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<h1>libtorrent todo-list</h1>
<span style="color: #f77">4 important</span>
<span style="color: #3c3">11 relevant</span>
<span style="color: #77f">16 feasible</span>
<span style="color: #999">35 notes</span>
<table width="100%" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;"><tr style="background: #fcc"><td>relevance&nbsp;3</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(0)">../src/torrent.cpp:5801</a></td><td>support SSL over uTP</td></tr><tr id="0" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>support SSL over uTP</h2><h4>../src/torrent.cpp:5801</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">			// we'll instantiate a TCP connection
			utp_socket_manager* sm = 0;

			if (m_ses.m_settings.enable_outgoing_utp
				&amp;&amp; (!m_ses.m_settings.enable_outgoing_tcp
					|| peerinfo-&gt;supports_utp
					|| peerinfo-&gt;confirmed_supports_utp))
				sm = &amp;m_ses.m_utp_socket_manager;

			// don't make a TCP connection if it's disabled
			if (sm == 0 &amp;&amp; !m_ses.m_settings.enable_outgoing_tcp) return false;

			void* userdata = 0;
			if (is_ssl_torrent() &amp;&amp; m_ses.settings().ssl_listen != 0)
				userdata = m_ssl_ctx.get();
				// SSL handshakes are slow
				timeout_extend = 10;

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">				sm = 0;
</div>			}

			bool ret = instantiate_connection(m_ses.m_io_service, m_ses.proxy(), *s, userdata, sm, true);

#if defined TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL &amp;&amp; BOOST_VERSION &gt;= 104700
			if (is_ssl_torrent())
				// for ssl sockets, set the hostname
				std::string host_name = to_hex(m_torrent_file-&gt;info_hash().to_string());

#define CASE(t) case socket_type_int_impl&lt;ssl_stream&lt;t&gt; &gt;::value: \
	s-&gt;get&lt;ssl_stream&lt;t&gt; &gt;()-&gt;set_host_name(host_name); break;

				switch (s-&gt;type())
					default: break;
#undef CASE

</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #fcc"><td>relevance&nbsp;3</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(1)">../src/torrent.cpp:6151</a></td><td>if peer is a really good peer, maybe we shouldn't disconnect it</td></tr><tr id="1" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>if peer is a really good peer, maybe we shouldn't disconnect it</h2><h4>../src/torrent.cpp:6151</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">			return false;
		TORRENT_ASSERT(m_connections.find(p) == m_connections.end());
		error_code ec;
		TORRENT_ASSERT(p-&gt;remote() == p-&gt;get_socket()-&gt;remote_endpoint(ec) || ec);

		TORRENT_ASSERT(p-&gt;peer_info_struct() != NULL);

		// we need to do this after we've added the peer to the policy
		// since that's when the peer is assigned its peer_info object,
		// which holds the rank
		if (maybe_replace_peer)
			// now, find the lowest rank peer and disconnect that
			// if it's lower rank than the incoming connection
			peer_connection* peer = find_lowest_ranking_peer();

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">			if (peer &amp;&amp; peer-&gt;peer_rank() &lt; p-&gt;peer_rank())
</div>			{
				// we have to do this here because from the peer's point of
				// it wasn't really attached to the torrent, but we do need
				// to let policy know we're removing it
				return false;


		if (m_share_mode)

		return true;

	bool torrent::want_more_peers() const
		return m_connections.size() &lt; m_max_connections
			&amp;&amp; !is_paused()
			&amp;&amp; ((m_state != torrent_status::checking_files
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #fcc"><td>relevance&nbsp;3</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(2)">../include/libtorrent/kademlia/dht_tracker.hpp:79</a></td><td>take a udp_socket_interface here instead. Move udp_socket_interface down into libtorrent core</td></tr><tr id="2" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>take a udp_socket_interface here instead. Move udp_socket_interface down into libtorrent core</h2><h4>../include/libtorrent/kademlia/dht_tracker.hpp:79</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">	struct lazy_entry;

namespace libtorrent { namespace dht


	struct dht_tracker;

	TORRENT_EXTRA_EXPORT void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(dht_tracker const*);
	TORRENT_EXTRA_EXPORT void intrusive_ptr_release(dht_tracker const*);	

	struct dht_tracker : udp_socket_interface, udp_socket_observer
		friend void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(dht_tracker const*);
		friend void intrusive_ptr_release(dht_tracker const*);

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		dht_tracker(libtorrent::aux::session_impl&amp; ses, rate_limited_udp_socket&amp; sock
</div>			, dht_settings const&amp; settings, entry const* state = 0);
		virtual ~dht_tracker();

		void start(entry const&amp; bootstrap);
		void stop();

		void add_node(udp::endpoint node);
		void add_node(std::pair&lt;std::string, int&gt; const&amp; node);
		void add_router_node(udp::endpoint const&amp; node);

		entry state() const;

		void announce(sha1_hash const&amp; ih, int listen_port, bool seed
			, boost::function&lt;void(std::vector&lt;tcp::endpoint&gt; const&amp;)&gt; f);

		void dht_status(session_status&amp; s);
		void network_stats(int&amp; sent, int&amp; received);

		// translate bittorrent kademlia message into the generic kademlia message
		// used by the library
		virtual bool incoming_packet(error_code const&amp; ec
			, udp::endpoint const&amp;, char const* buf, int size);

		boost::intrusive_ptr&lt;dht_tracker&gt; self()
		{ return boost::intrusive_ptr&lt;dht_tracker&gt;(this); }

		void on_name_lookup(error_code const&amp; e
			, udp::resolver::iterator host);
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #fcc"><td>relevance&nbsp;3</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(3)">../include/libtorrent/kademlia/find_data.hpp:60</a></td><td>rename this class to find_peers, since that's what it does find_data is an unnecessarily generic name</td></tr><tr id="3" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>rename this class to find_peers, since that's what it does
find_data is an unnecessarily generic name</h2><h4>../include/libtorrent/kademlia/find_data.hpp:60</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">#include &lt;libtorrent/kademlia/node_id.hpp&gt;
#include &lt;libtorrent/kademlia/routing_table.hpp&gt;
#include &lt;libtorrent/kademlia/rpc_manager.hpp&gt;
#include &lt;libtorrent/kademlia/observer.hpp&gt;
#include &lt;libtorrent/kademlia/msg.hpp&gt;

#include &lt;boost/optional.hpp&gt;
#include &lt;boost/function/function1.hpp&gt;
#include &lt;boost/function/function2.hpp&gt;

namespace libtorrent { namespace dht

typedef std::vector&lt;char&gt; packet_t;

class rpc_manager;
class node_impl;

// -------- find data -----------

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">class find_data : public traversal_algorithm
	typedef boost::function&lt;void(std::vector&lt;tcp::endpoint&gt; const&amp;)&gt; data_callback;
	typedef boost::function&lt;void(std::vector&lt;std::pair&lt;node_entry, std::string&gt; &gt; const&amp;, bool)&gt; nodes_callback;

	void got_peers(std::vector&lt;tcp::endpoint&gt; const&amp; peers);
	void got_write_token(node_id const&amp; n, std::string const&amp; write_token)
	{ m_write_tokens[n] = write_token; }

	find_data(node_impl&amp; node, node_id target
		, data_callback const&amp; dcallback
		, nodes_callback const&amp; ncallback
		, bool noseeds);

	virtual char const* name() const { return "get_peers"; }

	node_id const target() const { return m_target; }


	void done();
	observer_ptr new_observer(void* ptr, udp::endpoint const&amp; ep, node_id const&amp; id);
	virtual bool invoke(observer_ptr o);


	data_callback m_data_callback;
	nodes_callback m_nodes_callback;
	std::map&lt;node_id, std::string&gt; m_write_tokens;
	node_id const m_target;
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #cfc"><td>relevance&nbsp;2</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(4)">../src/piece_picker.cpp:1489</a></td><td>m_downloads size will be > 0 just by having pad-files in the torrent. That should be taken into account here.</td></tr><tr id="4" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>m_downloads size will be > 0 just by having pad-files
in the torrent. That should be taken into account here.</h2><h4>../src/piece_picker.cpp:1489</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">	//     have an affinity to pick pieces in the same speed
	//     category.
	// * ignore_whole_pieces
	//     ignores the prefer_whole_pieces parameter (as if
	//     it was 0)

	// only one of rarest_first, sequential can be set

	void piece_picker::pick_pieces(bitfield const&amp; pieces
		, std::vector&lt;piece_block&gt;&amp; interesting_blocks, int num_blocks
		, int prefer_whole_pieces, void* peer, piece_state_t speed
		, int options, std::vector&lt;int&gt; const&amp; suggested_pieces
		, int num_peers) const
		TORRENT_ASSERT(peer == 0 || static_cast&lt;policy::peer*&gt;(peer)-&gt;in_use);

		// prevent the number of partial pieces to grow indefinitely
		// make this scale by the number of peers we have. For large
		// scale clients, we would have more peers, and allow a higher
		// threshold for the number of partials
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		if (m_downloads.size() &gt; num_peers * 3 / 2) options |= prioritize_partials;
		if (options &amp; ignore_whole_pieces) prefer_whole_pieces = 0;

		// only one of rarest_first and sequential can be set.
		TORRENT_ASSERT(((options &amp; rarest_first) ? 1 : 0)
			+ ((options &amp; sequential) ? 1 : 0) &lt;= 1);
		TORRENT_ASSERT(num_blocks &gt; 0);
		TORRENT_ASSERT(pieces.size() == m_piece_map.size());

			|| m_dirty);

		// this will be filled with blocks that we should not request
		// unless we can't find num_blocks among the other ones.
		// blocks that belong to pieces with a mismatching speed
		// category for instance, or if we prefer whole pieces,
		// blocks belonging to a piece that others have
		// downloaded to
		std::vector&lt;piece_block&gt; backup_blocks;
		std::vector&lt;piece_block&gt; backup_blocks2;
		const std::vector&lt;int&gt; empty_vector;
		// When prefer_whole_pieces is set (usually set when downloading from
		// fast peers) the partial pieces will not be prioritized, but actually
		// ignored as long as possible. All blocks found in downloading
		// pieces are regarded as backup blocks

</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #cfc"><td>relevance&nbsp;2</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(5)">../src/session_impl.cpp:5208</a></td><td>if we still can't find the torrent, we should probably look for it by url here</td></tr><tr id="5" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>if we still can't find the torrent, we should probably look for it by url here</h2><h4>../src/session_impl.cpp:5208</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">					}
					session_log("metadata info-hash failed");
				session_log("no metadata found");

		// is the torrent already active?
		boost::shared_ptr&lt;torrent&gt; torrent_ptr = find_torrent(*ih).lock();
		if (!torrent_ptr &amp;&amp; !params.uuid.empty()) torrent_ptr = find_torrent(params.uuid).lock();
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">
</div>		if (torrent_ptr)
			if ((params.flags &amp; add_torrent_params::flag_duplicate_is_error) == 0)
				if (!params.uuid.empty() &amp;&amp; torrent_ptr-&gt;uuid().empty())
				if (!params.url.empty() &amp;&amp; torrent_ptr-&gt;url().empty())
				if (!params.source_feed_url.empty() &amp;&amp; torrent_ptr-&gt;source_feed_url().empty())
				return torrent_handle(torrent_ptr);

			ec = errors::duplicate_torrent;
			return torrent_handle();

		int queue_pos = 0;
		for (torrent_map::const_iterator i = m_torrents.begin()
			, end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i)
			int pos = i-&gt;second-&gt;queue_position();
			if (pos &gt;= queue_pos) queue_pos = pos + 1;

		torrent_ptr.reset(new torrent(*this, m_listen_interface
			, 16 * 1024, queue_pos, params, *ih));

</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #cfc"><td>relevance&nbsp;2</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(6)">../src/torrent.cpp:5919</a></td><td>pass in ec along with the alert</td></tr><tr id="6" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>pass in ec along with the alert</h2><h4>../src/torrent.cpp:5919</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">
		if (info_hash != m_torrent_file-&gt;info_hash())
			if (alerts().should_post&lt;metadata_failed_alert&gt;())
			return false;

		lazy_entry metadata;
		error_code ec;
		int ret = lazy_bdecode(metadata_buf, metadata_buf + metadata_size, metadata, ec);
		if (ret != 0 || !m_torrent_file-&gt;parse_info_section(metadata, ec, 0))
			// this means the metadata is correct, since we
			// verified it against the info-hash, but we
			// failed to parse it. Pause the torrent
			if (alerts().should_post&lt;metadata_failed_alert&gt;())
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">				alerts().post_alert(metadata_failed_alert(get_handle()));
</div>			}
			set_error(errors::invalid_swarm_metadata, "");
			return false;

		if (m_ses.m_alerts.should_post&lt;metadata_received_alert&gt;())

		// this makes the resume data "paused" and
		// "auto_managed" fields be ignored. If the paused
		// field is not ignored, the invariant check will fail
		// since we will be paused but without having disconnected
		// any of the peers.
		m_override_resume_data = true;

		// we have to initialize the torrent before we start
		// disconnecting redundant peers, otherwise we'll think
		// we're a seed, because we have all 0 pieces

		// disconnect redundant peers
		for (std::set&lt;peer_connection*&gt;::iterator i = m_connections.begin()
			, end(m_connections.end()); i != end;)
			std::set&lt;peer_connection*&gt;::iterator p = i++;
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #cfc"><td>relevance&nbsp;2</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(7)">../src/torrent.cpp:8321</a></td><td>will pick_pieces ever return an empty set?</td></tr><tr id="7" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>will pick_pieces ever return an empty set?</h2><h4>../src/torrent.cpp:8321</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">				if (added_request)
					peers_with_requests.insert(peers_with_requests.begin(), &amp;c);
					if (i-&gt;first_requested == min_time()) i-&gt;first_requested = now;

					if (!c.can_request_time_critical())
						// resort p, since it will have a higher download_queue_time now
						while (p != peers.end()-1 &amp;&amp; (*p)-&gt;download_queue_time() &gt; (*(p+1))-&gt;download_queue_time())
							std::iter_swap(p, p+1);

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">			} while (!interesting_blocks.empty());
			peers.insert(peers.begin(), ignore_peers.begin(), ignore_peers.end());

