#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright Daniel Wallin 2006. Use, modification and distribution is # subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying # file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) import sys import libtorrent as lt import time import Console import os.path class PythonExtension(lt.torrent_plugin): def __init__(self, alerts): lt.torrent_plugin.__init__(self) self.alerts = alerts self.alerts.append('PythonExtension') self.count = 0 def on_piece_pass(self, index): self.alerts.append('got piece %d' % index) def on_piece_failed(self, index): self.alerts.append('failed piece %d' % index) def tick(self): self.count += 1 if self.count >= 10: self.count = 0 self.alerts.append('PythonExtension tick') def write_line(console, line): console.write(line) def add_suffix(val): prefix = ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'] for i in range(len(prefix)): if abs(val) < 1000: if i == 0: return '%5.3g%s' % (val, prefix[i]) else: return '%4.3g%s' % (val, prefix[i]) val /= 1000 return '%6.3gPB' % val def progress_bar(progress, width): progress_chars = int(progress * width + 0.5) return progress_chars * '#' + (width - progress_chars) * '-' def print_peer_info(console, peers): out = ' down (total ) up (total ) q r flags block progress client\n' for p in peers: out += '%s/s ' % add_suffix(p.down_speed) out += '(%s) ' % add_suffix(p.total_download) out += '%s/s ' % add_suffix(p.up_speed) out += '(%s) ' % add_suffix(p.total_upload) out += '%2d ' % p.download_queue_length out += '%2d ' % p.upload_queue_length if p.flags & lt.peer_info.interesting: out += 'I' else: out += '.' if p.flags & lt.peer_info.choked: out += 'C' else: out += '.' if p.flags & lt.peer_info.remote_interested: out += 'i' else: out += '.' if p.flags & lt.peer_info.remote_choked: out += 'c' else: out += '.' if p.flags & lt.peer_info.supports_extensions: out += 'e' else: out += '.' if p.flags & lt.peer_info.local_connection: out += 'l' else: out += 'r' out += ' ' if p.downloading_piece_index >= 0: out += progress_bar(float(p.downloading_progress) / p.downloading_total, 15) else: out += progress_bar(0, 15) out += ' ' if p.flags & lt.peer_info.handshake: id = 'waiting for handshake' elif p.flags & lt.peer_info.connecting: id = 'connecting to peer' elif p.flags & lt.peer_info.queued: id = 'queued' else: id = p.client out += '%s\n' % id[:10] write_line(console, out) def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-p', '--port', type='int', help='set listening port') parser.add_option('-r', '--ratio', type='float', help='set the preferred upload/download ratio. 0 means infinite. Values smaller than 1 are clamped to 1') parser.add_option('-d', '--max-download-rate', type='float', help='the maximum download rate given in kB/s. 0 means infinite.') parser.add_option('-u', '--max-upload-rate', type='float', help='the maximum upload rate given in kB/s. 0 means infinite.') parser.add_option('-s', '--save-path', type='string', help='the path where the downloaded file/folder should be placed.') parser.add_option('-a', '--allocation-mode', type='string', help='sets mode used for allocating the downloaded files on disk. Possible options are [full | compact]') parser.set_defaults( port=6881 , ratio=0 , max_download_rate=0 , max_upload_rate=0 , save_path='./' , allocation_mode='compact' ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.port < 0 or options.port > 65525: options.port = 6881 options.max_upload_rate *= 1000 options.max_download_rate *= 1000 if options.max_upload_rate <= 0: options.max_upload_rate = -1 if options.max_download_rate <= 0: options.max_download_rate = -1 compact_allocation = options.allocation_mode == 'compact' settings = lt.session_settings() settings.user_agent = 'python_client/' + lt.version ses = lt.session() ses.set_download_rate_limit(options.max_download_rate) ses.set_upload_rate_limit(options.max_upload_rate) ses.listen_on(options.port, options.port + 10) ses.set_settings(settings) ses.set_severity_level(lt.alert.severity_levels.info) handles = [] alerts = [] # Extensions # ses.add_extension(lambda x: PythonExtension(alerts)) for f in args: e = lt.bdecode(open(f, 'rb').read()) info = lt.torrent_info(e) print 'Adding \'%s\'...' % info.name() try: resume_data = lt.bdecode(open( os.path.join(options.save_path, info.name() + '.fastresume'), 'rb').read()) except: resume_data = None h = ses.add_torrent(info, options.save_path, resume_data=resume_data, compact_mode=compact_allocation) handles.append(h) h.set_max_connections(60) h.set_max_uploads(-1) h.set_ratio(options.ratio) h.set_sequenced_download_threshold(15) import msvcrt console = Console.getconsole() alive = True while alive: console.page() out = '' for h in handles: if h.has_metadata(): name = h.torrent_info().name()[:40] else: name = '-' out += 'name: %-40s\n' % name s = h.status() if s.state != lt.torrent_status.seeding: state_str = ['queued', 'checking', 'connecting', 'downloading metadata', \ 'downloading', 'finished', 'seeding', 'allocating'] out += state_str[s.state] + ' ' out += '%5.4f%% ' % (s.progress*100) out += progress_bar(s.progress, 49) out += '\n' out += 'total downloaded: %d Bytes\n' % s.total_done out += 'peers: %d seeds: %d distributed copies: %d\n' % \ (s.num_peers, s.num_seeds, s.distributed_copies) out += '\n' out += 'download: %s/s (%s) ' \ % (add_suffix(s.download_rate), add_suffix(s.total_download)) out += 'upload: %s/s (%s) ' \ % (add_suffix(s.upload_rate), add_suffix(s.total_upload)) out += 'ratio: %s\n' % '0' if s.state != lt.torrent_status.seeding: out += 'info-hash: %s\n' % h.info_hash() out += 'next announce: %s\n' % s.next_announce out += 'tracker: %s\n' % s.current_tracker write_line(console, out) peers = h.get_peer_info() print_peer_info(console, peers) if True and s.state != lt.torrent_status.seeding: out = '\n' fp = h.file_progress() ti = h.torrent_info() for f,p in zip(ti.files(), fp): out += progress_bar(p, 20) out += ' ' + f.path + '\n' write_line(console, out) write_line(console, 76 * '-' + '\n') write_line(console, '(q)uit), (p)ause), (u)npause), (r)eannounce\n') write_line(console, 76 * '-' + '\n') while 1: a = ses.pop_alert() if not a: break alerts.append(a) if len(alerts) > 8: del alerts[:len(alerts) - 8] for a in alerts: if type(a) == str: write_line(console, a + '\n') else: write_line(console, a.msg() + '\n') time.sleep(0.5) if msvcrt.kbhit(): c = msvcrt.getch() if c == 'r': for h in handles: h.force_reannounce() elif c == 'q': alive = False elif c == 'p': for h in handles: h.pause() elif c == 'u': for h in handles: h.resume() for h in handles: if not h.is_valid() or not h.has_metadata(): continue h.pause() data = lt.bencode(h.write_resume_data()) open(os.path.join(options.save_path, h.torrent_info().name() + '.fastresume'), 'wb').write(data) main()