/* Copyright (c) 2006, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "libtorrent/pch.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libtorrent/kademlia/node.hpp" #include "libtorrent/kademlia/node_id.hpp" #include "libtorrent/kademlia/traversal_algorithm.hpp" #include "libtorrent/kademlia/dht_tracker.hpp" #include "libtorrent/kademlia/msg.hpp" #include "libtorrent/aux_/session_impl.hpp" #include "libtorrent/socket.hpp" #include "libtorrent/bencode.hpp" #include "libtorrent/io.hpp" #include "libtorrent/version.hpp" #include "libtorrent/escape_string.hpp" using boost::ref; using boost::lexical_cast; using libtorrent::dht::node_impl; using libtorrent::dht::node_id; using libtorrent::dht::packet_t; using libtorrent::dht::msg; namespace messages = libtorrent::dht::messages; using namespace libtorrent::detail; enum { key_refresh = 5 // generate a new write token key every 5 minutes }; namespace { const int tick_period = 1; // minutes struct count_peers { int& count; count_peers(int& c): count(c) {} void operator()(std::pair const& t) { count += std::distance(t.second.peers.begin() , t.second.peers.end()); } }; template void read_endpoint_list(libtorrent::lazy_entry const* n, std::vector& epl) { using namespace libtorrent; if (n->type() != lazy_entry::list_t) return; for (int i = 0; i < n->list_size(); ++i) { lazy_entry const* e = n->list_at(i); if (e->type() != lazy_entry::string_t) return; if (e->string_length() < 6) continue; char const* in = e->string_ptr(); if (e->string_length() == 6) epl.push_back(read_v4_endpoint(in)); else if (e->string_length() == 18) epl.push_back(read_v6_endpoint(in)); } } template void read_endpoint_list(libtorrent::entry const* n, std::vector& epl) { using namespace libtorrent; if (n->type() != entry::list_t) return; entry::list_type const& contacts = n->list(); for (entry::list_type::const_iterator i = contacts.begin() , end(contacts.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->type() != entry::string_t) return; std::string const& p = i->string(); if (p.size() < 6) continue; std::string::const_iterator in = p.begin(); if (p.size() == 6) epl.push_back(read_v4_endpoint(in)); else if (p.size() == 18) epl.push_back(read_v6_endpoint(in)); } } } namespace libtorrent { namespace dht { void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(dht_tracker const* c) { TORRENT_ASSERT(c != 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(c->m_refs >= 0); ++c->m_refs; } void intrusive_ptr_release(dht_tracker const* c) { TORRENT_ASSERT(c != 0); TORRENT_ASSERT(c->m_refs > 0); if (--c->m_refs == 0) delete c; } #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING TORRENT_DEFINE_LOG(dht_tracker) #endif boost::optional extract_node_id(lazy_entry const* e) { if (e == 0 || e->type() != lazy_entry::dict_t) return boost::optional(); lazy_entry const* nid = e->dict_find_string("node-id"); if (nid == 0 || nid->string_length() != 20) return boost::optional(); return boost::optional(node_id(nid->string_ptr())); } boost::optional extract_node_id(entry const* e) { if (e == 0 || e->type() != entry::dictionary_t) return boost::optional(); entry const* nid = e->find_key("node-id"); if (nid == 0 || nid->type() != entry::string_t || nid->string().length() != 20) return boost::optional(); return boost::optional(node_id(nid->string().c_str())); } // class that puts the networking and the kademlia node in a single // unit and connecting them together. dht_tracker::dht_tracker(libtorrent::aux::session_impl& ses, rate_limited_udp_socket& sock , dht_settings const& settings, entry const* state) : m_dht(ses, bind(&dht_tracker::send_packet, this, _1), settings, extract_node_id(state)) , m_ses(ses) , m_sock(sock) , m_last_new_key(time_now() - minutes(key_refresh)) , m_timer(sock.get_io_service()) , m_connection_timer(sock.get_io_service()) , m_refresh_timer(sock.get_io_service()) , m_settings(settings) , m_refresh_bucket(160) , m_abort(false) , m_host_resolver(sock.get_io_service()) , m_sent_bytes(0) , m_received_bytes(0) , m_refs(0) { using