/* Copyright (c) 2006-2016, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "libtorrent/config.hpp" #include "libtorrent/socket.hpp" #include #include #include #include // for generate_random_id #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for print_endpoint #include #include // for dht_settings #include #include // for aux::time_now #include #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING #include // for PRId64 et.al. #endif #include using namespace std::placeholders; namespace libtorrent { namespace dht { namespace io = libtorrent::detail; // TODO: 3 move this into it's own .cpp file dht_observer* observer::get_observer() const { return m_algorithm->get_node().observer(); } void observer::set_target(udp::endpoint const& ep) { m_sent = clock_type::now(); m_port = ep.port(); #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 if (ep.address().is_v6()) { flags |= flag_ipv6_address; m_addr.v6 = ep.address().to_v6().to_bytes(); } else #endif { flags &= ~flag_ipv6_address; m_addr.v4 = ep.address().to_v4().to_bytes(); } } address observer::target_addr() const { #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 if (flags & flag_ipv6_address) return address_v6(m_addr.v6); else #endif return address_v4(m_addr.v4); } udp::endpoint observer::target_ep() const { return udp::endpoint(target_addr(), m_port); } void observer::abort() { if (flags & flag_done) return; flags |= flag_done; m_algorithm->failed(self(), traversal_algorithm::prevent_request); } void observer::done() { if (flags & flag_done) return; flags |= flag_done; m_algorithm->finished(self()); } void observer::short_timeout() { if (flags & flag_short_timeout) return; m_algorithm->failed(self(), traversal_algorithm::short_timeout); } void observer::timeout() { if (flags & flag_done) return; flags |= flag_done; m_algorithm->failed(self()); } void observer::set_id(node_id const& id) { if (m_id == id) return; m_id = id; if (m_algorithm) m_algorithm->resort_results(); } using observer_storage = std::aligned_union<1 , find_data_observer , announce_observer , put_data_observer , direct_observer , get_item_observer , get_peers_observer , obfuscated_get_peers_observer , null_observer , traversal_observer>::type; rpc_manager::rpc_manager(node_id const& our_id , dht_settings const& settings , routing_table& table, udp_socket_interface* sock , dht_logger* log) : m_pool_allocator(sizeof(observer_storage), 10) , m_sock(sock) , m_log(log) , m_settings(settings) , m_table(table) , m_our_id(our_id) , m_allocated_observers(0) , m_destructing(false) {} rpc_manager::~rpc_manager() { TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_destructing); m_destructing = true; for (transactions_t::iterator i = m_transactions.begin() , end(m_transactions.end()); i != end; ++i) { i->second->abort(); } } void* rpc_manager::allocate_observer() { m_pool_allocator.set_next_size(10); void* ret = m_pool_allocator.malloc(); if (ret) ++m_allocated_observers; return ret; } void rpc_manager::free_observer(void* ptr) { if (!ptr) return; --m_allocated_observers; TORRENT_ASSERT(reinterpret_cast(ptr)->m_in_use == false); m_pool_allocator.free(ptr); } #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS size_t rpc_manager::allocation_size() const { return sizeof(observer_storage); } #endif #if TORRENT_USE_INVARIANT_CHECKS void rpc_manager::check_invariant() const { for (transactions_t::const_iterator i = m_transactions.begin() , end(m_transactions.end()); i != end; ++i) { TORRENT_ASSERT(i->second); } } #endif void rpc_manager::unreachable(udp::endpoint const& ep) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "PORT_UNREACHABLE [ ip: %s ]" , print_endpoint(ep).c_str()); #endif for (transactions_t::iterator i = m_transactions.begin(); i != m_transactions.end();) { TORRENT_ASSERT(i->second); observer_ptr const& o = i->second; if (o->target_ep() != ep) { ++i; continue; } observer_ptr ptr = i->second; i = m_transactions.erase(i); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "found transaction [ tid: %d ]" , int(ptr->transaction_id())); #endif ptr->timeout(); break; } } bool rpc_manager::incoming(msg const& m, node_id* id) { INVARIANT_CHECK; if (m_destructing) return false; // we only deal with replies and errors, not queries TORRENT_ASSERT(m.message.dict_find_string_value("y") == "r" || m.message.dict_find_string_value("y") == "e"); // if we don't have the transaction id in our // request list, ignore the packet auto transaction_id = m.message.dict_find_string_value("t"); if (transaction_id.empty()) return false; auto ptr = transaction_id.begin(); int tid = transaction_id.size() != 2 ? -1 : io::read_uint16(ptr); observer_ptr o; std::pair range = m_transactions.equal_range(tid); for (transactions_t::iterator i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) { if (m.addr.address() != i->second->target_addr()) continue; o = i->second; i = m_transactions.erase(i); break; } if (!o) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING if (m_table.native_endpoint(m.addr)) { m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "reply with unknown transaction id size: %d from %s" , int(transaction_id.size()), print_endpoint(m.addr).c_str()); } #endif // this isn't necessarily because the other end is doing // something wrong. This can also happen when we restart // the node, and we prematurely abort all outstanding // requests. Also, this opens up a potential magnification // attack. // entry e; // incoming_error(e, "invalid transaction