#!/usr/bin/env python # vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 from __future__ import print_function import sys import os import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) up_time_quanta = 500 f = open(sys.argv[1]) announce_histogram = {} # TODO: make this histogram into a CDF node_uptime_histogram = {} counter = 0 # maps search_id to a list of events. Each event is a dict containing: # t: timestamp # d: distance (from target) # o: outstanding searches # e: event (NEW, COMPLETED, ADD, INVOKE, TIMEOUT) # i: node-id # a: IP address and port # s: source node-id (only for ADD events) outstanding_searches = {} # list of completed searches searches = [] def convert_timestamp(t): parts = t.split('.') hms = parts[0].split(':') return (int(hms[0]) * 3600 + int(hms[1]) * 60 + int(hms[2])) * 1000 + int(parts[1]) last_incoming = '' our_node_id = '' unique_ips = set() client_version_histogram = {} client_histogram = {} for line in f: counter += 1 # if counter % 1000 == 0: # print '\r%d' % counter, try: ls = line.split(' ') if 'starting DHT tracker with node id:' in line: our_node_id = ls[ls.index('id:') + 1].strip() try: if len(ls) > 4 and ls[2] == '<==' and ls[1] == '[dht_tracker]': ip = ls[3].split(':')[0] if ip not in unique_ips: unique_ips.add(ip) json_blob = line.split(ls[3])[1] version = json_blob.split("'v': '")[1].split("'")[0] if len(version) == 4: v = '%s-%d' % (version[0:2], (ord(version[2]) << 8) + ord(version[3])) elif len(version) == 8: v = '%c%c-%d' % (chr(int(version[0:2], 16)), chr(int(version[2:4], 16)), int(version[4:8], 16)) else: v = 'unknown' if v not in client_version_histogram: client_version_histogram[v] = 1 else: client_version_histogram[v] += 1 if not v[0:2] in client_histogram: client_histogram[v[0:2]] = 1 else: client_histogram[v[0:2]] += 1 except BaseException: pass if 'announce-distance:' in line: idx = ls.index('announce-distance:') d = int(ls[idx + 1].strip()) if d not in announce_histogram: announce_histogram[d] = 0 announce_histogram[d] += 1 if 'NODE FAILED' in line: idx = ls.index('fails:') if int(ls[idx + 1].strip()) != 1: continue idx = ls.index('up-time:') d = int(ls[idx + 1].strip()) # quantize d = d - (d % up_time_quanta) if d not in node_uptime_histogram: node_uptime_histogram[d] = 0 node_uptime_histogram[d] += 1 search_id = ls[2] ts = ls[0] event = ls[3] if event == 'RESPONSE': outstanding = int(ls[ls.index('invoke-count:') + 1]) distance = int(ls[ls.index('distance:') + 1]) nid = ls[ls.index('id:') + 1] addr = ls[ls.index('addr:') + 1] last_response = addr outstanding_searches[search_id].append({'t': ts, 'd': distance, 'o': outstanding + 1, 'a': addr, 'e': event, 'i': nid}) elif event == 'NEW': nid = ls[ls.index('target:') + 1] outstanding_searches[search_id] = [{'t': ts, 'd': 0, 'o': 0, 'e': event, 'abstime': ts, 'i': nid}] last_response = '' elif event == 'INVOKE' or event == 'ADD' or event == '1ST_TIMEOUT' or \ event == 'TIMEOUT' or event == 'PEERS': if search_id not in outstanding_searches: print('orphaned event: %s' % line) else: outstanding = int(ls[ls.index('invoke-count:') + 1]) distance = int(ls[ls.index('distance:') + 1]) nid = ls[ls.index('id:') + 1] addr = ls[ls.index('addr:') + 1] source = '' if event == 'ADD': if last_response == '': continue source = last_response outstanding_searches[search_id].append( {'t': ts, 'd': distance, 'o': outstanding + 1, 'a': addr, 'e': event, 'i': nid, 's': source}) elif event == 'ABORTED': outstanding_searches[search_id].append({'t': ts, 'e': event}) elif event == 'COMPLETED': distance = int(ls[ls.index('distance:') + 1]) lookup_type = ls[ls.index('type:') + 1].strip() outstanding_searches[search_id].append({'t': ts, 'd': distance, 'o': 0, 'e': event, 'i': ''}) outstanding_searches[search_id][0]['type'] = lookup_type s = outstanding_searches[search_id] try: start_time = convert_timestamp(s[0]['t']) for i in range(len(s)): s[i]['t'] = convert_timestamp(s[i]['t']) - start_time except BaseException: pass searches.append(s) del outstanding_searches[search_id] except Exception as e: print(e) print(line.split(' ')) lookup_times_min = [] lookup_times_max = [] # these are the timestamps for lookups crossing distance # to target boundaries lookup_distance = [] for i in range(0, 15): lookup_distance.append([]) for s in searches: for i in s: if 'last_dist' not in i: i['last_dist'] = -1 cur_dist = 160 - i['d'] last_dist = i['last_dist'] if cur_dist > last_dist: for j in range(last_dist + 1, cur_dist + 1): if j >= len(lookup_distance): break