// ignore warnings in this file #include "libtorrent/aux_/disable_warnings_push.hpp" #include "libtorrent/ed25519.hpp" #include "fe.h" void ed25519_key_exchange(unsigned char *shared_secret , const unsigned char *public_key, const unsigned char *private_key) { unsigned char e[32]; unsigned int i; fe x1; fe x2; fe z2; fe x3; fe z3; fe tmp0; fe tmp1; int pos; unsigned int swap; unsigned int b; /* copy the private key and make sure it's valid */ for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { e[i] = private_key[i]; } e[0] &= 248; e[31] &= 63; e[31] |= 64; /* unpack the public key and convert edwards to montgomery */ /* due to CodesInChaos: montgomeryX = (edwardsY + 1)*inverse(1 - edwardsY) mod p */ fe_frombytes(x1, public_key); fe_1(tmp1); fe_add(tmp0, x1, tmp1); fe_sub(tmp1, tmp1, x1); fe_invert(tmp1, tmp1); fe_mul(x1, tmp0, tmp1); fe_1(x2); fe_0(z2); fe_copy(x3, x1); fe_1(z3); swap = 0; for (pos = 254; pos >= 0; --pos) { b = e[pos / 8] >> (pos & 7); b &= 1; swap ^= b; fe_cswap(x2, x3, swap); fe_cswap(z2, z3, swap); swap = b; /* from montgomery.h */ fe_sub(tmp0, x3, z3); fe_sub(tmp1, x2, z2); fe_add(x2, x2, z2); fe_add(z2, x3, z3); fe_mul(z3, tmp0, x2); fe_mul(z2, z2, tmp1); fe_sq(tmp0, tmp1); fe_sq(tmp1, x2); fe_add(x3, z3, z2); fe_sub(z2, z3, z2); fe_mul(x2, tmp1, tmp0); fe_sub(tmp1, tmp1, tmp0); fe_sq(z2, z2); fe_mul121666(z3, tmp1); fe_sq(x3, x3); fe_add(tmp0, tmp0, z3); fe_mul(z3, x1, z2); fe_mul(z2, tmp1, tmp0); } fe_cswap(x2, x3, swap); fe_cswap(z2, z3, swap); fe_invert(z2, z2); fe_mul(x2, x2, z2); fe_tobytes(shared_secret, x2); }