/* Copyright (c) 2008, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "libtorrent/storage.hpp" #include "libtorrent/file_pool.hpp" #include "libtorrent/hasher.hpp" #include "libtorrent/session.hpp" #include "libtorrent/alert_types.hpp" #include "libtorrent/aux_/session_impl.hpp" #include "libtorrent/create_torrent.hpp" #include "libtorrent/thread.hpp" #include #include #include "test.hpp" #include "setup_transfer.hpp" #include #include using namespace libtorrent; namespace lt = libtorrent; const int piece_size = 16 * 1024 * 16; const int half = piece_size / 2; char* piece0 = page_aligned_allocator::malloc(piece_size); char* piece1 = page_aligned_allocator::malloc(piece_size); char* piece2 = page_aligned_allocator::malloc(piece_size); char* piece3 = page_aligned_allocator::malloc(piece_size); void signal_bool(bool* b, char const* string) { *b = true; std::cerr << time_now_string() << " " << string << std::endl; } void on_read_piece(int ret, disk_io_job const& j, char const* data, int size) { std::cerr << time_now_string() << " on_read_piece piece: " << j.piece << std::endl; TEST_EQUAL(ret, size); if (ret > 0) TEST_CHECK(std::equal(j.buffer, j.buffer + ret, data)); } void on_check_resume_data(disk_io_job const* j, bool* done) { std::cerr << time_now_string() << " on_check_resume_data ret: " << j->ret; switch (j->ret) { case piece_manager::no_error: std::cerr << time_now_string() << " success" << std::endl; break; case piece_manager::fatal_disk_error: std::cerr << time_now_string() << " disk error: " << j->error.ec.message() << " file: " << j->error.file << std::endl; break; case piece_manager::need_full_check: std::cerr << time_now_string() << " need full check" << std::endl; break; case piece_manager::disk_check_aborted: std::cerr << time_now_string() << " aborted" << std::endl; break; } *done = true; } void print_error(char const* call, int ret, storage_error const& ec) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s() returned: %d error: \"%s\" in file: %d operation: %d\n" , time_now_string(), call, ret, ec.ec.message().c_str(), ec.file, ec.operation); } void run_until(io_service& ios, bool const& done) { while (!done) { ios.reset(); error_code ec; ios.run_one(ec); if (ec) { std::cerr << "run_one: " << ec.message().c_str() << std::endl; return; } std::cerr << time_now_string() << " done: " << done << std::endl; } } void nop() {} void run_storage_tests(boost::shared_ptr info , file_storage& fs , std::string const& test_path , libtorrent::storage_mode_t storage_mode , bool unbuffered) { TORRENT_ASSERT(fs.num_files() > 0); error_code ec; create_directory(combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage"), ec); if (ec) std::cerr << "create_directory '" << combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage") << "': " << ec.message() << std::endl; remove_all(combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage2"), ec); if (ec && ec != boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory) std::cerr << "remove_all '" << combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage2") << "': " << ec.message() << std::endl; remove_all(combine_path(test_path, "part0"), ec); if (ec && ec != boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory) std::cerr << "remove_all '" << combine_path(test_path, "part0") << "': " << ec.message() << std::endl; int num_pieces = fs.num_pieces(); TEST_CHECK(info->num_pieces() == num_pieces); aux::session_settings set; set.set_int(settings_pack::disk_io_write_mode , unbuffered ? settings_pack::disable_os_cache : settings_pack::enable_os_cache); set.set_int(settings_pack::disk_io_read_mode , unbuffered ? settings_pack::disable_os_cache : settings_pack::enable_os_cache); char* piece = page_aligned_allocator::malloc(piece_size); { // avoid having two storages use the same files file_pool fp; libtorrent::asio::io_service ios; disk_buffer_pool dp(16 * 1024, ios, boost::bind(&nop), NULL); storage_params p; p.path = test_path; p.files = &fs; p.pool = &fp; p.mode = storage_mode; boost::scoped_ptr s(new default_storage(p)); s->m_settings = &set; storage_error ec; s->initialize(ec); TEST_CHECK(!ec); if (ec) print_error("initialize", 0, ec); int