/* Copyright (c) 2003, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include "libtorrent/config.hpp" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push, 1) #endif #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif #include "libtorrent/extensions/metadata_transfer.hpp" #include "libtorrent/extensions/ut_metadata.hpp" #include "libtorrent/extensions/ut_pex.hpp" #include "libtorrent/extensions/smart_ban.hpp" #include "libtorrent/entry.hpp" #include "libtorrent/bencode.hpp" #include "libtorrent/session.hpp" #include "libtorrent/identify_client.hpp" #include "libtorrent/alert_types.hpp" #include "libtorrent/ip_filter.hpp" #include "libtorrent/magnet_uri.hpp" #include "libtorrent/bitfield.hpp" #include "libtorrent/file.hpp" #include "libtorrent/peer_info.hpp" #include "libtorrent/socket_io.hpp" // print_address #include "libtorrent/time.hpp" using boost::bind; #ifdef _WIN32 #if defined(_MSC_VER) # define for if (false) {} else for #endif #include #include bool sleep_and_input(int* c, int sleep) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (_kbhit()) { *c = _getch(); return true; } Sleep(sleep / 2); } return false; }; void clear_home() { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO si; HANDLE h = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h, &si); COORD c = {0, 0}; DWORD n; FillConsoleOutputCharacter(h, ' ', si.dwSize.X * si.dwSize.Y, c, &n); SetConsoleCursorPosition(h, c); } #else #include #include #include #include #include #define ANSI_TERMINAL_COLORS struct set_keypress { set_keypress() { termios new_settings; tcgetattr(0,&stored_settings); new_settings = stored_settings; // Disable canonical mode, and set buffer size to 1 byte new_settings.c_lflag &= (~ICANON); new_settings.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; new_settings.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&new_settings); } ~set_keypress() { tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&stored_settings); } termios stored_settings; }; bool sleep_and_input(int* c, int sleep) { // sets the terminal to single-character mode // and resets when destructed set_keypress s; libtorrent::ptime start = libtorrent::time_now_hires(); int ret = 0; retry: fd_set set; FD_ZERO(&set); FD_SET(0, &set); timeval tv = {sleep/ 1000, (sleep % 1000) * 1000 }; ret = select(1, &set, 0, 0, &tv); if (ret > 0) { *c = getc(stdin); return true; } if (errno == EINTR) { if (total_milliseconds(libtorrent::time_now_hires() - start) < sleep) goto retry; return false; } if (ret < 0 && errno != 0 && errno != ETIMEDOUT) { fprintf(stderr, "select failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); libtorrent::sleep(500); } return false; } void clear_home() { puts("\033[2J\033[0;0H"); } #endif bool print_trackers = false; bool print_peers = false; bool print_log = false; bool print_downloads = false; bool print_piece_bar = false; bool print_file_progress = false; bool show_pad_files = false; bool show_dht_status = false; bool sequential_download = false; bool print_utp_stats = false; bool print_ip = true; bool print_as = false; bool print_timers = false; bool print_block = false; bool print_peer_rate = false; bool print_fails = false; bool print_send_bufs = true; // the number of times we've asked to save resume data // without having received a response (successful or failure) int num_outstanding_resume_data = 0; enum { torrents_all, torrents_downloading, torrents_not_paused, torrents_seeding, torrents_queued, torrents_stopped, torrents_checking, torrents_feeds, torrents_max }; int torrent_filter = torrents_not_paused; struct torrent_entry { torrent_entry(libtorrent::torrent_handle h) : handle(h) {} libtorrent::torrent_handle handle; libtorrent::torrent_status status; }; // maps filenames to torrent_handles typedef std::multimap handles_t; using libtorrent::torrent_status; bool show_torrent(libtorrent::torrent_status const& st, int torrent_filter, int* counters) { ++counters[torrents_all]; if (!st.paused && st.state != torrent_status::seeding && st.state != torrent_status::finished) { ++counters[torrents_downloading]; } if (!st.paused) ++counters[torrents_not_paused]; if (!st.paused && (st.state == torrent_status::seeding || st.state == torrent_status::finished)) { ++counters[torrents_seeding]; } if (st.paused && st.auto_managed) { ++counters[torrents_queued]; } if (st.paused && !st.auto_managed) { ++counters[torrents_stopped]; } if (st.state == torrent_status::checking_files || st.state == torrent_status::queued_for_checking) { ++counters[torrents_checking]; } switch (torrent_filter) { case torrents_all: return true; case torrents_downloading: return !st.paused && st.state != torrent_status::seeding && st.state != torrent_status::finished; case torrents_not_paused: return !st.paused; case torrents_seeding: return !st.paused && (st.state == torrent_status::seeding || st.state == torrent_status::finished); case torrents_queued: return st.paused && st.auto_managed; case torrents_stopped: return st.paused && !st.auto_managed; case torrents_checking: return st.state == torrent_status::checking_files || st.state == torrent_status::queued_for_checking; case torrents_feeds: return false; } return true; } bool yes(libtorrent::torrent_status const&) { return true; } bool compare_torrent(torrent_status const& lhs, torrent_status const& rhs) { if (lhs.queue_position != -1 && rhs.queue_position != -1) { // both are downloading, sort by queue pos return lhs.queue_position < rhs.queue_position; } else if (lhs.queue_position == -1 && rhs.queue_position == -1) { // both are seeding, sort by seed-rank return lhs.seed_rank > rhs.seed_rank; } return (lhs.queue_position == -1) < (rhs.queue_position == -1); } FILE* g_log_file = 0; int active_torrent = 0; char const* esc(char const* code) { #ifdef ANSI_TERMINAL_COLORS // this is a silly optimization // to avoid copying of strings enum { num_strings = 200 }; static char buf[num_strings][20]; static int round_robin = 0; char* ret = buf[round_robin]; ++round_robin; if (round_robin >= num_strings) round_robin = 0; ret[0] = '\033'; ret[1] = '['; int i = 2; int j = 0; while (code[j]) ret[i++] = code[j++]; ret[i++] = 'm'; ret[i++] = 0; return ret; #else return ""; #endif } std::string to_string(int v, int width) { char buf[100]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%*d", width, v); return buf; } std::string& to_string(float v, int width, int precision = 3) { // this is a silly optimization // to avoid copying of strings enum { num_strings = 20 }; static std::string buf[num_strings]; static int round_robin = 0; std::string& ret = buf[round_robin]; ++round_robin; if (round_robin >= num_strings) round_robin = 0; ret.resize(20); int size = snprintf(&ret[0], 20, "%*.