diff --git a/examples/Jamfile b/examples/Jamfile
index 257f29921..c8c659388 100644
--- a/examples/Jamfile
+++ b/examples/Jamfile
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ project client_test
-exe client_test : client_test.cpp ;
+exe client_test : client_test.cpp print.cpp torrent_view.cpp ;
exe simple_client : simple_client.cpp ;
exe stats_counters : stats_counters.cpp ;
diff --git a/examples/client_test.cpp b/examples/client_test.cpp
index 19e5f54c9..da2b0a332 100644
--- a/examples/client_test.cpp
+++ b/examples/client_test.cpp
@@ -64,164 +64,13 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
#include "libtorrent/time.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/create_torrent.hpp"
+#include "torrent_view.hpp"
+#include "print.hpp"
using boost::bind;
using libtorrent::total_milliseconds;
-void terminal_size(int* terminal_width, int* terminal_height)
#ifdef _WIN32
- if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(out, &coninfo))
- {
- *terminal_width = coninfo.dwSize.X;
- *terminal_height = coninfo.srWindow.Bottom - coninfo.srWindow.Top;
- int tty = open("/dev/tty", O_RDONLY);
- winsize size;
- int ret = ioctl(tty, TIOCGWINSZ, (char*)&size);
- close(tty);
- if (ret == 0)
- {
- *terminal_width = size.ws_col;
- *terminal_height = size.ws_row;
- if (*terminal_width < 64)
- *terminal_width = 64;
- if (*terminal_height < 25)
- *terminal_height = 25;
- }
- else
- {
- *terminal_width = 190;
- *terminal_height = 100;
- }
-#ifdef WIN32
-void apply_ansi_code(int* attributes, bool* reverse, int code)
- const static int color_table[8] =
- {
- 0, // black
- };
- enum
- {
- };
- const static int fg_mask[2] = {foreground_mask, background_mask};
- const static int bg_mask[2] = {background_mask, foreground_mask};
- const static int fg_shift[2] = { 0, 4};
- const static int bg_shift[2] = { 4, 0};
- if (code == 0)
- {
- // reset
- *attributes = color_table[7];
- *reverse = false;
- }
- else if (code == 7)
- {
- if (*reverse) return;
- *reverse = true;
- int fg_col = *attributes & foreground_mask;
- int bg_col = (*attributes & background_mask) >> 4;
- *attributes &= ~(foreground_mask + background_mask);
- *attributes |= fg_col << 4;
- *attributes |= bg_col;
- }
- else if (code >= 30 && code <= 37)
- {
- // foreground color
- *attributes &= ~fg_mask[*reverse];
- *attributes |= color_table[code - 30] << fg_shift[*reverse];
- }
- else if (code >= 40 && code <= 47)
- {
- // foreground color
- *attributes &= ~bg_mask[*reverse];
- *attributes |= color_table[code - 40] << bg_shift[*reverse];
- }
-void print_with_ansi_colors(char const* str)
-#ifdef WIN32
- // first, clear the console and move the cursor
- // to the top left corner
- GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(out, &si);
- COORD c = {0, 0};
- DWORD n;
- FillConsoleOutputCharacter(out, ' ', si.dwSize.X * si.dwSize.Y, c, &n);
- FillConsoleOutputAttribute(out, 0x7, si.dwSize.X * si.dwSize.Y, c, &n);
- SetConsoleCursorPosition(out, c);
- char* buf = (char*)str;
- int current_attributes = 7;
- bool reverse = false;
- SetConsoleTextAttribute(out, current_attributes);
- char* start = buf;
- DWORD written;
- while (*buf != 0)
- {
- if (*buf == '\033' && buf[1] == '[')
- {
- *buf = 0;
- WriteFile(out, start, buf - start, &written, NULL);
- buf += 2; // skip escape and '['
- start = buf;
- one_more:
- while (*buf != 'm' && *buf != ';' && *buf != 0) ++buf;
- if (*buf == 0) break;
- int code = atoi(start);
- apply_ansi_code(¤t_attributes, &reverse, code);
- if (*buf == ';')
- {
- ++buf;
- start = buf;
- goto one_more;
- }
- SetConsoleTextAttribute(out, current_attributes);
- ++buf; // skip 'm'
- start = buf;
- }
- else
- {
- ++buf;
- }
- }
- WriteFile(out, start, buf - start, &written, NULL);
- // first, clear the console and move the cursor
- // to the top left corner
- puts("\033[2J\033[0;0H");
- puts(str);
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-# define for if (false) {} else for
@@ -327,6 +176,8 @@ bool print_disk_stats = false;
// without having received a response (successful or failure)
int num_outstanding_resume_data = 0;
+torrent_view view;
int load_file(std::string const& filename, std::vector& v, libtorrent::error_code& ec, int limit = 8000000)
@@ -415,22 +266,6 @@ std::string print_endpoint(libtorrent::tcp::endpoint const& ep)
return buf;
-enum {
- torrents_all,
- torrents_downloading,
- torrents_not_paused,
- torrents_seeding,
- torrents_queued,
- torrents_stopped,
- torrents_checking,
- torrents_loaded,
- torrents_feeds,
- torrents_max
-int torrent_filter = torrents_not_paused;
struct torrent_entry
torrent_entry(libtorrent::torrent_handle h) : handle(h) {}
@@ -446,203 +281,11 @@ files_t hash_to_filename;
using libtorrent::torrent_status;
-bool show_torrent(libtorrent::torrent_status const& st, int torrent_filter, int* counters)
- ++counters[torrents_all];
- if (!st.paused
- && st.state != torrent_status::seeding
- && st.state != torrent_status::finished)
- {
- ++counters[torrents_downloading];
- }
- if (!st.paused) ++counters[torrents_not_paused];
- if (!st.paused
- && (st.state == torrent_status::seeding
- || st.state == torrent_status::finished))
- {
- ++counters[torrents_seeding];
- }
- if (st.paused && st.auto_managed)
- {
- ++counters[torrents_queued];
- }
- if (st.paused && !st.auto_managed)
- {
- ++counters[torrents_stopped];
- }
- if (st.state == torrent_status::checking_files)
- {
- ++counters[torrents_checking];
- }
- if (st.is_loaded)
- {
- ++counters[torrents_loaded];
- }
- switch (torrent_filter)
- {
- case torrents_all: return true;
- case torrents_downloading:
- return !st.paused
- && st.state != torrent_status::seeding
- && st.state != torrent_status::finished;
- case torrents_not_paused: return !st.paused;
- case torrents_seeding:
- return !st.paused
- && (st.state == torrent_status::seeding