		// commit all the time critical requests
		for (std::set&lt;peer_connection*&gt;::iterator i = peers_with_requests.begin()
			, end(peers_with_requests.end()); i != end; ++i)

	std::set&lt;std::string&gt; torrent::web_seeds(web_seed_entry::type_t type) const
		std::set&lt;std::string&gt; ret;
		for (std::list&lt;web_seed_entry&gt;::const_iterator i = m_web_seeds.begin()
			, end(m_web_seeds.end()); i != end; ++i)
			if (i-&gt;peer_info.banned) continue;
			if (i-&gt;type != type) continue;
		return ret;

	void torrent::remove_web_seed(std::string const&amp; url, web_seed_entry::type_t type)
		std::list&lt;web_seed_entry&gt;::iterator i = std::find_if(m_web_seeds.begin(), m_web_seeds.end()
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #cfc"><td>relevance&nbsp;2</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(8)">../src/utp_stream.cpp:608</a></td><td>support the option to turn it off</td></tr><tr id="8" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>support the option to turn it off</h2><h4>../src/utp_stream.cpp:608</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		UTP_STATE_ERROR_WAIT,

		// there are no more references to this socket
		// and we can delete it

	// this is the cursor into m_delay_sample_hist
	boost::uint8_t m_delay_sample_idx:2;

	// the state the socket is in
	boost::uint8_t m_state:3;

	// this is set to true when we receive a fin
	bool m_eof:1;

	// is this socket state attached to a user space socket?
	bool m_attached:1;

	// this is true if nagle is enabled (which it is by default)
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">	bool m_nagle:1;
	// this is true while the socket is in slow start mode. It's
	// only in slow-start during the start-up phase. Slow start
	// (contrary to what its name suggest) means that we're growing
	// the congestion window (cwnd) exponetially rather than linearly.
	// this is done at startup of a socket in order to find its
	// link capacity faster. This behaves similar to TCP slow start
	bool m_slow_start:1;
	// this is true as long as we have as many packets in
	// flight as allowed by the congestion window (cwnd)
	bool m_cwnd_full:1;

	// this is set to true when this socket has added itself to
	// the utp socket manager's list of deferred acks. Once the
	// burst of incoming UDP packets is all drained, the utp socket
	// manager will send acks for all sockets on this list.
	bool m_deferred_ack:1;

	// this is true if this socket has subscribed to be notified
	// when this receive round is done
	bool m_subscribe_drained:1;

	// if this socket tries to send a packet via the utp socket
	// manager, and it fails with EWOULDBLOCK, the socket
	// is stalled and this is set. It's also added to a list
	// of sockets in the utp_socket_manager to be notified of
	// the socket being writable again
	bool m_stalled:1;
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #cfc"><td>relevance&nbsp;2</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(9)">../src/utp_stream.cpp:1862</a></td><td>we might want to do something else here as well, to resend the packet immediately without it being an MTU probe</td></tr><tr id="9" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>we might want to do something else here
as well, to resend the packet immediately without
it being an MTU probe</h2><h4>../src/utp_stream.cpp:1862</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">	// simulate 1% packet loss
//	if ((rand() % 100) &gt; 0)
	m_sm-&gt;send_packet(udp::endpoint(m_remote_address, m_port)
		, (char const*)h, p-&gt;size, ec
		, p-&gt;mtu_probe ? utp_socket_manager::dont_fragment : 0);


	if (ec == error::message_size)
		UTP_LOGV("%8p: error sending packet: %s\n", this, ec.message().c_str());
		// if we fail even though this is not a probe, we're screwed
		// since we'd have to repacketize
		m_mtu_ceiling = p-&gt;size - 1;
		if (m_mtu_floor &gt; m_mtu_ceiling) m_mtu_floor = m_mtu_ceiling;
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		p-&gt;mtu_probe = false;
</div>		if (m_mtu_seq == m_ack_nr)
			m_mtu_seq = 0;

		UTP_LOGV("%8p: re-sending\n", this);
		m_sm-&gt;send_packet(udp::endpoint(m_remote_address, m_port)
			, (char const*)h, p-&gt;size, ec, 0);

	if (ec == error::would_block || ec == error::try_again)
		UTP_LOGV("%8p: socket stalled\n", this);
		if (!m_stalled)
			m_stalled = true;
	else if (ec)
		TORRENT_ASSERT(stack_alloced != bool(payload_size));
		if (payload_size) free(p);
		m_error = ec;
		return false;
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #cfc"><td>relevance&nbsp;2</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(10)">../src/kademlia/dht_tracker.cpp:641</a></td><td>fix this stats logging. For instance, the stats counters could be factored out into its own class, and dht_tracker could take an optional reference to it ++m_replies_sent[e["r"]]; m_replies_bytes_sent[e["r"]] += int(m_send_buf.size());</td></tr><tr id="10" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>fix this stats logging. For instance,
the stats counters could be factored out into its own
class, and dht_tracker could take an optional reference to it
m_replies_bytes_sent[e["r"]] += int(m_send_buf.size());</h2><h4>../src/kademlia/dht_tracker.cpp:641</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">#ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING
		std::stringstream log_line;
		lazy_entry print;
		int ret = lazy_bdecode(&amp;m_send_buf[0], &amp;m_send_buf[0] + m_send_buf.size(), print, ec);
		TORRENT_ASSERT(ret == 0);
		log_line &lt;&lt; print_entry(print, true);

		if (m_sock.send(addr, &amp;m_send_buf[0], (int)m_send_buf.size(), ec, send_flags))
			if (ec) return false;

			// account for IP and UDP overhead
			m_sent_bytes += m_send_buf.size() + (addr.address().is_v6() ? 48 : 28);

			m_total_out_bytes += m_send_buf.size();
			if (e["y"].string() == "r")
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">			}
</div>			else if (e["y"].string() == "q")
				m_queries_out_bytes += m_send_buf.size();
			TORRENT_LOG(dht_tracker) &lt;&lt; "==&gt; " &lt;&lt; addr &lt;&lt; " " &lt;&lt; log_line.str();
			return true;
			TORRENT_LOG(dht_tracker) &lt;&lt; "==&gt; " &lt;&lt; addr &lt;&lt; " DROPPED " &lt;&lt; log_line.str();
			return false;


</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #cfc"><td>relevance&nbsp;2</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(11)">../src/kademlia/node.cpp:64</a></td><td>make this configurable in dht_settings</td></tr><tr id="11" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>make this configurable in dht_settings</h2><h4>../src/kademlia/node.cpp:64</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">#include "libtorrent/socket.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/random.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/aux_/session_impl.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/kademlia/node_id.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/kademlia/rpc_manager.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/kademlia/routing_table.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/kademlia/node.hpp"

#include "libtorrent/kademlia/refresh.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/kademlia/find_data.hpp"

#include "ed25519.h"

namespace libtorrent { namespace dht

void incoming_error(entry&amp; e, char const* msg);

using detail::write_endpoint;

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">enum { announce_interval = 30 };

extern int g_failed_announces;
extern int g_announces;


// remove peers that have timed out
void purge_peers(std::set&lt;peer_entry&gt;&amp; peers)
	for (std::set&lt;peer_entry&gt;::iterator i = peers.begin()
		  , end(peers.end()); i != end;)
		// the peer has timed out
		if (i-&gt;added + minutes(int(announce_interval * 1.5f)) &lt; time_now())
			TORRENT_LOG(node) &lt;&lt; "peer timed out at: " &lt;&lt; i-&gt;addr;

void nop() {}

</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #cfc"><td>relevance&nbsp;2</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(12)">../include/libtorrent/natpmp.hpp:56</a></td><td>make this a shared_ptr instead</td></tr><tr id="12" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>make this a shared_ptr instead</h2><h4>../include/libtorrent/natpmp.hpp:56</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">#include "libtorrent/io_service_fwd.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/socket.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/address.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/thread.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/error_code.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/intrusive_ptr_base.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/deadline_timer.hpp"

#include &lt;boost/function/function1.hpp&gt;
#include &lt;boost/function/function4.hpp&gt;

namespace libtorrent

// int: port mapping index
// int: external port
// std::string: error message
typedef boost::function&lt;void(int, address, int, error_code const&amp;)&gt; portmap_callback_t;
typedef boost::function&lt;void(char const*)&gt; log_callback_t;

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">class natpmp : public intrusive_ptr_base&lt;natpmp&gt;
	natpmp(io_service&amp; ios, address const&amp; listen_interface
		, portmap_callback_t const&amp; cb
		, log_callback_t const&amp; lcb);

	void rebind(address const&amp; listen_interface);

	// maps the ports, if a port is set to 0
	// it will not be mapped
	enum protocol_type { none = 0, udp = 1, tcp = 2 };
	int add_mapping(protocol_type p, int external_port, int local_port);
	void delete_mapping(int mapping_index);
	bool get_mapping(int mapping_index, int&amp; local_port, int&amp; external_port, int&amp; protocol) const;

	void close();

	void update_mapping(int i, mutex::scoped_lock&amp; l);
	void send_map_request(int i, mutex::scoped_lock&amp; l);
	void send_get_ip_address_request(mutex::scoped_lock&amp; l);
	void resend_request(int i, error_code const&amp; e);
	void on_reply(error_code const&amp; e
		, std::size_t bytes_transferred);
	void try_next_mapping(int i, mutex::scoped_lock&amp; l);
	void update_expiration_timer(mutex::scoped_lock&amp; l);
	void mapping_expired(error_code const&amp; e, int i);
	void close_impl(mutex::scoped_lock&amp; l);

</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #cfc"><td>relevance&nbsp;2</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(13)">../include/libtorrent/torrent_info.hpp:663</a></td><td>these strings (m_comment, m_created_by, m_ssl_root_cert) could be lazy_entry* to save memory</td></tr><tr id="13" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>these strings (m_comment, m_created_by, m_ssl_root_cert) could be lazy_entry* to save memory</h2><h4>../include/libtorrent/torrent_info.hpp:663</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		std::vector&lt;announce_entry&gt; m_urls;
		std::vector&lt;web_seed_entry&gt; m_web_seeds;
		nodes_t m_nodes;

		// if this is a merkle torrent, this is the merkle
		// tree. It has space for merkle_num_nodes(merkle_num_leafs(num_pieces))
		// hashes
		std::vector&lt;sha1_hash&gt; m_merkle_tree;

		// this is a copy of the info section from the torrent.
		// it use maintained in this flat format in order to
		// make it available through the metadata extension
		boost::shared_array&lt;char&gt; m_info_section;

		// this is a pointer into the m_info_section buffer
		// pointing to the first byte of the first sha-1 hash
		char const* m_piece_hashes;

		// if a comment is found in the torrent file
		// this will be set to that comment
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		std::string m_comment;
		// an optional string naming the software used
		// to create the torrent file
		std::string m_created_by;

		// for ssl-torrens, this contains the root
		// certificate, in .pem format (i.e. ascii
		// base64 encoded with head and tails)
		std::string m_ssl_root_cert;

		// the info section parsed. points into m_info_section
		// parsed lazily
		mutable lazy_entry m_info_dict;

		// if a creation date is found in the torrent file
		// this will be set to that, otherwise it'll be
		// 1970, Jan 1
		time_t m_creation_date;

		// the hash that identifies this torrent
		sha1_hash m_info_hash;

		// the number of bytes in m_info_section
		boost::uint32_t m_info_section_size:24;

		// this is used when creating a torrent. If there's
		// only one file there are cases where it's impossible
		// to know if it should be written as a multifile torrent
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #cfc"><td>relevance&nbsp;2</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(14)">../include/libtorrent/upnp.hpp:122</a></td><td>make this a shared_ptr instead</td></tr><tr id="14" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>make this a shared_ptr instead</h2><h4>../include/libtorrent/upnp.hpp:122</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		virtual const char* name() const;
		virtual std::string message(int ev) const;
		virtual boost::system::error_condition default_error_condition(int ev) const
		{ return boost::system::error_condition(ev, *this); }

	extern TORRENT_EXPORT upnp_error_category upnp_category;

// int: port-mapping index
// address: external address as queried from router
// int: external port
// std::string: error message
// an empty string as error means success
// a port-mapping index of -1 means it's
// an informational log message
typedef boost::function&lt;void(int, address, int, error_code const&amp;)&gt; portmap_callback_t;
typedef boost::function&lt;void(char const*)&gt; log_callback_t;

class TORRENT_EXTRA_EXPORT upnp : public intrusive_ptr_base&lt;upnp&gt;
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">{
	upnp(io_service&amp; ios, connection_queue&amp; cc
		, address const&amp; listen_interface, std::string const&amp; user_agent
		, portmap_callback_t const&amp; cb, log_callback_t const&amp; lcb
		, bool ignore_nonrouters, void* state = 0);

	void* drain_state();

	enum protocol_type { none = 0, udp = 1, tcp = 2 };

	// Attempts to add a port mapping for the specified protocol. Valid protocols are
	// ``upnp::tcp`` and ``upnp::udp`` for the UPnP class and ``natpmp::tcp`` and
	// ``natpmp::udp`` for the NAT-PMP class.
	// ``external_port`` is the port on the external address that will be mapped. This
	// is a hint, you are not guaranteed that this port will be available, and it may
	// end up being something else. In the portmap_alert_ notification, the actual
	// external port is reported.
	// ``local_port`` is the port in the local machine that the mapping should forward
	// to.
	// The return value is an index that identifies this port mapping. This is used
	// to refer to mappings that fails or succeeds in the portmap_error_alert_ and
	// portmap_alert_ respectively. If The mapping fails immediately, the return value
	// is -1, which means failure. There will not be any error alert notification for
	// mappings that fail with a -1 return value.
	int add_mapping(protocol_type p, int external_port, int local_port);