*f", width, precision, v); ret.resize((std::min)(size, width)); return ret; } std::string add_suffix(float val, char const* suffix = 0) { std::string ret; if (val == 0) { ret.resize(4 + 2, ' '); if (suffix) ret.resize(4 + 2 + strlen(suffix), ' '); return ret; } const char* prefix[] = {"kB", "MB", "GB", "TB"}; const int num_prefix = sizeof(prefix) / sizeof(const char*); for (int i = 0; i < num_prefix; ++i) { val /= 1000.f; if (std::fabs(val) < 1000.f) { ret = to_string(val, 4); ret += prefix[i]; if (suffix) ret += suffix; return ret; } } ret = to_string(val, 4); ret += "PB"; if (suffix) ret += suffix; return ret; } std::string const& piece_bar(libtorrent::bitfield const& p, int width) { #ifdef ANSI_TERMINAL_COLORS static const char* lookup[] = { // black, blue, cyan, white "40", "44", "46", "47" }; const int table_size = sizeof(lookup) / sizeof(lookup[0]); #else static const char char_lookup[] = { ' ', '.', ':', '-', '+', '*', '#'}; const int table_size = sizeof(char_lookup) / sizeof(char_lookup[0]); #endif double piece_per_char = p.size() / double(width); static std::string bar; bar.clear(); bar.reserve(width * 6); bar += "["; if (p.size() == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) bar += ' '; bar += "]"; return bar; } // the [piece, piece + pieces_per_char) range is the pieces that are represented by each character double piece = 0; for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i, piece += piece_per_char) { int num_pieces = 0; int num_have = 0; int end = (std::max)(int(piece + piece_per_char), int(piece) + 1); for (int k = int(piece); k < end; ++k, ++num_pieces) if (p[k]) ++num_have; int color = int(std::ceil(num_have / float(num_pieces) * (table_size - 1))); #ifdef ANSI_TERMINAL_COLORS bar += esc(lookup[color]); bar += " "; #else bar += char_lookup[color]; #endif } #ifdef ANSI_TERMINAL_COLORS bar += esc("0"); #endif bar += "]"; return bar; } std::string const& progress_bar(int progress, int width, char const* code = "33") { static std::string bar; bar.clear(); bar.reserve(width + 10); int progress_chars = (progress * width + 500) / 1000; bar = esc(code); std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(bar), progress_chars, '#'); std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(bar), width - progress_chars, '-'); bar += esc("0"); return bar; } int peer_index(libtorrent::tcp::endpoint addr, std::vector const& peers) { using namespace libtorrent; std::vector::const_iterator i = std::find_if(peers.begin() , peers.end(), boost::bind(&peer_info::ip, _1) == addr); if (i == peers.end()) return -1; return i - peers.begin(); } void print_peer_info(std::string& out, std::vector const& peers) { using namespace libtorrent; if (print_ip) out += "IP "; #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_GEO_IP if (print_as) out += "AS "; #endif out += "down (total | peak ) up (total | peak ) sent-req tmo bsy rcv flags source "; if (print_fails) out += "fail hshf "; if (print_send_bufs) out += "rq sndb quota rcvb q-bytes "; if (print_timers) out += "inactive wait timeout q-time "; out += "disk rtt "; if (print_block) out += "block-progress "; #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_RESOLVE_COUNTRIES out += "country "; #endif if (print_peer_rate) out += "peer-rate est.rec.rate "; out += "client \n"; char str[500]; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = peers.begin(); i != peers.end(); ++i) { if (i->flags & (peer_info::handshake | peer_info::connecting | peer_info::queued)) continue; if (print_ip) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%-30s %-22s", (print_endpoint(i->ip) + (i->connection_type == peer_info::bittorrent_utp ? " [uTP]" : "")).c_str() , print_endpoint(i->local_endpoint).c_str()); out += str; } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_GEO_IP if (print_as) { error_code ec; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%-42s ", i->inet_as_name.c_str()); out += str; } #endif char temp[10]; snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%d/%d" , i->download_queue_length , i->target_dl_queue_length); temp[7] = 0; snprintf(str, sizeof(str) , "%s%s (%s|%s) %s%s (%s|%s) %s%7s %4d%4d%4d %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c " , esc("32"), add_suffix(i->down_speed, "/s").c_str() , add_suffix(i->total_download).c_str(), add_suffix(i->download_rate_peak, "/s").c_str() , esc("31"), add_suffix(i->up_speed, "/s").c_str(), add_suffix(i->total_upload).c_str() , add_suffix(i->upload_rate_peak, "/s").c_str(), esc("0") , temp // sent requests and target number of outstanding reqs. , i->timed_out_requests , i->busy_requests , i->upload_queue_length , (i->flags & peer_info::interesting)?'I':'.' , (i->flags & peer_info::choked)?'C':'.' , (i->flags & peer_info::remote_interested)?'i':'.' , (i->flags & peer_info::remote_choked)?'c':'.' , (i->flags & peer_info::supports_extensions)?'e':'.' , (i->flags & peer_info::local_connection)?'l':'r' , (i->flags & peer_info::seed)?'s':'.' , (i->flags & peer_info::on_parole)?'p':'.' , (i->flags & peer_info::optimistic_unchoke)?'O':'.' , (i->read_state == peer_info::bw_limit)?'r': (i->read_state == peer_info::bw_network)?'R': (i->read_state == peer_info::bw_disk)?'D':'.' , (i->write_state == peer_info::bw_limit)?'w': (i->write_state == peer_info::bw_network)?'W': (i->write_state == peer_info::bw_disk)?'D':'.' , (i->flags & peer_info::snubbed)?'S':'.' , (i->flags & peer_info::upload_only)?'U':'D' , (i->flags & peer_info::endgame_mode)?'-':'.' #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION , (i->flags & peer_info::rc4_encrypted)?'E': (i->flags & peer_info::plaintext_encrypted)?'e':'.' #else , '.' #endif , (i->flags & peer_info::holepunched)?'h':'.' , (i->source & peer_info::tracker)?'T':'_' , (i->source & peer_info::pex)?'P':'_' , (i->source & peer_info::dht)?'D':'_' , (i->source & peer_info::lsd)?'L':'_' , (i->source & peer_info::resume_data)?'R':'_' , (i->source & peer_info::incoming)?'I':'_'); out += str; if (print_fails) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%3d %3d " , i->failcount, i->num_hashfails); out += str; } if (print_send_bufs) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%2d %6d (%s) %5d %6d (%s) %6d " , i->requests_in_buffer, i->used_send_buffer, add_suffix(i->send_buffer_size).c_str() , i->send_quota, i->used_receive_buffer, add_suffix(i->receive_buffer_size).c_str() , i->queue_bytes); out += str; } if (print_timers) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%8d %4d %7d %6d " , total_seconds(i->last_active) , total_seconds(i->last_request) , i->request_timeout , total_seconds(i->download_queue_time)); out += str; } snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s %4d " , add_suffix(i->pending_disk_bytes).c_str() , i->rtt); out += str; if (print_block) { if (i->downloading_piece_index >= 0) { out += progress_bar( i->downloading_progress * 1000 / i->downloading_total, 14); } else { out += progress_bar(0, 14); } } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_RESOLVE_COUNTRIES if (i->country[0] == 0) { out += " .."; } else { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " %c%c", i->country[0], i->country[1]); out += str; } #endif if (print_peer_rate) { bool unchoked = (i->flags & peer_info::choked) == 0; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " %s %s" , add_suffix(i->remote_dl_rate, "/s").c_str() , unchoked ? add_suffix(i->estimated_reciprocation_rate, "/s").c_str() : " "); out += str; } out += " "; if (i->flags & peer_info::handshake) { out += esc("31"); out += " waiting for handshake"; out += esc("0"); out += "\n"; } else if (i->flags & peer_info::connecting) { out += esc("31"); out += " connecting to peer"; out += esc("0"); out += "\n"; } else if (i->flags & peer_info::queued) { out += esc("33"); out += " queued"; out += esc("0"); out += "\n"; } else { out += " "; out += i->client; out += "\n"; } } } int listen_port = 6881; float preferred_ratio = 0.f; int allocation_mode = libtorrent::storage_mode_sparse; std::string save_path("."); int torrent_upload_limit = 0; int torrent_download_limit = 0; std::string monitor_dir; std::string bind_to_interface = ""; std::string outgoing_interface = ""; int poll_interval = 5; int max_connections_per_torrent = 50; bool seed_mode = false; bool share_mode = false; bool disable_storage = false; using boost::bind; // monitored_dir is true if this torrent is added because // it was found in the directory that is monitored. If it // is, it should be remembered so that it can be removed // if it's no longer in that directory. void add_torrent(libtorrent::session& ses , handles_t& handles , std::set& non_files , std::string const& torrent , float preferred_ratio , int allocation_mode , std::string const& save_path , bool monitored_dir , int torrent_upload_limit , int torrent_download_limit) { using namespace libtorrent; boost::intrusive_ptr t; error_code ec; t = new torrent_info(torrent.c_str(), ec); if (ec) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", torrent.c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); return; } printf("%s\n", t->name().c_str()); add_torrent_params p; p.seed_mode = seed_mode; if (disable_storage) p.storage = disabled_storage_constructor; p.share_mode = share_mode; lazy_entry resume_data; std::string filename = combine_path(save_path, ".resume/" + to_hex(t->info_hash().to_string()) + ".resume"); std::vector buf; if (load_file(filename.c_str(), buf, ec) == 0) p.resume_data = &buf; p.ti = t; p.save_path = save_path; p.storage_mode = (storage_mode_t)allocation_mode; p.paused = true; p.duplicate_is_error = false; p.auto_managed = true; torrent_handle h = ses.add_torrent(p, ec); if (ec) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to add torrent: %s\n", ec.message().c_str()); return; } if (monitored_dir) { handles.insert(std::pair( torrent, h)); } else { non_files.insert(h); } h.set_max_connections(max_connections_per_torrent); h.set_max_uploads(-1); h.set_ratio(preferred_ratio); h.set_upload_limit(torrent_upload_limit); h.set_download_limit(torrent_download_limit); h.use_interface(outgoing_interface.c_str()); #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_RESOLVE_COUNTRIES h.resolve_countries(true); #endif } void scan_dir(std::string const& dir_path , libtorrent::session& ses , handles_t& files , std::set& non_files , float preferred_ratio , int allocation_mode , std::string const& save_path , int torrent_upload_limit , int torrent_download_limit) { std::set valid; using namespace libtorrent; error_code ec; for (directory i(dir_path, ec); !i.done(); i.next(ec)) { std::string file = combine_path(dir_path, i.file()); if (extension(file) != ".torrent") continue; handles_t::iterator k = files.find(file); if (k != files.end()) { valid.insert(file); continue; } // the file has been added to the dir, start // downloading it. add_torrent(ses, files, non_files, file, preferred_ratio, allocation_mode , save_path, true, torrent_upload_limit, torrent_download_limit); valid.insert(file); } // remove the torrents that are no longer in the directory for (handles_t::iterator i = files.begin(); !files.empty() && i != files.end();) { if (i->first.empty() || valid.find(i->first) != valid.end()) { ++i; continue; } torrent_handle& h = i->second; if (!h.is_valid()) { files.erase(i++); continue; } h.auto_managed(false); h.pause(); // the alert handler for save_resume_data_alert // will save it to disk if (h.need_save_resume_data()) { h.save_resume_data(); ++num_outstanding_resume_data; } files.erase(i++); } } torrent_status const& get_active_torrent(std::vector const& torrents) { if (active_torrent >= int(torrents.size()) || active_torrent < 0) active_torrent = 0; std::vector::const_iterator i = torrents.begin(); std::advance(i, active_torrent); return *i; } void print_alert(libtorrent::alert const* a, std::string& str) { using namespace libtorrent; #ifdef ANSI_TERMINAL_COLORS if (a->category() & alert::error_notification) { str += esc("31"); } else if (a->category() & (alert::peer_notification | alert::storage_notification)) { str += esc("33"); } #endif str += "["; str += time_now_string(); str += "] "; str += a->message(); #ifdef ANSI_TERMINAL_COLORS str += esc("0"); #endif if (g_log_file) fprintf(g_log_file, "[%s] %s\n", time_now_string(), a->message().c_str()); } int save_file(std::string const& filename, std::vector& v) { using namespace libtorrent; file f; error_code ec; if (!f.open(filename, file::write_only, ec)) return -1; if (ec) return -1; file::iovec_t b = {&v[0], v.size()}; size_type written = f.writev(0, &b, 1, ec); if (written != int(v.size())) return -3; if (ec) return -3; return 0; } void handle_alert(libtorrent::session& ses, libtorrent::alert* a , handles_t const& files, std::set const& non_files) { using namespace libtorrent; #ifdef TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL if (torrent_need_cert_alert* p = alert_cast(a)) { torrent_handle h = p->handle; error_code ec; file_status st; std::string cert = combine_path("certificates", to_hex(h.info_hash().to_string())) + ".pem"; std::string priv = combine_path("certificates", to_hex(h.info_hash().to_string())) + "_key.pem"; stat_file(cert, &st, ec); if (ec) { char msg[256]; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "ERROR. could not load certificate %s: %s\n", cert.c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); if (g_log_file) fprintf(g_log_file, "[%s] %s\n", time_now_string(), msg); return; } stat_file(priv, &st, ec); if (ec) { char msg[256]; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "ERROR. could not load private key %s: %s\n", priv.c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); if (g_log_file) fprintf(g_log_file, "[%s] %s\n", time_now_string(), msg); return; } char msg[256]; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "loaded certificate %s and key %s\n", cert.c_str(), priv.c_str()); if (g_log_file) fprintf(g_log_file, "[%s] %s\n", time_now_string(), msg); h.set_ssl_certificate(cert, priv, "certificates/dhparams.pem", "test"); h.resume(); } #endif if (torrent_finished_alert* p = alert_cast(a)) { p->handle.set_max_connections(max_connections_per_torrent / 2); // write resume data for the finished torrent // the alert handler for save_resume_data_alert // will save it to disk torrent_handle h = p->handle; h.save_resume_data(); ++num_outstanding_resume_data; } else if (save_resume_data_alert* p = alert_cast(a)) { --num_outstanding_resume_data; torrent_handle h = p->handle; TORRENT_ASSERT(p->resume_data); if (p->resume_data) { std::vector out; bencode(std::back_inserter(out), *p->resume_data); save_file(combine_path(h.save_path(), ".resume/" + to_hex(h.info_hash().to_string()) + ".resume"), out); if (h.is_valid() && non_files.find(h) == non_files.end() && std::find_if(files.begin(), files.end() , boost::bind(&handles_t::value_type::second, _1) == h) == files.end()) ses.remove_torrent(h); } } else if (save_resume_data_failed_alert* p = alert_cast(a)) { --num_outstanding_resume_data; torrent_handle h = p->handle; if (h.is_valid() && non_files.find(h) == non_files.end() && std::find_if(files.begin(), files.end() , boost::bind(&handles_t::value_type::second, _1) == h) == files.end()) ses.remove_torrent(h); } else if (torrent_paused_alert* p = alert_cast(a)) { // write resume data for the finished torrent // the alert handler for save_resume_data_alert // will save it to disk torrent_handle h = p->handle; h.save_resume_data(); ++num_outstanding_resume_data; } } void