ret = 0; // write piece 1 (in slot 0) file::iovec_t iov = { piece1, half}; ret = s->writev(&iov, 1, 0, 0, 0, ec); if (ret != half) print_error("writev", ret, ec); iov.iov_base = piece1 + half; iov.iov_len = half; ret = s->writev(&iov, 1, 0, half, 0, ec); if (ret != half) print_error("writev", ret, ec); // test unaligned read (where the bytes are aligned) iov.iov_base = piece + 3; iov.iov_len = piece_size - 9; ret = s->readv(&iov, 1, 0, 3, 0, ec); if (ret != piece_size - 9) print_error("readv",ret, ec); TEST_CHECK(std::equal(piece+3, piece + piece_size-9, piece1+3)); // test unaligned read (where the bytes are not aligned) iov.iov_base = piece; iov.iov_len = piece_size - 9; ret = s->readv(&iov, 1, 0, 3, 0, ec); TEST_CHECK(ret == piece_size - 9); if (ret != piece_size - 9) print_error("readv", ret, ec); TEST_CHECK(std::equal(piece, piece + piece_size-9, piece1+3)); // verify piece 1 iov.iov_base = piece; iov.iov_len = piece_size; ret = s->readv(&iov, 1, 0, 0, 0, ec); TEST_CHECK(ret == piece_size); if (ret != piece_size) print_error("readv", ret, ec); TEST_CHECK(std::equal(piece, piece + piece_size, piece1)); // do the same with piece 0 and 2 (in slot 1 and 2) iov.iov_base = piece0; iov.iov_len = piece_size; ret = s->writev(&iov, 1, 1, 0, 0, ec); if (ret != piece_size) print_error("writev", ret, ec); iov.iov_base = piece2; iov.iov_len = piece_size; ret = s->writev(&iov, 1, 2, 0, 0, ec); if (ret != piece_size) print_error("writev", ret, ec); // verify piece 0 and 2 iov.iov_base = piece; iov.iov_len = piece_size; ret = s->readv(&iov, 1, 1, 0, 0, ec); if (ret != piece_size) print_error("readv", ret, ec); TEST_CHECK(std::equal(piece, piece + piece_size, piece0)); iov.iov_base = piece; iov.iov_len = piece_size; ret = s->readv(&iov, 1, 2, 0, 0, ec); if (ret != piece_size) print_error("readv", ret, ec); TEST_CHECK(std::equal(piece, piece + piece_size, piece2)); s->release_files(ec); } page_aligned_allocator::free(piece); } void test_remove(std::string const& test_path, bool unbuffered) { file_storage fs; error_code ec; remove_all(combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage"), ec); if (ec && ec != boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory) std::cerr << "remove_all '" << combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage") << "': " << ec.message() << std::endl; TEST_CHECK(!exists(combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage"))); fs.add_file("temp_storage/test1.tmp", 8); fs.add_file("temp_storage/folder1/test2.tmp", 8); fs.add_file("temp_storage/folder2/test3.tmp", 0); fs.add_file("temp_storage/_folder3/test4.tmp", 0); fs.add_file("temp_storage/_folder3/subfolder/test5.tmp", 8); libtorrent::create_torrent t(fs, 4, -1, 0); char buf_[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; sha1_hash h = hasher(buf_, 4).final(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) t.set_hash(i, h); std::vector buf; bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), t.generate()); boost::shared_ptr info(boost::make_shared(&buf[0], buf.size(), boost::ref(ec), 0)); aux::session_settings set; set.set_int(settings_pack::disk_io_write_mode , unbuffered ? settings_pack::disable_os_cache : settings_pack::enable_os_cache); set.set_int(settings_pack::disk_io_read_mode , unbuffered ? settings_pack::disable_os_cache : settings_pack::enable_os_cache); file_pool fp; io_service ios; disk_buffer_pool dp(16 * 1024, ios, boost::bind(&nop), NULL); storage_params p; p.files = &fs; p.pool = &fp; p.path = test_path; p.mode = storage_mode_allocate; boost::scoped_ptr s(new default_storage(p)); s->m_settings = &set; // allocate the files and create the directories storage_error se; s->initialize(se); if (se) { TEST_ERROR(se.ec.message().c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "default_storage::initialize %s: %d\n", se.ec.message().c_str(), int(se.file)); } // directories are not created up-front, unless they contain // an empty file (all of which are created up-front, along with // all required directories) // files are created on first write TEST_CHECK(!exists(combine_path(test_path, combine_path("temp_storage" , combine_path("_folder3", combine_path("subfolder", "test5.tmp")))))); // this