/* Copyright (c) 2010, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "test.hpp" #include "settings.hpp" #include "setup_swarm.hpp" #include "setup_transfer.hpp" // for addr() #include "utils.hpp" // for print_alerts #include "create_torrent.hpp" #include "simulator/simulator.hpp" #include "simulator/http_server.hpp" #include "simulator/utils.hpp" #include "libtorrent/alert_types.hpp" #include "libtorrent/announce_entry.hpp" #include "libtorrent/session.hpp" #include "libtorrent/create_torrent.hpp" #include "libtorrent/file_storage.hpp" #include "libtorrent/torrent_info.hpp" #include using namespace lt; using namespace sim; using chrono::duration_cast; // seconds const int duration = 10000; template bool eq(Tp1 const lhs, Tp2 const rhs) { return std::abs(lt::duration_cast(lhs - rhs).count()) <= 1; } template std::shared_ptr clone_ptr(std::shared_ptr const& ptr) { return std::make_shared(*ptr); } void test_interval(int interval) { using sim::asio::ip::address_v4; sim::default_config network_cfg; sim::simulation sim{network_cfg}; bool ran_to_completion = false; sim::asio::io_service web_server(sim, address_v4::from_string("")); // listen on port 8080 sim::http_server http(web_server, 8080); // the timestamps of all announces std::vector announces; http.register_handler("/announce" , [&announces,interval,&ran_to_completion](std::string /* method */ , std::string /* req */ , std::map&) { // don't collect events once we're done. We're not interested in the // tracker stopped announce for instance if (!ran_to_completion) announces.push_back(lt::clock_type::now()); char response[500]; int const size = std::snprintf(response, sizeof(response), "d8:intervali%de5:peers0:e", interval); return sim::send_response(200, "OK", size) + response; }); std::vector announce_alerts; lt::settings_pack default_settings = settings(); // since the test tracker is only listening on IPv4 we need to configure the // client to do the same so that the number of tracker_announce_alerts matches // the number of announces seen by the tracker default_settings.set_str(settings_pack::listen_interfaces, ""); lt::add_torrent_params default_add_torrent; setup_swarm(1, swarm_test::upload, sim, default_settings, default_add_torrent // add session , [](lt::settings_pack&) {} // add torrent , [](lt::add_torrent_params& params) { params.trackers.push_back(""); } // on alert , [&](lt::alert const* a, lt::session&) { if (ran_to_completion) return; if (lt::alert_cast(a)) { announce_alerts.push_back(a->timestamp()); } } // terminate , [&](int const ticks, lt::session&) -> bool { if (ticks > duration + 1) { ran_to_completion = true; return true; } return false; }); TEST_CHECK(ran_to_completion); TEST_EQUAL(announce_alerts.size(), announces.size()); lt::time_point last_announce = announces[0]; lt::time_point last_alert = announce_alerts[0]; for (int i = 1; i < int(announces.size()); ++i) { // make sure the interval is within 1 second of what it's supposed to be // (this accounts for network latencies, and the second-granularity // timestamps) TEST_CHECK(eq(duration_cast(announces[i] - last_announce), lt::seconds(interval))); last_announce = announces[i]; TEST_CHECK(eq(duration_cast(announce_alerts[i] - last_alert), lt::seconds(interval))); last_alert = announce_alerts[i]; } } TORRENT_TEST(event_completed) { using sim::asio::ip::address_v4; sim::default_config network_cfg; sim::simulation sim{network_cfg}; sim::asio::io_service web_server(sim, address_v4::from_string("")); // listen on port 8080 sim::http_server http(web_server, 8080); // the request strings of all announces std::vector> announces; const int interval = 500; lt::time_point start = lt::clock_type::now(); http.register_handler("/announce" , [&](std::string method, std::string req , std::map&) { TEST_EQUAL(method, "GET"); int const timestamp = int(chrono::duration_cast( lt::clock_type::now() - start).count()); announces.push_back({timestamp, req}); char response[500]; int const size = std::snprintf(response, sizeof(response), "d8:intervali%de5:peers0:e", interval); return sim::send_response(200, "OK", size) + response; }); lt::settings_pack default_settings = settings(); lt::add_torrent_params default_add_torrent; int completion = -1; setup_swarm(2, swarm_test::download, sim, default_settings, default_add_torrent // add session , [](lt::settings_pack&) { } // add torrent , [](lt::add_torrent_params& params) { params.trackers.push_back(""); } // on alert , [&](lt::alert const*, lt::session&) {} // terminate , [&](int const ticks, lt::session& ses) -> bool { if (completion == -1 && is_seed(ses)) { completion = int(chrono::duration_cast( lt::clock_type::now() - start).count()); } return ticks > duration; }); // the first announce should be event=started, the second should be // event=completed, then all but the last should have no event and the last // be event=stopped. for (int i = 0; i < int(announces.size()); ++i) { std::string const& str = announces[i].second; int timestamp = announces[i].first; const bool has_start = str.find("&event=started") != std::string::npos; const bool has_completed = str.find("&event=completed") != std::string::npos; const bool has_stopped = str.find("&event=stopped") != std::string::npos; // we there can only be one event const bool has_event = str.find("&event=") != std::string::npos; std::printf("- %s\n", str.c_str()); // there is exactly 0 or 1 events. TEST_EQUAL(int(has_start) + int(has_completed) + int(has_stopped) , int(has_event)); switch (i) { case 0: TEST_CHECK(has_start); break; case 1: { // the announce should have come approximately the same time we // completed TEST_CHECK(std::abs(completion - timestamp) <= 1); TEST_CHECK(has_completed); break; } default: if (i == int(announces.size()) - 1) { TEST_CHECK(has_stopped); } else { TEST_CHECK(!has_event); } break; } } } TORRENT_TEST(announce_interval_440) { test_interval(440); } TORRENT_TEST(announce_interval_1800) { test_interval(1800); } TORRENT_TEST(announce_interval_1200) { test_interval(3600); } struct sim_config : sim::default_config { explicit sim_config(bool ipv6 = true) : ipv6(ipv6) {} chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration hostname_lookup( asio::ip::address const& requestor , std::string hostname , std::vector& result , boost::system::error_code& ec) override { if (hostname == "tracker.com") { result.push_back(address_v4::from_string("")); if (ipv6) result.push_back(address_v6::from_string("ff::dead:beef")); return duration_cast(chrono::milliseconds(100)); } return default_config::hostname_lookup(requestor, hostname, result, ec); } bool ipv6; }; void on_alert_notify(lt::session* ses) { ses->get_io_service().post([ses] { std::vector alerts; ses->pop_alerts(&alerts); for (lt::alert* a : alerts) { lt::time_duration d = a->timestamp().time_since_epoch(); std::uint32_t const millis = std::uint32_t( lt::duration_cast(d).count()); std::printf("%4d.%03d: %s\n", millis / 1000, millis % 1000, a->message().c_str()); } }); } static const int num_interfaces = 3; void test_ipv6_support(char const* listen_interfaces , int const expect_v4, int const expect_v6) { using sim::asio::ip::address_v4; sim_config network_cfg; sim::simulation sim{network_cfg}; sim::asio::io_service web_server_v4(sim, address_v4::from_string("")); sim::asio::io_service web_server_v6(sim, address_v6::from_string("ff::dead:beef")); // listen on port 8080 sim::http_server http_v4(web_server_v4, 8080); sim::http_server http_v6(web_server_v6, 8080); int v4_announces = 0; int v6_announces = 0; // if we're not listening we'll just report port 0 std::string const expect_port = (listen_interfaces && listen_interfaces == ""_sv) ? "&port=0" : "&port=6881"; http_v4.register_handler("/announce" , [&v4_announces,expect_port](std::string method, std::string req , std::map&) { ++v4_announces; TEST_EQUAL(method, "GET"); TEST_CHECK(req.find(expect_port) != std::string::npos); char response[500]; int const size = std::snprintf(response, sizeof(response), "d8:intervali1800e5:peers0:e"); return sim::send_response(200, "OK", size) + response; }); http_v6.register_handler("/announce" , [&v6_announces,expect_port](std::string method, std::string req , std::map&) { ++v6_announces; TEST_EQUAL(method, "GET"); TEST_CHECK(req.find(expect_port) != std::string::npos); char response[500]; int const size = std::snprintf(response, sizeof(response), "d8:intervali1800e5:peers0:e"); return sim::send_response(200, "OK", size) + response; }); { lt::session_proxy zombie; std::vector ips; for (int i = 0; i < num_interfaces; i++) { char ep[30]; std::snprintf(ep, sizeof(ep), "10.0.0.%d", i + 1); ips.push_back(address::from_string(ep)); std::snprintf(ep, sizeof(ep), "ffff::1337:%d", i + 1); ips.push_back(address::from_string(ep)); } asio::io_service ios(sim, ips); lt::settings_pack sett = settings(); if (listen_interfaces) { sett.set_str(settings_pack::listen_interfaces, listen_interfaces); } std::unique_ptr ses(new lt::session(sett, ios)); ses->set_alert_notify(std::bind(&on_alert_notify, ses.get())); lt::add_torrent_params p; p.name = "test-torrent"; p.save_path = "."; p.info_hash.assign("abababababababababab"); //TODO: parameterize http vs. udp here p.trackers.push_back("http://tracker.com:8080/announce"); ses->async_add_torrent(p); // stop the torrent 5 seconds in sim::timer t1(sim, lt::seconds(5) , [&ses](boost::system::error_code const&) { std::vector torrents = ses->get_torrents(); for (auto const& t : torrents) { t.pause(); } }); // then shut down 10 seconds in sim::timer t2(sim, lt::seconds(10) , [&ses,&zombie](boost::system::error_code const&) { zombie = ses->abort(); ses.reset(); }); sim.run(); } TEST_EQUAL(v4_announces, expect_v4); TEST_EQUAL(v6_announces, expect_v6); } void test_udpv6_support(char const* listen_interfaces , int const expect_v4, int const expect_v6) { using sim::asio::ip::address_v4; sim_config network_cfg; sim::simulation sim{network_cfg}; sim::asio::io_service web_server_v4(sim, address_v4::from_string("")); sim::asio::io_service web_server_v6(sim, address_v6::from_string("ff::dead:beef")); int v4_announces = 0; int v6_announces = 0; { lt::session_proxy zombie; std::vector ips; for (int i = 0; i < num_interfaces; i++) { char ep[30]; std::snprintf(ep, sizeof(ep), "10.0.0.%d", i + 1); ips.push_back(address::from_string(ep)); std::snprintf(ep, sizeof(ep), "ffff::1337:%d", i + 1); ips.push_back(address::from_string(ep)); } asio::io_service ios(sim, ips); lt::settings_pack sett = settings(); if (listen_interfaces) { sett.set_str(settings_pack::listen_interfaces, listen_interfaces); } std::unique_ptr ses(new lt::session(sett, ios)); // since we don't have a udp tracker to run in the sim, looking for the // alerts is the closest proxy ses->set_alert_notify([&]{ ses->get_io_service().post([&] { std::vector alerts; ses->pop_alerts(&alerts); for (lt::alert* a : alerts) { lt::time_duration d = a->timestamp().time_since_epoch(); std::uint32_t const millis = std::uint32_t( lt::duration_cast(d).count()); std::printf("%4d.