boost::bind; #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING m_counter = 0; std::fill_n(m_replies_bytes_sent, 5, 0); std::fill_n(m_queries_bytes_received, 5, 0); std::fill_n(m_replies_sent, 5, 0); std::fill_n(m_queries_received, 5, 0); m_announces = 0; m_failed_announces = 0; m_total_message_input = 0; m_ut_message_input = 0; m_lt_message_input = 0; m_mp_message_input = 0; m_gr_message_input = 0; m_mo_message_input = 0; m_total_in_bytes = 0; m_total_out_bytes = 0; m_queries_out_bytes = 0; // turns on and off individual components' logging rpc_log().enable(false); node_log().enable(false); traversal_log().enable(false); // dht_tracker_log.enable(false); TORRENT_LOG(dht_tracker) << "starting DHT tracker with node id: " << m_dht.nid(); #endif } void dht_tracker::incoming_error(char const* message, lazy_entry const& e, udp::endpoint const& ep) { #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING TORRENT_LOG(dht_tracker) << "ERROR: '" << message << "' " << e; #endif msg reply; reply.reply = true; reply.message_id = messages::error; reply.error_code = 203; // Protocol error reply.error_msg = message; reply.addr = ep; reply.transaction_id = ""; send_packet(reply); } void dht_tracker::start(entry const& bootstrap) { std::vector initial_nodes; mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); if (bootstrap.type() == entry::dictionary_t) { try { if (entry const* nodes = bootstrap.find_key("nodes")) read_endpoint_list(nodes, initial_nodes); } catch (std::exception&) {} } error_code ec; m_timer.expires_from_now(seconds(1), ec); m_timer.async_wait(bind(&dht_tracker::tick, self(), _1)); m_connection_timer.expires_from_now(seconds(10), ec); m_connection_timer.async_wait( bind(&dht_tracker::connection_timeout, self(), _1)); m_refresh_timer.expires_from_now(seconds(5), ec); m_refresh_timer.async_wait(bind(&dht_tracker::refresh_timeout, self(), _1)); m_dht.bootstrap(initial_nodes, bind(&dht_tracker::on_bootstrap, self())); } void dht_tracker::stop() { mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); m_abort = true; error_code ec; m_timer.cancel(ec); m_connection_timer.cancel(ec); m_refresh_timer.cancel(ec); m_host_resolver.cancel(); } void dht_tracker::dht_status(session_status& s) { mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); boost::tie(s.dht_nodes, s.dht_node_cache) = m_dht.size(); s.dht_torrents = m_dht.data_size(); s.dht_global_nodes = m_dht.num_global_nodes(); m_dht.status(s); } void dht_tracker::network_stats(int& sent, int& received) { mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); sent = m_sent_bytes; received = m_received_bytes; m_sent_bytes = 0; m_received_bytes = 0; } void dht_tracker::connection_timeout(error_code const& e) { mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); if (e || m_abort) return; time_duration d = m_dht.connection_timeout(); error_code ec; m_connection_timer.expires_from_now(d, ec); m_connection_timer.async_wait(bind(&dht_tracker::connection_timeout, self(), _1)); } void dht_tracker::refresh_timeout(error_code const& e) { mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); if (e || m_abort) return; time_duration d = m_dht.refresh_timeout(); error_code ec; m_refresh_timer.expires_from_now(d, ec); m_refresh_timer.async_wait( bind(&dht_tracker::refresh_timeout, self(), _1)); } void dht_tracker::tick(error_code const& e) { mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); if (e || m_abort) return; error_code ec; m_timer.expires_from_now(minutes(tick_period), ec); m_timer.async_wait(bind(&dht_tracker::tick, self(), _1)); ptime now = time_now(); if (now - m_last_new_key > minutes(key_refresh)) { m_last_new_key = now; m_dht.new_write_key(); #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING TORRENT_LOG(dht_tracker) << time_now_string() << " new write key"; #endif } #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING static bool first = true; if (first) { boost::filesystem::create_directory("libtorrent_logs"); } std::ofstream