made memdebug work. include script to generate graph

This commit is contained in:
Arvid Norberg 2007-12-27 06:37:18 +00:00
parent f9e20ed9b1
commit e1b1123c48
4 changed files with 296 additions and 94 deletions

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@ -153,7 +153,8 @@ rule building ( properties * )
feature disk-stats : off on : composite propagated link-incompatible ;
feature.compose <disk-stats>on : <define>TORRENT_DISK_STATS ;
feature memdebug : off on : propagated ;
feature memdebug : off on : composite propagated ;
feature.compose <memdebug>on : <define>TORRENT_MEMDEBUG ;
feature logging : none default verbose : composite propagated link-incompatible ;
feature.compose <logging>default : <define>TORRENT_LOGGING ;

125 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
import os, sys, time
# usage: memory.log memory_index.log
lines = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb').readlines()
index = open(sys.argv[2], 'rb').readlines()
# logfile format:
# #<allocation-point> <time(ms)> <key ('A' | 'F')> <address> <size> <total-size> <total-space-time> <peak-total-size>
# example:
# #12 38 A 0xd902a0 16 16 0 16
allocation_points_to_print = 30
def print_allocation_point(ap):
print 'space_time: %d kBms' % (ap['spacetime'] / 1024)
print 'allocations: %d' % ap['allocations']
print 'peak: %d kB' % (ap['peak'] / 1024)
print 'stack: '
counter = 0
for e in ap['stack']:
print '#%d %s' % (counter, e)
counter += 1
allocation_points = []
for l in index:
l = l.split('#')
ap = { 'allocations': 0, 'peak': 0, 'spacetime': 0, 'allocation_point': len(allocation_points), 'stack': l}
for l in lines:
l = l.lstrip('#').rstrip('\n').split(' ')
if len(l) != 8:
print l
ap = int(l[0])
allocation_points[ap]['allocations'] += 1
allocation_points[ap]['peak'] = int(l[7])
allocation_points[ap]['spacetime'] = int(l[6])
except Exception, e:
print type(e), e, l
print '=== space time ==='
hot_ap = []
allocation_points.sort(key = lambda x:x['spacetime'], reverse=True);
counter = 0
for ap in allocation_points[0:allocation_points_to_print]:
print '== %d ==' % counter
counter += 1
print '=== allocations ==='
allocation_points.sort(key = lambda x:x['allocations'], reverse=True);
for ap in allocation_points[0:allocation_points_to_print]:
print '=== peak ==='
allocation_points.sort(key = lambda x:x['peak'], reverse=True);
for ap in allocation_points[0:allocation_points_to_print]:
# generate graph
lines = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb').readlines()
out = open('memory.dat', 'wb')
cur_line = [0] * allocation_points_to_print
prev_line = [0] * allocation_points_to_print
last_time = 0
for l in lines:
l = l.lstrip('#').rstrip('\n').split(' ')
if len(l) != 8:
print l
time = int(l[1])
if time != last_time:
print >>out, last_time, '\t',
for i in range(allocation_points_to_print):
if cur_line[i] == -1:
print >>out, prev_line[i], '\t',
print >>out, cur_line[i], '\t',
prev_line[i] = cur_line[i]
print >>out
cur_line = [-1] * allocation_points_to_print
last_time = time
size = int(l[5])
ap = int(l[0])
if ap in hot_ap:
index = hot_ap.index(ap)
cur_line[index] = max(cur_line[index], size)
except Exception, e:
print type(e), e, l
out = open('memory.gnuplot', 'wb')
print >>out, "set term png size 1200,700"
print >>out, 'set output "memory.png"'
print >>out, 'set xrange [0:*]'
print >>out, 'set xlabel "time (ms)"'
print >>out, 'set ylabel "bytes (B)"'
print >>out, "set style data lines"
print >>out, "set key box"
print >>out, 'plot',
for k in range(allocation_points_to_print):
print >>out, ' "memory.dat" using 1:(',
for i in range(k, allocation_points_to_print):
if i == k: print >>out, '$%d' % (i + 2),
else: print >>out, '+$%d' % (i + 2),
print >>out, ') title "%d" with filledcurves x1, \\' % k
print >>out, 'x=0'
os.system('gnuplot memory.gnuplot');

