# this makefile assumes that you have docutils and rst2pdf installed # (python-docutils) as well as aafigure (python-aafigure) ifneq ($(STAGE),) WEB_PATH = ~/Documents/rasterbar/web/products/libtorrent endif ifndef RST2HTML RST2HTML:=rst2html endif ifndef AAFIGURE AAFIGURE=aafigure endif REFERENCE_TARGETS = \ manual-ref \ reference \ reference-Core \ reference-Plugins \ reference-Create_Torrents \ reference-Error_Codes \ reference-Storage \ reference-Custom_Storage \ reference-Utility \ reference-Bencoding \ reference-Alerts \ reference-Filter \ reference-Settings \ reference-Bdecoding \ reference-ed25519 TARGETS = index \ udp_tracker_protocol \ dht_rss \ dht_store \ client_test \ building \ features \ troubleshooting \ contributing\ examples \ extension_protocol \ dht_extensions \ dht_sec \ python_binding \ projects \ utp \ tuning \ hacking \ streaming \ tutorial \ upgrade_to_1.2 \ single-page-ref \ $(REFERENCE_TARGETS) FIGURES = \ read_disk_buffers \ write_disk_buffers \ hacking \ utp_stack \ storage \ disk_cache \ troubleshooting html: $(TARGETS:=.html) $(FIGURES:=.png) todo.html rst: $(TARGETS:=.rst) todo.html pdf: $(TARGETS:=.pdf) $(FIGURES:=.eps) epub: $(TARGETS:=.epub) $(FIGURES:=.png) all: html pdf single-page-ref.rst: $(REFERENCE_TARGETS:=.rst) python join_rst.py $(filter-out reference.rst, $(REFERENCE_TARGETS:=.rst)) >single-page-ref.rst settings.rst: ../include/libtorrent/settings_pack.hpp python gen_settings_doc.py stats_counters.rst: ../src/session_stats.cpp ../include/libtorrent/performance_counters.hpp python gen_stats_doc.py manual.rst: stats_counters.rst touch manual.rst #troubleshooting_thumb.png: troubleshooting.png # convert troubleshooting.png -resize 800x800 troubleshooting_thumb.png #ifneq ($(STAGE),) # cp $@ $(WEB_PATH)/$@ #endif todo.html:gen_todo.py ../src/*.cpp ../include/libtorrent/*.hpp python gen_todo.py ifneq ($(STAGE),) cp $@ $(WEB_PATH)/$@ endif $(REFERENCE_TARGETS:=.rst) plain_text_out.txt:gen_reference_doc.py ../include/libtorrent/*.hpp ../include/libtorrent/kademlia/*.hpp manual.rst settings.rst stats_counters.rst python gen_reference_doc.py --plain-output spell-check:plain_text_out.txt hunspell -d hunspell/en_US -p hunspell/libtorrent.dic -l plain_text_out.txt >hunspell-report.txt @if [ -s hunspell-report.txt ]; then echo 'spellcheck failed, fix words or add to dictionary:'; cat hunspell-report.txt; false; fi; %.epub:%.rst rst2epub --exit-status=2 $? $@ %.pdf:%.rst rst2pdf --exit-status=2 $? -o $@ --stylesheets stylesheet %.html:%.rst $(RST2HTML) --exit-status=2 --template=template.txt --stylesheet-path=style.css --link-stylesheet --no-toc-backlinks $? > $@ ifneq ($(STAGE),) $(RST2HTML) --exit-status=2 --template=template2.txt --stylesheet-path=style.css --link-stylesheet --no-toc-backlinks $? > $(WEB_PATH)/$@ endif %.png:%.dot dot -Tpng $? >$@ ifneq ($(STAGE),) cp $@ $(WEB_PATH)/$@ endif %.eps:%.dot dot -Teps $? >$@ ifneq ($(STAGE),) cp $@ $(WEB_PATH)/$@ endif %.png:%.diagram $(AAFIGURE) --scale 0.6 -o $@ $? ifneq ($(STAGE),) cp $@ $(WEB_PATH)/$@ endif clean: rm -f $(TARGETS:=.html) $(TARGETS:=.pdf) $(FIGURES:=.png) $(FIGURES:=.eps) $(REFERENCE_TARGETS:=.rst) settings.rst todo.html reference*.html stats_counters.rst