and the possible next tracker in a multitracker sequence will be tried. It does not require any user interaction.
info Events that can be considered normal, but still deserves an event. This could be a piece hash that fails.
debug This will include alot of debug events that can be used both for debugging libtorrent but also when debugging other clients that are connected to libtorrent. It will report strange behaviors among the connected peers.

When setting a severity level, you will receive messages of that severity and all messages that are more sever. If you set alert::none (the default) you will not recieve any events at all.

When you set a severuty level other than none, you have the responsibility to call pop_alert() from time to time. If you don't do that, the alert queue will just grow.

When you get an alert, you can use typeid() or dynamic_cast<> to get more detailed information on exactly which type it is. i.e. what kind of error it is. You can also use a dispatcher mechanism that's available in libtorrent.

All alert types are defined in the <libtorrent/alert_types.hpp> header file.

The alert class is the base class that specific messages are derived from. This is its synopsis:

class alert

        enum severity_t { debug, info, warning, critital, fatal, none };

        alert(severity_t severity, const std::string& msg);
        virtual ~alert();

        std::string const& msg() const;
        severity_t severity() const;

        virtual std::auto_ptr<alert> clone() const = 0;

This means that all alerts have at least a string describing it. They also have a severity level that can be used to sort them or present them to the user in different ways.

The specific alerts, that all derives from alert, are:


This alert is generated when none of the ports, given in the port range, to session can be opened for listening. This alert is generated as severity level fatal.

struct listen_failed_alert: alert
        listen_failed_alert(const std::string& msg);
        virtual std::auto_ptr<alert> clone() const;


If the storage fails to read or write files that it needs access to, this alert is generated and the torrent is paused. It is generated as severity level fatal.

struct file_error_alert: alert
                const torrent_handle& h
                , const std::string& msg);
        virtual std::auto_ptr<alert> clone() const;

        torrent_handle handle;


This alert is generated on tracker time outs, premature disconnects, invalid response or a HTTP response other than "200 OK". From the alert you can get the handle to the torrent the tracker belongs to. This alert is generated as severity level warning.

struct tracker_alert: alert
        tracker_alert(const torrent_handle& h, const std::string& msg);
        virtual std::auto_ptr<alert> clone() const;

        torrent_handle handle;


This alert is generated when a finished piece fails its hash check. You can get the handle to the torrent which got the failed piece and the index of the piece itself from the alert. This alert is generated as severity level info.

struct hash_failed_alert: alert
                const torrent_handle& h
                , int index
                , const std::string& msg);

        virtual std::auto_ptr<alert> clone() const;

        torrent_handle handle;
        int piece_index;


This alert is generated when a peer is banned because it has sent too many corrupt pieces to us. It is generated at severity level info. The handle member is a torrent_handle to the torrent that this peer was a member of.

struct peer_ban_alert: alert
                address const& pip
                , torrent_handle h
                , const std::string& msg);

        virtual std::auto_ptr<alert> clone() const;

        address ip;
        torrent_handle handle;


This alert is generated when a peer sends invalid data over the peer-peer protocol. The peer will be disconnected, but you get its ip address from the alert, to identify it. This alert is generated as severity level debug.

struct peer_error_alert: alert
                address const& pip
                , peer_id const& pid
                , const std::string& msg);

        virtual std::auto_ptr<alert> clone() const;

        address ip;
        peer_id id;


This is a debug alert that is generated by an incoming invalid piece request. The handle is a handle to the torrent the peer is a member of. ìp is the address of the peer and the request is the actual incoming request from the peer. The alert is generated as severity level debug.

struct invalid_request_alert: alert
                peer_request const& r
                , torrent_handle const& h
                , address const& send
                , peer_id const& pid
                , std::string const& msg);

        virtual std::auto_ptr<alert> clone() const;

        torrent_handle handle;
        address ip;
        peer_request request;
        peer_id id;

struct peer_request
        int piece;
        int start;
        int length;
        bool operator==(peer_request const& r) const;

The peer_request contains the values the client sent in its request message. piece is the index of the piece it want data from, start is the offset within the piece where the data should be read, and length is the amount of data it wants.