st("libtorrent_logs/routing_table_state.txt", std::ios_base::trunc); m_dht.print_state(st); // count torrents int torrents = std::distance(m_dht.begin_data(), m_dht.end_data()); // count peers int peers = 0; std::for_each(m_dht.begin_data(), m_dht.end_data(), count_peers(peers)); std::ofstream pc("libtorrent_logs/dht_stats.log", std::ios_base::app); if (first) { first = false; pc << "\n\n ***** starting log at " << time_now_string() << " *****\n\n" << "minute:active nodes:passive nodes" ":ping replies sent:ping queries recvd:ping" ":ping replies sent:ping queries recvd:ping" ":find_node replies bytes sent:find_node queries bytes recv" ":find_node replies bytes sent:find_node queries bytes recv" ":get_peers replies sent:get_peers queries recvd:get_peers" ":get_peers replies bytes sent:get_peers queries bytes recv" ":announce_peer replies sent:announce_peer queries recvd:announce_peer" ":announce_peer replies bytes sent:announce_peer queries bytes recv" ":error replies sent:error queries recvd:error" ":error replies bytes sent:error queries bytes recv" ":num torrents:num peers:announces per min" ":failed announces per min:total msgs per min" ":ut msgs per min:lt msgs per min:mp msgs per min" ":gr msgs per min:bytes in per sec:bytes out per sec" ":queries out bytes per sec\n\n"; } int active; int passive; boost::tie(active, passive) = m_dht.size(); pc << (m_counter * tick_period) << "\t" << active << "\t" << passive; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) pc << "\t" << (m_replies_sent[i] / float(tick_period)) << "\t" << (m_queries_received[i] / float(tick_period)) << "\t" << (m_replies_bytes_sent[i] / float(tick_period*60)) << "\t" << (m_queries_bytes_received[i] / float(tick_period*60)); pc << "\t" << torrents << "\t" << peers << "\t" << m_announces / float(tick_period) << "\t" << m_failed_announces / float(tick_period) << "\t" << (m_total_message_input / float(tick_period)) << "\t" << (m_ut_message_input / float(tick_period)) << "\t" << (m_lt_message_input / float(tick_period)) << "\t" << (m_mp_message_input / float(tick_period)) << "\t" << (m_gr_message_input / float(tick_period)) << "\t" << (m_mo_message_input / float(tick_period)) << "\t" << (m_total_in_bytes / float(tick_period*60)) << "\t" << (m_total_out_bytes / float(tick_period*60)) << "\t" << (m_queries_out_bytes / float(tick_period*60)) << std::endl; ++m_counter; std::fill_n(m_replies_bytes_sent, 5, 0); std::fill_n(m_queries_bytes_received, 5, 0); std::fill_n(m_replies_sent, 5, 0); std::fill_n(m_queries_received, 5, 0); m_announces = 0; m_failed_announces = 0; m_total_message_input = 0; m_ut_message_input = 0; m_lt_message_input = 0; m_total_in_bytes = 0; m_total_out_bytes = 0; m_queries_out_bytes = 0; #endif } void dht_tracker::announce(sha1_hash const& ih, int listen_port , boost::function const& , sha1_hash const&)> f) { mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); m_dht.announce(ih, listen_port, f); } void dht_tracker::on_unreachable(udp::endpoint const& ep) { mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); m_dht.unreachable(ep); } // translate bittorrent kademlia message into the generice kademlia message // used by the library void dht_tracker::on_receive(udp::endpoint const& ep, char const* buf, int bytes_transferred) { mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); // account for IP and UDP overhead m_received_bytes += bytes_transferred + 28; node_ban_entry* match = 0; node_ban_entry* min = m_ban_nodes; ptime now = time_now(); for (node_ban_entry* i = m_ban_nodes; i < m_ban_nodes + num_ban_nodes; ++i) { if (i->src == ep) { match = i; break; } if (i->count < min->count) min = i; } if (match) { ++match->count; if (match->count >= 20) { if (now < match->limit) { #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING if (match->count == 20) { TORRENT_LOG(dht_tracker) << time_now_string() << " BANNING PEER [ ip: " << ep << " time: " << total_milliseconds((now - match->limit) + seconds(5)) / 