#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function counter_types = {} f = open('../include/libtorrent/performance_counters.hpp') counter_type = '' for line in f: # ignore anything after // if '//' in line: line = line.split('//')[0] line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): continue if line == '': continue if 'enum stats_counter_t' in line: counter_type = 'counter' continue if 'enum stats_gauge_t' in line: counter_type = 'gauge' continue if '{' in line or '}' in line or 'struct' in line or 'namespace' in line: continue if counter_type == '': continue if not line.endswith(','): continue # strip off trailing comma line = line[:-1] if '=' in line: line = line[:line.index('=')].strip() counter_types[line] = counter_type f.close() f = open('../src/session_stats.cpp') out = open('stats_counters.rst', 'w+') def print_field(str, width): return '%s%s' % (str, ' ' * (width - len(str))) def render_section(names, description, types): max_name_len = max(len(max(names, key=len)), len('name')) max_type_len = max(len(max(types, key=len)), len('type')) if description == '': for n in names: print('WARNING: no description for "%s"' % n) # add link targets for the rest of the manual to reference for n in names: print('.. _%s:\n' % n, file=out) if len(names) > 0: print('.. raw:: html\n', file=out) for n in names: print('\t' % n, file=out) print('', file=out) separator = '+-' + ('-' * max_name_len) + '-+-' + ('-' * max_type_len) + '-+' # build a table for the settings, their type and default value print(separator, file=out) print('| %s | %s |' % (print_field('name', max_name_len), print_field('type', max_type_len)), file=out) print(separator.replace('-', '='), file=out) for i in range(len(names)): print('| %s | %s |' % (print_field(names[i], max_name_len), print_field(types[i], max_type_len)), file=out) print(separator, file=out) print(file=out) print(description, file=out) print('', file=out) mode = '' description = '' names = [] types = [] for line in f: description_line = line.lstrip().startswith('//') line = line.strip() if mode == 'ignore': if '#endif' in line: mode = '' continue if 'TORRENT_ABI_VERSION == 1' in line: mode = 'ignore' continue if description_line: if len(names) > 0: render_section(names, description, types) description = '' names = [] types = [] description += '\n' + line[3:] if '#define' in line: continue if 'METRIC(' in line: args = line.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(',') # args: category, name, type args[1] = args[1].strip() names.append(args[0].strip() + '.' + args[1].strip()) types.append(counter_types[args[1]]) if len(names) > 0: render_section(names, description, types) out.close() f.close()