View File

@ -41,122 +41,184 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
#include <map>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include "libtorrent/time.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/assert.hpp"
using boost::multi_index_container;
using namespace boost::multi_index;
using libtorrent::time_now;
struct memdebug
assert(old_malloc_hook == 0);
assert(old_free_hook == 0);
old_malloc_hook = __malloc_hook;
old_free_hook = __free_hook;
__malloc_hook = my_malloc_hook;
__free_hook = my_free_hook;
std::ofstream malloc_log;
std::ofstream malloc_index_log;
static void my_free_hook(void *ptr, const void *caller);
static void* my_malloc_hook(size_t size, const void *caller);
using boost::multi_index_container;
using namespace boost::multi_index;
static boost::mutex mutex;
static std::ofstream malloc_log;
static std::ofstream malloc_index_log;
// the original library functions
static void* (*old_malloc_hook)(size_t, const void *);
static void (*old_free_hook)(void*, const void *);
struct allocation_point_t
allocation_point_t(): allocated(0) {}
: allocated(0)
, peak_allocated(0)
, spacetime(0)
, last_update(time_now()) {}
int index;
boost::int64_t allocated;
// total number of bytes allocated from this point
int allocated;
// the maximum total number of bytes allocated
// from this point
int peak_allocated;
// total number of bytes allocated times the number of
// milliseconds they were allocated from this point
boost::int64_t spacetime;
// the last malloc or free operation on
// this allocation point. The spacetime
// should be updated from this point to
// the current operation
libtorrent::ptime last_update;
typedef boost::array<void*, 10> stacktrace_t;
typedef boost::array<void*, 15> stacktrace_t;
typedef std::map<stacktrace_t, allocation_point_t> allocation_map_t;
allocation_map_t allocation_points;
std::map<void*, std::pair<allocation_map_t::iterator, int> > allocations;
int allocation_point_index = 0;
static allocation_map_t allocation_points;
static std::map<void*, std::pair<allocation_map_t::iterator, int> > allocations;
static int allocation_point_index;
static libtorrent::ptime start_time;
// the original library functions
void* (*old_malloc_hook)(size_t, const void *);
void (*old_free_hook)(void*, const void *);
boost::mutex memdebug::mutex;
int memdebug::allocation_point_index = 0;
std::ofstream memdebug::malloc_log;
std::ofstream memdebug::malloc_index_log;
void* (*memdebug::old_malloc_hook)(size_t, const void *) = 0;
void (*memdebug::old_free_hook)(void*, const void *) = 0;
memdebug::allocation_map_t memdebug::allocation_points;
std::map<void*, std::pair<memdebug::allocation_map_t::iterator, int> > memdebug::allocations;
libtorrent::ptime memdebug::start_time = time_now();
void my_free_hook(void *ptr, const void *caller);
void* memdebug::my_malloc_hook(size_t size, const void *caller)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(mutex);
/* Restore all old hooks */
__malloc_hook = old_malloc_hook;
__free_hook = old_free_hook;
/* Call recursively */
void* result = malloc(size);
/* Save underlying hooks */
old_malloc_hook = __malloc_hook;
old_free_hook = __free_hook;
void* my_malloc_hook(size_t size, const void *caller)
stacktrace_t stack;
int stacksize = backtrace(&stack[0], stack.size());
libtorrent::ptime now = time_now();
allocation_map_t::iterator i = allocation_points.lower_bound(stack);
if (i == allocation_points.end() || i->first != stack)
void *result;
/* Restore all old hooks */
__malloc_hook = old_malloc_hook;
__free_hook = old_free_hook;
/* Call recursively */
result = malloc (size);
/* Save underlying hooks */
old_malloc_hook = __malloc_hook;
old_free_hook = __free_hook;
i = allocation_points.insert(i, std::make_pair(stack, allocation_point_t()));
i->second.index = allocation_point_index++;
i->second.allocated = size;
stacktrace_t stack;
int stacksize = backtrace(&stack[0], 10);
allocation_map_t::iterator i = allocation_points.lower_bound(stack);
if (i == allocation_points.end() || i->first != stack)
i = allocation_points.insert(i, std::make_pair(stack, allocation_point_t()));
i->second.index = allocation_point_index++;
i->second.allocated = size;
malloc_index_log << "#" << i->second.index << " ";