</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccf"><td>relevance&nbsp;1</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(15)">../src/http_seed_connection.cpp:120</a></td><td>in chunked encoding mode, this assert won't hold. the chunk headers should be subtracted from the receive_buffer_size</td></tr><tr id="15" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>in chunked encoding mode, this assert won't hold.
the chunk headers should be subtracted from the receive_buffer_size</h2><h4>../src/http_seed_connection.cpp:120</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">	boost::optional&lt;piece_block_progress&gt;
	http_seed_connection::downloading_piece_progress() const
		if (m_requests.empty())
			return boost::optional&lt;piece_block_progress&gt;();

		boost::shared_ptr&lt;torrent&gt; t = associated_torrent().lock();

		piece_block_progress ret;

		peer_request const&amp; pr = m_requests.front();
		ret.piece_index = pr.piece;
		if (!m_parser.header_finished())
			ret.bytes_downloaded = 0;
			int receive_buffer_size = receive_buffer().left() - m_parser.body_start();
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">			TORRENT_ASSERT(receive_buffer_size &lt;= t-&gt;block_size());
</div>			ret.bytes_downloaded = t-&gt;block_size() - receive_buffer_size;
		// this is used to make sure that the block_index stays within
		// bounds. If the entire piece is downloaded, the block_index
		// would otherwise point to one past the end
		int correction = ret.bytes_downloaded ? -1 : 0;
		ret.block_index = (pr.start + ret.bytes_downloaded + correction) / t-&gt;block_size();
		ret.full_block_bytes = t-&gt;block_size();
		const int last_piece = t-&gt;torrent_file().num_pieces() - 1;
		if (ret.piece_index == last_piece &amp;&amp; ret.block_index
			== t-&gt;torrent_file().piece_size(last_piece) / t-&gt;block_size())
			ret.full_block_bytes = t-&gt;torrent_file().piece_size(last_piece) % t-&gt;block_size();
		return ret;

	void http_seed_connection::write_request(peer_request const&amp; r)

		boost::shared_ptr&lt;torrent&gt; t = associated_torrent().lock();

		// http_seeds don't support requesting more than one piece
		// at a time
		TORRENT_ASSERT(r.length &lt;= t-&gt;torrent_file().piece_size(r.piece));

		std::string request;

</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccf"><td>relevance&nbsp;1</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(16)">../src/peer_connection.cpp:2568</a></td><td>peers should really be corked/uncorked outside of all completed disk operations</td></tr><tr id="16" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>peers should really be corked/uncorked outside of
all completed disk operations</h2><h4>../src/peer_connection.cpp:2568</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		}

		if (is_disconnecting()) return;

		request_a_block(*t, *this);

	void peer_connection::on_disk_write_complete(int ret, disk_io_job const&amp; j
		, peer_request p, boost::shared_ptr&lt;torrent&gt; t)

		// flush send buffer at the end of this scope
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		cork _c(*this);

		m_outstanding_writing_bytes -= p.length;
		TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_writing_bytes &gt;= 0);

//		(*m_ses.m_logger) &lt;&lt; time_now_string() &lt;&lt; " *** DISK_WRITE_COMPLETE [ p: "
//			&lt;&lt; p.piece &lt;&lt; " o: " &lt;&lt; p.start &lt;&lt; " ]\n";

		if (!t)

		// in case the outstanding bytes just dropped down
		// to allow to receive more data

		piece_block block_finished(p.piece, p.start / t-&gt;block_size());

		if (ret == -1)
			// handle_disk_error may disconnect us
			t-&gt;handle_disk_error(j, this);

</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccf"><td>relevance&nbsp;1</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(17)">../src/session_impl.cpp:5579</a></td><td>report the proper address of the router as the source IP of this understanding of our external address, instead of the empty address</td></tr><tr id="17" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>report the proper address of the router as the source IP of
this understanding of our external address, instead of the empty address</h2><h4>../src/session_impl.cpp:5579</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">	void session_impl::on_port_mapping(int mapping, address const&amp; ip, int port
		, error_code const&amp; ec, int map_transport)

		TORRENT_ASSERT(map_transport &gt;= 0 &amp;&amp; map_transport &lt;= 1);

		if (mapping == m_udp_mapping[map_transport] &amp;&amp; port != 0)
			m_external_udp_port = port;
			if (m_alerts.should_post&lt;portmap_alert&gt;())
				m_alerts.post_alert(portmap_alert(mapping, port
					, map_transport));

		if (mapping == m_tcp_mapping[map_transport] &amp;&amp; port != 0)
			if (ip != address())
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">				set_external_address(ip, source_router, address());
</div>			}

			if (!m_listen_sockets.empty()) {
				m_listen_sockets.front().external_address = ip;
				m_listen_sockets.front().external_port = port;
			if (m_alerts.should_post&lt;portmap_alert&gt;())
				m_alerts.post_alert(portmap_alert(mapping, port
					, map_transport));

		if (ec)
			if (m_alerts.should_post&lt;portmap_error_alert&gt;())
					, map_transport, ec));
			if (m_alerts.should_post&lt;portmap_alert&gt;())
				m_alerts.post_alert(portmap_alert(mapping, port
					, map_transport));

	session_status session_impl::status() const
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccf"><td>relevance&nbsp;1</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(18)">../src/session_impl.cpp:5789</a></td><td>report errors as alerts</td></tr><tr id="18" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>report errors as alerts</h2><h4>../src/session_impl.cpp:5789</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">	}

	void session_impl::add_dht_router(std::pair&lt;std::string, int&gt; const&amp; node)
		char port[7];
		snprintf(port, sizeof(port), "%d", node.second);
		tcp::resolver::query q(node.first, port);
			boost::bind(&amp;session_impl::on_dht_router_name_lookup, this, _1, _2));

	void session_impl::on_dht_router_name_lookup(error_code const&amp; e
		, tcp::resolver::iterator host)
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		if (e) return;
</div>		while (host != tcp::resolver::iterator())
			// router nodes should be added before the DHT is started (and bootstrapped)
			udp::endpoint ep(host-&gt;endpoint().address(), host-&gt;endpoint().port());
			if (m_dht) m_dht-&gt;add_router_node(ep);

	void session_impl::maybe_update_udp_mapping(int nat, int local_port, int external_port)
		int local, external, protocol;
		if (nat == 0 &amp;&amp; m_natpmp.get())
			if (m_udp_mapping[nat] != -1)
				if (m_natpmp-&gt;get_mapping(m_udp_mapping[nat], local, external, protocol))
					// we already have a mapping. If it's the same, don't do anything
					if (local == local_port &amp;&amp; external == external_port &amp;&amp; protocol == natpmp::udp)
			m_udp_mapping[nat] = m_natpmp-&gt;add_mapping(natpmp::udp
				, local_port, external_port);
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccf"><td>relevance&nbsp;1</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(19)">../src/session_impl.cpp:6258</a></td><td>we only need to do this if our global IPv4 address has changed since the DHT (currently) only supports IPv4. Since restarting the DHT is kind of expensive, it would be nice to not do it unnecessarily</td></tr><tr id="19" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>we only need to do this if our global IPv4 address has changed
since the DHT (currently) only supports IPv4. Since restarting the DHT
is kind of expensive, it would be nice to not do it unnecessarily</h2><h4>../src/session_impl.cpp:6258</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">	void session_impl::set_external_address(address const&amp; ip
		, int source_type, address const&amp; source)
		session_log(": set_external_address(%s, %d, %s)", print_address(ip).c_str()
			, source_type, print_address(source).c_str());

		if (!m_external_ip.cast_vote(ip, source_type, source)) return;

		session_log("  external IP updated");

		if (m_alerts.should_post&lt;external_ip_alert&gt;())

		// since we have a new external IP now, we need to
		// restart the DHT with a new node ID
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		if (m_dht)
</div>		{
			entry s = m_dht-&gt;state();
			int cur_state = 0;
			int prev_state = 0;
			entry* nodes1 = s.find_key("nodes");
			if (nodes1 &amp;&amp; nodes1-&gt;type() == entry::list_t) cur_state = nodes1-&gt;list().size();
			entry* nodes2 = m_dht_state.find_key("nodes");
			if (nodes2 &amp;&amp; nodes2-&gt;type() == entry::list_t) prev_state = nodes2-&gt;list().size();
			if (cur_state &gt; prev_state) m_dht_state = s;

	void session_impl::free_disk_buffer(char* buf)

	char* session_impl::allocate_disk_buffer(char const* category)
		return m_disk_thread.allocate_buffer(category);
	char* session_impl::allocate_buffer()

		TORRENT_ASSERT(m_buffer_allocations &gt;= 0);
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccf"><td>relevance&nbsp;1</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(20)">../src/torrent.cpp:1169</a></td><td>make this depend on the error and on the filesystem the files are being downloaded to. If the error is no_space_left_on_device and the filesystem doesn't support sparse files, only zero the priorities of the pieces that are at the tails of all files, leaving everything up to the highest written piece in each file</td></tr><tr id="20" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>make this depend on the error and on the filesystem the
files are being downloaded to. If the error is no_space_left_on_device
and the filesystem doesn't support sparse files, only zero the priorities
of the pieces that are at the tails of all files, leaving everything
up to the highest written piece in each file</h2><h4>../src/torrent.cpp:1169</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">			if (c) c-&gt;disconnect(errors::no_memory);

		// notify the user of the error
		if (alerts().should_post&lt;file_error_alert&gt;())
			alerts().post_alert(file_error_alert(j.error_file, get_handle(), j.error));

		// put the torrent in an error-state
		set_error(j.error, j.error_file);

		if (j.action == disk_io_job::write
			&amp;&amp; (j.error == boost::system::errc::read_only_file_system
			|| j.error == boost::system::errc::permission_denied
			|| j.error == boost::system::errc::operation_not_permitted
			|| j.error == boost::system::errc::no_space_on_device
			|| j.error == boost::system::errc::file_too_large))
			// if we failed to write, stop downloading and just
			// keep seeding.
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">			set_upload_mode(true);
</div>			return;

		// if the error appears to be more serious than a full disk, just pause the torrent

	void torrent::on_disk_read_complete(int ret, disk_io_job const&amp; j, peer_request r, read_piece_struct* rp)

		disk_buffer_holder buffer(m_ses, j.buffer);

		if (ret != r.length)
			rp-&gt;fail = true;
			rp-&gt;error = j.error;
			std::memcpy(rp-&gt;piece_data.get() + r.start, j.buffer, r.length);

		if (rp-&gt;blocks_left == 0)
			int size = m_torrent_file-&gt;piece_size(r.piece);
			if (rp-&gt;fail)
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccf"><td>relevance&nbsp;1</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(21)">../src/torrent.cpp:5422</a></td><td>save the send_stats state instead of throwing them away it may pose an issue when downgrading though</td></tr><tr id="21" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>save the send_stats state instead of throwing them away
it may pose an issue when downgrading though</h2><h4>../src/torrent.cpp:5422</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">						? (1 &lt;&lt; k) : 0;
					bitmask.append(1, v);
					TORRENT_ASSERT(bits == 8 || j == num_bitmask_bytes - 1);
				piece_struct["bitmask"] = bitmask;
				// push the struct onto the unfinished-piece list

		// save trackers
		if (!m_trackers.empty())
			entry::list_type&amp; tr_list = ret["trackers"].list();
			int tier = 0;
			for (std::vector&lt;announce_entry&gt;::const_iterator i = m_trackers.begin()
				, end(m_trackers.end()); i != end; ++i)
				// don't save trackers we can't trust
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">				if (i-&gt;send_stats == false) continue;
</div>				if (i-&gt;tier == tier)
					tier = i-&gt;tier;

		// save web seeds
		if (!m_web_seeds.empty())
			entry::list_type&amp; url_list = ret["url-list"].list();
			entry::list_type&amp; httpseed_list = ret["httpseeds"].list();
			for (std::list&lt;web_seed_entry&gt;::const_iterator i = m_web_seeds.begin()
				, end(m_web_seeds.end()); i != end; ++i)
				if (i-&gt;type == web_seed_entry::url_seed)
				else if (i-&gt;type == web_seed_entry::http_seed)

		// write have bitmask
		// the pieces string has one byte per piece. Each
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccf"><td>relevance&nbsp;1</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(22)">../src/torrent.cpp:6077</a></td><td>ideally, we would disconnect the oldest connection i.e. the one that has waited the longest to connect.</td></tr><tr id="22" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>ideally, we would disconnect the oldest connection
i.e. the one that has waited the longest to connect.</h2><h4>../src/torrent.cpp:6077</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		if (m_ses.is_aborted())
			return false;

		bool maybe_replace_peer = false;

		if (m_connections.size() &gt;= m_max_connections)
			// if more than 10% of the connections are outgoing
			// connection attempts that haven't completed yet,
			// disconnect one of them and let this incoming
			// connection through.
			if (m_num_connecting &gt; m_max_connections / 10)
				// find one of the connecting peers and disconnect it
				// find any peer that's connecting (i.e. a half-open TCP connection)
				// that's also not disconnecting

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">				std::set&lt;peer_connection*&gt;::iterator i = std::find_if(begin(), end()
</div>					, boost::bind(&amp;peer_connection::is_connecting, _1)
					&amp;&amp; !boost::bind(&amp;peer_connection::is_disconnecting, _1));

				if (i == end())
					// this seems odd, but we might as well handle it
					return false;
				// if this peer was let in via connections slack,
				// it has done its duty of causing the disconnection
				// of another peer
				maybe_replace_peer = true;

			for (extension_list_t::iterator i = m_extensions.begin()
				, end(m_extensions.end()); i != end; ++i)
				boost::shared_ptr&lt;peer_plugin&gt; pp((*i)-&gt;new_connection(p));
				if (pp) p-&gt;add_extension(pp);
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccf"><td>relevance&nbsp;1</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(23)">../src/torrent.cpp:6318</a></td><td>should disconnect all peers that have the pieces we have not just seeds. It would be pretty expensive to check all pieces for all peers though</td></tr><tr id="23" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>should disconnect all peers that have the pieces we have
not just seeds. It would be pretty expensive to check all pieces
for all peers though</h2><h4>../src/torrent.cpp:6318</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		TORRENT_ASSERT(is_finished());
		TORRENT_ASSERT(m_state != torrent_status::finished &amp;&amp; m_state != torrent_status::seeding);


		// we have to call completed() before we start
		// disconnecting peers, since there's an assert
		// to make sure we're cleared the piece picker
		if (is_seed()) completed();



		m_completed_time = time(0);

		// disconnect all seeds
		if (settings().close_redundant_connections)
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">			std::vector&lt;peer_connection*&gt; seeds;
</div>			for (peer_iterator i = m_connections.begin();
				i != m_connections.end(); ++i)
				peer_connection* p = *i;
				TORRENT_ASSERT(p-&gt;associated_torrent().lock().get() == this);
				if (p-&gt;upload_only())
					p-&gt;peer_log("*** SEED, CLOSING CONNECTION");
			std::for_each(seeds.begin(), seeds.end()
				, boost::bind(&amp;peer_connection::disconnect, _1, errors::torrent_finished, 0));

		if (m_abort) return;


