/* Copyright (c) 2003, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "zlib.h" #include "libtorrent/tracker_manager.hpp" #include "libtorrent/http_tracker_connection.hpp" #include "libtorrent/udp_tracker_connection.hpp" #include "libtorrent/entry.hpp" #include "libtorrent/bencode.hpp" #include "libtorrent/torrent.hpp" #include "libtorrent/io.hpp" using namespace libtorrent; namespace { enum { minimum_tracker_response_length = 3, http_buffer_size = 2048 }; enum { FTEXT = 0x01, FHCRC = 0x02, FEXTRA = 0x04, FNAME = 0x08, FCOMMENT = 0x10, FRESERVED = 0xe0, GZIP_MAGIC0 = 0x1f, GZIP_MAGIC1 = 0x8b }; } namespace libtorrent { http_tracker_connection::http_tracker_connection( tracker_request const& req , std::string const& hostname , unsigned short port , std::string const& request , request_callback* c , const http_settings& stn , std::string const& password) : tracker_connection(c) , m_state(read_status) , m_content_encoding(plain) , m_content_length(0) , m_recv_pos(0) , m_request_time(boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time()) , m_settings(stn) { const std::string* connect_to_host; bool using_proxy = false; // should we use the proxy? if (!m_settings.proxy_ip.empty()) { connect_to_host = &m_settings.proxy_ip; if (m_settings.proxy_port != 0) port = m_settings.proxy_port; using_proxy = true; } else { connect_to_host = &hostname; } // TODO: this is a problem. DNS-lookup is blocking! // (may block up to 5 seconds) address a(connect_to_host->c_str(), port); if (c) c->m_tracker_address = a; boost::shared_ptr s(new socket(socket::tcp, false)); s->connect(a); m_send_buffer.assign("GET "); if (using_proxy) { m_send_buffer += "http://"; m_send_buffer += hostname; if (port != 80) m_send_buffer += boost::lexical_cast(port); } m_send_buffer += request; m_send_buffer += "?info_hash="; m_send_buffer += escape_string( reinterpret_cast(req.info_hash.begin()), 20); m_send_buffer += "&peer_id="; m_send_buffer += escape_string( reinterpret_cast(req.id.begin()), 20); m_send_buffer += "&port="; m_send_buffer += boost::lexical_cast(req.listen_port); m_send_buffer += "&uploaded="; m_send_buffer += boost::lexical_cast(req.uploaded); m_send_buffer += "&downloaded="; m_send_buffer += boost::lexical_cast(req.downloaded); m_send_buffer += "&left="; m_send_buffer += boost::lexical_cast(req.left); if (req.event != tracker_request::none) { const char* event_string[] = {"completed", "started", "stopped"}; m_send_buffer += "&event="; m_send_buffer += event_string[req.event - 1]; } m_send_buffer += "&key="; std::stringstream key_string; key_string << std::hex << req.key; m_send_buffer += key_string.str(); m_send_buffer += "&compact=1"; m_send_buffer += "&numwant="; m_send_buffer += boost::lexical_cast(req.num_want); // extension that tells the tracker that // we don't need any peer_id's in the response m_send_buffer += "&no_peer_id=1"; m_send_buffer += " HTTP/1.0\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip\r\n" "User-Agent: "; m_send_buffer += m_settings.user_agent; m_send_buffer += " (libtorrent)\r\n" "Host: "; m_send_buffer += hostname; if (port != 80) { m_send_buffer += ':'; m_send_buffer += boost::lexical_cast(port); } if (using_proxy && !m_settings.proxy_login.empty()) { m_send_buffer += "\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic "; m_send_buffer += base64encode(m_settings.proxy_login + ":" + m_settings.proxy_password); } if (password != "") { m_send_buffer += "\r\nAuthorization: Basic "; m_send_buffer += base64encode(password); } m_send_buffer += "\r\n\r\n"; #ifndef NDEBUG if (c) c->debug_log("==> TRACKER_REQUEST [ str: " + m_send_buffer + " ]"); #endif m_socket = s; } // returns true if this connection is finished and should be removed from // the connections list. bool http_tracker_connection::tick() { #ifndef NDEBUG try { #endif using namespace boost::posix_time; time_duration d = second_clock::local_time() - m_request_time; if (d > seconds(m_settings.tracker_timeout) || (requester() == 0 && d > seconds(m_settings.stop_tracker_timeout))) { if (requester()) requester()->tracker_request_timed_out(); return true; } #ifndef NDEBUG if (requester()) requester()->debug_log("tracker connection tick"); #endif // if we have a send buffer and the socket is ready for writing // send the buffer if (!m_send_buffer.empty() && m_socket->is_writable()) { int sent = m_socket->send(m_send_buffer.c_str(),(int)m_send_buffer.size()); if (sent == (int)m_send_buffer.size()) { #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1300 m_send_buffer.erase(m_send_buffer.begin(), m_send_buffer.end()); #else m_send_buffer.clear(); #endif } else if (sent > 0) { m_send_buffer.erase( m_send_buffer.begin() , m_send_buffer.begin() + sent); } if (sent != 0) m_request_time = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time(); } // if the socket isn't ready for reading, there's no point in continuing // trying to read from it if (!m_socket->is_readable()) return false; m_request_time = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time(); #ifndef NDEBUG if (requester()) requester()->debug_log("tracker connection socket readable"); #endif // if the receive buffer is full, expand it with http_buffer_size if ((int)m_buffer.size() == m_recv_pos) { if ((int)m_buffer.size() > m_settings.tracker_maximum_response_length) { if (requester()) { requester()->tracker_request_error( 200 , "too large tracker response"); } return true; } assert(http_buffer_size > 0); m_buffer.resize(m_buffer.size() + http_buffer_size); } assert(m_recv_pos >= 0); assert(m_recv_pos < (int)m_buffer.size()); int received = m_socket->receive(&m_buffer[m_recv_pos], (int)m_buffer.size() - m_recv_pos); assert(received <= (int)m_buffer.size() - m_recv_pos); if (received > 0) m_recv_pos += received; #ifndef NDEBUG if (requester()) requester()->debug_log("received: " + boost::lexical_cast(m_recv_pos)); #endif if (m_state == read_status) { if (received <= 0) { if (requester()) { requester()->tracker_request_error( -1 , "invalid tracker response, connection closed"); } return true; } std::vector::iterator end = m_buffer.begin()+m_recv_pos; std::vector::iterator newline = std::find(m_buffer.begin(), end, '\n'); // if we don't have a full line yet, wait. if (newline == end) return false; #ifndef NDEBUG if (requester()) requester()->debug_log(std::string(m_buffer.begin(), newline)); #endif std::istringstream line(std::string(m_buffer.begin(), newline)); ++newline; m_recv_pos -= (int)std::distance(m_buffer.begin(), newline); m_buffer.erase(m_buffer.begin(), newline); std::string protocol; line >> m_server_protocol; if (m_server_protocol.substr(0, 5) != "HTTP/") { std::string error_msg = "unknown protocol in response: " + m_server_protocol; if (requester()) requester()->tracker_request_error(-1, error_msg.c_str()); return true; } int code; line >> code; std::getline(line, m_server_message); m_state = read_header; if (code != 200) { std::string error_msg = boost::lexical_cast(code) + " " + m_server_message; if (requester()) requester()->tracker_request_error(code, error_msg.c_str()); return true; } } if (m_state == read_header) { if (received <= 0) { if (requester()) requester()->tracker_request_error(-1, "invalid tracker response, connection closed while reading header"); return true; } std::vector::iterator end = m_buffer.begin()+m_recv_pos; std::vector::iterator newline = std::find(m_buffer.begin(), end, '\n'); std::string line; while (newline != end && m_state == read_header) { line.assign(m_buffer.begin(), newline); #ifndef NDEBUG if (requester()) requester()->debug_log(line); #endif if (line.substr(0, 16) == "Content-Length: ") { try { m_content_length = boost::lexical_cast(line.substr(16)); } catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { if (requester()) { requester()->tracker_request_error( -1, "invalid content-length in tracker response"); } return true; } if (m_content_length > m_settings.tracker_maximum_response_length) { if (requester()) { requester()->tracker_request_error( -1 , "content-length is greater than maximum response length"); } return true; } if (m_content_length < minimum_tracker_response_length) { if (requester()) { requester()->tracker_request_error( -1 , "content-length is smaller than minimum response length"); } return true; } } else if (line.substr(0, 18) == "Content-Encoding: ") { if (line.substr(18, 4) == "gzip" || line.substr(18, 6) == "x-gzip") { m_content_encoding = gzip; } else { std::string error_str = "unknown content encoding in response: \""; error_str += line.substr(18, line.length() - 18 - 2); error_str += "\""; if (requester()) { requester()->tracker_request_error(-1, error_str.c_str()); } return true; } } else if (line.size() < 3) { m_state = read_body; #ifndef NDEBUG if (requester()) requester()->debug_log("end of http header"); #endif } ++newline; assert(m_recv_pos <= (int)m_buffer.size()); m_recv_pos -= (int)std::distance(m_buffer.begin(), newline); m_buffer.erase(m_buffer.begin(), newline); assert(m_recv_pos <= (int)m_buffer.size()); end = m_buffer.begin() + m_recv_pos; newline = std::find(m_buffer.begin(), end, '\n'); } } if (m_state == read_body) { if (m_recv_pos == m_content_length || received <= 0) { // GZIP if (m_content_encoding == gzip) { if (inflate_gzip(m_buffer, requester(), m_settings.tracker_maximum_response_length)) return true; } // handle tracker response entry e = bdecode(m_buffer.begin(), m_buffer.end()); parse(e); return true; } return false; } else if (m_recv_pos > m_content_length && m_content_length > 0) { if (requester()) { requester()->tracker_request_error( -1 , "invalid tracker response (body > content_length)"); } return true; } return false; #ifndef NDEBUG } catch (std::exception&) { if (requester()) requester()->debug_log(std::string(m_buffer.begin(), m_buffer.end()); throw; } #endif } peer_entry http_tracker_connection::extract_peer_info(const entry& info) { peer_entry ret; // extract peer id (if any) entry const* i = info.find_key("peer id"); if (i != 0) { if (i->string().length() != 20) throw std::runtime_error("invalid response from tracker"); std::copy(i->string().begin(), i->string().end(), ret.id.begin()); } else { // if there's no peer_id, just initialize it to a bunch of zeroes std::fill_n(ret.id.begin(), 20, 0); } // extract ip i = info.find_key("ip"); if (i == 0) throw std::runtime_error("invalid response from tracker"); ret.ip = i->string(); // extract port i = info.find_key("port"); if (i == 0) throw std::runtime_error("invalid response from tracker"); ret.port = (unsigned short)i->integer(); return ret; } void http_tracker_connection::parse(const entry& e) { if (requester() == 0) return; std::vector peer_list; try { // parse the response try { const entry& failure = e["failure reason"]; throw std::runtime_error(failure.string().c_str()); } catch (const type_error&) {} int interval = e["interval"].integer(); peer_list.clear(); if (e["peers"].type() == entry::string_t) { std::string const& peers = e["peers"].string(); for (std::string::const_iterator i = peers.begin(); i != peers.end();) { if (std::distance(i, peers.end()) < 6) break; peer_entry p; p.id.clear(); std::stringstream ip_str; ip_str << (int)detail::read_uint8(i) << "."; ip_str << (int)detail::read_uint8(i) << "."; ip_str << (int)detail::read_uint8(i) << "."; ip_str << (int)detail::read_uint8(i); p.ip = ip_str.str(); p.port = detail::read_uint16(i); peer_list.push_back(p); } } else { const entry::list_type& l = e["peers"].list(); for(entry::list_type::const_iterator i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i) { peer_entry p = extract_peer_info(*i); peer_list.push_back(p); } } requester()->tracker_response(peer_list, interval); } catch(type_error& e) { requester()->tracker_request_error(-1, e.what()); } catch(std::runtime_error& e) { requester()->tracker_request_error(-1, e.what()); } } }