char** symbols = backtrace_symbols(&stack[0], stacksize);
for (int j = 0; j < stacksize; ++j)
malloc_index_log << symbols[j] << " ";
malloc_index_log << std::endl;
i->second.allocated += size;
allocations[result] = std::make_pair(i, size);
malloc_log << "#" << i->second.index << " " << time(0) << " MALLOC "
<< result << " " << size << " (" << i->second.allocated << ")" << std::endl;
/* Restore our own hooks */
__malloc_hook = my_malloc_hook;
__free_hook = my_free_hook;
return result;
malloc_index_log << i->second.index << "#";
char** symbols = backtrace_symbols(&stack[0], stacksize);
for (int j = 2; j < stacksize; ++j)
malloc_index_log << demangle(symbols[j]) << "#";
malloc_index_log << std::endl;
void my_free_hook(void *ptr, const void *caller)
/* Restore all old hooks */
__malloc_hook = old_malloc_hook;
__free_hook = old_free_hook;
/* Call recursively */
free (ptr);
/* Save underlying hooks */
old_malloc_hook = __malloc_hook;
old_free_hook = __free_hook;
std::map<void*, std::pair<allocation_map_t::iterator, int> >::iterator i
= allocations.find(ptr);
if (i != allocations.end())
allocation_point_t& ap = i->second.first->second;
int size = i->second.second;
ap.allocated -= size;
malloc_log << "#" << ap.index << " " << time(0) << " FREE "
<< ptr << " " << size << " (" << ap.allocated << ")" << std::endl;
/* Restore our own hooks */
__malloc_hook = my_malloc_hook;
__free_hook = my_free_hook;
allocation_point_t& ap = i->second;
ap.spacetime += libtorrent::total_milliseconds(now - ap.last_update) * ap.allocated;
ap.allocated += size;
if (ap.allocated > ap.peak_allocated) ap.peak_allocated = ap.allocated;
ap.last_update = now;
allocation_point_t& ap = i->second;
void my_init_hook(void)
old_malloc_hook = __malloc_hook;
old_free_hook = __free_hook;
__malloc_hook = my_malloc_hook;
__free_hook = my_free_hook;"memory.log");"memory_index.log");
allocations[result] = std::make_pair(i, size);
malloc_log << "#" << ap.index << " "
<< libtorrent::total_milliseconds(time_now() - start_time) << " A "
<< result << " " << size << " " << ap.allocated << " " << ap.spacetime
<< " " << ap.peak_allocated << std::endl;
/* Restore our own hooks */
__malloc_hook = my_malloc_hook;
__free_hook = my_free_hook;
return result;
// Override initializing hook from the C library.
void (*__malloc_initialize_hook) (void) = my_init_hook;
void memdebug::my_free_hook(void *ptr, const void *caller)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(mutex);
/* Restore all old hooks */
__malloc_hook = old_malloc_hook;
__free_hook = old_free_hook;
/* Call recursively */
/* Save underlying hooks */
old_malloc_hook = __malloc_hook;
old_free_hook = __free_hook;
std::map<void*, std::pair<allocation_map_t::iterator, int> >::iterator i
= allocations.find(ptr);
if (i != allocations.end())
allocation_point_t& ap = i->second.first->second;
int size = i->second.second;
ap.allocated -= size;
malloc_log << "#" << ap.index << " "
<< libtorrent::total_milliseconds(time_now() - start_time) << " F "
<< ptr << " " << size << " " << ap.allocated << " " << ap.spacetime
<< " " << ap.peak_allocated << std::endl;
/* Restore our own hooks */
__malloc_hook = my_malloc_hook;
__free_hook = my_free_hook;
static int ref_count = 0;
void start_malloc_debug()
boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(memdebug::mutex);
static memdebug mi;
void stop_malloc_debug()
boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(memdebug::mutex);
if (--ref_count == 0)
__malloc_hook = memdebug::old_malloc_hook;
__free_hook = memdebug::old_free_hook;

View File

@ -80,6 +80,11 @@ using boost::bind;
using boost::mutex;
using libtorrent::aux::session_impl;
void start_malloc_debug();
void stop_malloc_debug();
namespace libtorrent
@ -117,6 +122,9 @@ namespace libtorrent
// turn off the filename checking in boost.filesystem
TORRENT_ASSERT(listen_port_range.first > 0);
TORRENT_ASSERT(listen_port_range.first < listen_port_range.second);
@ -140,6 +148,9 @@ namespace libtorrent
: m_impl(new session_impl(std::make_pair(0, 0), id, ""))
#ifndef NDEBUG
boost::function0<void> test = boost::ref(*m_impl);
@ -148,6 +159,9 @@ namespace libtorrent
// if there is at least one destruction-proxy
// abort the session and let the destructor