language: cpp dist: bionic matrix: fast_finish: true include: - if: repo = arvidn/libtorrent env: variant=release sonar_scan=1 toolset=gcc - env: variant=release toolset=gcc check_headers=1 python=1 - env: variant=test_debug crypto=openssl docs=1 tests=1 examples=1 tools=1 toolset=darwin os: osx osx_image: xcode11.2 - env: variant=test_debug crypto=openssl python=1 toolset=darwin ios=1 os: osx osx_image: xcode11.2 - env: variant=debug toolset=gcc lint=1 pylint=1 clang_tidy=1 addons: apt: packages: - python3-pip - env: variant=test_debug tests=1 toolset=gcc sanitizer=on fuzzers=1 - env: variant=test_debug sim=1 crypto=openssl toolset=gcc sanitizer=on - env: variant=test_release coverage=1 tests=1 toolset=gcc-coverage - env: autotools=1 toolset=gcc install_boost=1 - env: cmake=1 toolset=gcc install_boost=1 - env: arch=arm toolset=gcc-arm addons: apt: packages: - libboost-tools-dev notifications: email: false git: submodules: false depth: 1 branches: only: - master - RC_1_2 - RC_1_1 cache: directories: - $HOME/.ccache - $HOME/boost # sources list:, # packages list: addons: apt: packages: - python3.7-dev - ninja-build before_install: - 'if [[ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" || "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "master" ]]; then export sonar_scan=0; fi' # pull down a recent version of boost and build boost-build - 'if [[ "$arch" != "arm" ]]; then cd $HOME; if [[ ! -d boost/.git ]]; then git clone --depth=1 --branch=boost-1.72.0; fi; export BOOST_ROOT=$PWD/boost; echo ${BOOST_ROOT}; cd boost; git submodule update --init --depth=1; ./; ./b2 headers; if [[ "$install_boost" = "1" ]]; then sudo ./b2 cxxstd=11 release install --with-python --with-system | grep -v "^common.copy " | grep -v "^\.\.\.skipped " | grep -v "th target\.\.\.$"; cd tools/build; ./; echo "installing"; sudo ./b2 install --prefix=/usr/; sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/; sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/; fi; fi' - export PATH=$BOOST_ROOT:$PATH - cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR - git submodule update --init --recursive - 'if [[ $crypto == "" ]]; then export crypto=built-in; fi' - 'if [[ $sanitizer == "" ]]; then export sanitizer=off; fi' - 'if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" ]]; then travis_retry brew update > /dev/null && brew install ccache; fi' - 'if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" && "$python" == "1" ]]; then brew unlink python@2; travis_retry brew install python; fi' - 'if [[ "$python" == "1" ]]; then which python3; python3 --version; fi' - 'if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME != "osx" ]]; then export B2=b2; export PIP=pip; else export B2=b2; export PIP=pip3; sysctl hw.ncpu; fi' # we have to use python from brew rather than the system provided python # because of OSX System Integrity Protection, which prevents injecting # user-libraries (i.e. python modules) into system binaries (i.e. /usr/bin/python) - 'if [ "$docs" = "1" ]; then ${PIP} install docutils; ${PIP} install Pygments; travis_retry brew install graphviz hunspell; fi' - if [ "$coverage" == "1" ]; then ${PIP} install --user codecov; fi - 'echo "toolset: " ${toolset}' - 'echo "variant: " ${variant}' # disable leak checking for now. it reports some suspicious reports against some # tests - export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0; - ulimit -a install: - touch ~/user-config.jam - 'if [[ $toolset == "gcc" ]]; then g++ --version; echo "using gcc : : ccache g++ : -std=c++11 ;" >> ~/user-config.jam; fi' - 'if [[ $toolset == "gcc-coverage" ]]; then echo "using gcc : coverage : ccache g++ --coverage : -std=c++11 --coverage ;" >> ~/user-config.jam; fi' - 'if [[ $toolset == "gcc-arm" ]]; then echo "using gcc : arm : ccache armv8l-linux-gnueabihf-g++ : -std=c++11 -fsigned-char -march=armv8-a+crc -mfpu=crypto-neon-fp-armv8 -DTORRENT_FORCE_ARM_CRC32 -lm -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc ;" >> ~/user-config.jam; fi;' - 'if [ $clang_tidy == "1" ]; then echo "using clang_tidy : : clang-tidy "-checks=-clang-analyzer-core.