- || st.state == torrent_status::finished);
- case torrents_queued: return st.paused && st.auto_managed;
- case torrents_stopped: return st.paused && !st.auto_managed;
- case torrents_checking: return st.state == torrent_status::checking_files;
- case torrents_loaded: return st.is_loaded;
- case torrents_feeds: return false;
- }
- return true;
bool yes(libtorrent::torrent_status const&)
{ return true; }
FILE* g_log_file = 0;
-int active_torrent = 0;
-bool compare_torrent(torrent_status const* lhs, torrent_status const* rhs)
- if (lhs->queue_position != -1 && rhs->queue_position != -1)
- {
- // both are downloading, sort by queue pos
- return lhs->queue_position < rhs->queue_position;
- }
- else if (lhs->queue_position == -1 && rhs->queue_position == -1)
- {
- // both are seeding, sort by seed-rank
- if (lhs->seed_rank != rhs->seed_rank)
- return lhs->seed_rank > rhs->seed_rank;
- return lhs->info_hash < rhs->info_hash;
- }
- return (lhs->queue_position == -1) < (rhs->queue_position == -1);
-void update_filtered_torrents(boost::unordered_set& all_handles
- , std::vector& filtered_handles, int* counters)
- filtered_handles.clear();
- memset(counters, 0, sizeof(int) * torrents_max);
- for (boost::unordered_set::iterator i = all_handles.begin()
- , end(all_handles.end()); i != end; ++i)
- {
- if (!show_torrent(*i, torrent_filter, counters)) continue;
- filtered_handles.push_back(&*i);
- }
- if (active_torrent >= int(filtered_handles.size())) active_torrent = filtered_handles.size() - 1;
- else if (active_torrent == -1 && !filtered_handles.empty()) active_torrent = 0;
- std::sort(filtered_handles.begin(), filtered_handles.end(), &compare_torrent);
-char const* esc(char const* code)
- // this is a silly optimization
- // to avoid copying of strings
- enum { num_strings = 200 };
- static char buf[num_strings][20];
- static int round_robin = 0;
- char* ret = buf[round_robin];
- ++round_robin;
- if (round_robin >= num_strings) round_robin = 0;
- ret[0] = '\033';
- ret[1] = '[';
- int i = 2;
- int j = 0;
- while (code[j]) ret[i++] = code[j++];
- ret[i++] = 'm';
- ret[i++] = 0;
- return ret;
-enum color_code
- col_none = -1,
- col_black = 0,
- col_red = 1,
- col_green = 2,
- col_yellow = 3,
- col_blue = 4,
- col_magenta = 5,
- col_cyan = 6,
- col_white = 7,
-std::string color(std::string const& s, color_code c)
- if (c == col_none) return s;
- char buf[1024];
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\x1b[3%dm%s\x1b[39m", c, s.c_str());
- return buf;
-std::string to_string(int v, int width)
- char buf[100];
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%*d", width, v);
- return buf;
-std::string& to_string(float v, int width, int precision = 3)
- // this is a silly optimization
- // to avoid copying of strings
- enum { num_strings = 20 };
- static std::string buf[num_strings];
- static int round_robin = 0;
- std::string& ret = buf[round_robin];
- ++round_robin;
- if (round_robin >= num_strings) round_robin = 0;
- ret.resize(20);
- int size = snprintf(&ret[0], 20, "%*.*f", width, precision, v);
- ret.resize((std::min)(size, width));
- return ret;
-std::string add_suffix(float val, char const* suffix = 0)
- std::string ret;
- if (val == 0)
- {
- ret.resize(4 + 2, ' ');
- if (suffix) ret.resize(4 + 2 + strlen(suffix), ' ');
- return ret;
- }
- const char* prefix[] = {"kB", "MB", "GB", "TB"};
- const int num_prefix = sizeof(prefix) / sizeof(const char*);
- for (int i = 0; i < num_prefix; ++i)
- {
- val /= 1000.f;
- if (std::fabs(val) < 1000.f)
- {
- ret = to_string(val, 4);
- ret += prefix[i];
- if (suffix) ret += suffix;
- return ret;
- }
- }
- ret = to_string(val, 4);
- ret += "PB";
- if (suffix) ret += suffix;
- return ret;
std::string const& piece_bar(libtorrent::bitfield const& p, int width)
const int table_size = 18;
@@ -679,41 +322,6 @@ std::string const& piece_bar(libtorrent::bitfield const& p, int width)
return bar;
-std::string const& progress_bar(int progress, int width, color_code c = col_green
- , char fill = '#', char bg = '-', std::string caption = "")
- static std::string bar;
- bar.clear();
- bar.reserve(width + 10);
- int progress_chars = (progress * width + 500) / 1000;
- if (caption.empty())
- {
- char code[10];
- snprintf(code, sizeof(code), "\x1b[3%dm", c);
- bar = code;
- std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(bar), progress_chars, fill);
- std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(bar), width - progress_chars, bg);
- bar += esc("39");
- }
- else
- {
- // foreground color (depends a bit on background color)
- color_code tc = col_black;
- if (c == col_black || c == col_blue)
- tc = col_white;
- caption.resize(width, ' ');
- char str[256];
- snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "\x1b[4%d;3%dm%s\x1b[48;5;238m\x1b[37m%s\x1b[49;39m"
- , c, tc, caption.substr(0, progress_chars).c_str(), caption.substr(progress_chars).c_str());
- bar = str;
- }
- return bar;
int peer_index(libtorrent::tcp::endpoint addr, std::vector const& peers)
using namespace libtorrent;
@@ -928,12 +536,12 @@ bool seed_mode = false;
bool share_mode = false;
bool disable_storage = false;
-int loop_limit = 0;
+bool quit = false;
void signal_handler(int signo)
// make the main loop terminate
- loop_limit = 1;
+ quit = true;
void load_torrent(libtorrent::sha1_hash const& ih, std::vector& buf, libtorrent::error_code& ec)
@@ -1077,13 +685,6 @@ void scan_dir(std::string const& dir_path
-torrent_status const& get_active_torrent(std::vector const& filtered_handles)
- if (active_torrent >= int(filtered_handles.size())
- || active_torrent < 0) active_torrent = 0;
- return *filtered_handles[active_torrent];
char const* timestamp()
time_t t = std::time(0);
@@ -1135,9 +736,7 @@ int save_file(std::string const& filename, std::vector& v)