%03d: %s\n", millis / 1000, millis % 1000, a->message().c_str()); if (auto tr = alert_cast(a)) { if (is_v4(tr->local_endpoint)) ++v4_announces; else ++v6_announces; } else if (alert_cast(a)) { TEST_ERROR("unexpected tracker error"); } } }); }); lt::add_torrent_params p; p.name = "test-torrent"; p.save_path = "."; p.info_hash.assign("abababababababababab"); p.trackers.push_back("udp://tracker.com:8080/announce"); ses->async_add_torrent(p); // stop the torrent 5 seconds in sim::timer t1(sim, lt::seconds(5) , [&ses](boost::system::error_code const&) { std::vector torrents = ses->get_torrents(); for (auto const& t : torrents) { t.pause(); } }); // then shut down 10 seconds in sim::timer t2(sim, lt::seconds(10) , [&ses,&zombie](boost::system::error_code const&) { zombie = ses->abort(); ses.reset(); }); sim.run(); } TEST_EQUAL(v4_announces, expect_v4); TEST_EQUAL(v6_announces, expect_v6); } // this test makes sure that a tracker whose host name resolves to both IPv6 and // IPv4 addresses will be announced to twice, once for each address family TORRENT_TEST(ipv6_support) { // null means default test_ipv6_support(nullptr, 2, num_interfaces * 2); } TORRENT_TEST(announce_no_listen) { // if we don't listen on any sockets at all (but only make outgoing peer // connections) we still need to make sure we announce to trackers test_ipv6_support("", 2, 2); } TORRENT_TEST(announce_udp_no_listen) { // since there's no actual udp tracker in this test, we will only try to // announce once, and fail. We won't announce the event=stopped test_udpv6_support("", 1, 1); } TORRENT_TEST(ipv6_support_bind_v4_v6_any) { // 2 because there's one announce on startup and one when shutting down // IPv6 will send announces for each interface test_ipv6_support(",[::0]:6881", 2, num_interfaces * 2); } TORRENT_TEST(ipv6_support_bind_v6_any) { test_ipv6_support("[::0]:6881", 0, num_interfaces * 2); } TORRENT_TEST(ipv6_support_bind_v4) { test_ipv6_support("", 2, 0); } TORRENT_TEST(ipv6_support_bind_v6) { test_ipv6_support("[ffff::1337:1]:6881", 0, 2); } TORRENT_TEST(ipv6_support_bind_v6_3interfaces) { test_ipv6_support("[ffff::1337:1]:6881,[ffff::1337:2]:6881,[ffff::1337:3]:6881", 0, 3 * 2); } TORRENT_TEST(ipv6_support_bind_v4_v6) { test_ipv6_support(",[ffff::1337:1]:6881", 2, 2); } TORRENT_TEST(ipv6_support_bind_v6_v4) { test_ipv6_support("[ffff::1337:1]:6881,", 2, 2); } // this runs a simulation of a torrent with tracker(s), making sure the request // received by the tracker matches the expectation. // The Setup function is run first, giving the test an opportunity to add // trackers to the torrent. It's expected to return the number of seconds to // wait until test2 is called. // The Announce function is called on http requests. Test1 is run on the session // 5 seconds after startup. The tracker is running at (or tracker.com) // port 8080. template void tracker_test(Setup setup, Announce a, Test1 test1, Test2 test2 , char const* url_path = "/announce") { using sim::asio::ip::address_v4; sim_config network_cfg; sim::simulation sim{network_cfg}; sim::asio::io_service tracker_ios(sim, address_v4::from_string("")); sim::asio::io_service tracker_ios6(sim, address_v6::from_string("ff::dead:beef")); // listen on port 8080 sim::http_server http(tracker_ios, 8080); sim::http_server http6(tracker_ios6, 8080); http.register_handler(url_path, a); http6.register_handler(url_path, a); lt::session_proxy zombie; asio::io_service ios(sim, { address_v4::from_string("") , address_v6::from_string("ffff::1337") }); lt::settings_pack sett = settings(); std::unique_ptr ses(new lt::session(sett, ios)); ses->set_alert_notify(std::bind(&on_alert_notify, ses.get())); lt::add_torrent_params p; p.name = "test-torrent"; p.save_path = "."; p.info_hash.assign("abababababababababab"); int const delay = setup(p, *ses); ses->async_add_torrent(p); // run the test 5 seconds in sim::timer t1(sim, lt::seconds(5) , [&ses,&test1](boost::system::error_code const&) { std::vector torrents = ses->get_torrents(); TEST_EQUAL(torrents.size(), 1); torrent_handle h = torrents.front(); test1(h); }); sim::timer t2(sim, lt::seconds(5 + delay) , [&ses,&test2](boost::system::error_code const&) { std::vector torrents = ses->get_torrents(); TEST_EQUAL(torrents.size(), 1); torrent_handle h = torrents.front(); test2(h); }); // then shut down 10 seconds in sim::timer t3(sim, lt::seconds(10 + delay) , [&ses,&zombie](boost::system::error_code const&) { zombie = ses->abort(); ses.reset(); }); sim.run(); } template void tracker_test(Announce a, Test1 test1, Test2 test2, char const* url_path = "/announce") { tracker_test([](lt::add_torrent_params& p, lt::session&) { p.trackers.push_back("http://tracker.com:8080/announce"); return 5; }, a, test1, test2, url_path); } template void announce_entry_test(Announce a, Test t, char const* url_path = "/announce") { tracker_test(a , [&t] (torrent_handle h) { std::vector tr = h.trackers(); TEST_EQUAL(tr.size(), 1); announce_entry const& ae = tr[0]; t(ae); } , [](torrent_handle){} , url_path); } TORRENT_TEST(test_error) { announce_entry_test( [](std::string method, std::string req , std::map&) { TEST_EQUAL(method, "GET"); char response[500]; int const size = std::snprintf(response, sizeof(response), "d14:failure reason4:teste"); return sim::send_response(200, "OK", size) + response; } , [](announce_entry const& ae) { TEST_EQUAL(ae.url, "http://tracker.com:8080/announce"); TEST_EQUAL(ae.endpoints.size(), 2); for (auto const& aep : ae.endpoints) { TEST_EQUAL(aep.is_working(), false); TEST_EQUAL(aep.message, "test"); TEST_EQUAL(aep.last_error, error_code(errors::tracker_failure)); TEST_EQUAL(aep.fails, 1); } }); } TORRENT_TEST(test_warning) { announce_entry_test( [](std::string method, std::string req , std::map&) { TEST_EQUAL(method, "GET"); char response[500]; int const size = std::snprintf(response, sizeof(response), "d5:peers6:aaaaaa15:warning message5:test2e"); return sim::send_response(200, "OK", size) + response; } , [](announce_entry const& ae) { TEST_EQUAL(ae.url, "http://tracker.com:8080/announce"); TEST_EQUAL(ae.endpoints.size(), 2); for (auto const& aep : ae.endpoints) { TEST_EQUAL(aep.is_working(), true); TEST_EQUAL(aep.message, "test2"); TEST_EQUAL(aep.last_error, error_code()); TEST_EQUAL(aep.fails, 0); } }); } TORRENT_TEST(test_scrape_data_in_announce) { announce_entry_test( [](std::string method, std::string req , std::map&) { TEST_EQUAL(method, "GET"); char response[500]; int const size = std::snprintf(response, sizeof(response), "d5:peers6:aaaaaa8:completei1e10:incompletei2e10:downloadedi3e11:downloadersi4ee"); return sim::send_response(200, "OK", size) + response; } , [](announce_entry const& ae) { TEST_EQUAL(ae.url, "http://tracker.com:8080/announce"); TEST_EQUAL(ae.endpoints.size(), 2); for (auto const& aep : ae.endpoints) { TEST_EQUAL(aep.is_working(), true); TEST_EQUAL(aep.message, ""); TEST_EQUAL(aep.last_error, error_code()); TEST_EQUAL(aep.fails, 0); TEST_EQUAL(aep.scrape_complete, 1); TEST_EQUAL(aep.scrape_incomplete, 2); TEST_EQUAL(aep.scrape_downloaded, 3); } }); } TORRENT_TEST(test_scrape) { tracker_test( [](std::string method, std::string req , std::map&) { TEST_EQUAL(method, "GET"); char response[500]; int const size = std::snprintf(response, sizeof(response), "d5:filesd20:ababababababababababd8:completei1e10:downloadedi3e10:incompletei2eeee"); return sim::send_response(200, "OK", size) + response; } , [](torrent_handle h) { h.scrape_tracker(); } , [](torrent_handle h) { std::vector tr = h.trackers(); TEST_EQUAL(tr.size(), 1); announce_entry const& ae = tr[0]; TEST_EQUAL(ae.endpoints.size(), 2); for (auto const& aep : ae.endpoints) { TEST_EQUAL(aep.scrape_incomplete, 2); TEST_EQUAL(aep.scrape_complete, 1); TEST_EQUAL(aep.scrape_downloaded, 3); } } , "/scrape"); } TORRENT_TEST(test_http_status) { announce_entry_test( [](std::string method, std::string req , std::map&) { TEST_EQUAL(method, "GET"); return sim::send_response(410, "Not A Tracker", 0); } , [](announce_entry const& ae) { TEST_EQUAL(ae.url, "http://tracker.com:8080/announce"); TEST_EQUAL(ae.endpoints.size(), 2); for (auto const& aep : ae.endpoints) { TEST_EQUAL(aep.is_working(), false); TEST_EQUAL(aep.message, "Not A