/* Copyright (c) 2003-2018, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include "libtorrent/parse_url.hpp" #include "libtorrent/udp_tracker_connection.hpp" #include "libtorrent/hex.hpp" #include "libtorrent/broadcast_socket.hpp" // for is_any #include "libtorrent/random.hpp" #include "libtorrent/aux_/session_settings.hpp" #include "libtorrent/resolver_interface.hpp" #include "libtorrent/ip_filter.hpp" #include "libtorrent/aux_/time.hpp" #include "libtorrent/aux_/io.hpp" #include "libtorrent/peer.hpp" #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING #include "libtorrent/socket_io.hpp" #endif namespace libtorrent { std::map udp_tracker_connection::m_connection_cache; std::mutex udp_tracker_connection::m_cache_mutex; udp_tracker_connection::udp_tracker_connection( io_service& ios , tracker_manager& man , tracker_request const& req , std::weak_ptr c) : tracker_connection(man, req, ios, std::move(c)) , m_transaction_id(0) , m_attempts(0) , m_state(action_t::error) , m_abort(false) { update_transaction_id(); } void udp_tracker_connection::start() { // TODO: 2 support authentication here. tracker_req().auth std::string hostname; std::string protocol; int port; error_code ec; std::tie(protocol, std::ignore, hostname, port, std::ignore) = parse_url_components(tracker_req().url, ec); if (port == -1) port = protocol == "http" ? 80 : 443; if (ec) { tracker_connection::fail(ec); return; } aux::session_settings const& settings = m_man.settings(); int const proxy_type = settings.get_int(settings_pack::proxy_type); if (settings.get_bool(settings_pack::proxy_hostnames) && (proxy_type == settings_pack::socks5 || proxy_type == settings_pack::socks5_pw)) { m_hostname = hostname; m_target.port(std::uint16_t(port)); start_announce(); } else { using namespace std::placeholders; ADD_OUTSTANDING_ASYNC("udp_tracker_connection::name_lookup"); // when stopping, pass in the cache-only flag, because we // don't want to get stuck on DNS lookups when shutting down m_man.host_resolver().async_resolve(hostname , (tracker_req().event == tracker_request::stopped ? resolver_interface::cache_only : resolver_flags{}) | resolver_interface::abort_on_shutdown , std::bind(&udp_tracker_connection::name_lookup , shared_from_this(), _1, _2, port)); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING std::shared_ptr cb = requester(); if (cb) cb->debug_log("*** UDP_TRACKER [ initiating name lookup: \"%s\" ]" , hostname.c_str()); #endif } set_timeout(tracker_req().event == tracker_request::stopped ? settings.get_int(settings_pack::stop_tracker_timeout) : settings.get_int(settings_pack::tracker_completion_timeout) , settings.get_int(settings_pack::tracker_receive_timeout)); } void udp_tracker_connection::fail(error_code const& ec , char const* msg, seconds32 const interval, seconds32 const min_interval) { // m_target failed. remove it from the endpoint list auto const i = std::find(m_endpoints.begin() , m_endpoints.end(), make_tcp(m_target)); if (i != m_endpoints.end()) m_endpoints.erase(i); // if that was the last one, or the listen socket was closed // fail the whole announce if (m_endpoints.empty() || !tracker_req().outgoing_socket) { tracker_connection::fail(ec, msg, interval, min_interval); return; } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING std::shared_ptr cb = requester(); if (cb && cb->should_log()) { cb->debug_log(R"(*** UDP_TRACKER [ host: "%s" ip: "%s" | error: "%s" ])" , m_hostname.c_str(), print_endpoint(m_target).c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); } #endif // pick another target endpoint and try again m_target = make_udp(m_endpoints.front()); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (cb && cb->should_log()) { cb->debug_log(R"(*** UDP_TRACKER trying next IP [ host: "%s" ip: "%s" ])" , m_hostname.c_str(), print_endpoint(m_target).c_str()); } #endif get_io_service().post(std::bind( &udp_tracker_connection::start_announce, shared_from_this())); aux::session_settings const& settings = m_man.settings(); set_timeout(tracker_req().event == tracker_request::stopped ? settings.get_int(settings_pack::stop_tracker_timeout) : settings.get_int(settings_pack::tracker_completion_timeout) , settings.get_int(settings_pack::tracker_receive_timeout)); } void udp_tracker_connection::name_lookup(error_code const& error , std::vector