This alert is generated when a torrent switches from being a downloader to a seed. It will only be generated once per torrent. It contains a torrent_handle to the torrent in question. This alert is generated as severity level info.

struct torrent_finished_alert: alert
                const torrent_handle& h
                , const std::string& msg);

        virtual std::auto_ptr<alert> clone() const;

        torrent_handle handle;


TODO: describe the dispatcher mechanism


There are a number of exceptions that can be thrown from different places in libtorrent, here's a complete list with description.


This exception is thrown when querying information from a torrent_handle that hasn't been initialized or that has become invalid.

struct invalid_handle: std::exception
        const char* what() const throw();


This is thrown by add_torrent() if the torrent already has been added to the session.

struct duplicate_torrent: std::exception
        const char* what() const throw();


This is thrown by bdecode() if the input data is not a valid bencoding.

struct invalid_encoding: std::exception
        const char* what() const throw();


This is thrown from the accessors of entry if the data type of the entry doesn't match the type you want to extract from it.

struct type_error: std::runtime_error
        type_error(const char* error);


This exception is thrown from the constructor of torrent_info if the given bencoded information doesn't meet the requirements on what information has to be present in a torrent file.

struct invalid_torrent_file: std::exception
        const char* what() const throw();



This is an example of a program that will take a torrent-file as a parameter and print information about it to std out:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <exception>
#include <iomanip>

#include "libtorrent/entry.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/bencode.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/torrent_info.hpp"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        using namespace libtorrent;

        if (argc != 2)
                std::cerr << "usage: dump_torrent torrent-file\n";
                return 1;

                std::ifstream in(argv[1], std::ios_base::binary);
                entry e = bdecode(std::istream_iterator<char>(in), std::istream_iterator<char>());
                torrent_info t(e);

                // print info about torrent
                std::cout << "\n\n----- torrent file info -----\n\n";
                std::cout << "trackers:\n";
                for (std::vector<announce_entry>::const_iterator i = t.trackers().begin();
                        i != t.trackers().end();
                        std::cout << i->tier << ": " << i->url << "\n";

                std::cout << "number of pieces: " << t.num_pieces() << "\n";
                std::cout << "piece length: " << t.piece_length() << "\n";
                std::cout << "files:\n";
                for (torrent_info::file_iterator i = t.begin_files();
                        i != t.end_files();
                        std::cout << "  " << std::setw(11) << i->size
                        << "  " << i->path << " " << i->filename << "\n";
        catch (std::exception& e)
                std::cout << e.what() << "\n";

        return 0;

simple client

This is a simple client. It doesn't have much output to keep it simple:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <exception>

#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>

#include "libtorrent/entry.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/bencode.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/session.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/http_settings.hpp"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        using namespace libtorrent;

        if (argc != 2)
                std::cerr << "usage: ./simple_cient torrent-file\n"
                        "to stop the client, press return.\n";
                return 1;

                session s;
                s.listen_on(std::make_pair(6881, 6889));

                std::ifstream in(argv[1], std::ios_base::binary);
                entry e = bdecode(std::istream_iterator<char>(in), std::istream_iterator<char>());
                s.add_torrent(e, "");
                // wait for the user to end
                char a;
                std::cin >> a;
        catch (std::exception& e)
                std::cout << e.what() << "\n";
        return 0;

fast resume

The fast resume mechanism is a way to remember which pieces are downloaded and where they are put between sessions. You can generate fast resume data by calling torrent_handle::write_resume_data() on torrent_handle. You can then save this data to disk and use it when resuming the torrent. libtorrent will not check the piece hashes then, and rely on the information given in the fast-resume data. The fast-resume data also contains information about which blocks, in the unfinished pieces, were downloaded, so it will not have to start from scratch on the partially downloaded pieces.

