preliminary http proxy support for web seeds, bumped version number

This commit is contained in:
Arvid Norberg 2006-07-27 18:07:51 +00:00
parent 00df2b5bc3
commit eef4ffa18c
11 changed files with 133 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
* Added more clients to the identifiable list
* Fixed fingerprint parser to cope with latest Mainline versions
* session::listen_on() won't reopen the socket in case the port and
interface is the same as is already open.
* Added http proxy support for web seeds.
* Fixed problem where upload and download stats could become incorrect
in case of high cpu load.
* Added more clients to the identifiable list.
* Fixed fingerprint parser to cope with latest Mainline versions.
release 0.10

View File

@ -2,6 +2,15 @@ SUBDIRS = include @ZLIBDIR@ src examples test
EXTRA_DIST = docs/manual.html docs/manual.rst docs/extension_protocol.rst \
docs/extension_protocol.html docs/udp_tracker_protocol.rst \
docs/projects.rst docs/projects.html \
docs/arctic_thumb.png \
docs/bitbuddy_thumb.jpg \
docs/bitslug_thumb.png \
docs/btg_thumb.jpg \
docs/moopolice_thumb.gif \
docs/qbittorrent_thumb.jpg \
docs/ziptorrent_thumb.gif \
docs/vs2005_build_notes.html \
docs/vs2005_build_notes.rst \
docs/udp_tracker_protocol.html docs/client_test.rst docs/client_test.html \
docs/unicode_support.png docs/client_test.png docs/style.css Jamfile project-root.jam \
m4/ac_cxx_namespaces.m4 m4/acx_pthread.m4 m4/ax_boost_date-time.m4 \

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(libtorrent, 0.10)
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(libtorrent, 0.11)

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
<tr><th class="docinfo-name">Author:</th>
<td>Arvid Norberg, <a class="last reference" href="mailto:arvid&#64;">arvid&#64;</a></td></tr>
<tr><th class="docinfo-name">Version:</th>
<div class="contents topic" id="table-of-contents">
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ following features:</p>
<li>serves multiple torrents on a single port and in a single thread</li>
<li>gzipped tracker-responses</li>
<li><a class="reference" href="#http-seeding">HTTP seeding</a>, as <a class="reference" href="">specified by Michael Burford of GetRight</a>.</li>
<li>piece picking on block-level like in <a class="reference" href="">Azureus</a> (as opposed to piece-level).
<li>piece picking on block-level (as opposed to piece-level).
This means it can download parts of the same piece from different peers.
It will also prefer to download whole pieces from single peers if the
download speed is high enough from that particular peer.</li>

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ libtorrent manual
:Author: Arvid Norberg,
:Version: 0.10
:Version: 0.11
.. contents:: Table of contents
:depth: 2
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ following features:
* serves multiple torrents on a single port and in a single thread
* gzipped tracker-responses
* `HTTP seeding`_, as `specified by Michael Burford of GetRight`__.
* piece picking on block-level like in Azureus_ (as opposed to piece-level).
* piece picking on block-level (as opposed to piece-level).
This means it can download parts of the same piece from different peers.
It will also prefer to download whole pieces from single peers if the
download speed is high enough from that particular peer.
@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ following features:
.. _Azureus:
__ extension_protocol.html
__ udp_tracker_protocol.html

View File

@ -425,6 +425,8 @@ int main(int ac, char* av[])
std::string allocation_mode;
std::string in_monitor_dir;
std::string bind_to_interface;
std::string proxy;
std::string proxy_login;
int poll_interval;
namespace po = boost::program_options;
@ -469,6 +471,13 @@ int main(int ac, char* av[])
("bind,b", po::value<std::string>(&bind_to_interface)->default_value("")
, "Sets the local interface to bind outbound and the listen "
"socket to")
("proxy-server,x", po::value<std::string>(&proxy)->default_value("")
, "Sets the http proxy to be used for tracker and web seeds "
"connections. The string is expected to be on the form: "
"<hostname>:<port>. If no port is specified, 8080 is assumed")
("proxy-login,o", po::value<std::string>(&proxy_login)->default_value("")
, "Sets the username and password used to authenticate with the http "
"proxy. The string should be given in the form: <username>:<password>")
po::positional_options_description p;
@ -511,6 +520,38 @@ int main(int ac, char* av[])
input = vm["input-file"].as< std::vector<std::string> >();
session_settings settings;
if (!proxy.empty())
std::size_t i = proxy.find(':');
settings.proxy_ip = proxy.substr(0, i);
if (i == std::string::npos) settings.proxy_port = 8080;
else settings.proxy_port = boost::lexical_cast<int>(
proxy.substr(i + 1));
catch (std::exception&)
std::cerr << "Proxy hostname did not match the required format: "
<< proxy << std::endl;
return 1;
if (!proxy_login.empty())
std::size_t i = proxy_login.find(':');
if (i == std::string::npos)
std::cerr << "Proxy login did not match the required format: "
<< proxy_login << std::endl;
return 1;
settings.proxy_login = proxy_login.substr(0, i);
settings.proxy_password = proxy_login.substr(i + 1);
settings.user_agent = "client_test " LIBTORRENT_VERSION;
settings.sequenced_download_threshold = 15;

View File


View File

@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
#ifndef NDEBUG
void check_invariant() const;
boost::posix_time::ptime m_last_choke;

