/* Copyright (c) 2013, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "test.hpp" #include "setup_transfer.hpp" #include "dht_server.hpp" #include "peer_server.hpp" #include "udp_tracker.hpp" #include "test_utils.hpp" #include "settings.hpp" #include "libtorrent/alert.hpp" #include "libtorrent/random.hpp" #include "libtorrent/alert_types.hpp" #include "libtorrent/torrent_info.hpp" #include "libtorrent/aux_/path.hpp" #include "libtorrent/flags.hpp" #include using namespace lt; namespace { char const* proxy_name[] = { "none", "socks4", "socks5", "socks5_pw", "http", "http_pw", "i2p_proxy" }; using flags_t = flags::bitfield_flag; constexpr flags_t expect_http_connection = 1_bit; constexpr flags_t expect_udp_connection = 2_bit; //constexpr flags_t expect_http_reject = 3_bit; //constexpr flags_t expect_udp_reject = 4_bit; constexpr flags_t expect_dht_msg = 5_bit; constexpr flags_t expect_peer_connection = 6_bit; constexpr flags_t dont_proxy_peers = 10_bit; constexpr flags_t dont_proxy_trackers = 11_bit; session_proxy test_proxy(settings_pack::proxy_type_t proxy_type, flags_t flags) { #ifdef TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT // if DHT is disabled, we won't get any requests to it flags &= ~expect_dht_msg; #endif std::printf("\n=== TEST == proxy: %s \n\n", proxy_name[proxy_type]); int const http_port = start_web_server(); int const udp_port = start_udp_tracker(); int const dht_port = start_dht(); int const peer_port = start_peer(); int const prev_udp_announces = num_udp_announces(); settings_pack sett = settings(); sett.set_int(settings_pack::stop_tracker_timeout, 2); sett.set_int(settings_pack::tracker_completion_timeout, 2); sett.set_int(settings_pack::tracker_receive_timeout, 2); sett.set_bool(settings_pack::announce_to_all_trackers, true); sett.set_bool(settings_pack::announce_to_all_tiers, true); sett.set_bool(settings_pack::enable_upnp, false); sett.set_bool(settings_pack::enable_natpmp, false); sett.set_bool(settings_pack::enable_lsd, false); sett.set_bool(settings_pack::enable_dht, true); // since multiple sessions may exist simultaneously (because of the // pipelining of the tests) they actually need to use different ports static int listen_port = 10000 + int(lt::random(50000)); char iface[200]; std::snprintf(iface, sizeof(iface), "", listen_port); listen_port += lt::random(10) + 1; sett.set_str(settings_pack::listen_interfaces, iface); // if we don't do this, the peer connection test // will be delayed by several seconds, by first // trying uTP sett.set_bool(settings_pack::enable_outgoing_utp, false); // in non-anonymous mode we circumvent/ignore the proxy if it fails // wheras in anonymous mode, we just fail sett.set_str(settings_pack::proxy_hostname, "non-existing.com"); sett.set_int(settings_pack::proxy_type, proxy_type); sett.set_bool(settings_pack::proxy_peer_connections, !(flags & dont_proxy_peers)); sett.set_bool(settings_pack::proxy_tracker_connections, !(flags & dont_proxy_trackers)); sett.set_int(settings_pack::proxy_port, 4444); std::unique_ptr s(new lt::session(sett)); error_code ec; remove_all("tmp1_privacy", ec); create_directory("tmp1_privacy", ec); std::ofstream file(combine_path("tmp1_privacy", "temporary").c_str()); std::shared_ptr t = ::create_torrent(&file, "temporary", 16 * 1024, 13, false); file.close(); char http_tracker_url[200]; std::snprintf(http_tracker_url, sizeof(http_tracker_url) , "", http_port); t->add_tracker(http_tracker_url, 0); std::printf("http tracker: %s\n", http_tracker_url); char udp_tracker_url[200]; std::snprintf(udp_tracker_url, sizeof(udp_tracker_url) , "udp://", udp_port); t->add_tracker(udp_tracker_url, 1); std::printf("udp tracker: %s\n", udp_tracker_url); add_torrent_params addp; addp.flags &= ~torrent_flags::paused; addp.flags &= ~torrent_flags::auto_managed; // we don't want to waste time checking the torrent, just go straight into // seeding it, announcing to trackers and connecting to peers addp.flags |= torrent_flags::seed_mode; addp.ti = t; addp.save_path = "tmp1_privacy"; addp.dht_nodes.push_back(std::pair("", dht_port)); torrent_handle h = s->add_torrent(addp); std::printf("connect_peer:\n", peer_port); h.connect_peer({address_v4::from_string(""), std::uint16_t(peer_port)}); std::vector accepted_trackers; const int timeout = 30; for (int i = 0; i < timeout; ++i) { print_alerts(*s, "s", false, false , [&](lt::alert const* a) { if (auto const* ta = alert_cast(a)) accepted_trackers.push_back(ta->tracker_url()); return false; }); std::this_thread::sleep_for(lt::milliseconds(100)); if (num_udp_announces() >= prev_udp_announces + 1 && num_peer_hits() > 0 && !accepted_trackers.empty()) break; } // we should have announced to the tracker by now TEST_EQUAL(num_udp_announces(), prev_udp_announces + ((flags & expect_udp_connection) ? 1 : 0)); if (flags & expect_dht_msg) { TEST_CHECK(num_dht_hits() > 0); } else { TEST_EQUAL(num_dht_hits(), 0); } if (flags & expect_peer_connection) { TEST_CHECK(num_peer_hits() > 0); } else { TEST_EQUAL(num_peer_hits(), 0); } if (flags & expect_http_connection) { TEST_CHECK(std::find(accepted_trackers.begin(), accepted_trackers.end() , http_tracker_url) != accepted_trackers.end()); } else { TEST_CHECK(std::find(accepted_trackers.begin(), accepted_trackers.end() , http_tracker_url) == accepted_trackers.end()); } if (flags & expect_udp_connection) { TEST_CHECK(std::find(accepted_trackers.begin(), accepted_trackers.end() , udp_tracker_url) != accepted_trackers.end()); } else { TEST_CHECK(std::find(accepted_trackers.begin(), accepted_trackers.end() , udp_tracker_url) == accepted_trackers.end()); } std::printf("%s: ~session\n", time_now_string()); session_proxy pr = s->abort(); s.reset(); stop_peer(); stop_dht(); stop_udp_tracker(); stop_web_server(); return pr; } } // anonymous namespace // not using anonymous mode // UDP fails open if we can't connect to the proxy // or if the proxy doesn't support UDP TORRENT_TEST(no_proxy) { test_proxy(settings_pack::none, expect_udp_connection | expect_http_connection | expect_dht_msg | expect_peer_connection); } // since we don't actually have a proxy in this test, make sure libtorrent // doesn't send any outgoing packets to either tracker or the peer TORRENT_TEST(socks4) { test_proxy(settings_pack::socks4, {}); } TORRENT_TEST(socks5) { test_proxy(settings_pack::socks5, {}); } TORRENT_TEST(socks5_pw) { test_proxy(settings_pack::socks5_pw, {}); } TORRENT_TEST(http) { test_proxy(settings_pack::http, {}); } TORRENT_TEST(http_pw) { test_proxy(settings_pack::http_pw, {}); } // if we configure trackers to not be proxied, they should be let through TORRENT_TEST(socks4_tracker) { test_proxy(settings_pack::socks4, dont_proxy_trackers | expect_http_connection | expect_udp_connection); } TORRENT_TEST(socks5_tracker) { test_proxy(settings_pack::socks5, dont_proxy_trackers | expect_http_connection | expect_udp_connection); } TORRENT_TEST(socks5_pw_tracker) { test_proxy(settings_pack::socks5_pw, dont_proxy_trackers | expect_http_connection | expect_udp_connection); } TORRENT_TEST(http_tracker) { test_proxy(settings_pack::http, dont_proxy_trackers | expect_http_connection | expect_udp_connection); } TORRENT_TEST(http_pw_tracker) { test_proxy(settings_pack::http_pw, dont_proxy_trackers | expect_http_connection | expect_udp_connection); } // if we configure peers to not be proxied, they should be let through TORRENT_TEST(socks4_peer) { test_proxy(settings_pack::socks4, dont_proxy_peers | expect_peer_connection); } TORRENT_TEST(socks5_peer) { test_proxy(settings_pack::socks5, dont_proxy_peers | expect_peer_connection); } TORRENT_TEST(socks5_pw_peer) { test_proxy(settings_pack::socks5_pw, dont_proxy_peers | expect_peer_connection); } TORRENT_TEST(http_peer) { test_proxy(settings_pack::http, dont_proxy_peers | expect_peer_connection); } TORRENT_TEST(http_pw_peer) { test_proxy(settings_pack::http_pw, dont_proxy_peers | expect_peer_connection); } #if TORRENT_USE_I2P TORRENT_TEST(i2p) { test_proxy(settings_pack::i2p_proxy, {}); } #endif