fix DHT log parsing and graph generation

This commit is contained in:
Arvid Norberg 2013-12-22 21:43:27 +00:00
parent 90452a9bf3
commit ff1b06871e
1 changed files with 67 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ up_time_quanta = 500
f = open(sys.argv[1])
announce_histogram = {}
#TODO: make this histogram into a CDF
node_uptime_histogram = {}
counter = 0;
@ -85,8 +88,24 @@ for line in f:
lookup_times_min = []
lookup_times_max = []
# these are the timestamps for lookups crossing distance
# to target boundaries
lookup_distance = []
for i in range(0, 15):
for s in searches:
for i in s:
if not 'last_dist' in i:
i['last_dist'] = -1
cur_dist = 160 - i['d']
last_dist = i['last_dist']
if cur_dist > last_dist:
for j in range(last_dist + 1, cur_dist + 1):
if j >= len(lookup_distance): break
i['last_dist'] = cur_dist
if i['e'] != 'PEERS': continue
@ -95,6 +114,7 @@ for s in searches:
out = open('dht_lookup_times_cdf.txt', 'w+')
@ -104,19 +124,32 @@ for i in range(len(lookup_times_min)):
print >>out, '%d\t%d\t%f' % (lookup_times_min[i], lookup_times_max[i], counter / float(len(lookup_times_min)))
for i in lookup_distance:
dist = 0
for i in lookup_distance:
out = open('dht_lookup_distance_%d.txt' % dist, 'w+')
dist += 1
counter = 0
for j in i:
counter += 1
print >>out, '%d\t%f' % (j, counter / float(len(i)))
out = open('dht_lookups.txt', 'w+')
for s in searches:
for i in s:
if i['e'] == 'INVOKE':
print >>out, ' ->', i['t'], i['d']
print >>out, ' ->', i['t'], 160 - i['d']
elif i['e'] == '1ST_TIMEOUT':
print >>out, ' x ', i['t'], i['d']
print >>out, ' x ', i['t'], 160 - i['d']
elif i['e'] == 'TIMEOUT':
print >>out, ' X ', i['t'], i['d']
print >>out, ' X ', i['t'], 160 - i['d']
elif i['e'] == 'PEERS':
print >>out, ' <-', i['t'], i['d']
print >>out, ' <-', i['t'], 160 - i['d']
elif i['e'] == 'COMPLETED':
print >>out, '***', i['t'], i['d'], '\n'
print >>out, '***', i['t'], 160 - i['d'], '\n'
@ -127,10 +160,17 @@ for k,v in announce_histogram.items():
print '%d %d' % (k, v)
out = open('dht_node_uptime_distribution.dat', 'w+')
print 'node uptimes: %d' % len(node_uptime_histogram)
out = open('dht_node_uptime_cdf.txt', 'w+')
s = 0
total_uptime_nodes = 0
for k,v in node_uptime_histogram.items():
print >>out, '%d %d' % (k + up_time_quanta/2, v)
total_uptime_nodes += v
for k,v in sorted(node_uptime_histogram.items()):
s += v
print >>out, '%f %f' % (k / float(60), s / float(total_uptime_nodes))
print '%f %f' % (k / float(60), s / float(total_uptime_nodes))
out = open('dht.gnuplot', 'w+')
@ -159,16 +199,14 @@ set output ""
set term png size 1200,700 small
set output "dht_node_uptime_distribution.png"
set output "dht_node_uptime_cdf.png"
set xrange [0:*]
set title "node up time"
set ylabel "# of nodes"
set xlabel "uptime (seconds)"
set xtics %f
set ylabel "portion of nodes being offline"
set xlabel "time from first seeing the node (minutes)"
set xtics 10
unset grid
set boxwidth %f
set style fill solid border -1 pattern 2
plot "dht_node_uptime_distribution.dat" using 1:2 title "nodes" with boxes
plot "dht_node_uptime_cdf.txt" using 1:2 title "nodes" with lines
set term png size 1200,700 small
set output "dht_announce_distribution.png"
@ -185,8 +223,21 @@ set terminal postscript
set output ""
''' % (up_time_quanta, up_time_quanta))
set term png size 1200,700 small
set output "dht_lookup_distance_cdf.png"
set title "portion of lookups that have reached a certain distance in their lookups"
set ylabel "portion of lookups"
set xlabel "time from start of lookup (ms)"
set xrange [0:2000]
set xtics 100
set grid
plot ''')
dist = 0
for i in lookup_distance:
if dist > 0: out.write(', ')
out.write('"dht_lookup_distance_%d.txt" using 1:2 title "%d" with lines' % (dist, dist))
dist += 1