Tracker"); TEST_EQUAL(aep.last_error, error_code(410, http_category())); TEST_EQUAL(aep.fails, 1); } }); } TORRENT_TEST(test_interval) { announce_entry_test( [](std::string method, std::string req , std::map&) { TEST_EQUAL(method, "GET"); char response[500]; int const size = std::snprintf(response, sizeof(response) , "d10:tracker id8:testteste"); return sim::send_response(200, "OK", size) + response; } , [](announce_entry const& ae) { TEST_EQUAL(ae.url, "http://tracker.com:8080/announce"); TEST_EQUAL(ae.endpoints.size(), 2); for (auto const& aep : ae.endpoints) { TEST_EQUAL(aep.is_working(), true); TEST_EQUAL(aep.message, ""); TEST_EQUAL(aep.last_error, error_code()); TEST_EQUAL(aep.fails, 0); } TEST_EQUAL(ae.trackerid, "testtest"); }); } TORRENT_TEST(test_invalid_bencoding) { announce_entry_test( [](std::string method, std::string req , std::map&) { TEST_EQUAL(method, "GET"); char response[500]; int const size = std::snprintf(response, sizeof(response) , "d10:tracer idteste"); return sim::send_response(200, "OK", size) + response; } , [](announce_entry const& ae) { TEST_EQUAL(ae.url, "http://tracker.com:8080/announce"); TEST_EQUAL(ae.endpoints.size(), 2); for (auto const& aep : ae.endpoints) { TEST_EQUAL(aep.is_working(), false); TEST_EQUAL(aep.message, ""); TEST_EQUAL(aep.last_error, error_code(bdecode_errors::expected_value , bdecode_category())); TEST_EQUAL(aep.fails, 1); } }); } TORRENT_TEST(try_next) { // test that we move on to try the next tier if the first one fails bool got_announce = false; tracker_test( [](lt::add_torrent_params& p, lt::session&) { // TODO: 3 use tracker_tiers here to put the trackers in different tiers p.trackers.push_back("udp://failing-tracker.com/announce"); p.trackers.push_back("http://failing-tracker.com/announce"); // this is the working tracker p.trackers.push_back("http://tracker.com:8080/announce"); return 60; }, [&](std::string method, std::string req , std::map&) { got_announce = true; TEST_EQUAL(method, "GET"); char response[500]; // respond with an empty peer list int const size = std::snprintf(response, sizeof(response), "d5:peers0:e"); return sim::send_response(200, "OK", size) + response; } , [](torrent_handle h) {} , [](torrent_handle h) { torrent_status st = h.status(); TEST_EQUAL(st.current_tracker, "http://tracker.com:8080/announce"); std::vector tr = h.trackers(); TEST_EQUAL(tr.size(), 3); for (int i = 0; i < int(tr.size()); ++i) { std::printf("tracker \"%s\"\n", tr[i].url.c_str()); if (tr[i].url == "http://tracker.com:8080/announce") { for (auto const& aep : tr[i].endpoints) { TEST_EQUAL(aep.fails, 0); } TEST_EQUAL(tr[i].verified, true); } else if (tr[i].url == "http://failing-tracker.com/announce") { for (auto const& aep : tr[i].endpoints) { TEST_CHECK(aep.fails >= 1); TEST_EQUAL(aep.last_error , error_code(boost::asio::error::host_not_found)); } TEST_EQUAL(tr[i].verified, false); } else if (tr[i].url == "udp://failing-tracker.com/announce") { TEST_EQUAL(tr[i].verified, false); for (auto const& aep : tr[i].endpoints) { TEST_CHECK(aep.fails >= 1); TEST_EQUAL(aep.last_error , error_code(boost::asio::error::host_not_found)); } } else { TEST_ERROR(("unexpected tracker URL: " + tr[i].url).c_str()); } } }); TEST_EQUAL(got_announce, true); } std::shared_ptr make_torrent(bool priv) { file_storage fs; fs.add_file("foobar", 13241); lt::create_torrent ct(fs); ct.add_tracker("http://tracker.com:8080/announce"); for (piece_index_t i(0); i < piece_index_t(ct.num_pieces()); ++i) ct.set_hash(i, sha1_hash(nullptr)); ct.set_priv(priv); entry e = ct.generate(); std::vector buf; bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), e); return std::make_shared(buf, from_span); } // make sure we _do_ send our IPv6 address to trackers for private torrents TORRENT_TEST(tracker_ipv6_argument) { bool got_announce = false; bool got_ipv6 = false; tracker_test( [](lt::add_torrent_params& p, lt::session& ses) { settings_pack