print_piece(libtorrent::partial_piece_info* pp , libtorrent::cached_piece_info* cs , std::vector const& peers , std::string& out) { using namespace libtorrent; char str[1024]; assert(pp == 0 || cs == 0 || cs->piece == pp->piece_index); int piece = pp ? pp->piece_index : cs->piece; int num_blocks = pp ? pp->blocks_in_piece : cs->blocks.size(); snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%5d: [", piece); out += str; char const* last_color = 0; for (int j = 0; j < num_blocks; ++j) { int index = pp ? peer_index(pp->blocks[j].peer(), peers) % 36 : -1; char chr = '+'; if (index >= 0) chr = (index < 10)?'0' + index:'A' + index - 10; char const* color = ""; if (pp == 0) { color = cs->blocks[j] ? esc("34;7") : esc("0"); chr = ' '; } else { #ifdef ANSI_TERMINAL_COLORS if (cs && cs->blocks[j]) color = esc("36;7"); else if (pp->blocks[j].bytes_progress > 0 && pp->blocks[j].state == block_info::requested) { if (pp->blocks[j].num_peers > 1) color = esc("1;7"); else color = esc("33;7"); chr = '0' + (pp->blocks[j].bytes_progress / float(pp->blocks[j].block_size) * 10); } else if (pp->blocks[j].state == block_info::finished) color = esc("32;7"); else if (pp->blocks[j].state == block_info::writing) color = esc("36;7"); else if (pp->blocks[j].state == block_info::requested) color = esc("0"); else { color = esc("0"); chr = ' '; } #else if (cs && cs->blocks[j]) chr = 'c'; else if (pp->blocks[j].state == block_info::finished) chr = '#'; else if (pp->blocks[j].state == block_info::writing) chr = '+'; else if (pp->blocks[j].state == block_info::requested) chr = '-'; else chr = ' '; #endif } if (last_color == 0 || strcmp(last_color, color) != 0) snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s%c", color, chr); else out += chr; out += str; } #ifdef ANSI_TERMINAL_COLORS out += esc("0"); #endif char const* piece_state[4] = {"", " slow", " medium", " fast"}; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "] %3d cache age: %-.1f %s\n" , cs ? cs->next_to_hash : 0 , cs ? (total_milliseconds(time_now() - cs->last_use) / 1000.f) : 0.f , pp ? piece_state[pp->piece_state] : ""); out += str; } static char const* state_str[] = {"checking (q)", "checking", "dl metadata" , "downloading", "finished", "seeding", "allocating", "checking (r)"}; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: client_test [OPTIONS] [TORRENT|MAGNETURL|URL]\n\n" "OPTIONS:\n" "\n CLIENT OPTIONS\n" " -f logs all events to the given file\n" " -s sets the save path for downloads\n" " -m sets the .torrent monitor directory\n" " -t sets the scan interval of the monitor dir\n" " -F sets the UI refresh rate. This is the number of\n" " seconds between screen refreshes.\n" " -q automatically quit the client after of refreshes\n" " this is useful for scripting tests\n" " -k enable high performance settings. This overwrites any other\n" " previous command line options, so be sure to specify this first\n" " -G Add torrents in seed-mode (i.e. assume all pieces\n" " are present and check hashes on-demand)\n" "\n BITTORRENT OPTIONS\n" " -c sets the max number of connections\n" " -T sets the max number of connections per torrent\n" " -U sets per-torrent upload rate\n" " -D sets per-torrent download rate\n" " -d limits the download rate\n" " -u limits the upload rate\n" " -S limits the upload slots\n" " -A allowed pieces set size\n" " -H Don't start DHT\n" " -n announce to trackers in all tiers\n" " -W Set the max number of peers to keep in the peer list\n" " -r sets the preferred share ratio\n" " -B sets the peer timeout\n" " -Q enables share mode. Share mode attempts to maximize\n" " share ratio rather than downloading\n" "\n QUEING OPTIONS\n" " -v Set the max number of active downloads\n" " -^ Set the max number of active seeds\n" "\n NETWORK OPTIONS\n" " -p sets the listen port\n" " -o limits the number of simultaneous\n" " half-open TCP connections to the\n" " given number.\n" " -w sets the retry time for failed web seeds\n" " -x loads an emule IP-filter file\n" " -P Use the specified SOCKS5 proxy\n" " -L Use the specified username and password for the\n" " proxy specified by -P\n" " -h allow multiple connections from the same IP\n" " -M Disable TCP/uTP bandwidth balancing\n" " -N Do not attempt to use UPnP and NAT-PMP to forward ports\n" " -Y Rate limit local peers\n" " -y Disable TCP connections (disable outgoing TCP and reject\n" " incoming TCP connections)\n" " -b sets IP of the interface to bind the\n" " listen socket to\n" " -I sets the IP of the interface to bind\n" " outgoing peer connections to\n" #if TORRENT_USE_I2P " -i the hostname to an I2P SAM bridge to use\n" #endif " -l sets the listen socket queue size\n" "\n DISK OPTIONS\n" " -a sets the allocation mode. [sparse|full]\n" " -R number of blocks per read cache line\n" " -C sets the max cache size. Specified in 16kB blocks\n" " -O Disallow disk job reordering\n" " -j disable disk read-ahead\n" " -z disable piece hash checks (used for benchmarking)\n" " -0 disable disk I/O, read garbage and don't flush to disk\n" "\n\n" "TORRENT is a path to a .torrent file\n" "MAGNETURL is a magnet link\n" "URL is a url to a torrent file\n" "\n" "Example for running benchmark:\n\n" " client_test -k -z -N -h -H -M -l 2000 -S 1000 -T 1000 -c 1000 test.torrent\n"); ; return 0; } using namespace libtorrent; session_settings settings; proxy_settings ps; int refresh_delay = 1000; bool start_dht = true; bool start_upnp = true; int loop_limit = 0; std::deque events; ptime next_dir_scan = time_now(); // the string is the filename of the .torrent file, but only if // it was added through the directory monitor. It is used to // be able to remove torrents that were added via the directory // monitor when they're not in the directory anymore. std::vector handles; handles_t files; // torrents that were not added via the monitor dir std::set non_files; int counters[torrents_max]; session ses(fingerprint("LT", LIBTORRENT_VERSION_MAJOR, LIBTORRENT_VERSION_MINOR, 0, 0) , session::add_default_plugins , alert::all_categories & ~(alert::dht_notification + alert::progress_notification + alert::debug_notification + alert::stats_notification)); std::vector in; error_code ec; if (load_file(".ses_state", in, ec) == 0) { lazy_entry e; if (lazy_bdecode(&in[0], &in[0] + in.size(), e, ec) == 0) ses.load_state(e); } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_GEO_IP ses.load_asnum_db("GeoIPASNum.dat"); ses.load_country_db("GeoIP.dat"); #endif // load the torrents given on the commandline std::vector magnet_links; std::vector torrents; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (argv[i][0] != '-') { // match it against the @ format if (strlen(argv[i]) > 45 && is_hex(argv[i], 40) && string_begins_no_case(argv[i] + 40, "@http")) { sha1_hash info_hash; from_hex(argv[i], 40, (char*)&info_hash[0]); add_torrent_params p; p.seed_mode = seed_mode; if (disable_storage) p.storage = disabled_storage_constructor; p.share_mode = share_mode; p.tracker_url = argv[i] + 41; p.info_hash = info_hash; p.save_path = save_path; p.storage_mode = (storage_mode_t)allocation_mode; p.paused = true; p.duplicate_is_error = false; p.auto_managed = true; magnet_links.push_back(p); continue; } torrents.push_back(argv[i]); continue; } // if there's a flag but no argument following, ignore it if (argc == i) continue; char const* arg = argv[i+1]; switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'f': g_log_file = fopen(arg, "w+"); break; case 'o': settings.half_open_limit = atoi(arg); break; case 'h': settings.allow_multiple_connections_per_ip = true; --i; break; case 'p': listen_port = atoi(arg); break; case 'k': settings = high_performance_seed(); --i; break; case 'j': settings.use_disk_read_ahead = false; --i; break; case 'z': settings.disable_hash_checks = true; --i; break; case 'r': preferred_ratio = atoi(arg); if (preferred_ratio != 0 && preferred_ratio < 1.f) preferred_ratio = 1.f; break; case 'B': settings.peer_timeout = atoi(arg); break; case 'n': settings.announce_to_all_tiers = true; --i; break; case 'G': seed_mode = true; --i; break; case 'd': settings.download_rate_limit = atoi(arg) * 1000; break; case 'u': settings.upload_rate_limit = atoi(arg) * 1000; break; case 'S': settings.unchoke_slots_limit = atoi(arg); break; case 'a': if (strcmp(arg, "allocate") == 0) allocation_mode = storage_mode_allocate; if (strcmp(arg, "sparse") == 0) allocation_mode = storage_mode_sparse; break; case 's': save_path = arg; break; case 'U': torrent_upload_limit = atoi(arg) * 1000; break; case 'D': torrent_download_limit = atoi(arg) * 1000; break; case 'm': monitor_dir = arg; break; case 'Q': share_mode = true; --i; break; case 'b': bind_to_interface = arg; break; case 'w': settings.urlseed_wait_retry = atoi(arg); break; case 't': poll_interval = atoi(arg); break; case 'F': refresh_delay = atoi(arg); break; case 'H': start_dht = false; --i; break; case 'l': settings.listen_queue_size = atoi(arg); break; case 'W': settings.max_peerlist_size = atoi(arg); settings.max_paused_peerlist_size = atoi(arg) / 2; break; case 'x': { FILE* filter = fopen(arg, "r"); if (filter) { ip_filter fil; unsigned int a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h, flags; while (fscanf(filter, "%u.%u.%u.%u - %u.%u.%u.%u %u\n", &a, &b, &c, &d, &e, &f, &g, &h, &flags) == 9) { address_v4 start((a << 24) + (b << 16) + (c << 8) + d); address_v4 last((e << 24) + (f << 16) + (g << 8) + h); if (flags <= 127) flags = ip_filter::blocked; else flags = 0; fil.add_rule(start, last, flags); } ses.set_ip_filter(fil); fclose(filter); } } break; case 'c': settings.connections_limit = atoi(arg); break; case 'T': max_connections_per_torrent = atoi(arg); break; #if TORRENT_USE_I2P case 'i': { proxy_settings ps; ps.hostname = arg; ps.port = 7656; // default SAM port ps.type = proxy_settings::i2p_proxy; ses.set_i2p_proxy(ps); break; } #endif // TORRENT_USE_I2P case 'C': settings.cache_size = atoi(arg); settings.use_read_cache = settings.cache_size > 0; settings.cache_buffer_chunk_size = settings.cache_size / 100; break; case 'A': settings.allowed_fast_set_size = atoi(arg); break; case 'R': settings.read_cache_line_size = atoi(arg); break; case 'O': settings.allow_reordered_disk_operations = false; --i; break; case 'M': settings.mixed_mode_algorithm = session_settings::prefer_tcp; --i; break; case 'y': settings.enable_outgoing_tcp = false; settings.enable_incoming_tcp = false; --i; break; case 'P': { char* port = (char*) strrchr(arg, ':'); if (port == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid proxy hostname, no port found\n"); break; } *port++ = 0; ps.hostname = arg; ps.port = atoi(port); if (ps.port == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid proxy port\n"); break; } if (ps.type == proxy_settings::none) ps.type = proxy_settings::socks5; } break; case 'L': { char* pw = (char*) strchr(arg, ':'); if (pw == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid proxy username and password specified\n"); break; } *pw++ = 0; ps.username = arg; ps.password = pw; ps.type = proxy_settings::socks5_pw; } break; case 'I': outgoing_interface = arg; break; case 'N': start_upnp = false; --i; break; case 'Y': settings.ignore_limits_on_local_network = false; --i; break; case 'v': settings.active_downloads = atoi(arg); settings.active_limit = (std::max)(atoi(arg) * 2, settings.active_limit); break; case '^': settings.active_seeds = atoi(arg); settings.active_limit = (std::max)(atoi(arg) * 2, settings.active_limit); break; case 'q': loop_limit = atoi(arg); break; case '0': disable_storage = true; --i; } ++i; // skip the argument } // create directory for resume files create_directory(combine_path(save_path, ".resume/"), ec); if (ec) fprintf(stderr, "failed to create resume file directory: %s\n", ec.message().c_str()); ses.start_lsd(); if (start_upnp) { ses.start_upnp(); ses.start_natpmp(); } ses.set_proxy(ps); ses.listen_on(std::make_pair(listen_port, listen_port) , ec, bind_to_interface.c_str()); if (ec) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to listen on %s on ports %d-%d: %s\n" , bind_to_interface.c_str(), listen_port, listen_port+1, ec.message().c_str()); } #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT if (start_dht) { settings.use_dht_as_fallback = false; ses.add_dht_router(std::make_pair( std::string("router.bittorrent.com"), 6881)); ses.add_dht_router(std::make_pair( std::string("router.utorrent.com"), 6881)); ses.add_dht_router(std::make_pair( std::string("router.bitcomet.com"), 6881)); ses.start_dht(); } #endif settings.user_agent = "client_test/" LIBTORRENT_VERSION; settings.choking_algorithm = session_settings::auto_expand_choker; settings.disk_cache_algorithm = session_settings::avoid_readback; settings.volatile_read_cache = false; ses.set_settings(settings); for (std::vector::iterator i = magnet_links.begin() , end(magnet_links.end()); i != end; ++i) { error_code ec; torrent_handle h = ses.add_torrent(*i, ec); if (ec) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to add torrent: %s\n", ec.message().c_str()); continue; } non_files.insert(h); h.set_max_connections(max_connections_per_torrent); h.set_max_uploads(-1); h.set_ratio(preferred_ratio); h.set_upload_limit(torrent_upload_limit); h.set_download_limit(torrent_download_limit); h.use_interface(outgoing_interface.c_str()); } for (std::vector::iterator i = torrents.begin() , end(torrents.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (std::strstr(i->c_str(), "http://") == i->c_str() || std::strstr(i->c_str(), "https://") == i->c_str() || std::strstr(i->c_str(), "magnet:") == i->c_str()) { add_torrent_params p; p.seed_mode = seed_mode; if (disable_storage) p.storage = disabled_storage_constructor; p.share_mode = share_mode; p.save_path = save_path; p.storage_mode = (storage_mode_t)allocation_mode; p.url = *i; std::vector buf; if (std::strstr(i->c_str(), "magnet:") == i->c_str()) { std::string btih = url_has_argument(*i, "xt"); if (btih.empty()) continue; if (btih.compare(0, 9, "urn:btih:") != 0) continue; sha1_hash info_hash; if (btih.size() == 40 + 9) from_hex(&btih[9], 40, (char*)&info_hash[0]); else info_hash.assign(base32decode(btih.substr(9))); std::string filename = combine_path(save_path, ".resume/" + to_hex(info_hash.to_string()) + ".resume"); if (load_file(filename.c_str(), buf, ec) == 0) p.resume_data = &buf; } printf("adding URL: %s\n", i->c_str()); error_code ec; torrent_handle h = ses.add_torrent(p, ec); if (ec) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ec.message().c_str()); continue; } non_files.insert(h); h.set_max_connections(max_connections_per_torrent); h.set_max_uploads(-1); h.set_ratio(preferred_ratio); h.set_upload_limit(torrent_upload_limit); h.set_download_limit(torrent_download_limit); h.use_interface(outgoing_interface.c_str()); continue; } // if