const& addresses, int port) { COMPLETE_ASYNC("udp_tracker_connection::name_lookup"); if (m_abort) return; if (error == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) return; if (error || addresses.empty()) { fail(error); return; } std::shared_ptr cb = requester(); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (cb) cb->debug_log("*** UDP_TRACKER [ name lookup successful ]"); #endif if (cancelled()) { fail(error_code(errors::torrent_aborted)); return; } restart_read_timeout(); if (!tracker_req().outgoing_socket) { fail(error_code(errors::invalid_listen_socket)); return; } auto bind_address = bind_interface(); // look for an address that has the same kind as the one // we're listening on. To make sure the tracker get our // correct listening address. bool is_v4 = bind_address.is_v4(); auto scope = is_v4 ? 0 : bind_address.to_v6().scope_id(); for (auto const& addr : addresses) { if (addr.is_v4() != is_v4) continue; if (addr.is_v6() && addr.to_v6().scope_id() != scope) continue; m_endpoints.emplace_back(addr, std::uint16_t(port)); } if (m_endpoints.empty()) { fail(error_code(boost::asio::error::address_family_not_supported)); return; } if (tracker_req().filter) { // remove endpoints that are filtered by the IP filter for (auto k = m_endpoints.begin(); k != m_endpoints.end();) { if (tracker_req().filter->access(k->address()) == ip_filter::blocked) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (cb && cb->should_log()) { cb->debug_log("*** UDP_TRACKER [ IP blocked by filter: %s ]" , print_address(k->address()).c_str()); } #endif k = m_endpoints.erase(k); } else ++k; } } // if all endpoints were filtered by the IP filter, we can't connect if (m_endpoints.empty()) { fail(error_code(errors::banned_by_ip_filter)); return; } m_target = make_udp(m_endpoints.front()); start_announce(); } void udp_tracker_connection::start_announce() { std::unique_lock l(m_cache_mutex); auto const cc = m_connection_cache.find(m_target.address()); if (cc != m_connection_cache.end()) { // we found a cached entry! Now, we can only // use if if it hasn't expired if (aux::time_now() < cc->second.expires) { if (0 == (tracker_req().kind & tracker_request::scrape_request)) send_udp_announce(); else if (0 != (tracker_req().kind & tracker_request::scrape_request)) send_udp_scrape(); return; } // if it expired, remove it from the cache m_connection_cache.erase(cc); } l.unlock(); send_udp_connect(); } void udp_tracker_connection::on_timeout(error_code const& ec) { if (ec) { fail(ec); return; } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING std::shared_ptr cb = requester(); if (cb) cb->debug_log("*** UDP_TRACKER [ timed out url: %s ]", tracker_req().url.c_str()); #endif fail(error_code(errors::timed_out)); } void udp_tracker_connection::close() { cancel(); m_man.remove_request(this); } bool udp_tracker_connection::on_receive_hostname(char const* hostname , span buf) { TORRENT_UNUSED(hostname); // just ignore the hostname this came from, pretend that // it's from the same endpoint we sent it to (i.e. the same // port). We have so many other ways of confirming this packet // comes from the tracker anyway, so it's not a big deal return on_receive(m_target, buf); } bool udp_tracker_connection::on_receive(udp::endpoint const& ep , span const buf) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING std::shared_ptr cb = requester(); #endif // ignore responses before we've sent any requests if (m_state == action_t::error) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (cb) cb->debug_log("<== UDP_TRACKER [ m_action == error ]"); #endif return false; } if (m_abort) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (cb) cb->debug_log("<== UDP_TRACKER [ aborted]"); #endif return false; } // ignore packet not sent from the tracker // if m_target is inaddr_any, it suggests that we // sent the packet through a proxy only knowing // the hostname, in which case this packet might be for us if (!is_any(m_target.address()) && m_target != ep) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (cb && cb->should_log()) { cb->debug_log("<== UDP_TRACKER [ unexpected source IP: %s " "expected: %s ]" , print_endpoint(ep).c_str() , print_endpoint(m_target).c_str()); } #endif return false; } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (cb) cb->debug_log("<== UDP_TRACKER_PACKET [ size: %d ]" , int(buf.size())); #endif // ignore packets smaller than 8 bytes if (buf.size() < 8) return false; span ptr = buf; auto const action = static_cast(aux::read_int32(ptr)); std::uint32_t const transaction = aux::read_uint32(ptr); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (cb) cb->debug_log("*** UDP_TRACKER_PACKET [ action: %d ]" , static_cast(action)); #endif // ignore packets with incorrect transaction id if (m_transaction_id != transaction) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (cb) cb->debug_log("*** UDP_TRACKER_PACKET [ tid: %x ]" , int(transaction)); #endif return false; } if (action == action_t::error) { fail(error_code(errors::tracker_failure) , std::string(buf.data(), buf.size()).c_str()); return