BitTorrent DHT security extension

Author: Arvid Norberg,
Version: Draft

BitTorrent DHT security extension

The purpose of this extension is to make it harder to launch a few specific attacks against the BitTorrent DHT and also to make it harder to snoop the network.

Specifically the attack this extension intends to make harder is launching 8 or more DHT nodes which node-IDs selected close to a specific target info-hash, in order to become the main nodes hosting peers for it. Currently this is very easy to do and lets the attacker not only see all the traffic related to this specific info-hash but also block access to it by other peers.

The proposed guard against this is to enforce restrictions on which node-ID a node can choose, based on its external IP address.

node IDs

The proposed formula for restricting node IDs is that the 4 first bytes of the node ID MUST match the 4 first bytes of SHA-1(IP_address). That is, the raw, big endian, storage of the address, either IPv4 or IPv6, hashed with SHA-1.


An IP address has a big endian byte representation of 0x59 0x05 0x05 0x05. The SHA-1 hash of this byte sequence is 656d41da810a0a6d92fd2f6a8ba3b466e35ab368. The DHT node must choose a node ID which starts with 656d41da.


In order to set ones initial node ID, the external IP needs to be known. This is not a trivial problem. WIth this extension, all DHT requests whose node ID does not match its IP address MUST be serviced and MUST also include one extra result value (inside the r dictionary) called ip. The IP field contains the raw (big endian) byte representation of the external IP address. This is the same byte sequence passed to SHA-1.

A DHT node which receives an ip result in a request SHOULD consider restarting its DHT node with a new node ID, taking this IP into account. Since a single node can not be trusted, there should be some mechanism of determining whether or not the node has a correct understanding of its external IP or not. This could be done by voting, or only restart the DHT once at least a certain number of nodes, from separate searches, tells you your node ID is incorrect.


Write tokens from peers whose node ID does not match its external IP should be considered dropped. In other words, a peer that uses a non-matching ID MUST never be used to store information on, regardless of which request. In the original DHT specification only announce_peer stores data in the network, but any future extension which stores data in the network SHOULD use the same restriction.

Any peer on a local network address is exempt from this node ID verification. This includes the following IP blocks:
reserved for local networks
reserved for local networks
reserved for local networks
reserved for self-assigned IPs
reserved for loopback

backwards compatibility and transition

During some transition period, this restriction should not be enforced, and peers whose node ID does not match this formula relative to their external IP should not be blocked.

Requests from peers whose node ID does not match their external IP should always be serviced, even after the transition period. The attack this protects from is storing data on an attacker's node, not servicing an attackers request.