it's a torrent file, open it as usual add_torrent(ses, files, non_files, i->c_str(), preferred_ratio , allocation_mode, save_path, false , torrent_upload_limit, torrent_download_limit); } // main loop std::vector peers; std::vector queue; int tick = 0; while (loop_limit > 1 || loop_limit == 0) { ++tick; handles.clear(); memset(counters, 0, sizeof(counters)); ses.get_torrent_status(&handles, boost::bind(&show_torrent, _1, torrent_filter, (int*)counters)); if (active_torrent >= int(handles.size())) active_torrent = handles.size() - 1; else if (active_torrent >= 0) { // ask for distributed copies for the selected torrent. Since this // is a somewhat expensive operation, don't do it by default for // all torrents handles[active_torrent] = handles[active_torrent].handle.status( torrent_handle::query_distributed_copies | torrent_handle::query_pieces | torrent_handle::query_verified_pieces); } std::vector feeds; ses.get_feeds(feeds); counters[torrents_feeds] = feeds.size(); std::sort(handles.begin(), handles.end(), &compare_torrent); if (loop_limit > 1) --loop_limit; int c = 0; while (sleep_and_input(&c, refresh_delay)) { if (c == EOF) { c = 'q'; break; } if (c == 27) { // escape code, read another character #ifdef _WIN32 c = _getch(); #else int c = getc(stdin); #endif if (c == EOF) { c = 'q'; break; } if (c != '[') continue; #ifdef _WIN32 c = _getch(); #else c = getc(stdin); #endif if (c == EOF) break; if (c == 68) { // arrow left if (torrent_filter > 0) { --torrent_filter; handles.clear(); memset(counters, 0, sizeof(counters)); ses.get_torrent_status(&handles, boost::bind(&show_torrent, _1, torrent_filter, (int*)counters)); if (active_torrent >= int(handles.size())) active_torrent = handles.size() - 1; std::sort(handles.begin(), handles.end(), &compare_torrent); } } else if (c == 67) { // arrow right if (torrent_filter < torrents_max - 1) { ++torrent_filter; handles.clear(); memset(counters, 0, sizeof(counters)); ses.get_torrent_status(&handles, boost::bind(&show_torrent, _1, torrent_filter, (int*)counters)); if (active_torrent >= int(handles.size())) active_torrent = handles.size() - 1; std::sort(handles.begin(), handles.end(), &compare_torrent); } } else if (c == 65) { // arrow up --active_torrent; if (active_torrent < 0) active_torrent = 0; } else if (c == 66) { // arrow down ++active_torrent; if (active_torrent >= int(handles.size())) active_torrent = handles.size() - 1; } } if (c == ' ') { if (ses.is_paused()) ses.resume(); else ses.pause(); } if (c == 'm') { printf("saving peers for torrents\n"); std::vector peers; std::vector torrents = ses.get_torrents(); for (std::vector::iterator i = torrents.begin(); i != torrents.end(); ++i) { i->get_full_peer_list(peers); FILE* f = fopen(("peers_" + i->name()).c_str(), "w+"); if (!f) break; for (std::vector::iterator k = peers.begin() , end(peers.end()); k != end; ++k) { fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\n", print_address(k->ip.address()).c_str() #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_GEO_IP , ses.as_for_ip(k->ip.address()) #else , 0 #endif ); } } } if (c == 'q') break; if (c == 'D') { torrent_handle h = get_active_torrent(handles).handle; if (h.is_valid()) { printf("\n\nARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE THE FILES FOR '%s'. THIS OPERATION CANNOT BE UNDONE. (y/N)" , h.name().c_str()); char response = 'n'; scanf("%c", &response); if (response == 'y') { // also delete the .torrent file from the torrent directory handles_t::iterator i = std::find_if(files.begin(), files.end() , boost::bind(&handles_t::value_type::second, _1) == h); if (i != files.end()) { files.erase(i); error_code ec; remove(combine_path(monitor_dir, i->first), ec); if (ec) printf("failed to delete .torrent file: %s\n", ec.message().c_str()); } if (h.is_valid()) ses.remove_torrent(h, session::delete_files); } } } if (c == 'j' && !handles.empty()) { get_active_torrent(handles).handle.force_recheck(); } if (c == 'r' && !handles.empty()) { get_active_torrent(handles).handle.force_reannounce(); } if (c == 's' && !handles.empty()) { torrent_status const& ts = get_active_torrent(handles); ts.handle.set_sequential_download(!ts.sequential_download); } if (c == 'R') { // save resume data for all torrents for (std::vector::iterator i = handles.begin() , end(handles.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (i->need_save_resume) { i->handle.save_resume_data(); ++num_outstanding_resume_data; } } } if (c == 'o' && !handles.empty()) { torrent_status const& ts = get_active_torrent(handles); int num_pieces = ts.num_pieces; if (num_pieces > 300) num_pieces = 300; for (int i = 0; i < num_pieces; ++i) { ts.handle.set_piece_deadline(i, (i+5) * 1000, torrent_handle::alert_when_available); } } if (c == 'v' && !handles.empty()) { torrent_status const& ts = get_active_torrent(handles); ts.handle.scrape_tracker(); } if (c == 'p' && !handles.empty()) { torrent_status const& ts = get_active_torrent(handles); if (!ts.auto_managed && ts.paused) { ts.handle.auto_managed(true); } else { ts.handle.auto_managed(false); ts.handle.pause(torrent_handle::graceful_pause); } } if (c == 'c' && !handles.empty()) { torrent_status const& ts = get_active_torrent(handles); ts.handle.clear_error(); } // toggle displays if (c == 't') print_trackers = !print_trackers; if (c == 'i') print_peers = !print_peers; if (c == 'l') print_log = !print_log; if (c == 'd') print_downloads = !print_downloads; if (c == 'f') print_file_progress = !print_file_progress; if (c == 'h') show_pad_files = !show_pad_files; if (c == 'a') print_piece_bar = !print_piece_bar; if (c == 'g') show_dht_status = !show_dht_status; if (c == 'u') print_utp_stats = !print_utp_stats; // toggle columns if (c == '1') print_ip = !print_ip; if (c == '2') print_as = !print_as; if (c == '3') print_timers = !print_timers; if (c == '4') print_block = !print_block; if (c == '5') print_peer_rate = !print_peer_rate; if (c == '6') print_fails = !print_fails; if (c == '7') print_send_bufs = !print_send_bufs; if (c == 'y') { char url[2048]; puts("Enter RSS feed URL:\n"); scanf("%2048s", url); feed_settings set; set.url = url; set.add_args.save_path = save_path; feed_handle h = ses.add_feed(set); h.update_feed(); } } if (c == 'q') break; int terminal_width = 80; int terminal_height = 50; #ifndef _WIN32 { winsize size; int ret = ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, (char*)&size); if (ret == 0) { terminal_width = size.ws_col; terminal_height = size.ws_row; if (terminal_width < 64) terminal_width = 64; if (terminal_height < 25) terminal_height = 25; } else { terminal_width = 190; terminal_height = 100; } } #endif // loop through the alert queue to see if anything has happened. std::deque alerts; ses.pop_alerts(&alerts); std::string now = time_now_string(); for (std::deque::iterator i = alerts.begin() , end(alerts.end()); i != end; ++i) { std::string event_string; ::print_alert(*i, event_string); TORRENT_TRY { ::handle_alert(ses, *i, files, non_files); } TORRENT_CATCH(std::exception& e) {} events.push_back(event_string); if (events.size() >= 20) events.pop_front(); delete *i; } alerts.clear(); session_status sess_stat = ses.status(); // in test mode, also quit when we loose the last peer if (loop_limit > 1 && sess_stat.num_peers == 0 && tick > 30) break; std::string out; out = "[q] quit [i] toggle peers [d] toggle downloading pieces [p] toggle paused " "[a] toggle piece bar [s] toggle download sequential [f] toggle files " "[j] force recheck [space] toggle session pause [c] clear error [v] scrape [g] show DHT\n" "[1] toggle IP [2] toggle AS [3] toggle timers [4] toggle block progress " "[5] toggle peer rate [6] toggle failures [7] toggle send buffers [R] save resume data\n"; char const* filter_names[] = { "all", "downloading", "non-paused", "seeding", "queued", "stopped", "checking", "RSS"}; for (int i = 0; i < int(sizeof(filter_names)/sizeof(filter_names[0])); ++i) { char filter[200]; snprintf(filter, sizeof(filter), "%s[%s (%d)]%s", torrent_filter == i?esc("7"):"" , filter_names[i], counters[i], torrent_filter == i?esc("0"):""); out += filter; } out += '\n'; char str[500]; int torrent_index = 0; int lines_printed = 3; if (torrent_filter == torrents_feeds) { for (std::vector::iterator i = feeds.begin() , end(feeds.end()); i != end; ++i) { if (lines_printed >= terminal_height - 15) { out += "...