lookup_distance[j].append(i['t']) i['last_dist'] = cur_dist if i['e'] != 'PEERS': continue lookup_times_min.append(i['t']) break for i in reversed(s): if i['e'] != 'PEERS': continue lookup_times_max.append(i['t']) break lookup_times_min.sort() lookup_times_max.sort() out = open('dht_lookup_times_cdf.txt', 'w+') counter = 0 for i in range(len(lookup_times_min)): counter += 1 print('%d\t%d\t%f' % (lookup_times_min[i], lookup_times_max[i], counter / float(len(lookup_times_min))), file=out) out.close() for i in lookup_distance: i.sort() dist = 0 for i in lookup_distance: out = open('dht_lookup_distance_%d.txt' % dist, 'w+') dist += 1 counter = 0 for j in i: counter += 1 print('%d\t%f' % (j, counter / float(len(i))), file=out) out.close() out = open('dht_lookups.txt', 'w+') for s in searches: for i in s: if i['e'] == 'INVOKE': print(' ->', i['t'], 160 - i['d'], i['i'], i['a'], file=out) elif i['e'] == '1ST_TIMEOUT': print(' x ', i['t'], 160 - i['d'], i['i'], i['a'], file=out) elif i['e'] == 'TIMEOUT': print(' X ', i['t'], 160 - i['d'], i['i'], i['a'], file=out) elif i['e'] == 'ADD': print(' + ', i['t'], 160 - i['d'], i['i'], i['a'], i['s'], file=out) elif i['e'] == 'RESPONSE': print(' <-', i['t'], 160 - i['d'], i['i'], i['a'], file=out) elif i['e'] == 'PEERS': print(' <-', i['t'], 160 - i['d'], i['i'], i['a'], file=out) elif i['e'] == 'ABORTED': print('abort', file=out) elif i['e'] == 'COMPLETED': print('***', i['t'], 160 - i['d'], '\n', file=out) elif i['e'] == 'NEW': print('===', i['abstime'], i['type'], '===', file=out) print('<> ', 0, our_node_id, i['i'], file=out) out.close() out = open('dht_announce_distribution.dat', 'w+') print('announce distribution items: %d' % len(announce_histogram)) for k, v in list(announce_histogram.items()): print('%d %d' % (k, v), file=out) print('%d %d' % (k, v)) out.close() out = open('dht_node_uptime_cdf.txt', 'w+') s = 0 total_uptime_nodes = 0 for k, v in list(node_uptime_histogram.items()): total_uptime_nodes += v for k, v in sorted(node_uptime_histogram.items()): s += v print('%f %f' % (k / float(60), s / float(total_uptime_nodes)), file=out) print('%f %f' % (k / float(60), s / float(total_uptime_nodes))) out.close() print('clients by version') client_version_histogram = sorted(list(client_version_histogram.items()), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) pp.pprint(client_version_histogram) print('clients') client_histogram = sorted(list(client_histogram.items()), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) pp.pprint(client_histogram) out = open('dht.gnuplot', 'w+') out.write(''' set term png size 1200,700 small set output "dht_lookup_times_cdf.png" set title "portion of lookups that have received at least one data response" set ylabel "portion of lookups" set xlabel "time from start of lookup (ms)" set grid plot "dht_lookup_times_cdf.txt" using 1:3 with lines title "time to first result", \ "dht_lookup_times_cdf.txt" using 2:3 with lines title "time to last result" set terminal postscript set output "dht_lookup_times_cdf.ps" replot set term png size 1200,700 small set xtics 100 set xrange [0:2000] set output "dht_min_lookup_times_cdf.png" plot "dht_lookup_times_cdf.txt" using 1:3 with lines title "time to first result" set terminal postscript set output "dht_min_lookup_times_cdf.ps" replot set term png size 1200,700 small set output "dht_node_uptime_cdf.png" set xrange [0:*] set title "node up time" set ylabel "portion of nodes being offline" set xlabel "time from first seeing the node (minutes)" set xtics 10 unset grid plot "dht_node_uptime_cdf.txt" using 1:2 title "nodes" with lines set term png size 1200,700 small set output "dht_announce_distribution.png" set xrange [0:30] set xtics 1 set title "bucket # announces are made against relative to target node-id" set ylabel "# of announces" set boxwidth 1 set xlabel "bit prefix of nodes in announces" set style fill solid border -1 pattern 2 plot "dht_announce_distribution.dat" using 1:2 title "announces" with boxes set terminal postscript set output "dht_announce_distribution.ps" replot set term png size 1200,700 small set output "dht_lookup_distance_cdf.png" set title "portion of lookups that have reached a certain distance in their lookups" set ylabel "portion of lookups" set xlabel "time from start of lookup (ms)" set xrange [0:2000] set xtics 100 set grid plot ''') dist = 0 for i in lookup_distance: if dist > 0: out.write(', ') out.write('"dht_lookup_distance_%d.txt" using 1:2 title "%d" with lines' % (dist, dist)) dist += 1 out.close() os.system('gnuplot dht.gnuplot')