pack; pack.set_bool(settings_pack::anonymous_mode, false); ses.apply_settings(pack); p.ti = make_torrent(true); return 60; }, [&](std::string method, std::string req , std::map&) { got_announce = true; bool const stop_event = req.find("&event=stopped") != std::string::npos; // stop events don't need to advertise the IPv6 address std::string::size_type pos = req.find("&ipv6="); TEST_CHECK(pos != std::string::npos || stop_event); got_ipv6 |= pos != std::string::npos; // make sure the IPv6 argument is url encoded TEST_CHECK(req.substr(pos + 6, req.substr(pos + 6).find_first_of('&')) == "ffff%3a%3a1337"); return sim::send_response(200, "OK", 11) + "d5:peers0:e"; } , [](torrent_handle) {} , [](torrent_handle) {}); TEST_EQUAL(got_announce, true); TEST_EQUAL(got_ipv6, true); } TORRENT_TEST(tracker_key_argument) { std::set keys; tracker_test( [](lt::add_torrent_params& p, lt::session&) { p.ti = make_torrent(true); return 60; }, [&](std::string, std::string req , std::map&) { auto const pos = req.find("&key="); TEST_CHECK(pos != std::string::npos); keys.insert(req.substr(pos + 5, req.find_first_of('&', pos + 5) - pos - 5)); return sim::send_response(200, "OK", 11) + "d5:peers0:e"; } , [](torrent_handle h) {} , [](torrent_handle h) {}); // make sure we got two separate keys, one for each listen socket interface TEST_EQUAL(keys.size(), 2); } // make sure we do _not_ send our IPv6 address to trackers for non-private // torrents TORRENT_TEST(tracker_ipv6_argument_non_private) { bool got_announce = false; bool got_ipv6 = false; tracker_test( [](lt::add_torrent_params& p, lt::session& ses) { settings_pack pack; pack.set_bool(settings_pack::anonymous_mode, false); ses.apply_settings(pack); p.ti = make_torrent(false); return 60; }, [&](std::string method, std::string req , std::map&) { got_announce = true; std::string::size_type pos = req.find("&ipv6="); TEST_CHECK(pos == std::string::npos); got_ipv6 |= pos != std::string::npos; return sim::send_response(200, "OK", 11) + "d5:peers0:e"; } , [](torrent_handle) {} , [](torrent_handle) {}); TEST_EQUAL(got_announce, true); TEST_EQUAL(got_ipv6, false); } TORRENT_TEST(tracker_ipv6_argument_privacy_mode) { bool got_announce = false; bool got_ipv6 = false; tracker_test( [](lt::add_torrent_params& p, lt::session& ses) { settings_pack pack; pack.set_bool(settings_pack::anonymous_mode, true); ses.apply_settings(pack); p.ti = make_torrent(true); return 60; }, [&](std::string method, std::string req , std::map&) { got_announce = true; std::string::size_type pos = req.find("&ipv6="); TEST_CHECK(pos == std::string::npos); got_ipv6 |= pos != std::string::npos; return sim::send_response(200, "OK", 11) + "d5:peers0:e"; } , [](torrent_handle) {} , [](torrent_handle) {}); TEST_EQUAL(got_announce, true); TEST_EQUAL(got_ipv6, false); } TORRENT_TEST(tracker_user_agent_privacy_mode_public_torrent) { bool got_announce = false; tracker_test( [](lt::add_torrent_params& p, lt::session& ses) { settings_pack pack; pack.set_bool(settings_pack::anonymous_mode, true); pack.set_str(settings_pack::user_agent, "test_agent/1.2.3"); ses.apply_settings(pack); p.ti = make_torrent(false); return 60; }, [&](std::string method, std::string req , std::map& headers) { got_announce = true; // in anonymous mode we should not send a user agent TEST_CHECK(headers["user-agent"] == ""); return sim::send_response(200, "OK", 11) + "d5:peers0:e"; } , [](torrent_handle h) {} , [](torrent_handle h) {}); TEST_EQUAL(got_announce, true); } TORRENT_TEST(tracker_user_agent_privacy_mode_private_torrent) { bool got_announce = false; tracker_test( [](lt::add_torrent_params& p, lt::session& ses) { settings_pack pack; pack.set_bool(settings_pack::anonymous_mode, true); pack.set_str(settings_pack::user_agent, "test_agent/1.2.3"); ses.apply_settings(pack); p.ti = make_torrent(true); return 