#ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #else #include // for close() #include // for open() #include #endif #include "libtorrent/config.hpp" #include "print.hpp" #include // for atoi #include // for strlen #include #include // for std::min #include // for back_inserter char const* esc(char const* code) { // this is a silly optimization // to avoid copying of strings enum { num_strings = 200 }; static char buf[num_strings][20]; static int round_robin = 0; char* ret = buf[round_robin]; ++round_robin; if (round_robin >= num_strings) round_robin = 0; ret[0] = '\033'; ret[1] = '['; int i = 2; int j = 0; while (code[j]) ret[i++] = code[j++]; ret[i++] = 'm'; ret[i++] = 0; return ret; } std::string to_string(int v, int width) { char buf[100]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%*d", width, v); return buf; } std::string add_suffix_float(float val, char const* suffix) { if (val < 0.001f) { std::string ret; ret.resize(4 + 2, ' '); if (suffix) ret.resize(4 + 2 + strlen(suffix), ' '); return ret; } const char* prefix[] = {"kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB"}; const int num_prefix = sizeof(prefix) / sizeof(const char*); int i = 0; for (; i < num_prefix - 1; ++i) { val /= 1000.f; if (std::fabs(val) < 1000.f) break; } char ret[100]; snprintf(ret, sizeof(ret), "%4.*f%s%s", val < 99 ? 1 : 0, val, prefix[i], suffix ? suffix : ""); return ret; } std::string color(std::string const& s, color_code c) { if (c == col_none) return s; if (std::count(s.begin(), s.end(), ' ') == int(s.size())) return s; char buf[1024]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\x1b[3%dm%s\x1b[39m", c, s.c_str()); return buf; } std::string const& progress_bar(int progress, int width, color_code c , char fill, char bg, std::string caption, int flags) { static std::string bar; bar.clear(); bar.reserve(size_t(width + 10)); int const progress_chars = (progress * width + 500) / 1000; if (caption.empty()) { char code[10]; snprintf(code, sizeof(code), "\x1b[3%dm", c); bar = code; std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(bar), progress_chars, fill); std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(bar), width - progress_chars, bg); bar += esc("39"); } else { // foreground color (depends a bit on background color) color_code tc = col_black; if (c == col_black || c == col_blue) tc = col_white; caption.resize(size_t(width), ' '); #ifdef _WIN32 char const* background = "40"; #else char const* background = "48;5;238"; #endif char str[256]; if (flags & progress_invert) snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "\x1b[%sm\x1b[37m%s\x1b[4%d;3%dm%s\x1b[49;39m" , background, caption.substr(0, progress_chars).c_str(), c, tc , caption.substr(progress_chars).c_str()); else snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "\x1b[4%d;3%dm%s\x1b[%sm\x1b[37m%s\x1b[49;39m" , c, tc, caption.substr(0, progress_chars).c_str(), background , caption.substr(progress_chars).c_str()); bar = str; } return bar; } int get_piece(libtorrent::bitfield const& p, int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= p.size()) return 0; return p.get_bit(index) ? 1 : 0; } std::string const& piece_bar(libtorrent::bitfield const& p, int width) { #ifdef _WIN32 int const table_size = 5; #else int const table_size = 18; width *= 2; // we only print one character for every two "slots" #endif double const piece_per_char = p.size() / double(width); static std::string bar; bar.clear(); bar.reserve(width * 6); bar += "["; if (p.size() == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) bar += ' '; bar += "]"; return bar; } // the [piece, piece + pieces_per_char) range is the pieces that are represented by each character double piece = 0; // we print two blocks at a time, so calculate the color in pair int color[2]; int last_color[2] = { -1, -1}; for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i, piece += piece_per_char) { int num_pieces = 0; int num_have = 0; int end = (std::max)(int(piece + piece_per_char), int(piece) + 1); for (int k = int(piece); k < end; ++k, ++num_pieces) if (p[k]) ++num_have; int const c = int(std::ceil(num_have / float((std::max)(num_pieces, 1)) * (table_size - 1))); color[i & 1] = c; #ifndef _WIN32 if ((i & 1) == 1) { // now, print color[0] and [1] // bg determines whether we're settings foreground