# To build python bindings we need a python executable and boost python module. Unfortunately, # their names might not be interlinked and we can not implement a general solution. # The code below assumes default boost installation, when the module for python 2 is named # 'python' and the module for python 3 is named 'python3'. # To customize that one can provide a name for the Boost::python module via # 'boost-python-module-name' variable when invoking cmake. # E.g. on Gentoo with python 3.6 and Boost::python library name 'libboost_python-3.6.so' # the parameter would be -Dboost-python-module-name="python-3.6". # The extension module and the cpython executable have to use the same C runtime library. On Windows # Python is compiled with MSVC and we will test MSVC version to make sure that it is the same for # the given Python version and our extension module. See https://wiki.python.org/moin/WindowsCompilers # for details. We provide a flag to skip this test for whatever reason (pass -Dskip-python-runtime-test=True) # Sets _ret to a list of python versions (major.minor) that use the same MSVC runtime as this build does # assumes MSVC was detected already # See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Visual_C++#Internal_version_numbering function(_get_compatible_python_versions _ret) if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 15 AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 16) list(APPEND _tmp 2.6 2.7 3.0 3.1 3.2) elseif(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 16 AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 17) list(APPEND _tmp 3.3 3.4) elseif(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 19 AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 20) list(APPEND _tmp 3.5 3.6) endif() set(${_ret} ${_tmp} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "MSVC" AND NOT skip-python-runtime-test) _get_compatible_python_versions(Python_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS) endif() find_package(PythonInterp REQUIRED) if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "MSVC" AND NOT skip-python-runtime-test) message(STATUS "Testing found python version. Requested: ${Python_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS}, found: ${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}") if (NOT "${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}" IN_LIST Python_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Incompatible Python and C runtime: MSVC ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION} and Python ${PYTHON_VERSION_STRING}") endif() endif() set(Python_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS "${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}") find_package(PythonLibs REQUIRED) if (NOT boost-python-module-name) # use active python if (PYTHON_VERSION_STRING VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3") set(_boost-python-module-name "python${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}") else() set(_boost-python-module-name "python") # to overwrite possible value from a previous run endif() endif() set(boost-python-module-name ${_boost-python-module-name} CACHE STRING "Boost:python module name, e.g. 'pythom-3.6'") find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS ${boost-python-module-name}) python_add_module(python-libtorrent src/module.cpp src/sha1_hash.cpp src/converters.cpp src/create_torrent.cpp src/fingerprint.cpp src/utility.cpp src/session.cpp src/entry.cpp src/torrent_info.cpp src/string.cpp src/torrent_handle.cpp src/torrent_status.cpp src/session_settings.cpp src/version.cpp src/alert.cpp src/datetime.cpp src/peer_info.cpp src/ip_filter.cpp src/magnet_uri.cpp src/error_code.cpp ) set_target_properties(python-libtorrent PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME libtorrent ) target_include_directories(python-libtorrent PRIVATE ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) target_link_libraries(python-libtorrent PRIVATE torrent-rasterbar Boost::${boost-python-module-name} # Boost::python adds that but without a path to the library. Therefore we have to either # provide the path (but, unfortunately, FindPythonLibs.cmake does not return the library dir), # or give the full file name here (this FindPythonLibs.cmake provides to us). ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES} ) # Bindings module uses deprecated libtorrent features, thus we disable these errors if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU|Clang") check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations" _WNO_ERROR_DEPRECATED_DECLARATIONS) if (_WNO_ERROR_DEPRECATED_DECLARATIONS) target_compile_options(python-libtorrent PRIVATE -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations) endif() endif() execute_process(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "import distutils.sysconfig; print(';'.join(map(str, [ distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(plat_specific=True, prefix=''), distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX') ])))" OUTPUT_VARIABLE _python_sysconfig_vars OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) list(GET _python_sysconfig_vars 0 PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES) list(GET _python_sysconfig_vars 1 PYTHON_EXT_SUFFIX) message(STATUS "Python site packages: ${PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES}") # python 2 does not provide the 'EXT_SUFFIX' sysconfig variable, so we use cmake default then if (NOT "${PYTHON_EXT_SUFFIX}" STREQUAL "None") message(STATUS "Python extension suffix: ${PYTHON_EXT_SUFFIX}") # we mimic the name, created by setuptools # example: libtorrent.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so set_target_properties(python-libtorrent PROPERTIES SUFFIX ${PYTHON_EXT_SUFFIX}) endif() set(SETUP_PY_IN "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/setup.py.cmake.in") set(SETUP_PY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/setup.py") set(OUTPUT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/timestamp") set(DEPS python-libtorrent "${SETUP_PY}") configure_file(${SETUP_PY_IN} ${SETUP_PY} @ONLY) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${OUTPUT} COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${SETUP_PY} build -b "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${SETUP_PY} egg_info -b "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${OUTPUT} DEPENDS ${DEPS}) add_custom_target(python_bindings ALL DEPENDS ${OUTPUT}) install(TARGETS python-libtorrent DESTINATION "${PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES}") install(DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libtorrent.egg-info" DESTINATION "${PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES}")