View File

@ -1054,7 +1054,6 @@ namespace libtorrent { namespace detail
i != m_half_open.end(); ++i)
// assert(m_selector.is_writability_monitored(i->second->get_socket()));
for (connection_map::iterator i = m_connections.begin();
@ -1062,14 +1061,10 @@ namespace libtorrent { namespace detail
if (i->second->is_connecting()
/* || i->second->can_write() != m_selector.is_writability_monitored(i->first)
|| i->second->can_read() != m_selector.is_readability_monitored(i->first)*/)
if (i->second->is_connecting())
std::ofstream error_log("error.log", std::ios_base::app);
boost::intrusive_ptr<peer_connection> p = i->second;
// error_log << "selector::is_writability_monitored() " << m_selector.is_writability_monitored(i->first) << "\n";
// error_log << "selector::is_readability_monitored() " << m_selector.is_readability_monitored(i->first) << "\n";
error_log << "peer_connection::is_connecting() " << p->is_connecting() << "\n";
error_log << "peer_connection::can_write() " << p->can_write() << "\n";
error_log << "peer_connection::can_read() " << p->can_read() << "\n";
@ -1396,16 +1391,24 @@ namespace libtorrent
session_impl::mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_impl.m_mutex);
tcp::endpoint new_interface;
if (net_interface && std::strlen(net_interface) > 0)
new_interface = tcp::endpoint(address::from_string(net_interface), port_range.first);
new_interface = tcp::endpoint(address(), port_range.first);
m_impl.m_listen_port_range = port_range;
// if the interface is the same and the socket is open
// don't do anything
if (new_interface == m_impl.m_listen_interface
&& m_impl.m_listen_socket) return true;
if (m_impl.m_listen_socket)
m_impl.m_incoming_connection = false;
m_impl.m_listen_port_range = port_range;
if (net_interface && std::strlen(net_interface) > 0)
m_impl.m_listen_interface = tcp::endpoint(address::from_string(net_interface), port_range.first);
m_impl.m_listen_interface = tcp::endpoint(address(), port_range.first);
m_impl.m_listen_interface = new_interface;
return m_impl.m_listen_socket;

View File

@ -960,10 +960,20 @@ namespace libtorrent
= parse_url_components(url);
tcp::resolver::query q(hostname, "0");
m_host_resolver.async_resolve(q, bind(&torrent::on_name_lookup
, shared_from_this(), _1, _2, port, url));
if (m_ses.m_settings.proxy_ip.empty())
tcp::resolver::query q(hostname, "0");
m_host_resolver.async_resolve(q, bind(&torrent::on_name_lookup
, shared_from_this(), _1, _2, port, url));
// use proxy
tcp::resolver::query q(m_ses.m_settings.proxy_ip, "0");
m_host_resolver.async_resolve(q, bind(&torrent::on_name_lookup
, shared_from_this(), _1, _2, m_ses.m_settings.proxy_port, url));
void torrent::on_name_lookup(asio::error const& e, tcp::resolver::iterator host

View File

@ -138,10 +138,15 @@ namespace libtorrent
bool using_proxy = false;
if (!m_ses.m_settings.proxy_ip.empty())
using_proxy = true;
if (single_file_request)
request += "GET ";
request += escape_path(m_path.c_str(), m_path.length());
if (using_proxy) request += m_url;
else request += escape_path(m_path.c_str(), m_path.length());
request += " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
request += "Host: ";
request += m_host;
@ -151,13 +156,23 @@ namespace libtorrent
request += escape_string(m_ses.m_settings.user_agent.c_str()
, m_ses.m_settings.user_agent.size());
if (using_proxy && !m_ses.m_settings.proxy_login.empty())
request += "\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic ";
request += base64encode(m_ses.m_settings.proxy_login + ":"
+ m_ses.m_settings.proxy_password);
if (using_proxy)
request += "\r\nProxy-Connection: keep-alive";
request += "\r\nRange: bytes=";
request += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(r.piece
* info.piece_length() + r.start);
request += "-";
request += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(r.piece
* info.piece_length() + r.start + r.length - 1);
if (m_first_request)
if (m_first_request || using_proxy)
request += "\r\nConnection: keep-alive";
request += "\r\n\r\n";
m_first_request = false;
@ -173,10 +188,19 @@ namespace libtorrent
file_slice const& f = *i;
std::string path = m_path;
path += info.file_at(f.file_index).path.string();
request += "GET ";
request += escape_path(path.c_str(), path.length());
if (using_proxy)
request += m_url;
std::string path = info.file_at(f.file_index).path.string();
request += escape_path(path.c_str(), path.length());
std::string path = m_path;
path += info.file_at(f.file_index).path.string();
request += escape_path(path.c_str(), path.length());
request += " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
request += "Host: ";
request += m_host;
@ -186,11 +210,21 @@ namespace libtorrent
request += escape_string(m_ses.m_settings.user_agent.c_str()
, m_ses.m_settings.user_agent.size());
if (using_proxy && !m_ses.m_settings.proxy_login.empty())
request += "\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic ";
request += base64encode(m_ses.m_settings.proxy_login + ":"
+ m_ses.m_settings.proxy_password);
if (using_proxy)
request += "\r\nProxy-Connection: keep-alive";
request += "\r\nRange: bytes=";
request += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(f.offset);
request += "-";
request += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(f.offset + f.size - 1);
if (m_first_request)
if (m_first_request || using_proxy)
request += "\r\nConnection: keep-alive";
request += "\r\n\r\n";
m_first_request = false;