60; }, [&](std::string method, std::string req , std::map& headers) { got_announce = true; // in anonymous mode we should still send the user agent for private // torrents (since private trackers sometimes require it) TEST_CHECK(headers["user-agent"] == "test_agent/1.2.3"); return sim::send_response(200, "OK", 11) + "d5:peers0:e"; } , [](torrent_handle h) {} , [](torrent_handle h) {}); TEST_EQUAL(got_announce, true); } // This test sets up two peers, one seed an one downloader. The downloader has // two trackers, both in tier 0. The behavior we expect is that it picks one of // the trackers at random and announces to it. Since both trackers are working, // it should not announce to the tracker it did not initially pick. // #error parameterize this test over adding the trackers into different tiers // and setting "announce_to_all_tiers" TORRENT_TEST(tracker_tiers) { using namespace libtorrent; char const* peer0_ip = ""; char const* peer1_ip = ""; using asio::ip::address; address peer0 = addr(peer0_ip); address peer1 = addr(peer1_ip); // setup the simulation sim::default_config network_cfg; sim::simulation sim{network_cfg}; sim::asio::io_service ios0 { sim, peer0 }; sim::asio::io_service ios1 { sim, peer1 }; sim::asio::io_service tracker1(sim, address_v4::from_string("")); sim::asio::io_service tracker2(sim, address_v4::from_string("")); sim::http_server http1(tracker1, 8080); sim::http_server http2(tracker2, 8080); bool received_announce[2] = {false, false}; http1.register_handler("/announce" , [&](std::string method, std::string req , std::map&) { received_announce[0] = true; std::string const ret = "d8:intervali60e5:peers0:e"; return sim::send_response(200, "OK", static_cast(ret.size())) + ret; }); http2.register_handler("/announce" , [&](std::string method, std::string req , std::map&) { received_announce[1] = true; std::string const ret = "d8:intervali60e5:peers0:e"; return sim::send_response(200, "OK", static_cast(ret.size())) + ret; }); lt::session_proxy zombie[2]; // setup settings pack to use for the session (customization point) lt::settings_pack pack = settings(); // create session std::shared_ptr ses[2]; pack.set_str(settings_pack::listen_interfaces, peer0_ip + std::string(":6881")); ses[0] = std::make_shared(pack, ios0); pack.set_str(settings_pack::listen_interfaces, peer1_ip + std::string(":6881")); ses[1] = std::make_shared(pack, ios1); // only monitor alerts for session 0 (the downloader) print_alerts(*ses[0], [=](lt::session&, lt::alert const* a) { if (auto ta = alert_cast(a)) { ta->handle.connect_peer(lt::tcp::endpoint(peer1, 6881)); } }); print_alerts(*ses[1]); // the first peer is a downloader, the second peer is a seed lt::add_torrent_params params = ::create_torrent(1); auto ti2 = clone_ptr(params.ti); params.flags &= ~lt::torrent_flags::auto_managed; params.flags &= ~lt::torrent_flags::paused; // These trackers are in the same tier. libtorrent is expected to pick one at // random and stick to it, never announce to the other one. params.ti->add_tracker("", 0); params.ti->add_tracker("", 0); params.save_path = save_path(0); ses[0]->async_add_torrent(params); params.ti = ti2; params.save_path = save_path(1); ses[1]->async_add_torrent(params); sim::timer t(sim, lt::minutes(30), [&](boost::system::error_code const&) { TEST_CHECK(received_announce[0] != received_announce[1]); TEST_CHECK(ses[0]->get_torrents()[0].status().is_seeding); TEST_CHECK(ses[1]->get_torrents()[0].status().is_seeding); // shut down int idx = 0; for (auto& s : ses) { zombie[idx++] = s->abort(); s.reset(); } }); sim.run(); } // TODO: test external IP // TODO: test with different queuing settings // TODO: test when a torrent transitions from downloading to finished and // finished to seeding // TODO: test that left, downloaded and uploaded are reported correctly // TODO: test scrape