\n"; break; } feed_status st = i->get_feed_status(); if (st.url.size() > 70) st.url.resize(70); snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%-70s %c %4d (%2d) %s\n", st.url.c_str() , st.updating? 'u' : '-' , st.next_update , int(st.items.size()) , st.error ? st.error.message().c_str() : ""); out += str; ++lines_printed; } } for (std::vector::iterator i = handles.begin(); i != handles.end(); ++torrent_index) { if (lines_printed >= terminal_height - 15) { out += "...\n"; break; } torrent_status& s = *i; if (!s.handle.is_valid()) { i = handles.erase(i); continue; } else { ++i; } #ifdef ANSI_TERMINAL_COLORS char const* term = "\x1b[0m"; #else char const* term = ""; #endif if (active_torrent == torrent_index) { term = "\x1b[0m\x1b[7m"; out += esc("7"); out += "*"; } else { out += " "; } int queue_pos = s.queue_position; if (queue_pos == -1) out += "- "; else { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%-3d", queue_pos); out += str; } if (s.paused) out += esc("34"); else out += esc("37"); std::string name = s.handle.name(); if (name.size() > 40) name.resize(40); snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%-40s %s ", name.c_str(), term); out += str; if (!s.error.empty()) { out += esc("31"); out += "error "; out += s.error; out += esc("0"); out += "\n"; ++lines_printed; continue; } int seeds = 0; int downloaders = 0; if (s.num_complete >= 0) seeds = s.num_complete; else seeds = s.list_seeds; if (s.num_incomplete >= 0) downloaders = s.num_incomplete; else downloaders = s.list_peers - s.list_seeds; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s%-13s down: (%s%s%s) up: %s%s%s (%s%s%s) swarm: %4d:%4d" " bw queue: (%d|%d) all-time (Rx: %s%s%s Tx: %s%s%s) seed rank: %x %c%s\n" , (!s.paused && !s.auto_managed)?"[F] ":"" , (s.paused && !s.auto_managed)?"paused": (s.paused && s.auto_managed)?"queued": state_str[s.state] , esc("32"), add_suffix(s.total_download).c_str(), term , esc("31"), add_suffix(s.upload_rate, "/s").c_str(), term , esc("31"), add_suffix(s.total_upload).c_str(), term , downloaders, seeds , s.up_bandwidth_queue, s.down_bandwidth_queue , esc("32"), add_suffix(s.all_time_download).c_str(), term , esc("31"), add_suffix(s.all_time_upload).c_str(), term , s.seed_rank, s.need_save_resume?'S':' ', esc("0")); out += str; ++lines_printed; if (torrent_index != active_torrent && s.state == torrent_status::seeding) continue; char const* progress_bar_color = "33"; // yellow if (s.state == torrent_status::downloading_metadata) { progress_bar_color = "35"; // magenta } else if (s.current_tracker.empty()) { progress_bar_color = "31"; // red } else if (sess_stat.has_incoming_connections) { progress_bar_color = "32"; // green } snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " %-10s: %s%-11"PRId64"%s Bytes %6.2f%% %s\n" , s.sequential_download?"sequential":"progress" , esc("32"), s.total_done, esc("0") , s.progress_ppm / 10000.f , progress_bar(s.progress_ppm / 1000, terminal_width - 43, progress_bar_color).c_str()); out += str; ++lines_printed; if (print_piece_bar && (s.state != torrent_status::seeding || s.seed_mode)) { out += " "; out += piece_bar(s.pieces, terminal_width - 7); out += "\n"; ++lines_printed; if (s.seed_mode) { out += " "; out += piece_bar(s.verified_pieces, terminal_width - 7); out += "\n"; ++lines_printed; } } if (s.state != torrent_status::queued_for_checking && s.state != torrent_status::checking_files) { boost::posix_time::time_duration t = s.next_announce; snprintf(str, sizeof(str) , " peers: %s%d%s (%s%d%s) seeds: %s%d%s distributed copies: %s%4.2f%s " "sparse regions: %d download: %s%s%s next announce: %s%02d:%02d:%02d%s " "tracker: %s%s%s\n" , esc("37"), s.num_peers, esc("0") , esc("37"), s.connect_candidates, esc("0") , esc("37"), s.num_seeds, esc("0") , esc("37"), s.distributed_copies, esc("0") , s.sparse_regions , esc("32"), add_suffix(s.download_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0") , esc("37"), int(t.hours()), int(t.minutes()), int(t.seconds()), esc("0") , esc("36"), s.current_tracker.c_str(), esc("0")); out += str; ++lines_printed; } } cache_status cs = ses.get_cache_status(); if (cs.blocks_read < 1) cs.blocks_read = 1; if (cs.blocks_written < 1) cs.blocks_written = 1; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "==== conns: %d down: %s%s%s (%s%s%s) up: %s%s%s (%s%s%s) " "tcp/ip: %s%s%s %s%s%s DHT: %s%s%s %s%s%s tracker: %s%s%s %s%s%s ====\n" , sess_stat.num_peers , esc("32"), add_suffix(sess_stat.download_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0") , esc("32"), add_suffix(sess_stat.total_download).c_str(), esc("0") , esc("31"), add_suffix(sess_stat.upload_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0") , esc("31"), add_suffix(sess_stat.total_upload).c_str(), esc("0") , esc("32"), add_suffix(sess_stat.ip_overhead_download_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0") , esc("31"), add_suffix(sess_stat.ip_overhead_upload_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0") , esc("32"), add_suffix(sess_stat.dht_download_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0") , esc("31"), add_suffix(sess_stat.dht_upload_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0") , esc("32"), add_suffix(sess_stat.tracker_download_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0") , esc("31"), add_suffix(sess_stat.tracker_upload_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0")); out += str; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "==== waste: %s fail: %s unchoked: %d / %d " "bw queues: %8d (%d) | %8d (%d) disk queues: %d | %d cache: w: %"PRId64"%% r: %"PRId64"%% " "size: %s (%s) / %s dq: %"PRId64" ===\n" , add_suffix(sess_stat.total_redundant_bytes).c_str() , add_suffix(sess_stat.total_failed_bytes).c_str() , sess_stat.num_unchoked, sess_stat.allowed_upload_slots , sess_stat.up_bandwidth_bytes_queue , sess_stat.up_bandwidth_queue , sess_stat.down_bandwidth_bytes_queue , sess_stat.down_bandwidth_queue , sess_stat.disk_write_queue , sess_stat.disk_read_queue , (cs.blocks_written - cs.writes) * 100 / cs.blocks_written , cs.blocks_read_hit * 100 / cs.blocks_read , add_suffix(boost::int64_t(cs.cache_size) * 16 * 1024).c_str() , add_suffix(boost::int64_t(cs.read_cache_size) * 16 * 1024).c_str() , add_suffix(boost::int64_t(cs.total_used_buffers) * 16 * 1024).c_str() , cs.queued_bytes); out += str; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "==== optimistic unchoke: %d unchoke