// returns false if the alert was not handled
bool handle_alert(libtorrent::session& ses, libtorrent::alert* a
, handles_t& files, std::set& non_files
- , int* counters, boost::unordered_set& all_handles
- , std::vector& filtered_handles
- , bool& need_resort, std::vector& stats_counters)
+ , std::vector& stats_counters)
using namespace libtorrent;
@@ -1188,7 +787,8 @@ bool handle_alert(libtorrent::session& ses, libtorrent::alert* a
// also, add it to the files map, and remove it from the non_files list
// to keep the scan dir logic in sync so it's not removed, or added twice
torrent_handle h = p->handle;
- if (h.is_valid()) {
+ if (h.is_valid())
+ {
boost::shared_ptr ti = h.torrent_file();
create_torrent ct(*ti);
entry te = ct.generate();
@@ -1316,30 +916,7 @@ bool handle_alert(libtorrent::session& ses, libtorrent::alert* a
else if (state_update_alert* p = alert_cast(a))
- bool need_filter_update = false;
- for (std::vector::iterator i = p->status.begin();
- i != p->status.end(); ++i)
- {
- boost::unordered_set::iterator j = all_handles.find(*i);
- // add new entries here
- if (j == all_handles.end())
- {
- j = all_handles.insert(*i).first;
- if (show_torrent(*j, torrent_filter, counters))
- {
- filtered_handles.push_back(&*j);
- need_resort = true;
- }
- }
- if (j->state != i->state
- || j->paused != i->paused
- || j->auto_managed != i->auto_managed)
- need_filter_update = true;
- ((torrent_status&)*j) = *i;
- }
- if (need_filter_update)
- update_filtered_torrents(all_handles, filtered_handles, counters);
+ view.update_torrents(p->status);
return true;
return false;
@@ -1409,25 +986,6 @@ void print_piece(libtorrent::partial_piece_info* pp
out += str;
-static char const* state_str[] =
- {"checking (q)", "checking", "dl metadata"
- , "downloading", "finished", "seeding", "allocating", "checking (r)"};
-std::string torrent_state(torrent_status const& s)
- if (!s.error.empty()) return s.error;
- std::string ret;
- if (s.paused && !s.auto_managed) ret += "paused";
- else if (s.paused && s.auto_managed) ret += "queued";
- else if (s.upload_mode) ret += "upload mode";
- else ret += state_str[s.state];
- if (!s.paused && !s.auto_managed) ret += " [F]";
- char buf[10];
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " (%.1f%%)", s.progress_ppm / 10000.f);
- ret += buf;
- return ret;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc == 1)
@@ -1441,8 +999,6 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
" -t sets the scan interval of the monitor dir\n"
" -F sets the UI refresh rate. This is the number of\n"
" milliseconds between screen refreshes.\n"
- " -q automatically quit the client after of refreshes\n"
- " this is useful for scripting tests\n"
" -k enable high performance settings. This overwrites any other\n"
" previous command line options, so be sure to specify this first\n"
" -G Add torrents in seed-mode (i.e. assume all pieces\n"
@@ -1542,17 +1098,11 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// it was added through the directory monitor. It is used to
// be able to remove torrents that were added via the directory
// monitor when they're not in the directory anymore.
- boost::unordered_set all_handles;
- std::vector filtered_handles;
handles_t files;
// torrents that were not added via the monitor dir
std::set non_files;
- int counters[torrents_max];
- memset(counters, 0, sizeof(counters));
libtorrent::session ses(fingerprint("LT", LIBTORRENT_VERSION_MAJOR, LIBTORRENT_VERSION_MINOR, 0, 0)
, lt::session::add_default_plugins | lt::session::start_default_features
, alert::all_categories
@@ -1787,7 +1337,6 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
settings.set_int(settings_pack::active_seeds, atoi(arg));
settings.set_int(settings_pack::active_limit, atoi(arg) * 2);
- case 'q': loop_limit = atoi(arg); break;
case '0': disable_storage = true; --i;
++i; // skip the argument
@@ -1887,37 +1436,12 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
- while (loop_limit > 1 || loop_limit == 0)
+ while (!quit)
- if (active_torrent >= int(filtered_handles.size())) active_torrent = filtered_handles.size() - 1;
- if (active_torrent >= 0)
- {
- // ask for distributed copies for the selected torrent. Since this
- // is a somewhat expensive operation, don't do it by default for
- // all torrents
- torrent_status const& h = *filtered_handles[active_torrent];
- h.handle.status(
- torrent_handle::query_distributed_copies
- | torrent_handle::query_pieces
- | torrent_handle::query_verified_pieces);
- }
- std::vector feeds;
- ses.get_feeds(feeds);
- counters[torrents_feeds] = feeds.size();
- std::sort(filtered_handles.begin(), filtered_handles.end(), &compare_torrent);
- if (loop_limit > 1)
- {
- // in test mode, don't quit until we're seeding
- if (loop_limit > 2 || active_torrent == -1 || filtered_handles[active_torrent]->is_seeding)
- --loop_limit;
- }
int c = 0;
if (sleep_and_input(&c, refresh_delay))
@@ -1937,6 +1461,8 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
#define DOWN_ARROW 66
+ torrent_handle h = view.get_active_handle();
if (c == EOF) { break; }
@@ -1955,33 +1481,36 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (c == LEFT_ARROW)
// arrow left
- if (torrent_filter > 0)
+ int filter = view.filter();
+ if (filter > 0)
- --torrent_filter;
- update_filtered_torrents(all_handles, filtered_handles, counters);
+ --filter;
+ view.set_filter(filter);
+ h = view.get_active_handle();
else if (c == RIGHT_ARROW)
// arrow right
- if (torrent_filter < torrents_max - 1)
+ int filter = view.filter();
+ if (filter < torrent_view::torrents_max - 1)
- ++torrent_filter;
- update_filtered_torrents(all_handles, filtered_handles, counters);
+ ++filter;
+ view.set_filter(filter);
+ h = view.get_active_handle();
else if (c == UP_ARROW)
// arrow up
- --active_torrent;
