#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import sys import os import libtorrent if len(sys.argv) < 3: print('usage make_torrent.py file tracker-url') sys.exit(1) input = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]) fs = libtorrent.file_storage() # def predicate(f): # print f # return True # libtorrent.add_files(fs, input, predicate) parent_input = os.path.split(input)[0] # if we have a single file, use it because os.walk does not work on a single files if os.path.isfile(input): size = os.path.getsize(input) fs.add_file(input, size) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(input): # skip directories starting with . if os.path.split(root)[1][0] == '.': continue for f in files: # skip files starting with . if f[0] == '.': continue # skip thumbs.db on windows if f == 'Thumbs.db': continue fname = os.path.join(root[len(parent_input)+1:], f) size = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(parent_input, fname)) print('%10d kiB %s' % (size / 1024, fname)) fs.add_file(fname, size) if fs.num_files() == 0: print('no files added') sys.exit(1) t = libtorrent.create_torrent(fs, 0, 4 * 1024 * 1024) t.add_tracker(sys.argv[2]) t.set_creator('libtorrent %s' % libtorrent.__version__) libtorrent.set_piece_hashes(t, parent_input, lambda x: sys.stdout.write('.')) sys.stdout.write('\n') f = open('out.torrent', 'wb+') f.write(libtorrent.bencode(t.generate())) f.close()