		// we need to keep the object alive during this operation
			boost::bind(&amp;torrent::on_files_released, shared_from_this(), _1, _2));
		// this torrent just completed downloads, which means it will fall
		// under a different limit with the auto-manager. Make sure we
		// update auto-manage torrents in that case
		if (m_auto_managed)
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccf"><td>relevance&nbsp;1</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(24)">../src/torrent_info.cpp:181</a></td><td>we might save constructing a std::string if this would take a char const* instead</td></tr><tr id="24" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>we might save constructing a std::string if this would take a char const* instead</h2><h4>../src/torrent_info.cpp:181</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">			{
				tmp_path += i[0];
				tmp_path += i[1];
				tmp_path += i[2];
				tmp_path += i[3];
				i += 3;

			tmp_path += "_";
			valid_encoding = false;
		// the encoding was not valid utf-8
		// save the original encoding and replace the
		// commonly used path with the correctly
		// encoded string
		if (!valid_encoding) target = tmp_path;
		return valid_encoding;

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">	bool valid_path_element(std::string const&amp; element)
</div>	{
		if (element.empty()
			|| element == "." || element == ".."
			|| element[0] == '/' || element[0] == '\\'
			|| element[element.size()-1] == ':')
			return false;
		return true;

	TORRENT_EXTRA_EXPORT void trim_path_element(std::string&amp; element)
		const int max_path_len = TORRENT_MAX_PATH;

		// on windows, the max path is expressed in
		// unicode characters, not bytes
		std::wstring path_element;
		utf8_wchar(element, path_element);
		if (path_element.size() &lt;= max_path_len) return;

		// truncate filenames that are too long. But keep extensions!
		std::wstring ext;
		wchar_t const* ext1 = wcsrchr(path_element.c_str(), '.');
		if (ext1 != NULL) ext = ext1;

		if (ext.size() &gt; 15)
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccf"><td>relevance&nbsp;1</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(25)">../src/torrent_info.cpp:385</a></td><td>this logic should be a separate step done once the torrent is loaded, and the original filenames should be preserved!</td></tr><tr id="25" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>this logic should be a separate step
done once the torrent is loaded, and the original
filenames should be preserved!</h2><h4>../src/torrent_info.cpp:385</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">	
			while (*s1 != 0 || *s2 != 0)
				c1 = to_lower(*s1);
				c2 = to_lower(*s2);
				if (c1 &lt; c2) return true;
				if (c1 &gt; c2) return false;
			return false;

	bool extract_files(lazy_entry const&amp; list, file_storage&amp; target
		, std::string const&amp; root_dir, ptrdiff_t info_ptr_diff)
		if (list.type() != lazy_entry::list_t) return false;

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		std::set&lt;std::string, string_less_no_case&gt; files;
		for (int i = 0, end(list.list_size()); i &lt; end; ++i)
			lazy_entry const* file_hash = 0;
			time_t mtime = 0;
			file_entry e;
			lazy_entry const* fee = 0;
			if (!extract_single_file(*list.list_at(i), e, root_dir
				, &amp;file_hash, &amp;fee, &amp;mtime))
				return false;

			// as long as this file already exists
			// increase the counter
			int cnt = 0;
			while (!files.insert(e.path).second)
				char suffix[50];
				snprintf(suffix, sizeof(suffix), "%d%s", cnt, extension(e.path).c_str());
				replace_extension(e.path, suffix);
			target.add_file(e, file_hash ? file_hash-&gt;string_ptr() + info_ptr_diff : 0);

			// This is a memory optimization! Instead of having
			// each entry keep a string for its filename, make it
			// simply point into the info-section buffer
			int last_index = target.num_files() - 1;
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccf"><td>relevance&nbsp;1</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(26)">../src/torrent_info.cpp:416</a></td><td>once the filename renaming is removed from here this check can be removed as well</td></tr><tr id="26" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>once the filename renaming is removed from here
this check can be removed as well</h2><h4>../src/torrent_info.cpp:416</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">			if (!extract_single_file(*list.list_at(i), e, root_dir
				, &amp;file_hash, &amp;fee, &amp;mtime))
				return false;

			// as long as this file already exists
			// increase the counter
			int cnt = 0;
			while (!files.insert(e.path).second)
				char suffix[50];
				snprintf(suffix, sizeof(suffix), "%d%s", cnt, extension(e.path).c_str());
				replace_extension(e.path, suffix);
			target.add_file(e, file_hash ? file_hash-&gt;string_ptr() + info_ptr_diff : 0);

			// This is a memory optimization! Instead of having
			// each entry keep a string for its filename, make it
			// simply point into the info-section buffer
			int last_index = target.num_files() - 1;
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">			if (fee &amp;&amp; target.file_name(last_index) == fee-&gt;string_value())
</div>			{
				// this string pointer does not necessarily point into
				// the m_info_section buffer.
				char const* str_ptr = fee-&gt;string_ptr() + info_ptr_diff;
				target.rename_file_borrow(last_index, str_ptr, fee-&gt;string_length());
		return true;

	int merkle_get_parent(int tree_node)
		// node 0 doesn't have a parent
		TORRENT_ASSERT(tree_node &gt; 0);
		return (tree_node - 1) / 2;

	int merkle_get_sibling(int tree_node)
		// node 0 doesn't have a sibling
		TORRENT_ASSERT(tree_node &gt; 0);
		// even numbers have their sibling to the left
		// odd numbers have their sibling to the right
		return tree_node + (tree_node&amp;1?1:-1);

	int merkle_num_nodes(int leafs)
		TORRENT_ASSERT(leafs &gt; 0);
		return (leafs &lt;&lt; 1) - 1;
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccf"><td>relevance&nbsp;1</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(27)">../src/kademlia/node.cpp:700</a></td><td>find_node should write directly to the response entry</td></tr><tr id="27" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>find_node should write directly to the response entry</h2><h4>../src/kademlia/node.cpp:700</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		{
			TORRENT_LOG(node) &lt;&lt; " values: " &lt;&lt; reply["values"].list().size();
	else if (strcmp(query, "find_node") == 0)
		key_desc_t msg_desc[] = {
			{"target", lazy_entry::string_t, 20, 0},

		lazy_entry const* msg_keys[1];
		if (!verify_message(arg_ent, msg_desc, msg_keys, 1, error_string, sizeof(error_string)))
			incoming_error(e, error_string);

		sha1_hash target(msg_keys[0]-&gt;string_ptr());

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		nodes_t n;
</div>		m_table.find_node(target, n, 0);
		write_nodes_entry(reply, n);
	else if (strcmp(query, "announce_peer") == 0)
		key_desc_t msg_desc[] = {
			{"info_hash", lazy_entry::string_t, 20, 0},
			{"port", lazy_entry::int_t, 0, 0},
			{"token", lazy_entry::string_t, 0, 0},
			{"n", lazy_entry::string_t, 0, key_desc_t::optional},
			{"seed", lazy_entry::int_t, 0, key_desc_t::optional},
			{"implied_port", lazy_entry::int_t, 0, key_desc_t::optional},

		lazy_entry const* msg_keys[6];
		if (!verify_message(arg_ent, msg_desc, msg_keys, 6, error_string, sizeof(error_string)))
			incoming_error(e, error_string);

		int port = int(msg_keys[1]-&gt;int_value());

		// is the announcer asking to ignore the explicit
		// listen port and instead use the source port of the packet?
		if (msg_keys[5] &amp;&amp; msg_keys[5]-&gt;int_value() != 0)
			port = m.addr.port();
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccf"><td>relevance&nbsp;1</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(28)">../include/libtorrent/ip_voter.hpp:100</a></td><td>instead, have one instance per possible subnet, global IPv4, global IPv6, loopback, 192.168.x.x, 10.x.x.x, etc.</td></tr><tr id="28" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>instead, have one instance per possible subnet, global IPv4, global IPv6, loopback, 192.168.x.x, 10.x.x.x, etc.</h2><h4>../include/libtorrent/ip_voter.hpp:100</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		bloom_filter&lt;32&gt; m_external_address_voters;
		std::vector&lt;external_ip_t&gt; m_external_addresses;
		address m_external_address;

	// this keeps track of multiple external IPs (for now, just IPv6 and IPv4, but
	// it could be extended to deal with loopback and local network addresses as well)
	struct TORRENT_EXTRA_EXPORT external_ip
		// returns true if a different IP is the top vote now
		// i.e. we changed our idea of what our external IP is
		bool cast_vote(address const&amp; ip, int source_type, address const&amp; source);

		// the external IP as it would be observed from `ip`
		address external_address(address const&amp; ip) const;


		// for now, assume one external IPv4 and one external IPv6 address
		// 0 = IPv4 1 = IPv6
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		ip_voter m_vote_group[2];
</div>	};



</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccf"><td>relevance&nbsp;1</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(29)">../include/libtorrent/utp_stream.hpp:351</a></td><td>implement blocking write. Low priority since it's not used (yet)</td></tr><tr id="29" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>implement blocking write. Low priority since it's not used (yet)</h2><h4>../include/libtorrent/utp_stream.hpp:351</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		for (typename Mutable_Buffers::const_iterator i = buffers.begin()
			, end(buffers.end()); i != end; ++i)
			using asio::buffer_cast;
			using asio::buffer_size;
			add_read_buffer(buffer_cast&lt;void*&gt;(*i), buffer_size(*i));
			buf_size += buffer_size(*i);
		std::size_t ret = read_some(true);
		TORRENT_ASSERT(ret &lt;= buf_size);
		TORRENT_ASSERT(ret &gt; 0);
		return ret;

	template &lt;class Const_Buffers&gt;
	std::size_t write_some(Const_Buffers const&amp; buffers, error_code&amp; ec)
		TORRENT_ASSERT(false &amp;&amp; "not implemented!");
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		return 0;
</div>	}

	template &lt;class Mutable_Buffers&gt;
	std::size_t read_some(Mutable_Buffers const&amp; buffers)
		error_code ec;
		std::size_t ret = read_some(buffers, ec);
		if (ec)
		return ret;

	template &lt;class Const_Buffers&gt;
	std::size_t write_some(Const_Buffers const&amp; buffers)
		error_code ec;
		std::size_t ret = write_some(buffers, ec);
		if (ec)
		return ret;

	template &lt;class Const_Buffers, class Handler&gt;
	void async_write_some(Const_Buffers const&amp; buffers, Handler const&amp; handler)
		if (m_impl == 0)
			m_io_service.post(boost::bind&lt;void&gt;(handler, asio::error::not_connected, 0));
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccf"><td>relevance&nbsp;1</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(30)">../include/libtorrent/web_peer_connection.hpp:127</a></td><td>if we make this be a disk_buffer_holder instead we would save a copy sometimes use allocate_disk_receive_buffer and release_disk_receive_buffer</td></tr><tr id="30" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>if we make this be a disk_buffer_holder instead
we would save a copy sometimes
use allocate_disk_receive_buffer and release_disk_receive_buffer</h2><h4>../include/libtorrent/web_peer_connection.hpp:127</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">

		bool maybe_harvest_block();

		// returns the block currently being
		// downloaded. And the progress of that
		// block. If the peer isn't downloading
		// a piece for the moment, the boost::optional
		// will be invalid.
		boost::optional&lt;piece_block_progress&gt; downloading_piece_progress() const;

		// this has one entry per http-request
		// (might be more than the bt requests)
		std::deque&lt;int&gt; m_file_requests;

		std::string m_url;
		// this is used for intermediate storage of pieces
		// that are received in more than one HTTP response
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		std::vector&lt;char&gt; m_piece;
		// the number of bytes received in the current HTTP
		// response. used to know where in the buffer the
		// next response starts
		size_type m_received_body;

		// position in the current range response
		size_type m_range_pos;

		// the position in the current block
		int m_block_pos;

		// this is the offset inside the current receive
		// buffer where the next chunk header will be.
		// this is updated for each chunk header that's
		// parsed. It does not necessarily point to a valid
		// offset in the receive buffer, if we haven't received
		// it yet. This offset never includes the HTTP header
		size_type m_chunk_pos;

		// this is the number of bytes we've already received
		// from the next chunk header we're waiting for
		int m_partial_chunk_header;


</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(31)">../src/bt_peer_connection.cpp:655</a></td><td>this could be optimized using knuth morris pratt</td></tr><tr id="31" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>this could be optimized using knuth morris pratt</h2><h4>../src/bt_peer_connection.cpp:655</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		if (m_encrypted &amp;&amp; m_rc4_encrypted)
			fun = encrypt;
			userdata = m_enc_handler.get();
		peer_connection::send_buffer(buf, size, flags, fun, userdata);

	int bt_peer_connection::get_syncoffset(char const* src, int src_size,
		char const* target, int target_size) const
		TORRENT_ASSERT(target_size &gt;= src_size);
		TORRENT_ASSERT(src_size &gt; 0);

		int traverse_limit = target_size - src_size;

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		for (int i = 0; i &lt; traverse_limit; ++i)
</div>		{
			char const* target_ptr = target + i;
			if (std::equal(src, src+src_size, target_ptr))
				return i;

//	    // Partial sync
// 		for (int i = 0; i &lt; target_size; ++i)
// 		{
// 			// first is iterator in src[] at which mismatch occurs
// 			// second is iterator in target[] at which mismatch occurs
// 			std::pair&lt;const char*, const char*&gt; ret;
// 			int src_sync_size;
//  			if (i &gt; traverse_limit) // partial sync test
//  			{
//  				ret = std::mismatch(src, src + src_size - (i - traverse_limit), &amp;target[i]);
//  				src_sync_size = ret.first - src;
//  				if (src_sync_size == (src_size - (i - traverse_limit)))
//  					return i;
//  			}
//  			else // complete sync test
// 			{
// 				ret = std::mismatch(src, src + src_size, &amp;target[i]);
// 				src_sync_size = ret.first - src;
// 				if (src_sync_size == src_size)
// 					return i;
// 			}
// 		}