- if (active_torrent < 0) active_torrent = 0;
+ view.arrow_up();
+ h = view.get_active_handle();
else if (c == DOWN_ARROW)
// arrow down
- ++active_torrent;
- if (active_torrent >= int(filtered_handles.size()))
- active_torrent = filtered_handles.size() - 1;
+ view.arrow_down();
+ h = view.get_active_handle();
@@ -2026,39 +1555,36 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (c == 'q') break;
- if (c == 'D')
+ if (c == 'D' && h.is_valid())
- torrent_status const& st = get_active_torrent(filtered_handles);
- if (st.handle.is_valid())
+ torrent_status const& st = view.get_active_torrent();
+ , st.name.c_str());
+ char response = 'n';
+ scanf("%c", &response);
+ if (response == 'y')
- , st.name.c_str());
- char response = 'n';
- scanf("%c", &response);
- if (response == 'y')
+ // also delete the .torrent file from the torrent directory
+ handles_t::iterator i = std::find_if(files.begin(), files.end()
+ , boost::bind(&handles_t::value_type::second, _1) == st.handle);
+ if (i != files.end())
- // also delete the .torrent file from the torrent directory
- handles_t::iterator i = std::find_if(files.begin(), files.end()
- , boost::bind(&handles_t::value_type::second, _1) == st.handle);
- if (i != files.end())
- {
- error_code ec;
- std::string path;
- if (is_complete(i->first)) path = i->first;
- else path = combine_path(monitor_dir, i->first);
- remove(path, ec);
- if (ec) printf("failed to delete .torrent file: %s\n", ec.message().c_str());
- files.erase(i);
- }
- if (st.handle.is_valid())
- ses.remove_torrent(st.handle, lt::session::delete_files);
+ error_code ec;
+ std::string path;
+ if (is_complete(i->first)) path = i->first;
+ else path = combine_path(monitor_dir, i->first);
+ remove(path, ec);
+ if (ec) printf("failed to delete .torrent file: %s\n", ec.message().c_str());
+ files.erase(i);
+ if (st.handle.is_valid())
+ ses.remove_torrent(st.handle, lt::session::delete_files);
- if (c == 'j' && !filtered_handles.empty())
+ if (c == 'j' && h.is_valid())
- get_active_torrent(filtered_handles).handle.force_recheck();
+ h.force_recheck();
if (c == 'x')
@@ -2066,74 +1592,74 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
print_disk_stats = !print_disk_stats;
- if (c == 'r' && !filtered_handles.empty())
+ if (c == 'r' && h.is_valid())
- get_active_torrent(filtered_handles).handle.force_reannounce();
+ h.force_reannounce();
- if (c == 's' && !filtered_handles.empty())
+ if (c == 's' && h.is_valid())
- torrent_status const& ts = get_active_torrent(filtered_handles);
- ts.handle.set_sequential_download(!ts.sequential_download);
+ torrent_status const& ts = view.get_active_torrent();
+ h.set_sequential_download(!ts.sequential_download);
if (c == 'R')
// save resume data for all torrents
- for (std::vector::iterator i = filtered_handles.begin()
- , end(filtered_handles.end()); i != end; ++i)
+ std::vector torrents;
+ ses.get_torrent_status(&torrents, &yes, 0);
+ for (std::vector::iterator i = torrents.begin()
+ , end(torrents.end()); i != end; ++i)
- if ((*i)->need_save_resume)
+ if (i->need_save_resume)
- (*i)->handle.save_resume_data();
+ i->handle.save_resume_data();
- if (c == 'o' && !filtered_handles.empty())
+ if (c == 'o' && h.is_valid())
- torrent_status const& ts = get_active_torrent(filtered_handles);
+ torrent_status const& ts = view.get_active_torrent();
int num_pieces = ts.num_pieces;
if (num_pieces > 300) num_pieces = 300;
for (int i = 0; i < num_pieces; ++i)
- ts.handle.set_piece_deadline(i, (i+5) * 1000, torrent_handle::alert_when_available);
+ h.set_piece_deadline(i, (i+5) * 1000, torrent_handle::alert_when_available);
- if (c == 'v' && !filtered_handles.empty())
+ if (c == 'v' && h.is_valid())
- torrent_status const& ts = get_active_torrent(filtered_handles);
- ts.handle.scrape_tracker();
+ h.scrape_tracker();
- if (c == 'p' && !filtered_handles.empty())
+ if (c == 'p' && h.is_valid())
- torrent_status const& ts = get_active_torrent(filtered_handles);
+ torrent_status const& ts = view.get_active_torrent();
if (!ts.auto_managed && ts.paused)
- ts.handle.auto_managed(true);
+ h.auto_managed(true);
- ts.handle.auto_managed(false);
- ts.handle.pause(torrent_handle::graceful_pause);
+ h.auto_managed(false);
+ h.pause(torrent_handle::graceful_pause);
// toggle force-start
- if (c == 'k' && !filtered_handles.empty())
+ if (c == 'k' && h.is_valid())
- torrent_status const& ts = get_active_torrent(filtered_handles);
- ts.handle.auto_managed(!ts.auto_managed);
- if (ts.auto_managed && ts.paused) ts.handle.resume();
+ torrent_status const& ts = view.get_active_torrent();
+ h.auto_managed(!ts.auto_managed);
+ if (ts.auto_managed && ts.paused) h.resume();
- if (c == 'c' && !filtered_handles.empty())
+ if (c == 'c' && h.is_valid())
- torrent_status const& ts = get_active_torrent(filtered_handles);
- ts.handle.clear_error();
+ h.clear_error();
// toggle displays
@@ -2154,24 +1680,14 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (c == '5') print_peer_rate = !print_peer_rate;
if (c == '6') print_fails = !print_fails;
if (c == '7') print_send_bufs = !print_send_bufs;
- if (c == 'y')
- {
- char url[2048];
- puts("Enter RSS feed URL:\n");
- scanf("%2048s", url);
- feed_settings set;
- set.url = url;
- set.add_args.save_path = save_path;
- feed_handle h = ses.add_feed(set);
- h.update_feed();
- }
if (c == 'h')
- print_with_ansi_colors(
+ clear_screen();
+ set_cursor_pos(0,0);
+ print(
"HELP SCREEN (press any key to dismiss)\n\n"
"[q] quit client [m] add magnet link\n"
- "[y] add RSS feed\n"
"[p] pause/unpause selected torrent\n"
@@ -2209,7 +1725,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
terminal_size(&terminal_width, &terminal_height);
- int max_lines = terminal_height - 15;
+ view.set_max_size(terminal_height - 15);
// loop through the alert queue to see if anything has happened.
