made a bias to give connection attempts to downloading torrents with few peers. Should accelerate downloads on windows (where there's a half-open connection limit)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
* Better bias to give connections to downloading torrents
with fewer peers.
* Optimized resource usage (removed the checking thread)
* Support to bind outgoing connections to specific ports
* Disk cache support.
@ -280,6 +280,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
bool want_more_peers() const;
bool try_connect_peer();
void give_connect_points(int points);
// the number of peers that belong to this torrent
int num_peers() const { return (int)m_connections.size(); }
@ -816,6 +817,19 @@ namespace libtorrent
// total_done - m_initial_done <= total_payload_download
size_type m_initial_done;
// this is the deficit counter in the Deficit Round Robin
// used to determine which torrent gets the next
// connection attempt. See:
// The quanta assigned to each torrent depends on the torrents
// priority, whether it's seed and the number of connected
// peers it has. This has the effect that some torrents
// will have more connection attempts than other. Each
// connection attempt costs 100 points from the deficit
// counter. points are deducted in try_connect_peer and
// increased in give_connect_points. Outside of the
// torrent object, these points are called connect_points.
int m_deficit_counter;
policy m_policy;
@ -847,7 +847,72 @@ namespace aux {
<< std::endl;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// second_tick every torrent
// --------------------------------------------------------------
int congested_torrents = 0;
int uncongested_torrents = 0;
// count the number of seeding torrents vs. downloading
// torrents we are running
int num_seeds = 0;
int num_downloads = 0;
// count the number of peers of downloading torrents
int num_downloads_peers = 0;
// check each torrent for tracker updates
// TODO: do this in a timer-event in each torrent instead
for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin();
i != m_torrents.end();)
torrent& t = *i->second;
if (t.bandwidth_queue_size(peer_connection::upload_channel))
if (t.is_finished())
num_downloads_peers += t.num_peers();
if (t.should_request())
tracker_request req = t.generate_tracker_request();
req.listen_port = 0;
if (!m_listen_sockets.empty())
req.listen_port = m_listen_sockets.front().external_port;
req.key = m_key;
m_tracker_manager.queue_request(m_io_service, m_half_open, req
, t.tracker_login(), m_listen_interface.address(), i->second);
if (m_alerts.should_post(alert::info))
t.get_handle(), "tracker announce"));
t.second_tick(m_stat, tick_interval);
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// connect new peers
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// let torrents connect to peers if they want to
// if there are any torrents and any free slots
@ -864,6 +929,9 @@ namespace aux {
// this is the maximum number of connections we will
// attempt this tick
int max_connections = m_settings.connection_speed;
int average_peers = 0;
if (num_downloads > 0)
average_peers = num_downloads_peers / num_downloads;
torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin();
if (m_next_connect_torrent < int(m_torrents.size()))
@ -877,6 +945,21 @@ namespace aux {
torrent& t = *i->second;
if (t.want_more_peers())
int connect_points = 100;
// have a bias against torrents with more peers
// than average
if (!t.is_seed() && t.num_peers() > average_peers)
connect_points /= 2;
// if this is a seed and there is a torrent that
// is downloading, lower the rate at which this
// torrent gets connections.
// dividing by num_seeds will have the effect
// that all seed will get as many connections
// together, as a single downloading torrent.
if (t.is_seed() && num_downloads > 0)
connect_points /= num_seeds + 1;
if (connect_points <= 0) connect_points = 1;
if (t.try_connect_peer())
@ -904,9 +987,9 @@ namespace aux {
i = m_torrents.begin();
m_next_connect_torrent = 0;
// if we have gone one whole loop without
// if we have gone two whole loops without
// handing out a single connection, break
if (steps_since_last_connect > num_torrents) break;
if (steps_since_last_connect > num_torrents * 2) break;
// if there are no more free connection slots, abort
if (free_slots <= -m_half_open.limit()) break;
// if we should not make any more connections
@ -953,45 +1036,6 @@ namespace aux {
int congested_torrents = 0;
int uncongested_torrents = 0;
// check each torrent for tracker updates
// TODO: do this in a timer-event in each torrent instead
for (torrent_map::iterator i = m_torrents.begin();
i != m_torrents.end();)
torrent& t = *i->second;
if (t.bandwidth_queue_size(peer_connection::upload_channel))
if (t.should_request())
tracker_request req = t.generate_tracker_request();
req.listen_port = 0;
if (!m_listen_sockets.empty())
req.listen_port = m_listen_sockets.front().external_port;
req.key = m_key;
m_tracker_manager.queue_request(m_io_service, m_half_open, req
, t.tracker_login(), m_listen_interface.address(), i->second);
if (m_alerts.should_post(alert::info))
t.get_handle(), "tracker announce"));
// second_tick() will set the used upload quota
t.second_tick(m_stat, tick_interval);
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// unchoke set and optimistic unchoke calculations
// --------------------------------------------------------------
@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
, m_max_uploads((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)())
, m_num_uploads(0)
, m_max_connections((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)())
, m_deficit_counter(0)
, m_policy(this)
#ifndef NDEBUG
@ -268,6 +269,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
, m_max_uploads((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)())
, m_num_uploads(0)
, m_max_connections((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)())
, m_deficit_counter(0)
, m_policy(this)
#ifndef NDEBUG
@ -2312,6 +2314,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
TORRENT_ASSERT(peerinfo->connection == 0);
peerinfo->connected = time_now();
#ifndef NDEBUG
// this asserts that we don't have duplicates in the policy's peer list
@ -3269,7 +3272,18 @@ namespace libtorrent
bool torrent::try_connect_peer()
return m_policy.connect_one_peer();
if (m_deficit_counter < 100) return false;
m_deficit_counter -= 100;
bool ret = m_policy.connect_one_peer();
return ret;
void torrent::give_connect_points(int points)
TORRENT_ASSERT(points <= 100);
TORRENT_ASSERT(points > 0);
m_deficit_counter += points;
void torrent::async_verify_piece(int piece_index, boost::function<void(bool)> const& f)
Reference in New Issue