true; } // ignore packets that's not a response to our message if (action != m_state) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (cb) cb->debug_log("*** UDP_TRACKER_PACKET [ unexpected action: %d " " expected: %d ]", static_cast(action), static_cast(m_state)); #endif return false; } restart_read_timeout(); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (cb) cb->debug_log("*** UDP_TRACKER_RESPONSE [ tid: %x ]" , int(transaction)); #endif switch (m_state) { case action_t::connect: return on_connect_response(buf); case action_t::announce: return on_announce_response(buf); case action_t::scrape: return on_scrape_response(buf); case action_t::error: return false; } return false; } void udp_tracker_connection::update_transaction_id() { // don't use 0, because that has special meaning (uninitialized) std::uint32_t const new_tid = random(0xfffffffe) + 1; if (m_transaction_id != 0) m_man.update_transaction_id(shared_from_this(), new_tid); m_transaction_id = new_tid; } bool udp_tracker_connection::on_connect_response(span buf) { // ignore packets smaller than 16 bytes if (buf.size() < 16) return false; restart_read_timeout(); // skip header buf = buf.subspan(8); // reset transaction update_transaction_id(); std::int64_t const connection_id = aux::read_int64(buf); std::lock_guard l(m_cache_mutex); connection_cache_entry& cce = m_connection_cache[m_target.address()]; cce.connection_id = connection_id; cce.expires = aux::time_now() + seconds(m_man.settings().get_int(settings_pack::udp_tracker_token_expiry)); if (0 == (tracker_req().kind & tracker_request::scrape_request)) send_udp_announce(); else if (0 != (tracker_req().kind & tracker_request::scrape_request)) send_udp_scrape(); return true; } void udp_tracker_connection::send_udp_connect() { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING std::shared_ptr cb = requester(); #endif if (m_abort) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (cb) cb->debug_log("==> UDP_TRACKER_CONNECT [ skipped, m_abort ]"); #endif return; } std::size_t const connect_packet_size = 16; std::array buf; span view = buf; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_transaction_id != 0); aux::write_uint32(0x417, view); aux::write_uint32(0x27101980, view); // connection_id aux::write_int32(action_t::connect, view); // action (connect) aux::write_int32(m_transaction_id, view); // transaction_id TORRENT_ASSERT(view.empty()); error_code ec; if (!m_hostname.empty()) { m_man.send_hostname(bind_socket(), m_hostname.c_str() , m_target.port(), buf, ec , udp_socket::tracker_connection); } else { m_man.send(bind_socket(), m_target, buf, ec , udp_socket::tracker_connection); } ++m_attempts; if (ec) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (cb && cb->should_log()) { cb->debug_log("==> UDP_TRACKER_CONNECT [ failed: %s ]" , ec.message().c_str()); } #endif fail(ec); return; } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (cb && cb->should_log()) { cb->debug_log("==> UDP_TRACKER_CONNECT [ to: %s ih: %s]" , m_hostname.empty() ? print_endpoint(m_target).c_str() : (m_hostname + ":" + to_string(m_target.port()).data()).c_str() , aux::to_hex(tracker_req().info_hash).c_str()); } #endif m_state = action_t::connect; sent_bytes(16 + 28); // assuming UDP/IP header } void udp_tracker_connection::send_udp_scrape() { if (m_abort) return; auto const i = m_connection_cache.find(m_target.address()); // this isn't really supposed to happen TORRENT_ASSERT(i != m_connection_cache.end()); if (i == m_connection_cache.end()) return; char buf[8 + 4 + 4 + 20]; span view = buf; aux::write_int64(i->second.connection_id, view); // connection_id aux::write_int32(action_t::scrape, view); // action (scrape) aux::write_int32(m_transaction_id, view); // transaction_id // info_hash std::copy(tracker_req().info_hash.begin(), tracker_req().info_hash.end() , view.data()); #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS TORRENT_ASSERT(view.size() == 20); #endif error_code ec; if (!m_hostname.empty()) { m_man.send_hostname(bind_socket(), m_hostname.c_str(), m_target.port() , buf, ec, udp_socket::tracker_connection); } else { m_man.send(bind_socket(), m_target, buf, ec , udp_socket::tracker_connection); } m_state = action_t::scrape; sent_bytes(sizeof(buf) + 28); // assuming UDP/IP header ++m_attempts; if (ec) { fail(ec); return; } } bool udp_tracker_connection::on_announce_response(span buf) { if (buf.size() < 20) return false; buf = buf.subspan(8); restart_read_timeout(); tracker_response resp; resp.interval = seconds32(aux::read_int32(buf)); resp.min_interval = seconds32(60); resp.incomplete = aux::read_int32(buf); resp.complete = aux::read_int32(buf); std::size_t const ip_stride = is_v6(m_target) ? 