std::deque alerts;
@@ -2218,11 +1734,10 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
for (std::deque::iterator i = alerts.begin()
, end(alerts.end()); i != end; ++i)
- bool need_resort = false;
- if (!::handle_alert(ses, *i, files, non_files, counters
- , all_handles, filtered_handles, need_resort, stats_counters))
+ if (!::handle_alert(ses, *i, files, non_files
+ , stats_counters))
// if we didn't handle the alert, print it to the log
std::string event_string;
@@ -2231,198 +1746,21 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (events.size() >= 20) events.pop_front();
} TORRENT_CATCH(std::exception& e) {}
- if (need_resort)
- {
- std::sort(filtered_handles.begin(), filtered_handles.end()
- , &compare_torrent);
- }
delete *i;
session_status sess_stat = ses.status();
- // in test mode, also quit when we loose the last peer
- if (loop_limit > 1 && sess_stat.num_peers == 0 && tick > 30) break;
std::string out;
- char const* filter_names[] = { "all", "downloading", "non-paused", "seeding", "queued", "stopped", "checking", "loaded", "RSS"};
- for (int i = 0; i < int(sizeof(filter_names)/sizeof(filter_names[0])); ++i)
- {
- char filter[200];
- snprintf(filter, sizeof(filter), "%s[%s (%d)]%s", torrent_filter == i?esc("7"):""
- , filter_names[i], counters[i], torrent_filter == i?esc("0"):"");
- out += filter;
- }
- out += '\n';
char str[500];
- int torrent_index = 0;
- int lines_printed = 3;
- if (torrent_filter == torrents_feeds)
- {
- for (std::vector::iterator i = feeds.begin()
- , end(feeds.end()); i != end; ++i)
- {
- if (lines_printed >= max_lines)
- {
- out += "...\n";
- break;
- }
- feed_status st = i->get_feed_status();
- if (st.url.size() > 70) st.url.resize(70);
- char update_timer[20];
- snprintf(update_timer, sizeof(update_timer), "%d", st.next_update);
- snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%-70s %s (%2d) %s\n", st.url.c_str()
- , st.updating ? "updating" : update_timer
- , int(st.items.size())
- , st.error ? st.error.message().c_str() : "");
- out += str;
- ++lines_printed;
- }
- }
- // handle scrolling down when moving the cursor
- // below the fold
- static int start_offset = 0;
- if (active_torrent >= max_lines - lines_printed - start_offset)
- start_offset = active_torrent - max_lines + lines_printed + 1;
- if (active_torrent < start_offset) start_offset = active_torrent;
- // print title bar for torrent list
- snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " %-3s %-50s %-35s %-17s %-17s %-11s %-6s %-6s %-4s\n"
- , "#", "Name", "Progress", "Download", "Upload", "Peers (D:S)", "Down", "Up", "Flags");
- out += str;
- for (std::vector::iterator i = filtered_handles.begin();
- i != filtered_handles.end(); ++torrent_index)
- {
- if (torrent_index < start_offset)
- {
- ++i;
- continue;
- }
- if (lines_printed >= max_lines)
- {
- out += "...\n";
- break;
- }
- torrent_status const& s = **i;
- if (!s.handle.is_valid())
- {
- i = filtered_handles.erase(i);
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- ++i;
- }
- // the active torrent is highligted in the list
- // this inverses the forground and background colors
- char const* selection = "";
- if (active_torrent == torrent_index)
- {
- selection = "\x1b[1m\x1b[44m";
- out += selection;
- }
- char queue_pos[16];
- if (s.queue_position == -1)
- strcpy(queue_pos, "-");
- else
- snprintf(queue_pos, sizeof(queue_pos), "%d", s.queue_position);
- std::string name = s.name;
- if (name.size() > 50) name.resize(50);
-// int seeds = 0;
-// int downloaders = 0;
-// if (s.num_complete >= 0) seeds = s.num_complete;
-// else seeds = s.list_seeds;
-// if (s.num_incomplete >= 0) downloaders = s.num_incomplete;
-// else downloaders = s.list_peers - s.list_seeds;
- color_code progress_bar_color = col_yellow;
- if (!s.error.empty()) progress_bar_color = col_red;
- else if (s.paused) progress_bar_color = col_blue;
- else if (s.state == torrent_status::downloading_metadata)
- progress_bar_color = col_magenta;
- else if (s.current_tracker.empty())
- progress_bar_color = col_red;
- else if (sess_stat.has_incoming_connections)
- progress_bar_color = col_green;
- snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%c%-3s %-50s %s%s %s (%s) %s (%s) %5d:%-5d"
- " %s %s %c%s\n"
- , s.is_loaded ? 'L' : ' '
- , queue_pos
- , name.c_str()
- , progress_bar(s.progress_ppm / 1000, 35, progress_bar_color, '-', '#', torrent_state(s)).c_str()
- , selection
- , color(add_suffix(s.download_rate, "/s"), col_green).c_str()
- , color(add_suffix(s.total_download), col_green).c_str()
- , color(add_suffix(s.upload_rate, "/s"), col_red).c_str()
- , color(add_suffix(s.total_upload), col_red).c_str()
- , s.num_peers - s.num_seeds, s.num_seeds
- , color(add_suffix(s.all_time_download), col_green).c_str()
- , color(add_suffix(s.all_time_upload), col_red).c_str()
- , s.need_save_resume?'S':' ', esc("0"));
- out += str;
- ++lines_printed;
- // if this is the selected torrent, restore the background color
- if (active_torrent == torrent_index)
- out += esc("0");
- // don't print the piece bar if we don't have any piece, or if we have all
- if (print_piece_bar && s.num_pieces != 0 && s.progress_ppm != 1000000)
- {
- out += " ";
- out += piece_bar(s.pieces, terminal_width - 7);
- out += "\n";
- ++lines_printed;
- if (s.seed_mode)
- {
- out += " ";
- out += piece_bar(s.verified_pieces, terminal_width - 7);
- out += "\n";
- ++lines_printed;
- }
- }
- if (torrent_index != active_torrent) continue;
- boost::posix_time::time_duration t = s.next_announce;
- snprintf(str, sizeof(str)
- , " peers: %s%d%s (%s%d%s) seeds: %s%d%s distributed copies: %s%4.2f%s "
- "sparse regions: %d download: %s%s%s next announce: %s%02d:%02d:%02d%s "
- "tracker: %s%s%s\n"
- , esc("37"), s.num_peers, esc("0")
- , esc("37"), s.connect_candidates, esc("0")
- , esc("37"), s.num_seeds, esc("0")
- , esc("37"), s.distributed_copies, esc("0")
- , s.sparse_regions
- , esc("32"), add_suffix(s.download_rate, "/s").c_str(), esc("0")
- , esc("37"), int(t.hours()), int(t.minutes()), int(t.seconds()), esc("0")
- , esc("36"), s.current_tracker.c_str(), esc("0"));
- out += str;
- ++lines_printed;
- }
+ clear_below(view.height());
+ set_cursor_pos(0, view.height());
int cache_flags = print_downloads ? 0 : lt::session::disk_cache_no_pieces;
- torrent_handle h;
- if (!filtered_handles.empty()) h = get_active_torrent(filtered_handles).handle;
+ torrent_handle h = view.get_active_handle();
cache_status cs;
ses.get_cache_info(&cs, h, cache_flags);