or background color static int const bg[] = { 38, 48}; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (color[i] != last_color[i]) { char buf[40]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\x1b[%d;5;%dm", bg[i & 1], 232 + color[i]); last_color[i] = color[i]; bar += buf; } } bar += "\u258C"; } #else static char const table[] = {' ', '\xb0', '\xb1', '\xb2', '\xdb'}; bar += table[c]; #endif } bar += esc("0"); bar += "]"; return bar; } #ifndef _WIN32 // this function uses the block characters that splits up the glyph in 4 // segments and provide all combinations of a segment lit or not. This allows us // to print 4 pieces per character. std::string piece_matrix(libtorrent::bitfield const& p, int width, int* height) { // print two rows of pieces at a time int piece = 0; ++*height; std::string ret; ret.reserve((p.size() + width * 2 - 1) / width / 2 * 4); while (piece < p.size()) { for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { // each character has 4 pieces. store them in a byte to use for lookups int const c = get_piece(p, piece) | (get_piece(p, piece+1) << 1) | (get_piece(p, width*2+piece) << 2) | (get_piece(p, width*2+piece+1) << 3); // we have 4 bits, 16 different combinations static char const* const chars[] = { " ", // no bit is set 0000 "\u2598", // upper left 0001 "\u259d", // upper right 0010 "\u2580", // both top bits 0011 "\u2596", // lower left 0100 "\u258c", // both left bits 0101 "\u259e", // upper right, lower left 0110 "\u259b", // left and upper sides 0111 "\u2597", // lower right 1000 "\u259a", // lower right, upper left 1001 "\u2590", // right side 1010 "\u259c", // lower right, top side 1011 "\u2584", // both lower bits 1100 "\u2599", // both lower, top left 1101 "\u259f", // both lower, top right 1110 "\x1b[7m \x1b[27m" // all bits are set (full block) }; ret += chars[c]; piece += 2; } ret += '\n'; ++*height; piece += width * 2; // skip another row, as we've already printed it } return ret; } #else // on MS-DOS terminals, we only have block characters for upper half and lower // half. This lets us print two pieces per character. std::string piece_matrix(libtorrent::bitfield const& p, int width, int* height) { // print two rows of pieces at a time int piece = 0; ++*height; std::string ret; ret.reserve((p.size() + width * 2 - 1) / width); while (piece < p.size()) { for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { // each character has 8 pieces. store them in a byte to use for lookups // the ordering of these bits int const c = get_piece(p, piece) | (get_piece(p, width*2+piece) << 1); static char const* const chars[] = { " ", // no piece 00 "\xdf", // top piece 01 "\xdc", // bottom piece 10 "\xdb" // both pieces 11 }; ret += chars[c]; ++piece; } ret += '\n'; ++*height; piece += width * 2; // skip another row, as we've already printed it } return ret; } #endif void set_cursor_pos(int x, int y) { #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); COORD c = {SHORT(x), SHORT(y)}; SetConsoleCursorPosition(out, c); #else printf("\033[%d;%dH", y + 1, x + 1); #endif } void clear_screen() { #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); COORD c = {0, 0}; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO si; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(out, &si); DWORD n; FillConsoleOutputCharacter(out, ' ', si.dwSize.X * si.dwSize.Y, c, &n); FillConsoleOutputAttribute(out, 0x7, si.dwSize.X * si.dwSize.Y, c, &n); #else printf("\033[2J"); #endif } void clear_rows(int y1, int y2) { if (y1 > y2) return; #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); COORD c = {0, SHORT(y1)}; SetConsoleCursorPosition(out, c); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO si; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(out, &si); DWORD n; int num_chars = si.dwSize.X * (std::min)(si.dwSize.Y - y1, y2 - y1); FillConsoleOutputCharacter(out, ' ', num_chars, c, &n); FillConsoleOutputAttribute(out, 0x7, num_chars, c, &n); #else for (int i = y1; i < y2; ++i) printf("\033[%d;1H\033[2K", i + 1); #endif } void terminal_size(int* terminal_width, int* terminal_height) { #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO coninfo; if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(out, &coninfo)) { *terminal_width = coninfo.dwSize.X; *terminal_height = coninfo.srWindow.Bottom - coninfo.srWindow.Top; #else int tty = open("/dev/tty", O_RDONLY); if (tty < 0) { *terminal_width = 190; *terminal_height = 100; return; } winsize size; int ret = ioctl(tty, TIOCGWINSZ, reinterpret_cast(&size)); close(tty); if (ret == 0) { *terminal_width = size.ws_col; *terminal_height = size.ws_row; #endif if (*terminal_width < 64) *terminal_width = 64; if (*terminal_height < 25) *terminal_height = 25; } else { *terminal_width = 190; *terminal_height = 100; } } #ifdef _WIN32 void apply_ansi_code(int* attributes, bool* reverse, bool* support_chaining, int code) { static const int color_table[8] = { 0, // black FOREGROUND_RED, // red FOREGROUND_GREEN, // green FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN, // yellow FOREGROUND_BLUE, // blue FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_BLUE, // magenta FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN, // cyan FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE // white }; enum { foreground_mask = FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY, background_mask = BACKGROUND_RED | BACKGROUND_GREEN | BACKGROUND_BLUE | BACKGROUND_INTENSITY }; static const int fg_mask[2] = {foreground_mask, background_mask}; static const int bg_mask[2] = {background_mask, foreground_mask}; static const int fg_shift[2] = { 0, 4}; static const int bg_shift[2] = { 4, 0}; // default foreground if (code == 39) code = 37; // default background if (code == 49) code = 40; if (code == 0) { // reset *attributes = color_table[7]; *reverse = false; *support_chaining = true; } else if (code == 1) { // intensity *attributes |= *reverse ? BACKGROUND_INTENSITY : FOREGROUND_INTENSITY; *support_chaining = true; } else if (code == 7) { // reverse video *support_chaining = true; if (*reverse) return; *reverse = true; int fg_col = *attributes & foreground_mask; int bg_col = (*attributes & background_mask) >> 4; *attributes &= ~(foreground_mask + background_mask); *attributes |= fg_col << 4; *attributes |= bg_col; } else if (code >= 30 && code <= 37) { // foreground color *attributes &= ~fg_mask[*reverse]; *attributes |= color_table[code - 30] << fg_shift[*reverse]; *support_chaining = true; } else if (code >= 40 && code <= 47) { // background color *attributes &= ~bg_mask[*reverse]; *attributes |= color_table[code - 40] << bg_shift[*reverse]; *support_chaining = true; } } #endif void print(char const* buf) { #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); int current_attributes = 7; bool reverse = false; SetConsoleTextAttribute(out, current_attributes); char const* start = buf; DWORD written; while (*buf != 0) { if (*buf == '\033' && buf[1] == '[') { WriteFile(out, start, DWORD(buf - start), &written, NULL); buf += 2; // skip escape and '[' start = buf; if (*buf == 0) break; if (*start == 'K') { // this means clear the rest of the line. CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO sbi; if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(out, &sbi)) { COORD const pos = sbi.dwCursorPosition; int const width = sbi.dwSize.X; int const run = width - pos.X; DWORD n; FillConsoleOutputAttribute(out, 0x7, run, pos, &n); FillConsoleOutputCharacter(out, ' ', run, pos, &n); } ++buf; start = buf; continue; } else if (*start == 'J') { // clear rest of screen CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO sbi; if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(out, &sbi)) { COORD pos = sbi.dwCursorPosition; int width = sbi.dwSize.X; int run = (width - pos.X) + width * (sbi.dwSize.Y - pos.Y - 1); DWORD n; FillConsoleOutputAttribute(out, 0x7, run, pos, &n); FillConsoleOutputCharacter(out, ' ', run, pos, &n); } ++buf; start = buf; continue; } one_more: while (*buf != 'm' && *buf != ';' && *buf != 0) ++buf; // this is where we handle reset, color and reverse codes if (*buf == 0) break; int code = atoi(start); bool support_chaining = false; apply_ansi_code(¤t_attributes, &reverse, &support_chaining, code); if (support_chaining) { if (*buf == ';') { ++buf; start = buf; goto one_more; } } else { // ignore codes with multiple fields for now while (*buf != 'm' && *buf != 0) ++buf; } SetConsoleTextAttribute(out, current_attributes); ++buf; // skip 'm' start = buf; } else { ++buf; } } WriteFile(out, start, DWORD(buf - start), &written, NULL); #else fputs(buf, stdout); #endif }