id"); // m_sock->send_packet(e, m.addr); return false; } time_point now = clock_type::now(); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "round trip time(ms): %" PRId64 " from %s" , total_milliseconds(now - o->sent()), print_endpoint(m.addr).c_str()); #endif if (m.message.dict_find_string_value("y") == "e") { // It's an error. #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING bdecode_node err = m.message.dict_find_list("e"); if (err && err.list_size() >= 2 && err.list_at(0).type() == bdecode_node::int_t && err.list_at(1).type() == bdecode_node::string_t) { m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "reply with error from %s: (%" PRId64 ") %s" , print_endpoint(m.addr).c_str() , err.list_int_value_at(0) , err.list_string_value_at(1).to_string().c_str()); } else { m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "reply with (malformed) error from %s" , print_endpoint(m.addr).c_str()); } #endif // Logically, we should call o->reply(m) since we get a reply. // a reply could be "response" or "error", here the reply is an "error". // if the reply is an "error", basically the observer could/will // do nothing with it, especially when observer::reply() is intended to // handle a "response", not an "error". // A "response" should somehow call algorithm->finished(), and an error/timeout // should call algorithm->failed(). From this point of view, // we should call o->timeout() instead of o->reply(m) because o->reply() // will call algorithm->finished(). o->timeout(); return false; } bdecode_node ret_ent = m.message.dict_find_dict("r"); if (!ret_ent) { o->timeout(); return false; } bdecode_node node_id_ent = ret_ent.dict_find_string("id"); if (!node_id_ent || node_id_ent.string_length() != 20) { o->timeout(); return false; } node_id nid = node_id(node_id_ent.string_ptr()); if (m_settings.enforce_node_id && !verify_id(nid, m.addr.address())) { o->timeout(); return false; } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "[%p] reply with transaction id: %d from %s" , static_cast(o->algorithm()), int(transaction_id.size()) , print_endpoint(m.addr).c_str()); #endif o->reply(m); *id = nid; int rtt = int(total_milliseconds(now - o->sent())); // we found an observer for this reply, hence the node is not spoofing // add it to the routing table return m_table.node_seen(*id, m.addr, rtt); } time_duration rpc_manager::tick() { INVARIANT_CHECK; static const int short_timeout = 1; static const int timeout = 15; // look for observers that have timed out if (m_transactions.empty()) return seconds(short_timeout); std::vector timeouts; std::vector short_timeouts; time_duration ret = seconds(short_timeout); time_point now = aux::time_now(); for (transactions_t::iterator i = m_transactions.begin(); i != m_transactions.end();) { observer_ptr o = i->second; time_duration diff = now - o->sent(); if (diff >= seconds(timeout)) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "[%p] timing out transaction id: %d from: %s" , static_cast(o->algorithm()), o->transaction_id() , print_endpoint(o->target_ep()).c_str()); #endif m_transactions.erase(i++); timeouts.push_back(o); continue; } // don't call short_timeout() again if we've // already called it once if (diff >= seconds(short_timeout) && !o->has_short_timeout()) { #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "[%p] short-timing out transaction id: %d from: %s" , static_cast(o->algorithm()), o->transaction_id() , print_endpoint(o->target_ep()).c_str()); #endif ++i; short_timeouts.push_back(o); continue; } ret = std::min(seconds(timeout) - diff, ret); ++i; } std::for_each(timeouts.begin(), timeouts.end(), std::bind(&observer::timeout, _1)); std::for_each(short_timeouts.begin(), short_timeouts.end(), std::bind(&observer::short_timeout, _1)); return (std::max)(ret, duration_cast(milliseconds(200))); } void rpc_manager::add_our_id(entry& e) { e["id"] = m_our_id.to_string(); } bool rpc_manager::invoke(entry& e, udp::endpoint target_addr , observer_ptr o) { INVARIANT_CHECK; if (m_destructing) return false; e["y"] = "q"; entry& a = e["a"]; add_our_id(a); std::string transaction_id; transaction_id.resize(2); char* out = &transaction_id[0]; int tid = random(0x7fff); io::write_uint16(tid, out); e["t"] = transaction_id; // When a DHT node enters the read-only state, in each outgoing query message, // places a 'ro' key in the top-level message dictionary and sets its value to 1. if (m_settings.read_only) e["ro"] = 1; node& n = o->algorithm()->get_node(); if (!n.native_address(o->target_addr())) { a["want"].list().push_back(entry(n.protocol_family_name())); } o->set_target(target_addr); o->set_transaction_id(tid); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_LOGGING m_log->log(dht_logger::rpc_manager, "[%p] invoking %s -> %s" , static_cast(o->algorithm()), e["q"].string().c_str() , print_endpoint(target_addr).c_str()); #endif if (m_sock->send_packet(e, target_addr)) { m_transactions.insert(std::make_pair(tid, o)); #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS o->m_was_sent = true; #endif return true; } return false; } observer::~observer() { // if the message was sent, it must have been // reported back to the traversal_algorithm as // well. If it wasn't sent, it cannot have been // reported back TORRENT_ASSERT(m_was_sent == ((flags & flag_done) != 0) || m_was_abandoned); TORRENT_ASSERT(!m_in_constructor); #if TORRENT_USE_ASSERTS TORRENT_ASSERT(m_in_use); m_in_use = false; #endif } } } // namespace libtorrent::dht