@@ -2564,18 +1902,16 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
out += str;
- torrent_status const* st = 0;
- if (!filtered_handles.empty()) st = &get_active_torrent(filtered_handles);
if (h.is_valid())
- torrent_status const& s = *st;
+ torrent_status const& s = view.get_active_torrent();
if ((print_downloads && s.state != torrent_status::seeding)
|| print_peers)
out += "====== ";
- out += st->name;
+ out += s.name;
out += " ======\n";
if (print_peers && !peers.empty())
@@ -2621,7 +1957,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
< boost::bind(&partial_piece_info::piece_index, _2));
if (ppi != queue.end() && ppi->piece_index == i->piece) pp = &*ppi;
- print_piece(pp, &*i, peers, st, out);
+ print_piece(pp, &*i, peers, &s, out);
if (pp) queue.erase(ppi);
@@ -2629,7 +1965,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
for (std::vector::iterator i = queue.begin()
, end(queue.end()); i != end; ++i)
- print_piece(&*i, 0, peers, st, out);
+ print_piece(&*i, 0, peers, &s, out);
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s %s: read cache %s %s: downloading %s %s: cached %s %s: flushed\n"
, esc("34;7"), esc("0") // read cache
@@ -2712,7 +2048,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- print_with_ansi_colors(out.c_str());
+ print(out.c_str());
if (!monitor_dir.empty()
diff --git a/examples/print.cpp b/examples/print.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9109924c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/print.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include // for close()
+#include // for open()
+#include "print.hpp"
+char const* esc(char const* code)
+ // this is a silly optimization
+ // to avoid copying of strings
+ enum { num_strings = 200 };
+ static char buf[num_strings][20];
+ static int round_robin = 0;
+ char* ret = buf[round_robin];
+ ++round_robin;
+ if (round_robin >= num_strings) round_robin = 0;
+ ret[0] = '\033';
+ ret[1] = '[';
+ int i = 2;
+ int j = 0;
+ while (code[j]) ret[i++] = code[j++];
+ ret[i++] = 'm';
+ ret[i++] = 0;
+ return ret;
+std::string to_string(int v, int width)
+ char buf[100];
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%*d", width, v);
+ return buf;
+std::string add_suffix(float val, char const* suffix)
+ std::string ret;
+ if (val == 0)
+ {
+ ret.resize(4 + 2, ' ');
+ if (suffix) ret.resize(4 + 2 + strlen(suffix), ' ');
+ return ret;
+ }
+ const char* prefix[] = {"kB", "MB", "GB", "TB"};
+ const int num_prefix = sizeof(prefix) / sizeof(const char*);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_prefix; ++i)
+ {
+ val /= 1000.f;
+ if (std::fabs(val) < 1000.f)
+ {
+ ret = to_string(val, 4);
+ ret += prefix[i];
+ if (suffix) ret += suffix;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ ret = to_string(val, 4);
+ ret += "PB";
+ if (suffix) ret += suffix;
+ return ret;
+std::string color(std::string const& s, color_code c)
+ if (c == col_none) return s;
+ char buf[1024];
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\x1b[3%dm%s\x1b[39m", c, s.c_str());
+ return buf;
+std::string const& progress_bar(int progress, int width, color_code c
+ , char fill, char bg, std::string caption)
+ static std::string bar;
+ bar.clear();
+ bar.reserve(width + 10);
+ int progress_chars = (progress * width + 500) / 1000;
+ if (caption.empty())
+ {
+ char code[10];
+ snprintf(code, sizeof(code), "\x1b[3%dm", c);
+ bar = code;
+ std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(bar), progress_chars, fill);
+ std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(bar), width - progress_chars, bg);
+ bar += esc("39");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // foreground color (depends a bit on background color)
+ color_code tc = col_black;
+ if (c == col_black || c == col_blue)
+ tc = col_white;
+ caption.resize(width, ' ');
+ char str[256];
+ snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "\x1b[4%d;3%dm%s\x1b[48;5;238m\x1b[37m%s\x1b[49;39m"
+ , c, tc, caption.substr(0, progress_chars).c_str(), caption.substr(progress_chars).c_str());
+ bar = str;
+ }
+ return bar;
+void set_cursor_pos(int x, int y)
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ COORD c = {x, y};
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(out, c);
+ printf("\033[%d;%dH", y + 1, x + 1);
+void clear_screen()
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ COORD c = {0, 0};
+ GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(out, &si);
+ DWORD n;
+ FillConsoleOutputCharacter(out, ' ', si.dwSize.X * si.dwSize.Y, c, &n);
+ FillConsoleOutputAttribute(out, 0x7, si.dwSize.X * si.dwSize.Y, c, &n);
+ printf("\033[2J");
+void clear_below(int y)
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ COORD c = {0, y};
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(out, c);
+ GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(out, &si);
+ DWORD n;
+ FillConsoleOutputCharacter(out, ' ', si.dwSize.X * (si.dwSize.Y - y), c, &n);
+ FillConsoleOutputAttribute(out, 0x7, si.dwSize.X * (si.dwSize.Y - y), c, &n);
+ printf("\033[%d;1H\033[J", y + 1);
+void terminal_size(int* terminal_width, int* terminal_height)
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(out, &coninfo))
+ {
+ *terminal_width = coninfo.dwSize.X;
+ *terminal_height = coninfo.srWindow.Bottom - coninfo.srWindow.Top;
+ int tty = open("/dev/tty", O_RDONLY);
+ winsize size;
+ int ret = ioctl(tty, TIOCGWINSZ, (char*)&size);
+ close(tty);
+ if (ret == 0)
+ {
+ *terminal_width = size.ws_col;
+ *terminal_height = size.ws_row;
+ if (*terminal_width < 64)
+ *terminal_width = 64;
+ if (*terminal_height < 25)
+ *terminal_height = 25;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *terminal_width = 190;
+ *terminal_height = 100;
+ }
+#ifdef _WIN32
+void apply_ansi_code(int* attributes, bool* reverse, int code)
+ const static int color_table[8] =
+ {
+ 0, // black
+ };
+ enum
+ {
+ };
+ const static int fg_mask[2] = {foreground_mask, background_mask};
+ const static int bg_mask[2] = {background_mask, foreground_mask};
+ const static int fg_shift[2] = { 0, 4};
+ const static int bg_shift[2] = { 4, 0};
+ if (code == 0)
+ {
+ // reset
+ *attributes = color_table[7];
+ *reverse = false;
+ }
+ else if (code == 7)
+ {
+ if (*reverse) return;
+ *reverse = true;
+ int fg_col = *attributes & foreground_mask;
+ int bg_col = (*attributes & background_mask) >> 4;
+ *attributes &= ~(foreground_mask + background_mask);
+ *attributes |= fg_col << 4;
+ *attributes |= bg_col;
+ }
+ else if (code >= 30 && code <= 37)