        // no complete sync
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(32)">../src/bt_peer_connection.cpp:1754</a></td><td>don't trust this blindly</td></tr><tr id="32" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>don't trust this blindly</h2><h4>../src/bt_peer_connection.cpp:1754</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">
		int last_seen_complete = boost::uint8_t(root.dict_find_int_value("complete_ago", -1));
		if (last_seen_complete &gt;= 0) set_last_seen_complete(last_seen_complete);
		std::string client_info = root.dict_find_string_value("v");
		if (!client_info.empty()) m_client_version = client_info;

		int reqq = int(root.dict_find_int_value("reqq"));
		if (reqq &gt; 0) m_max_out_request_queue = reqq;

		if (root.dict_find_int_value("upload_only", 0))

		if (m_ses.m_settings.support_share_mode
			&amp;&amp; root.dict_find_int_value("share_mode", 0))

		std::string myip = root.dict_find_string_value("yourip");
		if (!myip.empty())
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">			if (myip.size() == address_v4::bytes_type().size())
</div>			{
				address_v4::bytes_type bytes;
				std::copy(myip.begin(), myip.end(), bytes.begin());
					, aux::session_impl::source_peer, remote().address());
			else if (myip.size() == address_v6::bytes_type().size())
				address_v6::bytes_type bytes;
				std::copy(myip.begin(), myip.end(), bytes.begin());
				address_v6 ipv6_address(bytes);
				if (ipv6_address.is_v4_mapped())
						, aux::session_impl::source_peer, remote().address());
						, aux::session_impl::source_peer, remote().address());

		// if we're finished and this peer is uploading only
		// disconnect it
		if (t-&gt;is_finished() &amp;&amp; upload_only()
			&amp;&amp; t-&gt;settings().close_redundant_connections
			&amp;&amp; !t-&gt;share_mode())

</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(33)">../src/bt_peer_connection.cpp:2075</a></td><td>if we're finished, send upload_only message</td></tr><tr id="33" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>if we're finished, send upload_only message</h2><h4>../src/bt_peer_connection.cpp:2075</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">			if (msg[5 + k / 8] &amp; (0x80 &gt;&gt; (k % 8))) bitfield_string[k] = '1';
			else bitfield_string[k] = '0';
		peer_log("==&gt; BITFIELD [ %s ]", bitfield_string.c_str());
		m_sent_bitfield = true;

		send_buffer(msg, packet_size);

		if (num_lazy_pieces &gt; 0)
			for (int i = 0; i &lt; num_lazy_pieces; ++i)
				peer_log("==&gt; HAVE    [ piece: %d ]", lazy_pieces[i]);
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		}
		if (m_supports_fast)

	void bt_peer_connection::write_extensions()


		entry handshake;
		entry::dictionary_type&amp; m = handshake["m"].dict();

		// only send the port in case we bade the connection
		// on incoming connections the other end already knows
		// our listen port
		if (!m_ses.m_settings.anonymous_mode)
			if (is_outgoing()) handshake["p"] = m_ses.listen_port();
			handshake["v"] = m_ses.settings().handshake_client_version.empty()
				? m_ses.settings().user_agent : m_ses.settings().handshake_client_version;

		std::string remote_address;
		std::back_insert_iterator&lt;std::string&gt; out(remote_address);
		detail::write_address(remote().address(), out);
		handshake["yourip"] = remote_address;
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(34)">../src/bt_peer_connection.cpp:3317</a></td><td>move the erasing into the loop above remove all payload ranges that has been sent</td></tr><tr id="34" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>move the erasing into the loop above
remove all payload ranges that has been sent</h2><h4>../src/bt_peer_connection.cpp:3317</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">			for (std::vector&lt;range&gt;::iterator i = m_payloads.begin();
				i != m_payloads.end(); ++i)
				i-&gt;start -= bytes_transferred;
				if (i-&gt;start &lt; 0)
					if (i-&gt;start + i-&gt;length &lt;= 0)
						amount_payload += i-&gt;length;
						amount_payload += -i-&gt;start;
						i-&gt;length -= -i-&gt;start;
						i-&gt;start = 0;

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		m_payloads.erase(
</div>			std::remove_if(m_payloads.begin(), m_payloads.end(), range_below_zero)
			, m_payloads.end());

		TORRENT_ASSERT(amount_payload &lt;= (int)bytes_transferred);
		m_statistics.sent_bytes(amount_payload, bytes_transferred - amount_payload);
		if (amount_payload &gt; 0)
			boost::shared_ptr&lt;torrent&gt; t = associated_torrent().lock();
			if (t) t-&gt;update_last_upload();

	void bt_peer_connection::check_invariant() const
		boost::shared_ptr&lt;torrent&gt; t = associated_torrent().lock();

		TORRENT_ASSERT( (bool(m_state != read_pe_dhkey) || m_dh_key_exchange.get())
				|| !is_outgoing());

		TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_rc4_encrypted || m_enc_handler.get());
		if (!in_handshake())

</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(35)">../src/file.cpp:1327</a></td><td>is there any way to pre-fetch data from a file on windows?</td></tr><tr id="35" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>is there any way to pre-fetch data from a file on windows?</h2><h4>../src/file.cpp:1327</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">
	void file::init_file()
		if (m_page_size != 0) return;

		m_page_size = page_size();


	void file::hint_read(size_type file_offset, int len)
		posix_fadvise(m_fd, file_offset, len, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED);
#elif defined F_RDADVISE
		radvisory r;
		r.ra_offset = file_offset;
		r.ra_count = len;
		fcntl(m_fd, F_RDADVISE, &amp;r);
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">#endif
</div>	}

	size_type file::readv(size_type file_offset, iovec_t const* bufs, int num_bufs, error_code&amp; ec)
		if (m_file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
			ec = error_code(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, get_system_category());
			return -1;
		if (m_fd == -1)
			ec = error_code(EBADF, get_system_category());
			return -1;
		TORRENT_ASSERT((m_open_mode &amp; rw_mask) == read_only || (m_open_mode &amp; rw_mask) == read_write);
		TORRENT_ASSERT(num_bufs &gt; 0);

#if defined TORRENT_WINDOWS || defined TORRENT_LINUX || defined TORRENT_DEBUG
		// make sure m_page_size is initialized

		if (m_open_mode &amp; no_buffer)
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(36)">../src/http_tracker_connection.cpp:99</a></td><td>support authentication (i.e. user name and password) in the URL</td></tr><tr id="36" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>support authentication (i.e. user name and password) in the URL</h2><h4>../src/http_tracker_connection.cpp:99</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		, aux::session_impl const&amp; ses
		, proxy_settings const&amp; ps
		, std::string const&amp; auth
		, i2p_connection* i2p_conn
		: tracker_connection(man, req, ios, c)
		, m_man(man)
		, m_ses(ses)
		, m_ps(ps)
		, m_cc(cc)
		, m_ios(ios)
		, m_i2p_conn(i2p_conn)

	void http_tracker_connection::start()
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		std::string url = tracker_req().url;
		if (tracker_req().kind == tracker_request::scrape_request)
			// find and replace "announce" with "scrape"
			// in request

			std::size_t pos = url.find("announce");
			if (pos == std::string::npos)
				m_ios.post(boost::bind(&amp;http_tracker_connection::fail_disp, self()
					, error_code(errors::scrape_not_available)));
			url.replace(pos, 8, "scrape");
		bool i2p = is_i2p_url(url);
		static const bool i2p = false;

		session_settings const&amp; settings = m_ses.settings();

		// if request-string already contains
		// some parameters, append an ampersand instead
		// of a question mark
		size_t arguments_start = url.find('?');
		if (arguments_start != std::string::npos)
			url += "&amp;";
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(37)">../src/i2p_stream.cpp:181</a></td><td>move this to proxy_base and use it in all proxies</td></tr><tr id="37" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>move this to proxy_base and use it in all proxies</h2><h4>../src/i2p_stream.cpp:181</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">	{
		m_state = sam_idle;

		std::string name = m_sam_socket-&gt;name_lookup();
		if (!m_name_lookup.empty())
			std::pair&lt;std::string, name_lookup_handler&gt;&amp; nl = m_name_lookup.front();
			do_name_lookup(nl.first, nl.second);

		if (ec)
			handler(ec, 0);

		handler(ec, name.c_str());

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">	bool i2p_stream::handle_error(error_code const&amp; e, boost::shared_ptr&lt;handler_type&gt; const&amp; h)
</div>	{
		if (!e) return false;
//		fprintf(stderr, "i2p error \"%s\"\n", e.message().c_str());
		error_code ec;
		return true;

	void i2p_stream::do_connect(error_code const&amp; e, tcp::resolver::iterator i
		, boost::shared_ptr&lt;handler_type&gt; h)
		if (e || i == tcp::resolver::iterator())
			error_code ec;

		m_sock.async_connect(i-&gt;endpoint(), boost::bind(
			&amp;i2p_stream::connected, this, _1, h));

	void i2p_stream::connected(error_code const&amp; e, boost::shared_ptr&lt;handler_type&gt; h)
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(38)">../src/packet_buffer.cpp:176</a></td><td>use compare_less_wrap for this comparison as well</td></tr><tr id="38" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>use compare_less_wrap for this comparison as well</h2><h4>../src/packet_buffer.cpp:176</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		while (new_size &lt; size)
			new_size &lt;&lt;= 1;

		void** new_storage = (void**)malloc(sizeof(void*) * new_size);

		for (index_type i = 0; i &lt; new_size; ++i)
			new_storage[i] = 0;

		for (index_type i = m_first; i &lt; (m_first + m_capacity); ++i)
			new_storage[i &amp; (new_size - 1)] = m_storage[i &amp; (m_capacity - 1)];


		m_storage = new_storage;
		m_capacity = new_size;

	void* packet_buffer::remove(index_type idx)
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		if (idx &gt;= m_first + m_capacity)
</div>			return 0;

		if (compare_less_wrap(idx, m_first, 0xffff))
			return 0;

		const int mask = (m_capacity - 1);
		void* old_value = m_storage[idx &amp; mask];
		m_storage[idx &amp; mask] = 0;

		if (old_value)
			if (m_size == 0) m_last = m_first;

		if (idx == m_first &amp;&amp; m_size != 0)
			for (boost::uint32_t i = 0; i &lt; m_capacity; ++i, ++m_first)
				if (m_storage[m_first &amp; mask]) break;
			m_first &amp;= 0xffff;

		if (((idx + 1) &amp; 0xffff) == m_last &amp;&amp; m_size != 0)
			for (boost::uint32_t i = 0; i &lt; m_capacity; ++i, --m_last)
				if (m_storage[m_last &amp; mask]) break;
			m_last &amp;= 0xffff;
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(39)">../src/peer_connection.cpp:2731</a></td><td>this might need something more so that once we have the metadata we can construct a full bitfield</td></tr><tr id="39" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>this might need something more
so that once we have the metadata
we can construct a full bitfield</h2><h4>../src/peer_connection.cpp:2731</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">
		peer_log("*** THIS IS A SEED [ p: %p ]", m_peer_info);

		t-&gt;get_policy().set_seed(m_peer_info, true);
		m_upload_only = true;
		m_bitfield_received = true;

		// if we don't have metadata yet
		// just remember the bitmask
		// don't update the piecepicker
		// (since it doesn't exist yet)
		if (!t-&gt;ready_for_connections())
			// assume seeds are interesting when we
			// don't even have the metadata

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">			return;
</div>		}

		m_num_pieces = m_have_piece.size();

		// if we're finished, we're not interested
		if (t-&gt;is_upload_only()) send_not_interested();
		else t-&gt;get_policy().peer_is_interesting(*this);

	// -----------------------------
	// --------- HAVE NONE ---------
	// -----------------------------

	void peer_connection::incoming_have_none()

		peer_log("&lt;== HAVE_NONE");

		boost::shared_ptr&lt;torrent&gt; t = m_torrent.lock();

</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(40)">../src/peer_connection.cpp:2862</a></td><td>sort the allowed fast set in priority order</td></tr><tr id="40" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>sort the allowed fast set in priority order</h2><h4>../src/peer_connection.cpp:2862</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		// this piece index later

		// if the peer has the piece and we want
		// to download it, request it
		if (int(m_have_piece.size()) &gt; index
			&amp;&amp; m_have_piece[index]
			&amp;&amp; t-&gt;valid_metadata()
			&amp;&amp; t-&gt;has_picker()
			&amp;&amp; t-&gt;picker().piece_priority(index) &gt; 0)

	std::vector&lt;int&gt; const&amp; peer_connection::allowed_fast()
		boost::shared_ptr&lt;torrent&gt; t = m_torrent.lock();

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		return m_allowed_fast;
</div>	}

	bool peer_connection::can_request_time_critical() const
		if (has_peer_choked() || !is_interesting()) return false;
		if ((int)m_download_queue.size() + (int)m_request_queue.size()
			&gt; m_desired_queue_size * 2) return false;
		if (on_parole()) return false; 
		if (m_disconnecting) return false;
		boost::shared_ptr&lt;torrent&gt; t = m_torrent.lock();
		if (t-&gt;upload_mode()) return false;

		// ignore snubbed peers, since they're not likely to return pieces in a timely
		// manner anyway
		if (m_snubbed) return false;
		return true;

	void peer_connection::make_time_critical(piece_block const&amp; block)
		std::vector&lt;pending_block&gt;::iterator rit = std::find_if(m_request_queue.begin()
			, m_request_queue.end(), has_block(block));
		if (rit == m_request_queue.end()) return;
		boost::shared_ptr&lt;torrent&gt; t = m_torrent.lock();
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(41)">../src/peer_connection.cpp:3986</a></td><td>we should probably just send a HAVE_ALL here</td></tr><tr id="41" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>we should probably just send a HAVE_ALL here</h2><h4>../src/peer_connection.cpp:3986</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		std::fill(m_recv_buffer.begin() + m_recv_pos, m_recv_buffer.end(), 0);

		m_packet_size = packet_size;

	void peer_connection::superseed_piece(int replace_piece, int new_piece)
		if (new_piece == -1)
			if (m_superseed_piece[0] == -1) return;
			m_superseed_piece[0] = -1;
			m_superseed_piece[1] = -1;
			peer_log("*** ending super seed mode");
			boost::shared_ptr&lt;torrent&gt; t = m_torrent.lock();