*" : -std=c++11 -I/usr/local/clang-7.0.0/include/c++/v1 -stdlib=libc++ -stdlib=libc++ ;" >> ~/user-config.jam; fi' - 'echo "using darwin : : ccache clang++ : -std=c++11 ;" >> ~/user-config.jam' - 'echo "using darwin : ios_sim : ccache clang++ : -std=c11 -std=c++11 -Wno-deprecated-declarations \"-isysroot /Applications/\" -mios-simulator-version-min=7 -fobjc-abi-version=2 \"-isysroot /Applications/\" -mios-simulator-version-min=7 -fobjc-abi-version=2 ;" >>~/user-config.jam' - 'echo "using darwin : ios : ccache clang++ : -std=c11 -std=c++11 -Wno-deprecated-declarations \"-isysroot /Applications/\" -mios-version-min=7 \"-arch armv7\" -fobjc-abi-version=2 \"-isysroot /Applications/\" -mios-version-min=7 \"-arch armv7\" -fobjc-abi-version=2 ;" >>~/user-config.jam' - 'echo "using python : : $(which python3) : /usr/local/Frameworks/Python.framework/Headers : : darwin ;" >> ~/user-config.jam' - 'echo "using python : : $(which python3) : : : linux ;" >> ~/user-config.jam' - if [ "$docs" == "1" ]; then --version; fi - 'if [ "$lint" == "1" ]; then curl "" >~/; fi' - 'if [ "$pylint" == "1" ]; then sudo pip3 install flake8; flake8 --version; python3 -m flake8 --version; fi' - 'if [ $sonar_scan == "1" ]; then wget --quiet; wget --quiet; unzip; unzip; export PATH=$PWD/sonar-scanner-$PWD/build-wrapper-linux-x86:$PATH; fi' - ccache -V - ccache --show-stats - ccache --zero-stats - 'if [[ "$arch" == "arm" ]]; then cd test; wget -O gcc-linaro.tar.xz; tar xf gcc-linaro.tar.xz; export PATH=${PWD}/gcc-linaro-5.3.1-2016.05-x86_64_armv8l-linux-gnueabihf/bin:${PATH}; armv8l-linux-gnueabihf-g++ --version; wget -O; unzip -qq; export BOOST_ROOT=$PWD/boost_1_58_0; travis_retry sudo apt-get install -y qemu-user-static; wget -O ubuntu-base.tar.gz; sudo mkdir rootfs; sudo tar xf ubuntu-base.tar.gz -C rootfs; sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static rootfs/usr/bin/; sudo chroot rootfs mount -t proc none /proc; cd ..; fi' - if [[ "$cmake" == "1" ]]; then which cmake; cmake --version; fi script: - cd docs - 'if [ "$docs" == "1" ]; then make spell-check html AAFIGURE=echo; fi' - cd .. - 'if [ "$lint" == "1" ]; then python ~/ --extensions=cpp --headers=hpp --filter=-,+runtime/explicit,+whitespace/end_of_line --linelength=90 test/*.{cpp,hpp} src/*.cpp include/libtorrent/*.hpp include/libtorrent/kademlia/*.hpp src/kademlia/*.cpp include/libtorrent/aux_/*.hpp include/libtorrent/extensions/*.hpp simulation/*.{cpp,hpp} tools/*.{cpp,hpp} examples/*.{cpp,hpp}; fi' - 'if [ "$pylint" == "1" ]; then flake8 --max-line-length=120; python3 -m flake8 --max-line-length=120; fi' - 'if [ "$sonar_scan" == "1" ]; then build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 --out-dir bw-output ${B2} -a -j2 optimization=off crypto=$crypto deprecated-functions=off $toolset variant=$variant -l300 && sonar-scanner -D sonar.login=$SONAR_TOKEN; fi' - 'if [[ $clang_tidy == "1" ]]; then which clang-tidy; clang-tidy --version; ${B2} -a -j2 clang_tidy; fi' # the common boost-build command line arguments. It's important they are all # the same, in order for builds to be reused between invocations - export B2_ARGS="crypto=$crypto debug-iterators=on picker-debugging=on asserts=on invariant-checks=full $toolset variant=$variant" - 'if [[ $sanitizer == "on" ]]; then export B2_ARGS="${B2_ARGS} address-sanitizer=norecover undefined-sanitizer=norecover"; fi' - 'if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" && "$crypto" == "openssl" ]]; then export B2_ARGS="${B2_ARGS} openssl-lib=/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib openssl-include=/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include" ; fi' - 'if [ "$check_headers" == "1" ]; then ${B2} -j2 check-headers ${B2_ARGS}; fi' # if we are building with code coverage, report it as soon as possible # libtorrent is the name of the test suite target - cd test - 'if [ "$tests" == "1" ]; then ${B2} -j2 warnings-as-errors=on warnings=all ${B2_ARGS} testing.execute=off && travis_retry ${B2} -j3 warnings-as-errors=on warnings=all ${B2_ARGS} -l300 && travis_retry ${B2} -j2 warnings-as-errors=on warnings=all ${B2_ARGS} test_natpmp enum_if -l300 && if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME != "osx" ]]; then travis_retry ${B2} -j2 warnings-as-errors=on warnings=all ${B2_ARGS} test_lsd -l300; fi && if [ "$coverage" == "1" ]; then codecov --root .. --gcov-exec gcov-5; fi; fi' # build fuzzers with the same build configuration as the test above, to avoid # rebuilding libtorrent itself. - cd ../fuzzers - 'if [ "$fuzzers" == "1" ]; then ${B2} -j2 warnings-as-errors=on warnings=all crypto=$crypto debug-iterators=on picker-debugging=on asserts=on invariant-checks=full $toolset variant=$variant fuzz=off link=shared stage; fi' - cd ../examples - 'if [ "$examples" == "1" ]; then ${B2} -j2 warnings-as-errors=on warnings=all ${B2_ARGS} link=shared; fi' - cd .. - cd tools - 'if [ "$tools" == "1" ]; then ${B2} -j2 warnings-as-errors=on warnings=all ${B2_ARGS} link=shared; fi' - cd .. - if [[ $ios == "1" ]]; then ${B2} -q darwin-ios darwin-ios_sim -j2 link=static; fi # a binary built with sanitizer does not interact well with python # on OSX we need to use the brew version of python, for reasons explained above # boost.python cannot be built with warnings-as-errors=on - cd bindings/python - 'if [[ "$python" == "1" ]]; then ${B2} -j2 warnings-as-errors=off warnings=all ${B2_ARGS} stage_module stage_dependencies libtorrent-link=shared boost-link=shared && if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" ]]; then DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=./dependencies python3 -b; else LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./dependencies python3 -b; fi; fi' - cd ../..; # simulation - cd simulation - 'if [[ "$sim" == "1" ]]; then ${B2} -j2 crypto=built-in warnings-as-errors=on warnings=all debug-iterators=on picker-debugging=on asserts=on invariant-checks=full $toolset deprecated-functions=off; fi' - cd .. # minimal support for cmake build - mkdir build && cd build - if [[ "$cmake" == "1" ]]; then export CXX=g++ && export CC=gcc && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Werror" -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=11 -Dbuild_tests=ON -Dbuild_examples=ON -Dbuild_tools=ON -Dpython-bindings=ON -G Ninja .. && cmake --build . --parallel 2; fi - cd .. # run through autotools and ./configure to make sure it works - if [[ "$autotools" == "1" ]]; then ./ && export CXX=g++ && export CC=gcc && export CXXFLAGS="-Werror -Wno-deprecated-declarations" && ./configure --enable-debug --enable-encryption --enable-examples --enable-tests --enable-python-binding && make -j2 check; fi - ccache --show-stats - cd test - 'if [[ "$arch" == "arm" ]]; then ${B2} arm-tests warnings-as-errors=on warnings=all crypto=$crypto variant=test_arm $toolset target-os=linux link=static testing.launcher="sudo cp -R bin rootfs/; sudo chroot rootfs"; fi' - cd ..