+ {
+ // foreground color
+ *attributes &= ~fg_mask[*reverse];
+ *attributes |= color_table[code - 30] << fg_shift[*reverse];
+ }
+ else if (code >= 40 && code <= 47)
+ {
+ // foreground color
+ *attributes &= ~bg_mask[*reverse];
+ *attributes |= color_table[code - 40] << bg_shift[*reverse];
+ }
+void print(char const* str)
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ char* buf = (char*)str;
+ int current_attributes = 7;
+ bool reverse = false;
+ SetConsoleTextAttribute(out, current_attributes);
+ char* start = buf;
+ DWORD written;
+ while (*buf != 0)
+ {
+ if (*buf == '\033' && buf[1] == '[')
+ {
+ *buf = 0;
+ WriteFile(out, start, buf - start, &written, NULL);
+ buf += 2; // skip escape and '['
+ start = buf;
+ one_more:
+ while (*buf != 'm' && *buf != ';' && *buf != 0) ++buf;
+ if (*buf == 0) break;
+ int code = atoi(start);
+ apply_ansi_code(¤t_attributes, &reverse, code);
+ if (*buf == ';')
+ {
+ ++buf;
+ start = buf;
+ goto one_more;
+ }
+ SetConsoleTextAttribute(out, current_attributes);
+ ++buf; // skip 'm'
+ start = buf;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++buf;
+ }
+ }
+ WriteFile(out, start, buf - start, &written, NULL);
+ puts(str);
diff --git a/examples/print.hpp b/examples/print.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46b6abf9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/print.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#ifndef PRINT_HPP_
+#define PRINT_HPP_
+enum color_code
+ col_none = -1,
+ col_black = 0,
+ col_red = 1,
+ col_green = 2,
+ col_yellow = 3,
+ col_blue = 4,
+ col_magenta = 5,
+ col_cyan = 6,
+ col_white = 7,
+char const* esc(char const* code);
+std::string to_string(int v, int width);
+std::string add_suffix(float val, char const* suffix = 0);
+std::string color(std::string const& s, color_code c);
+std::string const& progress_bar(int progress, int width, color_code c = col_green
+ , char fill = '#', char bg = '-', std::string caption = "");
+void set_cursor_pos(int x, int y);
+void clear_screen();
+void clear_below(int y);
+void terminal_size(int* terminal_width, int* terminal_height);
+void print(char const* str);
+#endif // PRINT_HPP_
diff --git a/examples/torrent_view.cpp b/examples/torrent_view.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24182094c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/torrent_view.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+#include "torrent_view.hpp"
+#include "print.hpp"
+const int header_size = 2;
+std::string torrent_state(lt::torrent_status const& s)
+ static char const* state_str[] =
+ {"checking (q)", "checking", "dl metadata"
+ , "downloading", "finished", "seeding", "allocating", "checking (r)"};
+ if (!s.error.empty()) return s.error;
+ std::string ret;
+ if (s.paused && !s.auto_managed) ret += "paused";
+ else if (s.paused && s.auto_managed) ret += "queued";
+ else if (s.upload_mode) ret += "upload mode";
+ else ret += state_str[s.state];
+ if (!s.paused && !s.auto_managed) ret += " [F]";
+ char buf[10];
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " (%.1f%%)", s.progress_ppm / 10000.f);
+ ret += buf;
+ return ret;
+bool compare_torrent(lt::torrent_status const* lhs, lt::torrent_status const* rhs)
+ if (lhs->queue_position != -1 && rhs->queue_position != -1)
+ {
+ // both are downloading, sort by queue pos
+ return lhs->queue_position < rhs->queue_position;
+ }
+ else if (lhs->queue_position == -1 && rhs->queue_position == -1)
+ {
+ // both are seeding, sort by seed-rank
+ if (lhs->seed_rank != rhs->seed_rank)
+ return lhs->seed_rank > rhs->seed_rank;
+ return lhs->info_hash < rhs->info_hash;
+ }
+ return (lhs->queue_position == -1) < (rhs->queue_position == -1);
+ : m_active_torrent(0)
+ , m_scroll_position(0)
+ , m_torrent_filter(0)
+ , m_max_lines(30)
+void torrent_view::set_max_size(int height)
+ m_max_lines = height;
+int torrent_view::filter() const
+ return m_torrent_filter;
+void torrent_view::set_filter(int filter)
+ if (filter == m_torrent_filter) return;
+ m_torrent_filter = filter;
+ update_filtered_torrents();
+ render();
+// returns the lt::torrent_status of the currently selected torrent.
+lt::torrent_status const& torrent_view::get_active_torrent() const
+ if (m_active_torrent >= int(m_filtered_handles.size()))
+ m_active_torrent = int(m_filtered_handles.size()) - 1;
+ if (m_active_torrent < 0) m_active_torrent = 0;
+ TORRENT_ASSERT(m_active_torrent >= 0);
+ return *m_filtered_handles[m_active_torrent];
+lt::torrent_handle torrent_view::get_active_handle() const
+ if (m_active_torrent >= int(m_filtered_handles.size()))
+ m_active_torrent = int(m_filtered_handles.size()) - 1;
+ if (m_active_torrent < 0) m_active_torrent = 0;
+ TORRENT_ASSERT(m_active_torrent >= 0);
+ if (m_filtered_handles.empty()) return lt::torrent_handle();
+ return m_filtered_handles[m_active_torrent]->handle;
+void torrent_view::update_torrents(std::vector const& st)
+ std::set updates;
+ bool need_filter_update = false;
+ for (std::vector::const_iterator i = st.begin();
+ i != st.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ boost::unordered_set::iterator j = m_all_handles.find(*i);
+ // add new entries here
+ if (j == m_all_handles.end())
+ {
+ j = m_all_handles.insert(*i).first;
+ if (show_torrent(*j))
+ {
+ m_filtered_handles.push_back(&*j);
+ need_filter_update = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool prev_show = show_torrent(*j);
+ ((lt::torrent_status&)*j) = *i;
+ if (prev_show != show_torrent(*j))
+ need_filter_update = true;
+ else
+ updates.insert(i->handle);
+ }
+ }
+ if (need_filter_update)
+ {
+ update_filtered_torrents();
+ render();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int torrent_index = 0;
+ int lines_printed = header_size;
+ for (std::vector::iterator i
+ = m_filtered_handles.begin();
+ i != m_filtered_handles.end(); ++torrent_index)
+ {
+ if (torrent_index < m_scroll_position)
+ {
+ ++i;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (lines_printed >= m_max_lines)
+ break;
+ lt::torrent_status const& s = **i;
+ if (!s.handle.is_valid())
+ continue;
+ ++i;
+ if (updates.count(s.handle) == 0)
+ continue;
+ set_cursor_pos(0, torrent_index + header_size);
+ print_torrent(s, torrent_index == m_active_torrent);
+ }
+ }
+int torrent_view::height() const
+ return int(m_filtered_handles.size() + header_size);
+void torrent_view::arrow_up()
+ if (m_filtered_handles.empty()) return;
+ if (m_active_torrent <= 0) return;
+ set_cursor_pos(0, header_size + m_active_torrent - m_scroll_position);