1000.f << " count: " << match->count << " ]"; } #endif // we've received 20 messages in less than 5 seconds from // this node. Ignore it until it's silent for 5 minutes match->limit = now + minutes(5); return; } // we got 50 messages from this peer, but it was in // more than 5 seconds. Reset the counter and the timer match->count = 0; match->limit = now + seconds(5); } } else { min->count = 1; min->limit = now + seconds(5); min->src = ep; } #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING ++m_total_message_input; m_total_in_bytes += bytes_transferred; #endif using libtorrent::entry; using libtorrent::bdecode; TORRENT_ASSERT(bytes_transferred > 0); lazy_entry e; int ret = lazy_bdecode(buf, buf + bytes_transferred, e); if (ret != 0) { incoming_error("invalid bencoding", e, ep); return; } #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING std::stringstream log_line; log_line << "RECEIVED [" " ip: " << ep; #endif if (e.type() != lazy_entry::dict_t) { incoming_error("message is not a dictionary", e, ep); return; } libtorrent::dht::msg m; m.message_id = 0; m.addr = ep; lazy_entry const* transaction = e.dict_find_string("t"); if (!transaction) { incoming_error("missing or invalid transaction id", e, ep); return; } m.transaction_id = transaction->string_value(); #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING lazy_entry const* ver = e.dict_find_string("v"); if (!ver) { log_line << " c: generic"; } else { std::string const& client = ver->string_value(); if (client.size() < 2) { log_line << " c: " << client; } else if (std::equal(client.begin(), client.begin() + 2, "UT")) { ++m_ut_message_input; log_line << " c: uTorrent"; } else if (std::equal(client.begin(), client.begin() + 2, "LT")) { ++m_lt_message_input; log_line << " c: libtorrent"; } else if (std::equal(client.begin(), client.begin() + 2, "MP")) { ++m_mp_message_input; log_line << " c: MooPolice"; } else if (std::equal(client.begin(), client.begin() + 2, "GR")) { ++m_gr_message_input; log_line << " c: GetRight"; } else if (std::equal(client.begin(), client.begin() + 2, "MO")) { ++m_mo_message_input; log_line << " c: Mono Torrent"; } else { log_line << " c: " << client; } } #endif lazy_entry const* y = e.dict_find_string("y"); if (!y || y->string_length() < 1) { incoming_error("missing or invalid message type", e, ep); return; } char msg_type = *y->string_ptr(); if (msg_type == 'r') { #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " t: " << to_hex(m.transaction_id); #endif m.reply = true; lazy_entry const* r = e.dict_find_dict("r"); if (!r) { incoming_error("missing or invalid reply dict", e, ep); return; } lazy_entry const* id = r->dict_find_string("id"); if (!id) { incoming_error("missing or invalid id", e, ep); return; } if (id->string_length() != 20) { incoming_error("invalid node id (not 20 bytes)", e, ep); return; } std::copy(id->string_ptr(), id->string_ptr() + id->string_length(), m.id.begin()); lazy_entry const* n = r->dict_find_list("values"); if (n) { m.peers.clear(); if (n->list_size() == 1 && n->list_at(0)->type() == lazy_entry::string_t) { // assume it's mainline format char const* peers = n->list_at(0)->string_ptr(); char const* end = peers + n->list_at(0)->string_length(); while (end - peers >= 6) m.peers.push_back(read_v4_endpoint(peers)); } else { // assume it's uTorrent/libtorrent format read_endpoint_list(n, m.peers); } #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " p: " << m.peers.size(); #endif } m.nodes.clear(); n = r->dict_find_string("nodes"); if (n) { char const* nodes = n->string_ptr(); char const* end = nodes + n->string_length(); while (end - nodes >= 26) { node_id id; std::copy(nodes, nodes + 20, id.begin()); nodes += 20; m.nodes.push_back(libtorrent::dht::node_entry( id, read_v4_endpoint(nodes))); } #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " n: " << m.nodes.size(); #endif } n = r->dict_find_list("nodes2"); if (n) { for (int i = 0; i < n->list_size(); ++i) { lazy_entry const* p = n->list_at(0); if (p->type() != lazy_entry::string_t) continue; if (p->string_length() < 6 + 20) continue; char const* in = p->string_ptr(); node_id id; std::copy(in, in + 20, id.begin()); in += 20; if (p->string_length() == 6 + 20) m.nodes.push_back(libtorrent::dht::node_entry( id, read_v4_endpoint(in))); else if (p->string_length() == 18 + 20) m.nodes.push_back(libtorrent::dht::node_entry( id, read_v6_endpoint(in))); } #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " n2: " << m.nodes.size(); #endif } lazy_entry const* token = r->dict_find_string("token"); if (token) { m.write_token = token->string_value(); TORRENT_ASSERT(m.write_token.size() == token->string_length()); #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " token: " << to_hex(m.write_token); #endif } } else if (msg_type == 'q') { m.reply = false; lazy_entry const* a = e.dict_find_dict("a"); if (!a) { incoming_error("missing or invalid argument dictionary", e, ep); return; } lazy_entry const* id = a->dict_find_string("id"); if (!id) { incoming_error("missing or invalid node id", e, ep); return; } if (id->string_length() != 20) { incoming_error("invalid node id (not 20 bytes)", e, ep); return; } std::copy(id->string_ptr(), id->string_ptr() + id->string_length(), m.id.begin()); lazy_entry const* q = e.dict_find_string("q"); if (!q) { incoming_error("invalid or missing query string", e, ep); return; } std::string request_kind = q->string_value(); #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " q: " << request_kind; #endif if (request_kind == "ping") { m.message_id = libtorrent::dht::messages::ping; } else if (request_kind == "find_node") { lazy_entry const* target = a->dict_find_string("target"); if (!target) { incoming_error("missing or invalid target", e, ep); return; } if (target->string_length() != 20) { incoming_error("invalid target (not 20 bytes)", e, ep); return; } std::copy(target->string_ptr(), target->string_ptr() + target->string_length(), m.info_hash.begin()); #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " t: " << boost::lexical_cast(m.info_hash); #endif m.message_id = libtorrent::dht::messages::find_node; } else if (request_kind == "get_peers") { lazy_entry const* info_hash = a->dict_find_string("info_hash"); if (!info_hash) { incoming_error("missing or invalid info_hash", e, ep); return; } if (info_hash->string_length() != 20) { incoming_error("invalid info_hash (not 20 bytes)", e, ep); return; } std::copy(info_hash->string_ptr(), info_hash->string_ptr() + info_hash->string_length(), m.info_hash.begin()); m.message_id = libtorrent::dht::messages::get_peers; #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " ih: " << boost::lexical_cast(m.info_hash); #endif } else if (request_kind == "announce_peer") { #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING ++m_announces; #endif lazy_entry const* info_hash = a->dict_find_string("info_hash"); if (!info_hash) { incoming_error("missing or invalid info_hash", e, ep); return; } if (info_hash->string_length() != 20) { incoming_error("invalid info_hash (not 20 bytes)", e, ep); return; } std::copy(info_hash->string_ptr(), info_hash->string_ptr() + info_hash->string_length(), m.info_hash.begin()); m.port = a->dict_find_int_value("port", -1); if (m.port == -1) { incoming_error("missing or invalid port in announce_peer message", e, ep); return; } lazy_entry const* token = a->dict_find_string("token"); if (!token) { incoming_error("missing or invalid token in announce peer", e, ep); return; } m.write_token = token->string_value(); m.message_id = libtorrent::dht::messages::announce_peer; #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " ih: " << boost::lexical_cast(m.info_hash); log_line << " p: " << m.port; if (!m_dht.verify_token(m)) ++m_failed_announces; #endif } else { incoming_error("unknown query", e, ep); return; } } else if (msg_type == 'e') { m.message_id = messages::error; m.error_code = 0; lazy_entry const* list = e.dict_find_list("e"); if (!list) { list = e.dict_find_string("e"); if (!list) { incoming_error("missing or invalid 'e' in error message", e, ep); return; } m.error_msg = list->string_value(); } else { if (list->list_size() > 0 && list->list_at(0)->type() == lazy_entry::int_t) m.error_code = list->list_at(0)->int_value(); if (list->list_size() > 1 && list->list_at(1)->type() == lazy_entry::string_t) m.error_msg = list->list_at(1)->string_value(); } #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING TORRENT_LOG(dht_tracker) << log_line.str() << " ]"; TORRENT_LOG(dht_tracker) << "ERROR: incoming error: " << std::dec << m.error_code << " " << m.error_msg; #endif return; } else { incoming_error("unknown message", e, ep); return; } #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING TORRENT_LOG(dht_tracker) << log_line.str() << " ]"; // TORRENT_LOG(dht_tracker) << std::string(buf, buf + bytes_transferred); if (!m.reply) { ++m_queries_received[m.message_id]; m_queries_bytes_received[m.message_id] += int(bytes_transferred); } #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m.message_id != messages::error); m_dht.incoming(m); } entry dht_tracker::state() const { mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); entry ret(entry::dictionary_t); { entry nodes(entry::list_t); for (node_impl::iterator i(m_dht.begin()) , end(m_dht.end()); i != end; ++i) { std::string node; std::back_insert_iterator out(node); write_endpoint(udp::endpoint(i->addr, i->port), out); nodes.list().push_back(entry(node)); } bucket_t cache; m_dht.replacement_cache(cache); for (bucket_t::iterator i(cache.begin()) , end(cache.end()); i != end; ++i) { std::string node; std::back_insert_iterator out(node); write_endpoint(udp::endpoint(i->addr, i->port), out); nodes.list().push_back(entry(node)); } if (!nodes.list().empty()) ret["nodes"] = nodes; } ret["node-id"] = boost::lexical_cast(m_dht.nid()); return ret; } void dht_tracker::add_node(udp::endpoint node) { mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); m_dht.add_node(node); } void dht_tracker::add_node(std::pair const& node) { mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); udp::resolver::query q(node.first, lexical_cast(node.second)); m_host_resolver.async_resolve(q, bind(&dht_tracker::on_name_lookup, self(), _1, _2)); } void dht_tracker::on_name_lookup(error_code const& e , udp::resolver::iterator host) { if (e || host == udp::resolver::iterator()) return; add_node(host->endpoint()); } void dht_tracker::add_router_node(std::pair const& node) { mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); udp::resolver::query q(node.first, lexical_cast(node.second)); m_host_resolver.async_resolve(q, bind(&dht_tracker::on_router_name_lookup, self(), _1, _2)); } void dht_tracker::on_router_name_lookup(error_code const& e , udp::resolver::iterator host) { if (e || host == udp::resolver::iterator()) return; m_dht.add_router_node(host->endpoint()); } void dht_tracker::on_bootstrap() {} namespace { void write_nodes_entry(entry& r, libtorrent::dht::msg const& m) { bool ipv6_nodes = false; entry& n = r["nodes"]; std::back_insert_iterator out(n.string()); for (msg::nodes_t::const_iterator i = m.nodes.begin() , end(m.nodes.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (!i->addr.is_v4()) { ipv6_nodes = true; continue; } std::copy(i->id.begin(), i->id.end(), out); write_endpoint(udp::endpoint(i->addr, i->port), out); } if (ipv6_nodes) { entry& p = r["nodes2"]; std::string endpoint; for (msg::nodes_t::const_iterator i = m.nodes.begin() , end(m.nodes.