counter: %d peerlist: %d ====\n" , sess_stat.optimistic_unchoke_counter, sess_stat.unchoke_counter, sess_stat.peerlist_size); out += str; #ifndef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT if (show_dht_status) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "DHT nodes: %d DHT cached nodes: %d " "total DHT size: %"PRId64" total observers: %d\n" , sess_stat.dht_nodes, sess_stat.dht_node_cache, sess_stat.dht_global_nodes , sess_stat.dht_total_allocations); out += str; int bucket = 0; for (std::vector::iterator i = sess_stat.dht_routing_table.begin() , end(sess_stat.dht_routing_table.end()); i != end; ++i, ++bucket) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str) , "%3d [%2d, %2d] active: %d\n" , bucket, i->num_nodes, i->num_replacements, i->last_active); out += str; } for (std::vector::iterator i = sess_stat.active_requests.begin() , end(sess_stat.active_requests.end()); i != end; ++i) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str) , " %10s [limit: %2d] " "in-flight: %-2d " "left: %-3d " "1st-timeout: %-2d " "timeouts: %-2d " "responses: %-2d " "last_sent: %-2d\n" , i->type , i->branch_factor , i->outstanding_requests , i->nodes_left , i->first_timeout , i->timeouts , i->responses , i->last_sent); out += str; } } #endif if (print_utp_stats) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "uTP idle: %d syn: %d est: %d fin: %d wait: %d\n" , sess_stat.utp_stats.num_idle, sess_stat.utp_stats.num_syn_sent , sess_stat.utp_stats.num_connected, sess_stat.utp_stats.num_fin_sent , sess_stat.utp_stats.num_close_wait); out += str; } torrent_status const* st = 0; if (!handles.empty()) st = &get_active_torrent(handles); if (st && st->handle.is_valid()) { torrent_handle h = st->handle; torrent_status const& s = *st; if ((print_downloads && s.state != torrent_status::seeding) || print_peers) h.get_peer_info(peers); out += "====== "; out += h.name(); out += " ======\n"; if (print_peers && !peers.empty()) print_peer_info(out, peers); if (print_trackers) { std::vector tr = h.trackers(); ptime now = time_now(); for (std::vector::iterator i = tr.begin() , end(tr.end()); i != end; ++i) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%2d %-55s fails: %-3d (%-3d) %s %s %5d \"%s\" %s\n" , i->tier, i->url.c_str(), i->fails, i->fail_limit, i->verified?"OK ":"- " , i->updating?"updating" :!i->will_announce(now)?"" :to_string(total_seconds(i->next_announce - now), 8).c_str() , i->min_announce > now ? total_seconds(i->min_announce - now) : 0 , i->last_error ? i->last_error.message().c_str() : "" , i->message.c_str()); out += str; } } if (print_downloads) { std::vector pieces; ses.get_cache_info(h.info_hash(), pieces); h.get_download_queue(queue); std::sort(queue.begin(), queue.end(), boost::bind(&partial_piece_info::piece_index, _1) < boost::bind(&partial_piece_info::piece_index, _2)); std::sort(pieces.begin(), pieces.end(), boost::bind(&cached_piece_info::last_use, _1) > boost::bind(&cached_piece_info::last_use, _2)); for (std::vector::iterator i = pieces.begin(); i != pieces.end(); ++i) { partial_piece_info* pp = 0; partial_piece_info tmp; tmp.piece_index = i->piece; std::vector::iterator ppi = std::lower_bound(queue.begin(), queue.end(), tmp , boost::bind(&partial_piece_info::piece_index, _1) < boost::bind(&partial_piece_info::piece_index, _2)); if (ppi != queue.end() && ppi->piece_index == i->piece) pp = &*ppi; print_piece(pp, &*i, peers, out); if (pp) queue.erase(ppi); } for (std::vector::iterator i = queue.begin() , end(queue.end()); i != end; ++i) { print_piece(&*i, 0, peers, out); } snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s %s: read cache %s %s: downloading %s %s: cached %s %s: flushed\n" , esc("34;7"), esc("0") // read cache , esc("33;7"), esc("0") // downloading , esc("36;7"), esc("0") // cached , esc("32;7"), esc("0")); // flushed out += str; out += "___________________________________\n"; } if (print_file_progress && s.state != torrent_status::seeding && s.has_metadata) { std::vector file_progress; h.file_progress(file_progress); torrent_info const& info = h.get_torrent_info(); for (int i = 0; i < info.num_files(); ++i) { bool pad_file = info.file_at(i).pad_file; if (!show_pad_files && pad_file) continue; int progress = info.file_at(i).size > 0 ?file_progress[i] * 1000 / info.file_at(i).size:1000; char const* color = (file_progress[i] == info.file_at(i).size) ?"32":"33"; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s %s %-5.2f%% %s %s%s\n", progress_bar(progress, 100, color).c_str() , pad_file?esc("34"):"" , progress / 10.f , add_suffix(file_progress[i]).c_str() , filename(info.files().file_path(info.file_at(i))).c_str() , pad_file?esc("0"):""); out += str; } out += "___________________________________\n"; } } if (print_log) { for (std::deque::iterator i = events.begin(); i != events.end(); ++i) { out += "\n"; out += *i; } } clear_home(); puts(out.c_str()); fflush(stdout); if (!monitor_dir.empty() && next_dir_scan < time_now()) { scan_dir(monitor_dir, ses, files, non_files, preferred_ratio , allocation_mode, save_path, torrent_upload_limit , torrent_download_limit); next_dir_scan = time_now() + seconds(poll_interval); } } // keep track of the number of resume data // alerts to wait for int num_paused = 0; int num_failed = 0; ses.pause(); printf("saving resume data\n"); std::vector temp; ses.get_torrent_status(&temp, &yes, 0); for (std::vector::iterator i = temp.begin(); i != temp.end(); ++i) { torrent_status& st = *i; if (!st.handle.is_valid()) { printf(" skipping, invalid handle\n"); continue; } if (!st.has_metadata) { printf(" skipping %s, no metadata\n", st.handle.name().c_str()); continue; } if (!st.need_save_resume) { printf(" skipping %s, resume file up-to-date\n", st.handle.name().c_str()); continue; } // save_resume_data will generate an alert when it's done st.handle.save_resume_data(); ++num_outstanding_resume_data; printf("\r%d ", num_outstanding_resume_data); } printf("\nwaiting for resume data [%d]\n", num_outstanding_resume_data); while (num_outstanding_resume_data > 0) { alert const* a = ses.wait_for_alert(seconds(10)); if (a == 0) continue; std::deque alerts; ses.pop_alerts(&alerts); std::string now = time_now_string(); for (std::deque::iterator i = alerts.begin() , end(alerts.end()); i != end; ++i) { // make sure to delete each alert std::auto_ptr a(*i); torrent_paused_alert const* tp = alert_cast(*i); if (tp) { ++num_paused; printf("\rleft: %d failed: %d pause: %d " , num_outstanding_resume_data, num_failed, num_paused); continue; } if (alert_cast(*i)) { ++num_failed; --num_outstanding_resume_data; printf("\rleft: %d failed: %d pause: %d " , num_outstanding_resume_data, num_failed, num_paused); continue; } save_resume_data_alert const* rd = alert_cast(*i); if (!rd) continue; --num_outstanding_resume_data; printf("\rleft: %d failed: %d pause: %d " , num_outstanding_resume_data, num_failed, num_paused); if (!rd->resume_data) continue; torrent_handle h = rd->handle; std::vector out; bencode(std::back_inserter(out), *rd->resume_data); save_file(combine_path(h.save_path(), ".resume/" + to_hex(h.info_hash().to_string()) + ".resume"), out); } } if (g_log_file) fclose(g_log_file); printf("\nsaving session state\n"); { entry session_state; ses.save_state(session_state); std::vector out; bencode(std::back_inserter(out), session_state); save_file(".ses_state", out); } printf("closing session"); return 0; }