To use the fast-resume data you simply give it to add_torrent(), and it will skip the time consuming checks. It may have to do the checking anyway, if the fast-resume data is corrupt or doesn't fit the storage for that torrent, then it will not trust the fast-resume data and just do the checking.

file format

The file format is a bencoded dictionary containing the following fields:

file-format string: "libtorrent resume file"
file-version integer: 1
info-hash string, the info hash of the torrent this data is saved for.
blocks per piece integer, the number of blocks per piece. Must be: piece_size / (16 * 1024). Clamped to be within the range [1, 256]. It is the number of blocks per (normal sized) piece. Usually each block is 16 * 1024 bytes in size. But if piece size is greater than 4 megabytes, the block size will increase.

list of integers. The list mappes slots ti piece indices. It tells which piece is on which slot. If piece index is -2 it means it is free, that there's no piece there. If it is -1, means the slot isn't allocated on disk yet. The pieces have to meet the following requirement:

If there's a slot at the position of the piece index, the piece must be located in that slot.


list of dictionaries. Each dictionary has the following layout:

ip string, the ip address of the peer.
port integer, the listen port of the peer

These are the local peers we were connected to when this fast-resume data was saved.


list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents an piece, and has the following layout:

piece integer, the index of the piece this entry refers to.
bitmask string, a binary bitmask representing the blocks that have been downloaded in this piece.
adler32 The adler32 checksum of the data in the blocks specified by bitmsk.


These extensions all operates within the extension protocol. The name of the extension is the name used in the extension-list packets, and the payload is the data in the extended message (not counting the length-prefix, message-id nor extension-id).

Note that since this protocol relies on one of the reserved bits in the handshake, it may be incompatible with future versions of the mainline bittorrent client.

These are the extensions that are currently implemented.

chat messages

Extension name: "chat"

The payload in the packet is a bencoded dictionary with any combination of the following entries:

"msg" This is a string that contains a message that should be displayed to the user.
"ctrl" This is a control string that can tell a client that it is ignored (to make the user aware of that) and it can also tell a client that it is no longer ignored. These notifications are encoded as the strings: "ignored" and "not ignored". Any unrecognized strings should be ignored.

metadata from peers

Extension name: "metadata"

The point with this extension is that you don't have to distribute the metadata (.torrent-file) separately. The metadata can be distributed through the bittorrent swarm. The only thing you need to download such a torrent is the tracker url and the info-hash of the torrent.

It works by assuming that the initial seeder has the metadata and that the metadata will propagate through the network as more peers join.

There are three kinds of messages in the metadata extension. These packets are put as payload to the extension message. The three packets are:

  • request metadata
  • metadata
  • don't have metadata

request metadata:

size name description
uint8_t msg_type Determines the kind of message this is 0 means 'request metadata'
uint8_t start The start of the metadata block that is requested. It is given in 256:ths of the total size of the metadata, since the requesting client don't know the size of the metadata.
uint8_t size The size of the metadata block that is requested. This is also given in 256:ths of the total size of the metadata. The size is given as size-1. That means that if this field is set 0, the request wants one 256:th of the metadata.


size name description
uint8_t msg_type 1 means 'metadata'
int32_t total_size The total size of the metadata, given in number of bytes.
int32_t offset The offset of where the metadata block in this message belongs in the final metadata. This is given in bytes.
uint8_t[] metadata The actual metadata block. The size of this part is given implicit by the length prefix in the bittorrent protocol packet.

Don't have metadata:

size name description
uint8_t msg_type 2 means 'I don't have metadata'. This message is sent as a reply to a metadata request if the the client doesn't have any metadata.

The current implementation of this extension in libtorrent is experimental, and not optimal in any way.

filename checks

Boost.Filesystem will by default check all its paths to make sure they conform to filename requirements on many platforms. If you don't want this check, you can set it to either only check for native filesystem requirements or turn it off alltogether. You can use:


for example. For more information, see the Boost.Filesystem docs.


Written by Arvid Norberg. Copyright (c) 2003

Contributions by Magnus Jonsson and Daniel Wallin

Thanks to Reimond Retz for bugfixes, suggestions and testing

Thanks to University of Umeå for providing development and test hardware.

Project is hosted by sourceforge.