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (!i->addr.is_v6()) continue; endpoint.resize(18 + 20); std::string::iterator out = endpoint.begin(); std::copy(i->id.begin(), i->id.end(), out); out += 20; write_endpoint(udp::endpoint(i->addr, i->port), out); endpoint.resize(out - endpoint.begin()); p.list().push_back(entry(endpoint)); } } } } void dht_tracker::send_packet(msg const& m) { using libtorrent::bencode; using libtorrent::entry; int send_flags = 0; entry e(entry::dictionary_t); TORRENT_ASSERT(!m.transaction_id.empty() || m.message_id == messages::error); e["t"] = m.transaction_id; static char const version_str[] = {'L', 'T' , LIBTORRENT_VERSION_MAJOR, LIBTORRENT_VERSION_MINOR}; e["v"] = std::string(version_str, version_str + 4); #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING std::stringstream log_line; log_line << "SENDING [ ip: " << m.addr << " t: " << to_hex(m.transaction_id); #endif if (m.message_id == messages::error) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m.reply); e["y"] = "e"; entry error_list(entry::list_t); TORRENT_ASSERT(m.error_code > 200 && m.error_code <= 204); error_list.list().push_back(entry(m.error_code)); error_list.list().push_back(entry(m.error_msg)); e["e"] = error_list; #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " err: " << m.error_code << " msg: " << m.error_msg; #endif } else if (m.reply) { e["y"] = "r"; e["r"] = entry(entry::dictionary_t); entry& r = e["r"]; r["id"] = std::string(m.id.begin(), m.id.end()); if (!m.write_token.empty()) { r["token"] = m.write_token; #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " token: " << to_hex(m.write_token); #endif } #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " r: " << messages::ids[m.message_id] << " id: " << m.id; #endif switch (m.message_id) { case messages::ping: break; case messages::find_node: { write_nodes_entry(r, m); break; } case messages::get_peers: { if (m.peers.empty()) { write_nodes_entry(r, m); } else { r["values"] = entry(entry::list_t); entry& p = r["values"]; std::string endpoint; for (msg::peers_t::const_iterator i = m.peers.begin() , end(m.peers.end()); i != end; ++i) { endpoint.resize(18); std::string::iterator out = endpoint.begin(); write_endpoint(*i, out); endpoint.resize(out - endpoint.begin()); p.list().push_back(entry(endpoint)); } #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " values: " << m.peers.size(); #endif } break; } case messages::announce_peer: break; break; } } else { // set bit 1 of send_flags to indicate that // this packet should not be dropped by the // rate limiter. e["y"] = "q"; e["a"] = entry(entry::dictionary_t); entry& a = e["a"]; a["id"] = std::string(m.id.begin(), m.id.end()); TORRENT_ASSERT(m.message_id <= messages::error); e["q"] = messages::ids[m.message_id]; #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " q: " << messages::ids[m.message_id] << " id: " << m.id; #endif switch (m.message_id) { case messages::find_node: { send_flags = 1; a["target"] = std::string(m.info_hash.begin(), m.info_hash.end()); #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " target: " << boost::lexical_cast(m.info_hash); #endif break; } case messages::get_peers: { send_flags = 1; a["info_hash"] = std::string(m.info_hash.begin(), m.info_hash.end()); #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " ih: " << boost::lexical_cast(m.info_hash); #endif break; } case messages::announce_peer: send_flags = 1; a["port"] = m.port; a["info_hash"] = std::string(m.info_hash.begin(), m.info_hash.end()); a["token"] = m.write_token; #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING log_line << " port: " << m.port << " ih: " << boost::lexical_cast(m.info_hash) << " token: " << to_hex(m.write_token); #endif break; default: break; } } m_send_buf.clear(); bencode(std::back_inserter(m_send_buf), e); error_code ec; if (m_sock.send(m.addr, &m_send_buf[0], (int)m_send_buf.size(), ec, send_flags)) { // account for IP and UDP overhead m_sent_bytes += m_send_buf.size() + 28; #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING m_total_out_bytes += m_send_buf.size(); if (m.reply) { ++m_replies_sent[m.message_id]; m_replies_bytes_sent[m.message_id] += int(m_send_buf.size()); } else { m_queries_out_bytes += m_send_buf.size(); } #endif } #ifdef TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING TORRENT_LOG(dht_tracker) << log_line.str() << " ]"; // TORRENT_LOG(dht_tracker) << std::string(m_send_buf.begin(), m_send_buf.end()); #endif } }}