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">			for (int i = 0; i &lt; int(m_have_piece.size()); ++i)
</div>			{
				if (m_have_piece[i] || !t-&gt;have_piece(i)) continue;
				peer_log("==&gt; HAVE    [ piece: %d] (ending super seed)", i);

		peer_log("==&gt; HAVE    [ piece: %d ] (super seed)", new_piece);

		if (replace_piece &gt;= 0)
			// move the piece we're replacing to the tail
			if (m_superseed_piece[0] == replace_piece)
				std::swap(m_superseed_piece[0], m_superseed_piece[1]);

		m_superseed_piece[1] = m_superseed_piece[0];
		m_superseed_piece[0] = new_piece;

	void peer_connection::update_desired_queue_size()
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(42)">../src/peer_connection.cpp:4576</a></td><td>peers should really be corked/uncorked outside of all completed disk operations</td></tr><tr id="42" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>peers should really be corked/uncorked outside of
all completed disk operations</h2><h4>../src/peer_connection.cpp:4576</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">				// this means we're in seed mode and we haven't yet
				// verified this piece (r.piece)
				t-&gt;filesystem().async_read_and_hash(r, boost::bind(&amp;peer_connection::on_disk_read_complete
					, self(), _1, _2, r), cache.second);

			m_reading_bytes += r.length;

			sent_a_piece = true;

		if (t-&gt;share_mode() &amp;&amp; sent_a_piece)

	void peer_connection::on_disk_read_complete(int ret, disk_io_job const&amp; j, peer_request r)
		// flush send buffer at the end of this scope
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		cork _c(*this);

		m_reading_bytes -= r.length;

		disk_buffer_holder buffer(m_ses, j.buffer);
		if (j.buffer) m_ses.m_disk_thread.rename_buffer(j.buffer, "received send buffer");

		boost::shared_ptr&lt;torrent&gt; t = m_torrent.lock();
		if (!t)
		if (ret != r.length)
			if (ret == -3)
				peer_log("==&gt; REJECT_PIECE [ piece: %d s: %d l: %d ]"
					, r.piece , r.start , r.length);
				if (t-&gt;seed_mode()) t-&gt;leave_seed_mode(false);
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(43)">../src/policy.cpp:857</a></td><td>only allow _one_ connection to use this override at a time</td></tr><tr id="43" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>only allow _one_ connection to use this
override at a time</h2><h4>../src/policy.cpp:857</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">				" external: " &lt;&lt; external.external_address(m_peers[candidate]-&gt;address()) &lt;&lt;
				" t: " &lt;&lt; (session_time - m_peers[candidate]-&gt;last_connected) &lt;&lt;
				" ]\n";

		if (candidate == -1) return m_peers.end();
		return m_peers.begin() + candidate;

	bool policy::new_connection(peer_connection&amp; c, int session_time)


		// if the connection comes from the tracker,
		// it's probably just a NAT-check. Ignore the
		// num connections constraint then.

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		error_code ec;
</div>		TORRENT_ASSERT(c.remote() == c.get_socket()-&gt;remote_endpoint(ec) || ec);

		if (c.remote().address() == m_torrent-&gt;current_tracker().address())
			m_torrent-&gt;debug_log("overriding connection limit for tracker NAT-check");

		iterator iter;
		peer* i = 0;

		bool found = false;
		if (m_torrent-&gt;settings().allow_multiple_connections_per_ip)
			tcp::endpoint remote = c.remote();
			std::pair&lt;iterator, iterator&gt; range = find_peers(remote.address());
			iter = std::find_if(range.first, range.second, match_peer_endpoint(remote));
			if (iter != range.second)
				found = true;
			iter = std::lower_bound(
				m_peers.begin(), m_peers.end()
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(44)">../src/policy.cpp:1897</a></td><td>how do we deal with our external address changing? Pass in a force-update maybe? and keep a version number in policy</td></tr><tr id="44" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>how do we deal with our external address changing? Pass in a force-update maybe? and keep a version number in policy</h2><h4>../src/policy.cpp:1897</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">#endif
		, on_parole(false)
		, banned(false)
		, added_to_dht(false)
		, supports_utp(true) // assume peers support utp
		, confirmed_supports_utp(false)
		, supports_holepunch(false)
		, web_seed(false)
		, in_use(false)
		TORRENT_ASSERT((src &amp; 0xff) == src);

	// TOOD: pass in both an IPv6 and IPv4 address here
	boost::uint32_t policy::peer::rank(external_ip const&amp; external, int external_port) const
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		if (peer_rank == 0)
</div>			peer_rank = peer_priority(
				tcp::endpoint(external.external_address(this-&gt;address()), external_port)
				, tcp::endpoint(this-&gt;address(), this-&gt;port));
		return peer_rank;

	size_type policy::peer::total_download() const
		if (connection != 0)
			TORRENT_ASSERT(prev_amount_download == 0);
			return connection-&gt;statistics().total_payload_download();
			return size_type(prev_amount_download) &lt;&lt; 10;

	size_type policy::peer::total_upload() const
		if (connection != 0)
			TORRENT_ASSERT(prev_amount_upload == 0);
			return connection-&gt;statistics().total_payload_upload();
			return size_type(prev_amount_upload) &lt;&lt; 10;
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(45)">../src/session_impl.cpp:1913</a></td><td>recalculate all connect candidates for all torrents</td></tr><tr id="45" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>recalculate all connect candidates for all torrents</h2><h4>../src/session_impl.cpp:1913</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		m_upload_rate.close();

		// #error closing the udp socket here means that
		// the uTP connections cannot be closed gracefully
		m_external_udp_port = 0;

		if (m_asnum_db) GeoIP_delete(m_asnum_db);
		if (m_country_db) GeoIP_delete(m_country_db);
		m_asnum_db = 0;
		m_country_db = 0;


	void session_impl::set_port_filter(port_filter const&amp; f)
		m_port_filter = f;
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">	}
	void session_impl::set_ip_filter(ip_filter const&amp; f)

		m_ip_filter = f;

		// Close connections whose endpoint is filtered
		// by the new ip-filter
		for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin()
			, end(m_torrents.end()); i != end; ++i)

	ip_filter const&amp; session_impl::get_ip_filter() const
		return m_ip_filter;

	void session_impl::update_disk_thread_settings()
		disk_io_job j;
		j.buffer = (char*)new session_settings(m_settings);
		j.action = disk_io_job::update_settings;

	void session_impl::set_settings(session_settings const&amp; s)
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(46)">../src/session_impl.cpp:3293</a></td><td>have a separate list for these connections, instead of having to loop through all of them</td></tr><tr id="46" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>have a separate list for these connections, instead of having to loop through all of them</h2><h4>../src/session_impl.cpp:3293</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		// --------------------------------------------------------------
		if (!m_paused) m_auto_manage_time_scaler--;
		if (m_auto_manage_time_scaler &lt; 0)
			m_auto_manage_time_scaler = settings().auto_manage_interval;

		// --------------------------------------------------------------
		// check for incoming connections that might have timed out
		// --------------------------------------------------------------

		for (connection_map::iterator i = m_connections.begin();
			i != m_connections.end();)
			peer_connection* p = (*i).get();
			// ignore connections that already have a torrent, since they
			// are ticked through the torrents' second_tick
			if (!p-&gt;associated_torrent().expired()) continue;
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">			if (m_last_tick - p-&gt;connected_time() &gt; seconds(m_settings.handshake_timeout))
</div>				p-&gt;disconnect(errors::timed_out);

		// --------------------------------------------------------------
		// second_tick every torrent
		// --------------------------------------------------------------

		int congested_torrents = 0;
		int uncongested_torrents = 0;

		// count the number of seeding torrents vs. downloading
		// torrents we are running
		int num_seeds = 0;
		int num_downloads = 0;

		// count the number of peers of downloading torrents
		int num_downloads_peers = 0;

		torrent_map::iterator least_recently_scraped = m_torrents.end();
		int num_paused_auto_managed = 0;

		int num_checking = 0;
		int num_queued = 0;
		for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin();
			i != m_torrents.end();)
			torrent&amp; t = *i-&gt;second;
			if (t.statistics().upload_rate() * 11 / 10 &gt; t.upload_limit())
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(47)">../src/session_impl.cpp:4353</a></td><td>allow extensions to sort torrents for queuing</td></tr><tr id="47" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>allow extensions to sort torrents for queuing</h2><h4>../src/session_impl.cpp:4353</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">			else if (!t-&gt;is_paused())
				TORRENT_ASSERT(t-&gt;m_resume_data_loaded || !t-&gt;valid_metadata());
			  	if (is_active(t, settings()))
					// this is not an auto managed torrent,
					// if it's running and active, decrease the
					// counters.
					if (t-&gt;is_finished())

		bool handled_by_extension = false;

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">#endif
		if (!handled_by_extension)
			std::sort(downloaders.begin(), downloaders.end()
				, boost::bind(&amp;torrent::sequence_number, _1) &lt; boost::bind(&amp;torrent::sequence_number, _2));

			std::sort(seeds.begin(), seeds.end()
				, boost::bind(&amp;torrent::seed_rank, _1, boost::ref(m_settings))
				&gt; boost::bind(&amp;torrent::seed_rank, _2, boost::ref(m_settings)));

		if (settings().auto_manage_prefer_seeds)
			auto_manage_torrents(seeds, dht_limit, tracker_limit, lsd_limit
				, hard_limit, num_seeds);
			auto_manage_torrents(downloaders, dht_limit, tracker_limit, lsd_limit
				, hard_limit, num_downloaders);
			auto_manage_torrents(downloaders, dht_limit, tracker_limit, lsd_limit
				, hard_limit, num_downloaders);
			auto_manage_torrents(seeds, dht_limit, tracker_limit, lsd_limit
				, hard_limit, num_seeds);

	void session_impl::recalculate_optimistic_unchoke_slots()
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(48)">../src/session_impl.cpp:4509</a></td><td>use a lower limit than m_settings.connections_limit to allocate the to 10% or so of connection slots for incoming connections</td></tr><tr id="48" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>use a lower limit than m_settings.connections_limit
to allocate the to 10% or so of connection slots for incoming
connections</h2><h4>../src/session_impl.cpp:4509</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		{
			if (m_boost_connections &gt; max_connections)
				m_boost_connections -= max_connections;
				max_connections = 0;
				max_connections -= m_boost_connections;
				m_boost_connections = 0;

		// this logic is here to smooth out the number of new connection
		// attempts over time, to prevent connecting a large number of
		// sockets, wait 10 seconds, and then try again
		int limit = (std::min)(m_settings.connections_limit - num_connections(), free_slots);
		if (m_settings.smooth_connects &amp;&amp; max_connections &gt; (limit+1) / 2)
			max_connections = (limit+1) / 2;

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		if (!m_torrents.empty()
</div>			&amp;&amp; free_slots &gt; -m_half_open.limit()
			&amp;&amp; num_connections() &lt; m_settings.connections_limit
			&amp;&amp; !m_abort
			&amp;&amp; m_settings.connection_speed &gt; 0
			&amp;&amp; max_connections &gt; 0)
			// this is the maximum number of connections we will
			// attempt this tick
			int average_peers = 0;
			if (num_downloads &gt; 0)
				average_peers = num_downloads_peers / num_downloads;

			if (m_next_connect_torrent == m_torrents.end())
				m_next_connect_torrent = m_torrents.begin();

			int steps_since_last_connect = 0;
			int num_torrents = int(m_torrents.size());
			for (;;)
				torrent&amp; t = *m_next_connect_torrent-&gt;second;
				if (t.want_more_peers())
					// have a bias to give more connection attempts
					// to downloading torrents than seed, and even
					// more to downloading torrents with less than
					// average number of connections
					int num_attempts = 1;
					if (!t.is_finished())
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(49)">../src/session_impl.cpp:4543</a></td><td>make this bias configurable</td></tr><tr id="49" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>make this bias configurable</h2><h4>../src/session_impl.cpp:4543</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;"></pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(50)">../src/session_impl.cpp:4544</a></td><td>also take average_peers into account, to create a bias for downloading torrents with < average peers</td></tr><tr id="50" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>also take average_peers into account, to create a bias for downloading torrents with < average peers</h2><h4>../src/session_impl.cpp:4544</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">				average_peers = num_downloads_peers / num_downloads;

			if (m_next_connect_torrent == m_torrents.end())
				m_next_connect_torrent = m_torrents.begin();

			int steps_since_last_connect = 0;
			int num_torrents = int(m_torrents.size());
			for (;;)
				torrent&amp; t = *m_next_connect_torrent-&gt;second;
				if (t.want_more_peers())
					// have a bias to give more connection attempts
					// to downloading torrents than seed, and even
					// more to downloading torrents with less than
					// average number of connections
					int num_attempts = 1;
					if (!t.is_finished())
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">						TORRENT_ASSERT(m_num_active_downloading &gt; 0);
</div>						num_attempts += m_num_active_finished / m_num_active_downloading;
					while (m_current_connect_attempts &lt; num_attempts)
							if (t.try_connect_peer())
								steps_since_last_connect = 0;
							// we ran out of memory trying to connect to a peer
							// lower the global limit to the number of peers
							// we already have
							m_settings.connections_limit = num_connections();
							if (m_settings.connections_limit &lt; 2) m_settings.connections_limit = 2;
						if (!t.want_more_peers()) break;
						if (free_slots &lt;= -m_half_open.limit()) return;
						if (max_connections == 0) return;
						if (num_connections() &gt;= m_settings.connections_limit) return;
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(51)">../src/session_impl.cpp:4688</a></td><td>make configurable</td></tr><tr id="51" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>make configurable</h2><h4>../src/session_impl.cpp:4688</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">
			for (std::vector&lt;peer_connection*&gt;::const_iterator i = peers.begin()
				, end(peers.end()), prev(peers.end()); i != end; ++i)
				if (prev != end)
					boost::shared_ptr&lt;torrent&gt; t1 = (*prev)-&gt;associated_torrent().lock();
					boost::shared_ptr&lt;torrent&gt; t2 = (*i)-&gt;associated_torrent().lock();
					TORRENT_ASSERT((*prev)-&gt;uploaded_in_last_round() * 1000
						* (1 + t1-&gt;priority()) / total_milliseconds(unchoke_interval)
						&gt;= (*i)-&gt;uploaded_in_last_round() * 1000
						* (1 + t2-&gt;priority()) / total_milliseconds(unchoke_interval));
				prev = i;

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">			int rate_threshold = 1024;
			for (std::vector&lt;peer_connection*&gt;::const_iterator i = peers.begin()
				, end(peers.end()); i != end; ++i)
				peer_connection const&amp; p = **i;
				int rate = int(p.uploaded_in_last_round()
					* 1000 / total_milliseconds(unchoke_interval));

				if (rate &lt; rate_threshold) break;