18 : 6; std::size_t const num_peers = buf.size() / ip_stride; if (buf.size() % ip_stride != 0) { fail(error_code(errors::invalid_tracker_response_length)); return false; } std::shared_ptr cb = requester(); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (cb) { cb->debug_log("<== UDP_TRACKER_RESPONSE [ url: %s ]", tracker_req().url.c_str()); } #endif if (!cb) { close(); return true; } if (is_v6(m_target)) { resp.peers6.reserve(num_peers); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_peers; ++i) { ipv6_peer_entry e{}; std::memcpy(e.ip.data(), buf.data(), 16); buf = buf.subspan(16); e.port = aux::read_uint16(buf); resp.peers6.push_back(e); } } else { resp.peers4.reserve(num_peers); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_peers; ++i) { ipv4_peer_entry e{}; std::memcpy(e.ip.data(), buf.data(), 4); buf = buf.subspan(4); e.port = aux::read_uint16(buf); resp.peers4.push_back(e); } } std::list
ip_list; for (auto const& endp : m_endpoints) { ip_list.push_back(endp.address()); } cb->tracker_response(tracker_req(), m_target.address(), ip_list , resp); close(); return true; } bool udp_tracker_connection::on_scrape_response(span buf) { restart_read_timeout(); auto const action = static_cast(aux::read_int32(buf)); std::uint32_t const transaction = aux::read_uint32(buf); if (transaction != m_transaction_id) { fail(error_code(errors::invalid_tracker_transaction_id)); return false; } if (action == action_t::error) { fail(error_code(errors::tracker_failure) , std::string(buf.data(), buf.size()).c_str()); return true; } if (action != action_t::scrape) { fail(error_code(errors::invalid_tracker_action)); return true; } if (buf.size() < 12) { fail(error_code(errors::invalid_tracker_response_length)); return true; } int const complete = aux::read_int32(buf); int const downloaded = aux::read_int32(buf); int const incomplete = aux::read_int32(buf); std::shared_ptr cb = requester(); if (!cb) { close(); return true; } cb->tracker_scrape_response(tracker_req() , complete, incomplete, downloaded, -1); close(); return true; } void udp_tracker_connection::send_udp_announce() { if (m_abort) return; char buf[800]; span out = buf; tracker_request const& req = tracker_req(); aux::session_settings const& settings = m_man.settings(); auto const i = m_connection_cache.find(m_target.address()); // this isn't really supposed to happen TORRENT_ASSERT(i != m_connection_cache.end()); if (i == m_connection_cache.end()) return; aux::write_int64(i->second.connection_id, out); // connection_id aux::write_int32(action_t::announce, out); // action (announce) aux::write_int32(m_transaction_id, out); // transaction_id std::copy(req.info_hash.begin(), req.info_hash.end(), out.data()); // info_hash out = out.subspan(20); std::copy(req.pid.begin(), req.pid.end(), out.data()); // peer_id out = out.subspan(20); aux::write_int64(req.downloaded, out); // downloaded aux::write_int64(req.left, out); // left aux::write_int64(req.uploaded, out); // uploaded aux::write_int32(req.event, out); // event // ip address address_v4 announce_ip; if (!settings.get_bool(settings_pack::anonymous_mode) && !settings.get_str(settings_pack::announce_ip).empty()) { error_code ec; address ip = make_address(settings.get_str(settings_pack::announce_ip).c_str(), ec); if (!ec && ip.is_v4()) announce_ip = ip.to_v4(); } aux::write_uint32(announce_ip.to_ulong(), out); aux::write_int32(req.key, out); // key aux::write_int32(req.num_want, out); // num_want aux::write_uint16(req.listen_port, out); // port std::string request_string; error_code ec; using std::ignore; std::tie(ignore, ignore, ignore, ignore, request_string) = parse_url_components(req.url, ec); if (ec) request_string.clear(); if (!request_string.empty()) { std::size_t str_len = std::min(request_string.size(), std::size_t(255)); request_string.resize(str_len); aux::write_uint8(2, out); aux::write_uint8(str_len, out); aux::write_string(request_string, out); } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING std::shared_ptr cb = requester(); if (cb && cb->should_log()) { cb->debug_log("==> UDP_TRACKER_ANNOUNCE [%s]", aux::to_hex(req.info_hash).c_str()); } #endif if (!m_hostname.empty()) { m_man.send_hostname(bind_socket(), m_hostname.c_str() , m_target.port(), {buf, std::size_t(sizeof(buf) - out.size())}, ec , udp_socket::tracker_connection); } else { m_man.send(bind_socket(), m_target, {buf, std::size_t(sizeof(buf) - out.size())}, ec , udp_socket::tracker_connection); } m_state = action_t::announce; sent_bytes(int(sizeof(buf) - out.size()) + 28); // assuming UDP/IP header ++m_attempts; if (ec) { fail(ec); return; } } }