lower threshold to report documentation issues by creating short cut links directly in the docs
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,7 +34,14 @@ enumerated on this page, please contact arvid@libtorrent.org or the `mailing lis
in general. Non-reference documentation is very much welcome as well, higher level
descriptions on how to configure libtorrent for various situations for instance.
The reference documentation for libtorrent is generated from the header files.
For updates, please submit a `pull request`_.
Each heading in the online documentation has a short-cut link to file a new issue
against the documentation.
For updates, please submit a `pull request`_. All documentation is in
restructured text (rst_). All documentation is spell checked with hunspell
which can be invoked via ``make spell-check`` in the docs directory. If
words are missing, please add them to ``docs/hunspell/libtorrent.dic``
3. Code
Contributing code for new features or bug-fixes is highly welcome. If you're interested
@ -50,10 +57,8 @@ For an overview of the internals of libtorrent, see the hacking_ page.
For outstanding things to do, see the `todo list`_ or the `sonarqube analysis`_ of master.
.. _hacking: hacking.html
.. _`pull request`: https://github.com/arvidn/libtorrent
.. _`todo list`: todo.html
.. _`sonarqube analysis`: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=libtorrent
.. _rst: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/rst.html
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
# vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
from __future__ import print_function
import urllib
import glob
import os
import sys
@ -1087,6 +1088,7 @@ def render_enums(out, enums, print_declared_reference, header_level):
print('.. raw:: html\n', file=out)
print('\t<a name="%s"></a>' % e['name'], file=out)
print('', file=out)
dump_report_issue('enum ' + e['name'], out)
print(heading('enum %s' % e['name'], header_level), file=out)
print_declared_in(out, e)
@ -1167,6 +1169,14 @@ def print_toc(out, categories, s):
print(dump_link_targets('\t'), file=out)
def dump_report_issue(h, out):
print(('.. raw:: html\n\n\t<span style="float:right;">[<a style="color:blue;" ' +
'href="http://github.com/arvidn/libtorrent/issues/new?title=docs:%s&labels=' +
'documentation&body=%s">report issue</a>]</span>\n\n').format(
urllib.quote_plus('Documentation under heading "' + h + '" could be improved')), file=out)
out = open('reference.rst', 'w+')
reference documentation
@ -1213,6 +1223,7 @@ __ reference.html
print('\t<a name="%s"></a>' % c['name'], file=out)
print('', file=out)
dump_report_issue('class ' + c['name'], out)
out.write('%s\n' % heading(c['name'], '-'))
print_declared_in(out, c)
c['desc'] = linkify_symbols(c['desc'])
@ -1253,14 +1264,13 @@ __ reference.html
for f in c['fun']:
if f['desc'] == '':
title = ''
print('.. raw:: html\n', file=out)
for n in f['names']:
print('\t<a name="%s"></a>' % n, file=out)
print('', file=out)
for n in f['names']:
title += '%s ' % n
print(heading(title.strip(), '.'), file=out)
h = ' '.join(f['names'])
dump_report_issue('%s::[%s]' % (c['name'], h), out)
print(heading(h, '.'), file=out)
block = '.. parsed-literal::\n\n'
@ -1282,23 +1292,21 @@ __ reference.html
for n in f['names']:
print('\t<a name="%s"></a>' % n, file=out)
print('', file=out)
for n in f['names']:
print('%s ' % n, end=' ', file=out)
print('', file=out)
h = ' '.join(f['names'])
dump_report_issue('%s::[%s]' % (c['name'], h), out)
print(h, file=out)
f['desc'] = linkify_symbols(f['desc'])
print('\t%s' % f['desc'].replace('\n', '\n\t'), file=out)
print(dump_link_targets(), file=out)
for f in functions:
h = ''
print('.. raw:: html\n', file=out)
for n in f['names']:
print('\t<a name="%s"></a>' % n, file=out)
print('', file=out)
for n in f['names']:
h += '%s ' % n
h = ' '.join(f['names'])
dump_report_issue(h, out)
print(heading(h, '-'), file=out)
print_declared_in(out, f)
@ -510,3 +510,6 @@ cstdint
Reference in New Issue