</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(52)">../src/session_impl.cpp:4702</a></td><td>make configurable</td></tr><tr id="52" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>make configurable</h2><h4>../src/session_impl.cpp:4702</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">						&gt;= (*i)-&gt;uploaded_in_last_round() * 1000
						* (1 + t2-&gt;priority()) / total_milliseconds(unchoke_interval));
				prev = i;

			int rate_threshold = 1024;

			for (std::vector&lt;peer_connection*&gt;::const_iterator i = peers.begin()
				, end(peers.end()); i != end; ++i)
				peer_connection const&amp; p = **i;
				int rate = int(p.uploaded_in_last_round()
					* 1000 / total_milliseconds(unchoke_interval));

				if (rate &lt; rate_threshold) break;


<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">				rate_threshold += 1024;
</div>			}
			// allow one optimistic unchoke

		if (m_settings.choking_algorithm == session_settings::bittyrant_choker)
			// if we're using the bittyrant choker, sort peers by their return
			// on investment. i.e. download rate / upload rate
			std::sort(peers.begin(), peers.end()
				, boost::bind(&amp;peer_connection::bittyrant_unchoke_compare, _1, _2));
			// sorts the peers that are eligible for unchoke by download rate and secondary
			// by total upload. The reason for this is, if all torrents are being seeded,
			// the download rate will be 0, and the peers we have sent the least to should
			// be unchoked
			std::sort(peers.begin(), peers.end()
				, boost::bind(&amp;peer_connection::unchoke_compare, _1, _2));

		// auto unchoke
		int upload_limit = m_bandwidth_channel[peer_connection::upload_channel]-&gt;throttle();
		if (m_settings.choking_algorithm == session_settings::auto_expand_choker
			&amp;&amp; upload_limit &gt; 0)
			// if our current upload rate is less than 90% of our 
			// limit AND most torrents are not "congested", i.e.
			// they are not holding back because of a per-torrent
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(53)">../src/storage.cpp:324</a></td><td>if the read fails, set error and exit immediately</td></tr><tr id="53" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>if the read fails, set error and exit immediately</h2><h4>../src/storage.cpp:324</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">			if (m_storage-&gt;disk_pool()) block_size = m_storage-&gt;disk_pool()-&gt;block_size();
			int size = slot_size;
			int num_blocks = (size + block_size - 1) / block_size;

			// when we optimize for speed we allocate all the buffers we
			// need for the rest of the piece, and read it all in one call
			// and then hash it. When optimizing for memory usage, we read
			// one block at a time and hash it. This ends up only using a
			// single buffer
			if (m_storage-&gt;settings().optimize_hashing_for_speed)
				file::iovec_t* bufs = TORRENT_ALLOCA(file::iovec_t, num_blocks);
				for (int i = 0; i &lt; num_blocks; ++i)
					bufs[i].iov_base = m_storage-&gt;disk_pool()-&gt;allocate_buffer("hash temp");
					bufs[i].iov_len = (std::min)(block_size, size);
					size -= bufs[i].iov_len;
				// deliberately pass in 0 as flags, to disable random_access
				num_read = m_storage-&gt;readv(bufs, slot, ph.offset, num_blocks, 0);
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">
</div>				for (int i = 0; i &lt; num_blocks; ++i)
					if (small_hash &amp;&amp; small_piece_size &lt;= block_size)
						ph.h.update((char const*)bufs[i].iov_base, small_piece_size);
						*small_hash = hasher(ph.h).final();
						small_hash = 0; // avoid this case again
						if (int(bufs[i].iov_len) &gt; small_piece_size)
							ph.h.update((char const*)bufs[i].iov_base + small_piece_size
								, bufs[i].iov_len - small_piece_size);
						ph.h.update((char const*)bufs[i].iov_base, bufs[i].iov_len);
						small_piece_size -= bufs[i].iov_len;
					ph.offset += bufs[i].iov_len;
				file::iovec_t buf;
				disk_buffer_holder holder(*m_storage-&gt;disk_pool()
					, m_storage-&gt;disk_pool()-&gt;allocate_buffer("hash temp"));
				buf.iov_base = holder.get();
				for (int i = 0; i &lt; num_blocks; ++i)
					buf.iov_len = (std::min)(block_size, size);
					// deliberately pass in 0 as flags, to disable random_access
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(54)">../src/storage.cpp:358</a></td><td>if the read fails, set error and exit immediately</td></tr><tr id="54" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>if the read fails, set error and exit immediately</h2><h4>../src/storage.cpp:358</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">					{
						ph.h.update((char const*)bufs[i].iov_base, bufs[i].iov_len);
						small_piece_size -= bufs[i].iov_len;
					ph.offset += bufs[i].iov_len;
				file::iovec_t buf;
				disk_buffer_holder holder(*m_storage-&gt;disk_pool()
					, m_storage-&gt;disk_pool()-&gt;allocate_buffer("hash temp"));
				buf.iov_base = holder.get();
				for (int i = 0; i &lt; num_blocks; ++i)
					buf.iov_len = (std::min)(block_size, size);
					// deliberately pass in 0 as flags, to disable random_access
					int ret = m_storage-&gt;readv(&amp;buf, slot, ph.offset, 1, 0);
					if (ret &gt; 0) num_read += ret;
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">
</div>					if (small_hash &amp;&amp; small_piece_size &lt;= block_size)
						if (small_piece_size &gt; 0) ph.h.update((char const*)buf.iov_base, small_piece_size);
						*small_hash = hasher(ph.h).final();
						small_hash = 0; // avoid this case again
						if (int(buf.iov_len) &gt; small_piece_size)
							ph.h.update((char const*)buf.iov_base + small_piece_size
								, buf.iov_len - small_piece_size);
						ph.h.update((char const*)buf.iov_base, buf.iov_len);
						small_piece_size -= buf.iov_len;

					ph.offset += buf.iov_len;
					size -= buf.iov_len;
			if (error()) return 0;
		return num_read;

	default_storage::default_storage(file_storage const&amp; fs, file_storage const* mapped, std::string const&amp; path
		, file_pool&amp; fp, std::vector&lt;boost::uint8_t&gt; const&amp; file_prio)
		: m_files(fs)
		, m_file_priority(file_prio)
		, m_pool(fp)
		, m_page_size(page_size())
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(55)">../src/storage.cpp:629</a></td><td>make this more generic to not just work if files have been renamed, but also if they have been merged into a single file for instance maybe use the same format as .torrent files and reuse some code from torrent_info</td></tr><tr id="55" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>make this more generic to not just work if files have been
renamed, but also if they have been merged into a single file for instance
maybe use the same format as .torrent files and reuse some code from torrent_info</h2><h4>../src/storage.cpp:629</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		for (;;)
			if (file_offset &lt; m_files.file_size(file_index))

			file_offset -= m_files.file_size(file_index);
			TORRENT_ASSERT(file_index != files().num_files());
		error_code ec;
		boost::intrusive_ptr&lt;file&gt; file_handle = open_file(file_index, file::read_only, ec);
		if (!file_handle || ec) return slot;

		size_type data_start = file_handle-&gt;sparse_end(file_offset);
		return int((data_start + m_files.piece_length() - 1) / m_files.piece_length());

	bool default_storage::verify_resume_data(lazy_entry const&amp; rd, error_code&amp; error)
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		lazy_entry const* mapped_files = rd.dict_find_list("mapped_files");
</div>		if (mapped_files &amp;&amp; mapped_files-&gt;list_size() == m_files.num_files())
			m_mapped_files.reset(new file_storage(m_files));
			for (int i = 0; i &lt; m_files.num_files(); ++i)
				std::string new_filename = mapped_files-&gt;list_string_value_at(i);
				if (new_filename.empty()) continue;
				m_mapped_files-&gt;rename_file(i, new_filename);
		lazy_entry const* file_priority = rd.dict_find_list("file_priority");
		if (file_priority &amp;&amp; file_priority-&gt;list_size()
			== files().num_files())
			for (int i = 0; i &lt; file_priority-&gt;list_size(); ++i)
				m_file_priority[i] = boost::uint8_t(file_priority-&gt;list_int_value_at(i, 1));

		std::vector&lt;std::pair&lt;size_type, std::time_t&gt; &gt; file_sizes;
		lazy_entry const* file_sizes_ent = rd.dict_find_list("file sizes");
		if (file_sizes_ent == 0)
			error = errors::missing_file_sizes;
			return false;
		for (int i = 0; i &lt; file_sizes_ent-&gt;list_size(); ++i)
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(56)">../src/storage.cpp:1238</a></td><td>what if file_base is used to merge several virtual files into a single physical file? We should probably disable this if file_base is used. This is not a widely used feature though</td></tr><tr id="56" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>what if file_base is used to merge several virtual files
into a single physical file? We should probably disable this
if file_base is used. This is not a widely used feature though</h2><h4>../src/storage.cpp:1238</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">			int bytes_transferred = 0;
			// if the file is opened in no_buffer mode, and the
			// read is unaligned, we need to fall back on a slow
			// special read that reads aligned buffers and copies
			// it into the one supplied
			size_type adjusted_offset = files().file_base(file_index) + file_offset;
			if ((file_handle-&gt;open_mode() &amp; file::no_buffer)
				&amp;&amp; ((adjusted_offset &amp; (file_handle-&gt;pos_alignment()-1)) != 0
				|| (uintptr_t(tmp_bufs-&gt;iov_base) &amp; (file_handle-&gt;buf_alignment()-1)) != 0))
				bytes_transferred = (int)(this-&gt;*op.unaligned_op)(file_handle, adjusted_offset
					, tmp_bufs, num_tmp_bufs, ec);
				if ((op.mode &amp; file::rw_mask) == file::read_write
					&amp;&amp; adjusted_offset + bytes_transferred &gt;= files().file_size(file_index)
					&amp;&amp; (file_handle-&gt;pos_alignment() &gt; 0 || file_handle-&gt;size_alignment() &gt; 0))
					// we were writing, and we just wrote the last block of the file
					// we likely wrote a bit too much, since we're restricted to
					// a specific alignment for writes. Make sure to truncate the size

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">					file_handle-&gt;set_size(files().file_size(file_index), ec);
</div>				}
				bytes_transferred = (int)((*file_handle).*op.regular_op)(adjusted_offset
					, tmp_bufs, num_tmp_bufs, ec);
				TORRENT_ASSERT(bytes_transferred &lt;= bufs_size(tmp_bufs, num_tmp_bufs));
			file_offset = 0;

			if (ec)
				set_error(files().file_path(file_index, m_save_path), ec);
				return -1;

			if (file_bytes_left != bytes_transferred)
				return bytes_transferred;

			advance_bufs(current_buf, bytes_transferred);
			TORRENT_ASSERT(count_bufs(current_buf, bytes_left - file_bytes_left) &lt;= num_bufs);
		return size;

	// these functions are inefficient, but should be fairly uncommon. The read
	// case happens if unaligned files are opened in no_buffer mode or if clients
	// makes unaligned requests (and the disk cache is disabled or fully utilized
	// for write cache).

</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(57)">../src/torrent.cpp:1370</a></td><td>is verify_peer_cert called once per certificate in the chain, and this function just tells us which depth we're at right now? If so, the comment makes sense. any certificate that isn't the leaf (i.e. the one presented by the peer) should be accepted automatically, given preverified is true. The leaf certificate need to be verified to make sure its DN matches the info-hash</td></tr><tr id="57" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>is verify_peer_cert called once per certificate in the chain, and
this function just tells us which depth we're at right now? If so, the comment
makes sense.
any certificate that isn't the leaf (i.e. the one presented by the peer)
should be accepted automatically, given preverified is true. The leaf certificate
need to be verified to make sure its DN matches the info-hash</h2><h4>../src/torrent.cpp:1370</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">			if (pp) p-&gt;add_extension(pp);

		// if files are checked for this torrent, call the extension
		// to let it initialize itself
		if (m_connections_initialized)



#if BOOST_VERSION &gt;= 104700
	bool torrent::verify_peer_cert(bool preverified, boost::asio::ssl::verify_context&amp; ctx)
		// if the cert wasn't signed by the correct CA, fail the verification
		if (!preverified) return false;

		// we're only interested in checking the certificate at the end of the chain.
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		int depth = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth(ctx.native_handle());
</div>		if (depth &gt; 0) return true;

		X509* cert = X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(ctx.native_handle());

		// Go through the alternate names in the certificate looking for matching DNS entries
		GENERAL_NAMES* gens = static_cast&lt;GENERAL_NAMES*&gt;(
			X509_get_ext_d2i(cert, NID_subject_alt_name, 0, 0));

		std::string names;
		bool match = false;
		for (int i = 0; i &lt; sk_GENERAL_NAME_num(gens); ++i)
			GENERAL_NAME* gen = sk_GENERAL_NAME_value(gens, i);
			if (gen-&gt;type != GEN_DNS) continue;
			ASN1_IA5STRING* domain = gen-&gt;d.dNSName;
			if (domain-&gt;type != V_ASN1_IA5STRING || !domain-&gt;data || !domain-&gt;length) continue;
			const char* torrent_name = reinterpret_cast&lt;const char*&gt;(domain-&gt;data);
			std::size_t name_length = domain-&gt;length;

			if (i &gt; 1) names += " | n: ";
			names.append(torrent_name, name_length);
			if (strncmp(torrent_name, "*", name_length) == 0
				|| strncmp(torrent_name, m_torrent_file-&gt;name().c_str(), name_length) == 0)
				match = true;
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(58)">../src/torrent.cpp:5155</a></td><td>make this more generic to not just work if files have been renamed, but also if they have been merged into a single file for instance maybe use the same format as .torrent files and reuse some code from torrent_info The mapped_files needs to be read both in the network thread and in the disk thread, since they both have their own mapped files structures which are kept in sync</td></tr><tr id="58" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>make this more generic to not just work if files have been
renamed, but also if they have been merged into a single file for instance
maybe use the same format as .torrent files and reuse some code from torrent_info
The mapped_files needs to be read both in the network thread
and in the disk thread, since they both have their own mapped files structures
which are kept in sync</h2><h4>../src/torrent.cpp:5155</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		if (m_seed_mode) m_verified.resize(m_torrent_file-&gt;num_pieces(), false);
		super_seeding(rd.dict_find_int_value("super_seeding", 0));

		m_last_scrape = rd.dict_find_int_value("last_scrape", 0);
		m_last_download = rd.dict_find_int_value("last_download", 0);
		m_last_upload = rd.dict_find_int_value("last_upload", 0);

		m_url = rd.dict_find_string_value("url");
		m_uuid = rd.dict_find_string_value("uuid");
		m_source_feed_url = rd.dict_find_string_value("feed");

		if (!m_uuid.empty() || !m_url.empty())
			boost::shared_ptr&lt;torrent&gt; me(shared_from_this());