directory and file is created up-front because it's an empty file TEST_CHECK(exists(combine_path(test_path, combine_path("temp_storage" , combine_path("folder2", "test3.tmp"))))); // this isn't TEST_CHECK(!exists(combine_path(test_path, combine_path("temp_storage" , combine_path("folder1", "test2.tmp"))))); file::iovec_t b = {&buf[0], 4}; s->writev(&b, 1, 2, 0, 0, se); TEST_CHECK(exists(combine_path(test_path, combine_path("temp_storage" , combine_path("folder1", "test2.tmp"))))); TEST_CHECK(!exists(combine_path(test_path, combine_path("temp_storage" , combine_path("_folder3", combine_path("subfolder", "test5.tmp")))))); file_status st; stat_file(combine_path(test_path, combine_path("temp_storage" , combine_path("folder1", "test2.tmp"))), &st, ec); TEST_EQUAL(st.file_size, 8); s->writev(&b, 1, 4, 0, 0, se); TEST_CHECK(exists(combine_path(test_path, combine_path("temp_storage" , combine_path("_folder3", combine_path("subfolder", "test5.tmp")))))); stat_file(combine_path(test_path, combine_path("temp_storage" , combine_path("_folder3", "test5.tmp"))), &st, ec); TEST_EQUAL(st.file_size, 8); s->delete_files(se); if (se) print_error("delete_files", 0, se.ec); if (se) { TEST_ERROR(se.ec.message().c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "default_storage::delete_files %s: %d\n", se.ec.message().c_str(), int(se.file)); } TEST_CHECK(!exists(combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage"))); } void test_check_files(std::string const& test_path , libtorrent::storage_mode_t storage_mode , bool unbuffered) { boost::shared_ptr info; error_code ec; const int piece_size = 16 * 1024; remove_all(combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage"), ec); if (ec && ec != boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory) std::cerr << "remove_all '" << combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage") << "': " << ec.message() << std::endl; file_storage fs; fs.add_file("temp_storage/test1.tmp", piece_size); fs.add_file("temp_storage/test2.tmp", piece_size * 2); fs.add_file("temp_storage/test3.tmp", piece_size); char piece0[piece_size]; char piece2[piece_size]; std::generate(piece0, piece0 + piece_size, random_byte); std::generate(piece2, piece2 + piece_size, random_byte); libtorrent::create_torrent t(fs, piece_size, -1, 0); t.set_hash(0, hasher(piece0, piece_size).final()); t.set_hash(1, sha1_hash(0)); t.set_hash(2, sha1_hash(0)); t.set_hash(3, hasher(piece2, piece_size).final()); create_directory(combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage"), ec); if (ec) std::cerr << "create_directory: " << ec.message() << std::endl; std::ofstream f; f.open(combine_path(test_path, combine_path("temp_storage", "test1.tmp")).c_str() , std::ios::trunc | std::ios::binary); f.write(piece0, sizeof(piece0)); f.close(); f.open(combine_path(test_path, combine_path("temp_storage", "test3.tmp")).c_str() , std::ios::trunc | std::ios::binary); f.write(piece2, sizeof(piece2)); f.close(); std::vector buf; bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), t.generate()); info = boost::make_shared(&buf[0], buf.size(), boost::ref(ec), 0); aux::session_settings set; file_pool fp; libtorrent::asio::io_service ios; counters cnt; disk_io_thread io(ios, NULL, cnt, NULL); disk_buffer_pool dp(16 * 1024, ios, boost::bind(&nop), NULL); storage_params p; p.files = &fs; p.path = test_path; p.pool = &fp; p.mode = storage_mode; boost::shared_ptr dummy; boost::shared_ptr pm = boost::make_shared(new default_storage(p), dummy, &fs); libtorrent::mutex lock; bool done = false; lazy_entry frd; io.async_check_fastresume(pm.get(), &frd, boost::bind(&on_check_resume_data, _1, &done)); io.submit_jobs(); ios.reset(); run_until(ios, done); io.set_num_threads(0); } #ifdef TORRENT_NO_DEPRECATE #define storage_mode_compact storage_mode_sparse #endif void run_test(std::string const& test_path, bool unbuffered) { std::cerr << "\n=== " << test_path << " ===\n" << std::endl; boost::shared_ptr info; { error_code ec; remove_all(combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage"), ec); if (ec && ec != boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory) std::cerr << "remove_all '" << combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage") << "': " << ec.message() << std::endl; file_storage fs; fs.add_file("temp_storage/test1.tmp", 17); fs.add_file("temp_storage/test2.tmp", 612); fs.add_file("temp_storage/test3.tmp", 0); fs.add_file("temp_storage/test4.tmp", 0); fs.add_file("temp_storage/test5.tmp", 3253); fs.add_file("temp_storage/test6.tmp", 841); const int last_file_size = 4 * piece_size - fs.total_size(); fs.add_file("temp_storage/test7.tmp", last_file_size); // File layout // +-+--+++-------+-------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // |1| 2||| file5 | file6 | file7 | // +-+--+++-------+-------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | | | | // | piece 0 | piece 1 | piece 2 | piece 3 | libtorrent::create_torrent t(fs, piece_size, -1, 0); TEST_CHECK(t.num_pieces() == 4); t.set_hash(0, hasher(piece0, piece_size).final()); t.set_hash(1, hasher(piece1, piece_size).final()); t.set_hash(2, hasher(piece2, piece_size).final()); t.set_hash(3, hasher(piece3, piece_size).final()); std::vector buf; bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), t.generate()); info = boost::make_shared(&buf[0], buf.size(), boost::ref(ec), 0); std::cerr << "=== test 1 === " << (unbuffered?"unbuffered":"buffered") << std::endl; // run_storage_tests writes piece 0, 1 and 2. not 3 run_storage_tests(info, fs, test_path, storage_mode_compact, unbuffered); // make sure the files have the correct size std::string base = combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage"); fprintf(stderr, "base = \"%s\"\n", base.c_str()); TEST_EQUAL(file_size(combine_path(base, "test1.tmp")), 17); TEST_EQUAL(file_size(combine_path(base, "test2.tmp")), 612); // these files should have been allocated as 0 size TEST_CHECK(exists(combine_path(base, "test3.tmp"))); TEST_CHECK(exists(combine_path(base, "test4.tmp"))); TEST_CHECK(file_size(combine_path(base, "test3.tmp")) == 0); TEST_CHECK(file_size(combine_path(base, "test4.tmp")) == 0); TEST_EQUAL(file_size(combine_path(base, "test5.tmp")), 3253); TEST_EQUAL(file_size(combine_path(base, "test6.tmp")), 841); printf("file: %d expected: %d last_file_size: %d, piece_size: %d\n", int(file_size(combine_path(base, "test7.tmp"))), int(last_file_size - piece_size), last_file_size, piece_size); TEST_EQUAL(file_size(combine_path(base, "test7.tmp")), last_file_size - piece_size); remove_all(combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage"), ec); if (ec && ec != boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory) std::cerr << "remove_all '" << combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage") << "': " << ec.message() << std::endl; } // ============================================== { error_code ec; file_storage fs; fs.add_file(combine_path("temp_storage", "test1.tmp"), 3 * piece_size); libtorrent::create_torrent t(fs, piece_size, -1, 0); TEST_CHECK(fs.file_path(0) == combine_path("temp_storage", "test1.tmp")); t.set_hash(0, hasher(piece0, piece_size).final()); t.set_hash(1, hasher(piece1, piece_size).final()); t.set_hash(2, hasher(piece2, piece_size).final()); std::vector buf; bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), t.generate()); info = boost::make_shared(&buf[0], buf.size(), boost::ref(ec), 0); std::cerr << "=== test 3 ===" << std::endl; run_storage_tests(info, fs, test_path, storage_mode_compact, unbuffered); TEST_EQUAL(file_size(combine_path(test_path, combine_path("temp_storage", "test1.tmp"))), piece_size * 3); remove_all(combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage"), ec); if (ec && ec != boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory) std::cerr << "remove_all '" << combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage") << "': " << ec.message() << std::endl; // ============================================== std::cerr << "=== test 4 ===" << std::endl; run_storage_tests(info, fs, test_path, storage_mode_allocate, unbuffered); std::cerr << file_size(combine_path(test_path, combine_path("temp_storage", "test1.tmp"))) << std::endl; TEST_EQUAL(file_size(combine_path(test_path, combine_path("temp_storage", "test1.tmp"))), 3 * piece_size); remove_all(combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage"), ec); if (ec && ec != boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory) std::cerr << "remove_all '" << combine_path(test_path, "temp_storage") << "': " << ec.message() << std::endl; } // ============================================== std::cerr << "=== test 5 ===" << std::endl; test_remove(test_path, unbuffered); // ============================================== std::cerr << "=== test 6 ===" << std::endl; test_check_files(test_path, storage_mode_sparse, unbuffered); test_check_files(test_path, storage_mode_compact, unbuffered); } void test_fastresume(std::string const& test_path) { error_code ec; std::cout << "\n\n=== test fastresume ===" << std::endl; remove_all(combine_path(test_path, "tmp1"), ec); if (ec && ec != boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory) std::cerr << "remove_all '" << combine_path(test_path, "tmp1") << "': " << ec.message() << std::endl; create_directory(combine_path(test_path, "tmp1"), ec); if (ec) std::cerr << "create_directory '" << combine_path(test_path, "tmp1") << "': " << ec.message() << std::endl; std::ofstream file(combine_path(test_path, "tmp1/temporary").c_str()); boost::shared_ptr t = ::create_torrent(&file); file.close(); TEST_CHECK(exists(combine_path(test_path, "tmp1/temporary"))); if (!exists(combine_path(test_path, "tmp1/temporary"))) return; entry resume; { settings_pack pack; pack.set_int(settings_pack::alert_mask, alert::all_categories); lt::session ses(pack); error_code ec; add_torrent_params p; p.ti = boost::make_shared(boost::cref(*t)); p.save_path = combine_path(test_path, "tmp1"); p.storage_mode = storage_mode_compact; torrent_handle h = ses.add_torrent(p, ec); TEST_CHECK(exists(combine_path(p.save_path, "temporary"))); if (!exists(combine_path(p.save_path, "temporary"))) return; torrent_status s; for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) { print_alerts(ses, "ses"); s = h.status(); if (s.progress == 1.0f) { std::cout << "progress: 1.0f" << std::endl; break; } test_sleep(100); } // the whole point of the test is to have a resume // data which expects the file to exist in full. If // we failed to do that, we might as well abort TEST_EQUAL(s.progress, 1.0f); if (s.progress != 1.0f) return; h.save_resume_data(); std::auto_ptr ra = wait_for_alert(ses, save_resume_data_alert::alert_type); TEST_CHECK(ra.get()); if (ra.get()) resume = *alert_cast(ra.get())->resume_data; ses.remove_torrent(h, lt::session::delete_files); std::auto_ptr da = wait_for_alert(ses, torrent_deleted_alert::alert_type); } TEST_CHECK(!exists(combine_path(test_path, combine_path("tmp1", "temporary")))); if (exists(combine_path(test_path, combine_path("tmp1", "temporary")))) return; std::cerr << resume.to_string() << "\n"; TEST_CHECK(resume.dict().find("file sizes") != resume.dict().end()); // make sure the fast resume check fails! since we removed the file { settings_pack pack; pack.set_int(settings_pack::alert_mask, alert::all_categories); lt::session ses(pack); add_torrent_params p; p.ti = boost::make_shared(boost::cref(*t)); p.save_path = combine_path(test_path, "tmp1"); p.storage_mode = storage_mode_compact; bencode(std::back_inserter(p.resume_data), resume); torrent_handle h = ses.add_torrent(p, ec); std::auto_ptr a = ses.pop_alert(); ptime end = time_now() + seconds(20); while (time_now() < end && (a.get() == 0 || alert_cast(a.get()) == 0)) { if (ses.wait_for_alert(end - time_now()) == 0) { std::cerr << "wait_for_alert() expired" << std::endl; break; } a = ses.pop_alert(); assert(a.get()); std::cerr << a->message() << std::endl; } // we expect the fast resume to be rejected because the files were removed TEST_CHECK(alert_cast(a.get()) != 0); } remove_all(combine_path(test_path, "tmp1"), ec); if (ec && ec != boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory) std::cerr << "remove_all '" << combine_path(test_path, "tmp1") << "': " << ec.message() << std::endl; } bool got_file_rename_alert(alert* a) { return alert_cast(a) || alert_cast(a); } void test_rename_file_in_fastresume(std::string const& test_path) { error_code ec; std::cout << "\n\n=== test rename file in fastresume ===" << std::endl; remove_all(combine_path(test_path, "tmp2"), ec); if (ec && ec != boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory) std::cerr << "remove_all '" << combine_path(test_path, "tmp2") << "': " << ec.message() << std::endl; create_directory(combine_path(test_path, "tmp2"), ec); if (ec) std::cerr << "create_directory: " << ec.message() << std::endl; std::ofstream file(combine_path(test_path, "tmp2/temporary").c_str()); boost::shared_ptr t = ::create_torrent(&file); file.close(); TEST_CHECK(exists(combine_path(test_path, "tmp2/temporary"))); entry resume; { settings_pack pack; pack.set_int(settings_pack::alert_mask, alert::all_categories); lt::session ses(pack); add_torrent_params p; p.ti = boost::make_shared(boost::cref(*t)); p.save_path = combine_path(test_path, "tmp2"); p.storage_mode = storage_mode_compact; torrent_handle h = ses.add_torrent(p, ec); h.rename_file(0, "testing_renamed_files"); std::cout << "renaming file" << std::endl; bool renamed = false; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { if (print_alerts(ses, "ses", true, true, true, &got_file_rename_alert)) renamed = true; torrent_status s = h.status(); if (s.state == torrent_status::downloading) break; if (s.state == torrent_status::seeding && renamed) break; test_sleep(100); } std::cout << "stop loop" << std::endl; torrent_status s = h.status(); TEST_CHECK(s.state == torrent_status::seeding); h.save_resume_data(); std::auto_ptr ra = wait_for_alert(ses, save_resume_data_alert::alert_type); TEST_CHECK(ra.get()); if (ra.get()) resume = *alert_cast(ra.get())->resume_data; ses.remove_torrent(h); } TEST_CHECK(!exists(combine_path(test_path, "tmp2/temporary"))); TEST_CHECK(exists(combine_path(test_path, "tmp2/testing_renamed_files"))); TEST_CHECK(resume.dict().find("mapped_files") != resume.dict().end()); TEST_CHECK(resume.dict().find("file sizes") != resume.dict().end()); std::cerr << resume.to_string() << "\n"; // make sure the fast resume check succeeds, even though we renamed the file { settings_pack pack; pack.set_int(settings_pack::alert_mask, alert::all_categories); lt::session ses(pack); add_torrent_params p; p.ti = boost::make_shared(boost::cref(*t)); p.save_path = combine_path(test_path, "tmp2"); p.storage_mode = storage_mode_compact; bencode(std::back_inserter(p.resume_data), resume); torrent_handle h = ses.add_torrent(p, ec); torrent_status stat; for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) { stat = h.status(); print_alerts(ses, "ses"); if (stat.state == torrent_status::seeding) break; test_sleep(100); } TEST_CHECK(stat.state == torrent_status::seeding); h.save_resume_data(); std::auto_ptr ra = wait_for_alert(ses, save_resume_data_alert::alert_type); TEST_CHECK(ra.get()); if (ra.get()) resume = *alert_cast(ra.get())->resume_data; ses.remove_torrent(h); } TEST_CHECK(resume.dict().find("mapped_files") != resume.dict().end()); std::cerr << resume.to_string() << "\n"; remove_all(combine_path(test_path, "tmp2"), ec); if (ec && ec != boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory) std::cerr << "remove_all '" << combine_path(test_path, "tmp2") << "': " << ec.message() << std::endl; } int test_main() { // initialize test pieces for (char* p = piece0, *end(piece0 + piece_size); p < end; ++p) *p = random_byte(); for (char* p = piece1, *end(piece1 + piece_size); p < end; ++p) *p = random_byte(); for (char* p = piece2, *end(piece2 + piece_size); p < end; ++p) *p = random_byte(); for (char* p = piece3, *end(piece3 + piece_size); p < end; ++p) *p = random_byte(); std::vector test_paths; char* env = std::getenv("TORRENT_TEST_PATHS"); if (env == 0) { test_paths.push_back(current_working_directory()); } else { char* p = std::strtok(env, ";"); while (p != 0) { test_paths.push_back(complete(p)); p = std::strtok(0, ";"); } } std::for_each(test_paths.begin(), test_paths.end(), boost::bind(&test_fastresume, _1)); std::for_each(test_paths.begin(), test_paths.end(), boost::bind(&test_rename_file_in_fastresume, _1)); std::for_each(test_paths.begin(), test_paths.end(), boost::bind(&run_test, _1, true)); std::for_each(test_paths.begin(), test_paths.end(), boost::bind(&run_test, _1, false)); return 0; }