/* Copyright (c) 2006-2014, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include "libtorrent/assert.hpp" #include "libtorrent/file_pool.hpp" #include "libtorrent/error_code.hpp" #include "libtorrent/file_storage.hpp" // for file_entry namespace libtorrent { file_pool::file_pool(int size) : m_size(size) , m_low_prio_io(true) #if TORRENT_CLOSE_MAY_BLOCK , m_stop_thread(false) , m_closer_thread(boost::bind(&file_pool::closer_thread_fun, this)) #endif { } file_pool::~file_pool() { #if TORRENT_CLOSE_MAY_BLOCK mutex::scoped_lock l(m_closer_mutex); m_stop_thread = true; l.unlock(); // wait for hte closer thread to finish closing all files m_closer_thread.join(); #endif } #if TORRENT_CLOSE_MAY_BLOCK void file_pool::closer_thread_fun() { for (;;) { mutex::scoped_lock l(m_closer_mutex); if (m_stop_thread) { l.unlock(); m_queued_for_close.clear(); return; } // find a file that doesn't have any other threads referencing // it. Since only those files can be closed in this thead std::vector >::iterator i = std::find_if( m_queued_for_close.begin(), m_queued_for_close.end() , boost::bind(&file::refcount, boost::bind(&boost::intrusive_ptr::get, _1)) == 1); if (i == m_queued_for_close.end()) { l.unlock(); // none of the files are ready to be closed yet // because they're still in use by other threads // hold off for a while sleep(100); } else { // ok, first pull the file out of the queue, release the mutex // (since closing the file may block) and then close it. boost::intrusive_ptr f = *i; m_queued_for_close.erase(i); l.unlock(); f->close(); } } } #endif #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS void set_low_priority(boost::intrusive_ptr const& f) { // file prio is only supported on vista and up // so load the functions dynamically typedef enum _FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS { FileBasicInfo, FileStandardInfo, FileNameInfo, FileRenameInfo, FileDispositionInfo, FileAllocationInfo, FileEndOfFileInfo, FileStreamInfo, FileCompressionInfo, FileAttributeTagInfo, FileIdBothDirectoryInfo, FileIdBothDirectoryRestartInfo, FileIoPriorityHintInfo, FileRemoteProtocolInfo, MaximumFileInfoByHandleClass } FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS, *PFILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS; typedef enum _PRIORITY_HINT { IoPriorityHintVeryLow = 0, IoPriorityHintLow, IoPriorityHintNormal, MaximumIoPriorityHintType } PRIORITY_HINT; typedef struct _FILE_IO_PRIORITY_HINT_INFO { PRIORITY_HINT PriorityHint; } FILE_IO_PRIORITY_HINT_INFO, *PFILE_IO_PRIORITY_HINT_INFO; typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SetFileInformationByHandle_t)(HANDLE hFile, FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS FileInformationClass, LPVOID lpFileInformation, DWORD dwBufferSize); static SetFileInformationByHandle_t SetFileInformationByHandle = NULL; static bool failed_kernel_load = false; if (failed_kernel_load) return; if (SetFileInformationByHandle == NULL) { HMODULE kernel32 = LoadLibraryA("kernel32.dll"); if (kernel32 == NULL) { failed_kernel_load = true; return; } SetFileInformationByHandle = (SetFileInformationByHandle_t)GetProcAddress(kernel32, "SetFileInformationByHandle"); if (SetFileInformationByHandle == NULL) { failed_kernel_load = true; return; } } TORRENT_ASSERT(SetFileInformationByHandle); FILE_IO_PRIORITY_HINT_INFO io_hint; io_hint.PriorityHint = IoPriorityHintLow; SetFileInformationByHandle(f->native_handle(), FileIoPriorityHintInfo, &io_hint, sizeof(io_hint)); } #endif // TORRENT_WINDOWS boost::intrusive_ptr file_pool::open_file(void* st, std::string const& p , int file_index, file_storage const& fs, int m, error_code& ec) { TORRENT_ASSERT(st != 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(is_complete(p)); TORRENT_ASSERT((m & file::rw_mask) == file::read_only || (m & file::rw_mask) == file::read_write); mutex::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); file_set::iterator i = m_files.find(std::make_pair(st, file_index)); if (i != m_files.end()) { lru_file_entry& e = i->second; e.last_use = time_now(); if (e.key != st && ((e.mode & file::rw_mask) != file::read_only || (m & file::rw_mask) != file::read_only)) { // this means that another instance of the storage // is using the exact same file. #if BOOST_VERSION >= 103500 ec = errors::file_collision; #endif return boost::intrusive_ptr(); } e.key = st; // if we asked for a file in write mode, // and the cached file is is not opened in // write mode, re-open it if ((((e.mode & file::rw_mask) != file::read_write) && ((m & file::rw_mask) == file::read_write)) || (e.mode & file::no_buffer) != (m & file::no_buffer) || (e.mode & file::random_access) != (m & file::random_access)) { // close the file before we open it with // the new read/write privilages TORRENT_ASSERT(e.file_ptr->refcount() == 1); #if TORRENT_CLOSE_MAY_BLOCK mutex::scoped_lock l(m_closer_mutex); m_queued_for_close.push_back(e.file_ptr); l.unlock(); e.file_ptr = new file; #else e.file_ptr->close(); #endif std::string full_path = fs.file_path(file_index, p); if (!e.file_ptr->open(full_path, m, ec)) { m_files.erase(i); return boost::intrusive_ptr(); } #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS if (m_low_prio_io) set_low_priority(e.file_ptr); #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(e.file_ptr->is_open()); e.mode = m; } TORRENT_ASSERT((e.mode & file::no_buffer) == (m & file::no_buffer)); return e.file_ptr; } // the file is not in our cache if ((int)m_files.size() >= m_size) { // the file cache is at its maximum size, close // the least recently used (lru) file from it remove_oldest(); } lru_file_entry e; e.file_ptr.reset(new (std::nothrow)file); if (!e.file_ptr) { ec = error_code(ENOMEM, get_posix_category()); return e.file_ptr; } std::string full_path = fs.file_path(file_index, p); if (!e.file_ptr->open(full_path, m, ec)) return boost::intrusive_ptr(); #ifdef TORRENT_WINDOWS if (m_low_prio_io) set_low_priority(e.file_ptr); #endif e.mode = m; e.key = st; m_files.insert(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(st, file_index), e)); TORRENT_ASSERT(e.file_ptr->is_open()); return e.file_ptr; } void file_pool::remove_oldest() { file_set::iterator i = std::min_element(m_files.begin(), m_files.end() , boost::bind(&lru_file_entry::last_use, boost::bind(&file_set::value_type::second, _1)) < boost::bind(&lru_file_entry::last_use, boost::bind(&file_set::value_type::second, _2))); if (i == m_files.end()) return; #if TORRENT_CLOSE_MAY_BLOCK mutex::scoped_lock l_(m_closer_mutex); m_queued_for_close.push_back(i->second.file_ptr); l_.unlock(); #endif m_files.erase(i); } void file_pool::release(void* st, int file_index) { mutex::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); file_set::iterator i = m_files.find(std::make_pair(st, file_index)); if (i == m_files.end()) return; #if TORRENT_CLOSE_MAY_BLOCK mutex::scoped_lock l2(m_closer_mutex); m_queued_for_close.push_back(i->second.file_ptr); l2.unlock(); #endif m_files.erase(i); } // closes files belonging to the specified // storage. If 0 is passed, all files are closed void file_pool::release(void* st) { mutex::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); if (st == 0) { m_files.clear(); return; } for (file_set::iterator i = m_files.begin(); i != m_files.end();) { if (i->second.key == st) m_files.erase(i++); else ++i; } } void file_pool::resize(int size) { TORRENT_ASSERT(size > 0); if (size == m_size) return; mutex::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); m_size = size; if (int(m_files.size()) <= m_size) return; // close the least recently used files while (int(m_files.size()) > m_size) remove_oldest(); } }