			// insert this torrent in the uuid index
				? m_url : m_uuid, me));

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		lazy_entry const* mapped_files = rd.dict_find_list("mapped_files");
</div>		if (mapped_files &amp;&amp; mapped_files-&gt;list_size() == m_torrent_file-&gt;num_files())
			for (int i = 0; i &lt; m_torrent_file-&gt;num_files(); ++i)
				std::string new_filename = mapped_files-&gt;list_string_value_at(i);
				if (new_filename.empty()) continue;
				m_torrent_file-&gt;rename_file(i, new_filename);
		m_added_time = rd.dict_find_int_value("added_time", m_added_time);
		m_completed_time = rd.dict_find_int_value("completed_time", m_completed_time);
		if (m_completed_time != 0 &amp;&amp; m_completed_time &lt; m_added_time)
			m_completed_time = m_added_time;

		lazy_entry const* file_priority = rd.dict_find_list("file_priority");
		if (file_priority &amp;&amp; file_priority-&gt;list_size()
			== m_torrent_file-&gt;num_files())
			for (int i = 0; i &lt; file_priority-&gt;list_size(); ++i)
				m_file_priority[i] = file_priority-&gt;list_int_value_at(i, 1);

		lazy_entry const* piece_priority = rd.dict_find_string("piece_priority");
		if (piece_priority &amp;&amp; piece_priority-&gt;string_length()
			== m_torrent_file-&gt;num_pieces())
			char const* p = piece_priority-&gt;string_ptr();
			for (int i = 0; i &lt; piece_priority-&gt;string_length(); ++i)
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(59)">../src/torrent.cpp:5291</a></td><td>if this is a merkle torrent and we can't restore the tree, we need to wipe all the bits in the have array, but not necessarily we might want to do a full check to see if we have all the pieces. This is low priority since almost no one uses merkle torrents</td></tr><tr id="59" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>if this is a merkle torrent and we can't
restore the tree, we need to wipe all the
bits in the have array, but not necessarily
we might want to do a full check to see if we have
all the pieces. This is low priority since almost
no one uses merkle torrents</h2><h4>../src/torrent.cpp:5291</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">				add_web_seed(url, web_seed_entry::http_seed);

		if (m_torrent_file-&gt;is_merkle_torrent())
			lazy_entry const* mt = rd.dict_find_string("merkle tree");
			if (mt)
				std::vector&lt;sha1_hash&gt; tree;
				std::memcpy(&amp;tree[0], mt-&gt;string_ptr()
					, (std::min)(mt-&gt;string_length(), int(tree.size()) * 20));
				if (mt-&gt;string_length() &lt; int(tree.size()) * 20)
					std::memset(&amp;tree[0] + mt-&gt;string_length() / 20, 0
						, tree.size() - mt-&gt;string_length() / 20);
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">				TORRENT_ASSERT(false);
</div>			}

	boost::intrusive_ptr&lt;torrent_info&gt; torrent::get_torrent_copy()
		if (!m_torrent_file-&gt;is_valid()) return boost::intrusive_ptr&lt;torrent_info&gt;();

		// copy the torrent_info object
		return boost::intrusive_ptr&lt;torrent_info&gt;(new torrent_info(*m_torrent_file));
	void torrent::write_resume_data(entry&amp; ret) const
		using namespace libtorrent::detail; // for write_*_endpoint()
		ret["file-format"] = "libtorrent resume file";
		ret["file-version"] = 1;
		ret["libtorrent-version"] = LIBTORRENT_VERSION;

		ret["total_uploaded"] = m_total_uploaded;
		ret["total_downloaded"] = m_total_downloaded;

		ret["active_time"] = m_active_time;
		ret["finished_time"] = m_finished_time;
		ret["seeding_time"] = m_seeding_time;
		ret["last_seen_complete"] = m_last_seen_complete;

		ret["num_complete"] = m_complete;
		ret["num_incomplete"] = m_incomplete;
		ret["num_downloaded"] = m_downloaded;
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(60)">../src/torrent.cpp:5479</a></td><td>make this more generic to not just work if files have been renamed, but also if they have been merged into a single file for instance. using file_base</td></tr><tr id="60" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>make this more generic to not just work if files have been
renamed, but also if they have been merged into a single file for instance.
using file_base</h2><h4>../src/torrent.cpp:5479</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		entry::string_type&amp; pieces = ret["pieces"].string();
		if (is_seed())
			std::memset(&amp;pieces[0], 1, pieces.size());
			for (int i = 0, end(pieces.size()); i &lt; end; ++i)
				pieces[i] = m_picker-&gt;have_piece(i) ? 1 : 0;

		if (m_seed_mode)
			TORRENT_ASSERT(m_verified.size() == pieces.size());
			for (int i = 0, end(pieces.size()); i &lt; end; ++i)
				pieces[i] |= m_verified[i] ? 2 : 0;

		// write renamed files
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">		if (&amp;m_torrent_file-&gt;files() != &amp;m_torrent_file-&gt;orig_files()
</div>			&amp;&amp; m_torrent_file-&gt;files().num_files() == m_torrent_file-&gt;orig_files().num_files())
			entry::list_type&amp; fl = ret["mapped_files"].list();
			file_storage const&amp; fs = m_torrent_file-&gt;files();
			for (int i = 0; i &lt; fs.num_files(); ++i)

		// write local peers

		std::back_insert_iterator&lt;entry::string_type&gt; peers(ret["peers"].string());
		std::back_insert_iterator&lt;entry::string_type&gt; banned_peers(ret["banned_peers"].string());
		std::back_insert_iterator&lt;entry::string_type&gt; peers6(ret["peers6"].string());
		std::back_insert_iterator&lt;entry::string_type&gt; banned_peers6(ret["banned_peers6"].string());

		// failcount is a 5 bit value
		int max_failcount = (std::min)(settings().max_failcount, 31);

		int num_saved_peers = 0;

		for (policy::const_iterator i = m_policy.begin_peer()
			, end(m_policy.end_peer()); i != end; ++i)
			error_code ec;
			policy::peer const* p = *i;
			address addr = p-&gt;address();
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(61)">../src/torrent.cpp:8000</a></td><td>go through the pieces we have and count the total number of downloaders we have. Only count peers that are interested in us since some peers might not send have messages for pieces we have it num_interested == 0, we need to pick a new piece</td></tr><tr id="61" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>go through the pieces we have and count the total number
of downloaders we have. Only count peers that are interested in us
since some peers might not send have messages for pieces we have
it num_interested == 0, we need to pick a new piece</h2><h4>../src/torrent.cpp:8000</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">			}

			rarest_rarity = pp.peer_count;

		if (prio_updated)

		// now, rarest_pieces is a list of all pieces that are the rarest ones.
		// and rarest_rarity is the number of peers that have the rarest pieces

		// if there's only a single peer that doesn't have the rarest piece
		// it's impossible for us to download one piece and upload it
		// twice. i.e. we cannot get a positive share ratio
		if (num_peers - rarest_rarity &lt; settings().share_mode_target) return;

		// we might be able to do better than a share ratio of 2 if there are
		// enough downloaders of the pieces we already have.
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">
</div>		// now, pick one of the rarest pieces to download
		int pick = random() % rarest_pieces.size();
		bool was_finished = is_finished();
		m_picker-&gt;set_piece_priority(rarest_pieces[pick], 1);


	void torrent::refresh_explicit_cache(int cache_size)
		if (!ready_for_connections()) return;

		if (m_abort) return;

		// rotate the cached pieces

		// add blocks_per_piece / 2 in order to round to closest whole piece
		int blocks_per_piece = m_torrent_file-&gt;piece_length() / block_size();
		int num_cache_pieces = (cache_size + blocks_per_piece / 2) / blocks_per_piece;
		if (num_cache_pieces &gt; m_torrent_file-&gt;num_pieces())
			num_cache_pieces = m_torrent_file-&gt;num_pieces();

		std::vector&lt;int&gt; avail_vec;
		if (has_picker())
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(62)">../src/udp_tracker_connection.cpp:552</a></td><td>it would be more efficient to not use a string here. however, the problem is that some trackers will respond with actual strings. For example i2p trackers</td></tr><tr id="62" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>it would be more efficient to not use a string here.
however, the problem is that some trackers will respond
with actual strings. For example i2p trackers</h2><h4>../src/udp_tracker_connection.cpp:552</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">		}

		boost::shared_ptr&lt;request_callback&gt; cb = requester();
		if (cb)
			boost::shared_ptr&lt;request_callback&gt; cb = requester();
			cb-&gt;debug_log("&lt;== UDP_TRACKER_RESPONSE [ url: %s ]", tracker_req().url.c_str());

		if (!cb)
			return true;

		std::vector&lt;peer_entry&gt; peer_list;
		for (int i = 0; i &lt; num_peers; ++i)
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">			peer_entry e;
</div>			char ip_string[100];
			unsigned int a = detail::read_uint8(buf);
			unsigned int b = detail::read_uint8(buf);
			unsigned int c = detail::read_uint8(buf);
			unsigned int d = detail::read_uint8(buf);
			snprintf(ip_string, 100, "%u.%u.%u.%u", a, b, c, d);
			e.ip = ip_string;
			e.port = detail::read_uint16(buf);

		std::list&lt;address&gt; ip_list;
		for (std::list&lt;tcp::endpoint&gt;::const_iterator i = m_endpoints.begin()
			, end(m_endpoints.end()); i != end; ++i)

		cb-&gt;tracker_response(tracker_req(), m_target.address(), ip_list
			, peer_list, interval, min_interval, complete, incomplete, 0, address(), "" /*trackerid*/);

		return true;

	bool udp_tracker_connection::on_scrape_response(char const* buf, int size)
		int action = detail::read_int32(buf);
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(63)">../include/libtorrent/config.hpp:305</a></td><td>Make this count Unicode characters instead of bytes on windows</td></tr><tr id="63" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>Make this count Unicode characters instead of bytes on windows</h2><h4>../include/libtorrent/config.hpp:305</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">
// ==== eCS(OS/2) ===
#elif defined __OS2__
#define TORRENT_OS2
#define TORRENT_USE_IPV6 0
#define TORRENT_ICONV_ARG (const char**)

#warning unknown OS, assuming BSD

// on windows, NAME_MAX refers to Unicode characters
// on linux it refers to bytes (utf-8 encoded)
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">
</div>// windows
#if defined FILENAME_MAX

// beos
#elif defined B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH

// solaris
#elif defined MAXPATH

// posix
#elif defined NAME_MAX

// none of the above
// this is the maximum number of characters in a
// path element / filename on windows
#define TORRENT_MAX_PATH 255
#warning unknown platform, assuming the longest path is 255


#if defined TORRENT_WINDOWS &amp;&amp; !defined TORRENT_MINGW

#include &lt;stdarg.h&gt;

// internal
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(64)">../include/libtorrent/proxy_base.hpp:152</a></td><td>it would be nice to remember the bind port and bind once we know where the proxy is m_sock.bind(endpoint, ec);</td></tr><tr id="64" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>it would be nice to remember the bind port and bind once we know where the proxy is
m_sock.bind(endpoint, ec);</h2><h4>../include/libtorrent/proxy_base.hpp:152</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">	{
		return m_sock.set_option(opt, ec);

	void bind(endpoint_type const&amp; endpoint)
//		m_sock.bind(endpoint);

	void bind(endpoint_type const&amp; endpoint, error_code&amp; ec)
		// the reason why we ignore binds here is because we don't
		// (necessarily) yet know what address family the proxy
		// will resolve to, and binding to the wrong one would
		// break our connection attempt later. The caller here
		// doesn't necessarily know that we're proxying, so this
		// bind address is based on the final endpoint, not the
		// proxy.
<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">	}
	void open(protocol_type const&amp; p)
//		m_sock.open(p);

	void open(protocol_type const&amp; p, error_code&amp; ec)
		// we need to ignore this for the same reason as stated
		// for ignoring bind()
//		m_sock.open(p, ec);

	void close()
		m_remote_endpoint = endpoint_type();

	void close(error_code&amp; ec)
		m_remote_endpoint = endpoint_type();
</pre></td></tr><tr style="background: #ccc"><td>relevance&nbsp;0</td><td><a href="javascript:expand(65)">../include/libtorrent/torrent_info.hpp:122</a></td><td>include the number of peers received from this tracker, at last announce</td></tr><tr id="65" style="display: none;" colspan="3"><td colspan="3"><h2>include the number of peers received from this tracker, at last announce</h2><h4>../include/libtorrent/torrent_info.hpp:122</h4><pre style="background: #f6f6f6; border: solid 1px #ddd;">
		// if this tracker failed the last time it was contacted
		// this error code specifies what error occurred
		error_code last_error;

		// returns the number of seconds to the next announce on
		// this tracker. ``min_announce_in()`` returns the number of seconds until we are
		// allowed to force another tracker update with this tracker.
		// If the last time this tracker was contacted failed, ``last_error`` is the error
		// code describing what error occurred.
		int next_announce_in() const;
		int min_announce_in() const;

		// the time of next tracker announce
		ptime next_announce;

		// no announces before this time
		ptime min_announce;

<div style="background: #ffff00" width="100%">
</div>		// these are either -1 or the scrape information this tracker last responded with. *incomplete* is
		// the current number of downloaders in the swarm, *complete* is the current number
		// of seeds in the swarm and *downloaded* is the cumulative number of completed
		// downloads of this torrent, since the beginning of time (from this tracker's point
		// of view).

		// if this tracker has returned scrape data, these fields are filled
		// in with valid numbers. Otherwise they are set to -1.
		// the number of current downloaders
		int scrape_incomplete;
		int scrape_complete;
		int scrape_downloaded;

		// the tier this tracker belongs to
		boost::uint8_t tier;

		// the max number of failures to announce to this tracker in
		// a row, before this tracker is not used anymore. 0 means unlimited
		boost::uint8_t fail_limit;

		// the number of times in a row we have failed to announce to this
		// tracker.
		boost::uint8_t fails:7;

		// true while we're waiting for a response from the tracker.
		bool updating:1;

		// flags for the source bitmask, each indicating where
		// we heard about this tracker
		enum tracker_source