/* Copyright (c) 2008-2016, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include "libtorrent/config.hpp" #include "libtorrent/error_code.hpp" #include "libtorrent/string_util.hpp" // for to_string() #include "libtorrent/aux_/escape_string.hpp" // for convert_to_native namespace libtorrent { struct libtorrent_error_category : boost::system::error_category { virtual const char* name() const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT; virtual std::string message(int ev) const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT; virtual boost::system::error_condition default_error_condition(int ev) const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT { return boost::system::error_condition(ev, *this); } }; const char* libtorrent_error_category::name() const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT { return "libtorrent"; } std::string libtorrent_error_category::message(int ev) const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT { static char const* msgs[] = { "no error", "torrent file collides with file from another torrent", "hash check failed", "torrent file is not a dictionary", "missing or invalid 'info' section in torrent file", "'info' entry is not a dictionary", "invalid or missing 'piece length' entry in torrent file", "missing name in torrent file", "invalid 'name' of torrent (possible exploit attempt)", "invalid length of torrent", "failed to parse files from torrent file", "invalid or missing 'pieces' entry in torrent file", "incorrect number of piece hashes in torrent file", "too many pieces in torrent", "invalid metadata received from swarm", "invalid bencoding", "no files in torrent", "invalid escaped string", "session is closing", "torrent already exists in session", "invalid torrent handle used", "invalid type requested from entry", "missing info-hash from URI", "file too short", "unsupported URL protocol", "failed to parse URL", "peer sent 0 length piece", "parse failed", "invalid file format tag", "missing info-hash", "mismatching info-hash", "invalid hostname", "invalid port", "port blocked by port-filter", "expected closing ] for address", "destructing torrent", "timed out", "upload to upload connection", "uninteresting upload-only peer", "invalid info-hash", "torrent paused", "'have'-message with higher index than the number of pieces", "bitfield of invalid size", "too many piece requests while choked", "invalid piece packet", "out of memory", "torrent aborted", "connected to ourselves", "invalid piece size", "timed out: no interest", "timed out: inactivity", "timed out: no handshake", "timed out: no request", "invalid choke message", "invalid unchoke message", "invalid interested message", "invalid not-interested message", "invalid request message", "invalid hash list", "invalid hash piece message", "invalid cancel message", "invalid dht-port message", "invalid suggest piece message", "invalid have-all message", "invalid have-none message", "invalid reject message", "invalid allow-fast message", "invalid extended message", "invalid message", "sync hash not found", "unable to verify encryption constant", "plaintext mode not provided", "rc4 mode not provided", "unsupported encryption mode", "peer selected unsupported encryption mode", "invalid encryption pad size", "invalid encryption handshake", "incoming encrypted connections disabled", "incoming regular connections disabled", "duplicate peer-id", "torrent removed", "packet too large", "", "HTTP error", "missing location header", "invalid redirection", "redirecting", "invalid HTTP range", "missing content-length", "banned by IP filter", "too many connections", "peer banned", "stopping torrent", "too many corrupt pieces", "torrent is not ready to accept peers", "peer is not properly constructed", "session is closing", "optimistic disconnect", "torrent finished", "no router found", "metadata too large", "invalid metadata request", "invalid metadata size", "invalid metadata offset", "invalid metadata message", "pex message too large", "invalid pex message", "invalid lt_tracker message", "pex messages sent too frequent (possible attack)", "torrent has no metadata", "invalid dont-have message", "SSL connection required", "invalid SSL certificate", "not an SSL torrent", "banned by port filter", "", "", "", "", "", // natpmp errors "unsupported protocol version", "not authorized to create port map (enable NAT-PMP on your router)", "network failure", "out of resources", "unsupported opcode", "", "", "", "", "", // fastresume errors "missing or invalid 'file sizes' entry", "no files in resume data", "missing 'slots' and 'pieces' entry", "mismatching number of files", "mismatching file size", "mismatching file timestamp", "not a dictionary", "invalid 'blocks per piece' entry", "missing slots list", "file has more slots than torrent", "invalid entry type in slot list", "invalid piece index in slot list", "pieces needs to be reordered", "fastresume not modified since last save", "", "", "", "", "", "", // HTTP errors "Invalid HTTP header", "missing Location header in HTTP redirect", "failed to decompress HTTP response", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", // i2p errors "no i2p router is set up", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", // tracker errors "scrape not available on tracker", "invalid tracker response", "invalid peer dictionary entry", "tracker sent a failure message", "missing or invalid 'files' entry", "missing or invalid 'hash' entry", "missing or invalid 'peers' and 'peers6' entry", "udp tracker response packet has invalid size", "invalid transaction id in udp tracker response", "invalid action field in udp tracker response", #ifndef TORRENT_NO_DEPRECATE "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", // bdecode errors "expected string in bencoded string", "expected colon in bencoded string", "unexpected end of file in bencoded string", "expected value (list, dict, int or string) in bencoded string", "bencoded nesting depth exceeded", "bencoded item count limit exceeded", "integer overflow", #endif }; if (ev < 0 || ev >= int(sizeof(msgs)/sizeof(msgs[0]))) return "Unknown error"; return msgs[ev]; } boost::system::error_category& libtorrent_category() { static libtorrent_error_category libtorrent_category; return libtorrent_category; } #ifndef TORRENT_NO_DEPRECATE boost::system::error_category& get_libtorrent_category() { return libtorrent_category(); } boost::system::error_category& get_http_category() { return http_category(); } #endif struct TORRENT_EXPORT http_error_category : boost::system::error_category { virtual const char* name() const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT { return "http error"; } virtual std::string message(int ev) const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT { std::string ret; ret += to_string(ev).elems; ret += " "; switch (ev) { case errors::cont: ret += "Continue"; break; case errors::ok: ret += "OK"; break; case errors::created: ret += "Created"; break; case errors::accepted: ret += "Accepted"; break; case errors::no_content: ret += "No Content"; break; case errors::multiple_choices: ret += "Multiple Choices"; break; case errors::moved_permanently: ret += "Moved Permanently"; break; case errors::moved_temporarily: ret += "Moved Temporarily"; break; case errors::not_modified: ret += "Not Modified"; break; case errors::bad_request: ret += "Bad Request"; break; case errors::unauthorized: ret += "Unauthorized"; break; case errors::forbidden: ret += "Forbidden"; break; case errors::not_found: ret += "Not Found"; break; case errors::internal_server_error: ret += "Internal Server Error"; break; case errors::not_implemented: ret += "Not Implemented"; break; case errors::bad_gateway: ret += "Bad Gateway"; break; case errors::service_unavailable: ret += "Service Unavailable"; break; default: ret += "(unknown HTTP error)"; break; } return ret; } virtual boost::system::error_condition default_error_condition( int ev) const BOOST_SYSTEM_NOEXCEPT { return boost::system::error_condition(ev, *this); } }; boost::system::error_category& http_category() { static http_error_category http_category; return http_category; } #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS const char* libtorrent_exception::what() const TORRENT_EXCEPTION_THROW_SPECIFIER { if (!m_msg) { std::string msg = convert_from_native(m_error.message()); m_msg = allocate_string_copy(msg.c_str()); } return m_msg; } libtorrent_exception::~libtorrent_exception() TORRENT_EXCEPTION_THROW_SPECIFIER { free(m_msg); } #endif namespace errors { // hidden boost::system::error_code make_error_code(error_code_enum e) { return boost::system::error_code(e, libtorrent_category()); } } }