+ print_torrent(*m_filtered_handles[m_active_torrent], false);
+ --m_active_torrent;
+ TORRENT_ASSERT(m_active_torrent >= 0);
+ set_cursor_pos(0, header_size + m_active_torrent - m_scroll_position);
+ print_torrent(*m_filtered_handles[m_active_torrent], true);
+void torrent_view::arrow_down()
+ if (m_filtered_handles.empty()) return;
+ if (m_active_torrent >= int(m_filtered_handles.size()) - 1) return;
+ set_cursor_pos(0, header_size + m_active_torrent - m_scroll_position);
+ print_torrent(*m_filtered_handles[m_active_torrent], false);
+ ++m_active_torrent;
+ TORRENT_ASSERT(m_active_torrent >= 0);
+ set_cursor_pos(0, header_size + m_active_torrent - m_scroll_position);
+ print_torrent(*m_filtered_handles[m_active_torrent], true);
+void torrent_view::render()
+ print_tabs();
+ print_headers();
+ int lines_printed = header_size;
+ // handle scrolling down when moving the cursor
+ // below the fold
+ TORRENT_ASSERT(m_scroll_position >= 0);
+ if (m_active_torrent >= m_max_lines - m_scroll_position)
+ m_scroll_position = m_active_torrent - m_max_lines + 1;
+ TORRENT_ASSERT(m_scroll_position >= 0);
+ if (m_active_torrent < m_scroll_position)
+ m_scroll_position = m_active_torrent;
+ TORRENT_ASSERT(m_scroll_position >= 0);
+ int torrent_index = 0;
+ for (std::vector::iterator i = m_filtered_handles.begin();
+ i != m_filtered_handles.end(); ++torrent_index)
+ {
+ if (torrent_index < m_scroll_position)
+ {
+ ++i;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (lines_printed >= m_max_lines)
+ {
+ print("...\n");
+ ++lines_printed;
+ break;
+ }
+ lt::torrent_status const& s = **i;
+ if (!s.handle.is_valid())
+ {
+ i = m_filtered_handles.erase(i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ set_cursor_pos(0, torrent_index + header_size);
+ print_torrent(s, torrent_index == m_active_torrent);
+ ++lines_printed;
+ }
+ clear_below(torrent_index + header_size);
+void torrent_view::print_tabs()
+ set_cursor_pos(0, 0);
+ char str[400];
+ int pos = 0;
+ char const* filter_names[] = { "all", "downloading", "non-paused"
+ , "seeding", "queued", "stopped", "checking", "loaded"};
+ for (int i = 0; i < int(sizeof(filter_names)/sizeof(filter_names[0])); ++i)
+ {
+ pos += snprintf(str+ pos, sizeof(str) - pos, "%s[%s]%s"
+ , m_torrent_filter == i?esc("7"):""
+ , filter_names[i], m_torrent_filter == i?esc("0"):"");
+ }
+ pos += snprintf(str + pos, sizeof(str) - pos, "\x1b[K");
+ print(str);
+void torrent_view::print_headers()
+ set_cursor_pos(0, 1);
+ char str[400];
+ int pos = 0;
+ // print title bar for torrent list
+ pos = snprintf(str, sizeof(str)
+ , " %-3s %-50s %-35s %-17s %-17s %-11s %-6s %-6s %-4s\x1bK"
+ , "#", "Name", "Progress", "Download", "Upload", "Peers (D:S)"
+ , "Down", "Up", "Flags");
+ print(str);
+void torrent_view::print_torrent(lt::torrent_status const& s, bool selected)
+ int pos = 0;
+ char str[512];
+ // the active torrent is highligted in the list
+ // this inverses the forground and background colors
+ char const* selection = "";
+ if (selected)
+ selection = "\x1b[1m\x1b[44m";
+ char queue_pos[16] = {0};
+ if (s.queue_position == -1)
+ snprintf(queue_pos, sizeof(queue_pos), "-");
+ else
+ snprintf(queue_pos, sizeof(queue_pos), "%d", s.queue_position);
+ std::string name = s.name;
+ if (name.size() > 50) name.resize(50);
+ color_code progress_bar_color = col_yellow;
+ if (!s.error.empty()) progress_bar_color = col_red;
+ else if (s.paused) progress_bar_color = col_blue;
+ else if (s.state == lt::torrent_status::downloading_metadata)
+ progress_bar_color = col_magenta;
+ else if (s.current_tracker.empty())
+ progress_bar_color = col_green;
+ pos += snprintf(str + pos, sizeof(str) - pos, "%s%c%-3s %-50s %s%s %s (%s) "
+ "%s (%s) %5d:%-5d %s %s %c%s"
+ , selection
+ , s.is_loaded ? 'L' : ' '
+ , queue_pos
+ , name.c_str()
+ , progress_bar(s.progress_ppm / 1000, 35, progress_bar_color, '-', '#', torrent_state(s)).c_str()
+ , selection
+ , color(add_suffix(s.download_rate, "/s"), col_green).c_str()
+ , color(add_suffix(s.total_download), col_green).c_str()
+ , color(add_suffix(s.upload_rate, "/s"), col_red).c_str()
+ , color(add_suffix(s.total_upload), col_red).c_str()
+ , s.num_peers - s.num_seeds, s.num_seeds
+ , color(add_suffix(s.all_time_download), col_green).c_str()
+ , color(add_suffix(s.all_time_upload), col_red).c_str()
+ , s.need_save_resume?'S':' ', esc("0"));
+ // if this is the selected torrent, restore the background color
+ if (selected)
+ pos += snprintf(str + pos, sizeof(str) - pos, "%s", esc("0"));
+ pos += snprintf(str + pos, sizeof(str) - pos, "\x1b[K");
+ // don't print the piece bar if we don't have any piece, or if we have all
+ if (print_piece_bar && s.num_pieces != 0 && s.progress_ppm != 1000000)
+ {
+ out += " ";
+ out += piece_bar(s.pieces, terminal_width - 7);
+ out += "\n";
+ ++lines_printed;
+ if (s.seed_mode)
+ {
+ out += " ";
+ out += piece_bar(s.verified_pieces, terminal_width - 7);
+ out += "\n";
+ ++lines_printed;
+ }
+ }
+ print(str);
+bool torrent_view::show_torrent(lt::torrent_status const& st)
+ switch (m_torrent_filter)
+ {
+ case torrents_all: return true;
+ case torrents_downloading:
+ return !st.paused
+ && st.state != lt::torrent_status::seeding
+ && st.state != lt::torrent_status::finished;
+ case torrents_not_paused: return !st.paused;
+ case torrents_seeding:
+ return !st.paused
+ && (st.state == lt::torrent_status::seeding
+ || st.state == lt::torrent_status::finished);
+ case torrents_queued: return st.paused && st.auto_managed;
+ case torrents_stopped: return st.paused && !st.auto_managed;
+ case torrents_checking: return st.state == lt::torrent_status::checking_files;
+ case torrents_loaded: return st.is_loaded;
+ }
+ return true;
+// refresh all pointers in m_filtered_handles. This must be done when
+// inserting or removing elements from m_all_handles, since pointers may
+// be invalidated or when a torrent changes status to either become
+// visible or filtered
+void torrent_view::update_filtered_torrents()
+ m_filtered_handles.clear();
+ for (boost::unordered_set::iterator i = m_all_handles.begin()
+ , end(m_all_handles.end()); i != end; ++i)
+ {
+ if (!show_torrent(*i)) continue;
+ m_filtered_handles.push_back(&*i);
+ }
+ if (m_active_torrent >= int(m_filtered_handles.size())) m_active_torrent = m_filtered_handles.size() - 1;
+ if (m_active_torrent < 0) m_active_torrent = 0;
+ TORRENT_ASSERT(m_active_torrent >= 0);
+ std::sort(m_filtered_handles.begin(), m_filtered_handles.end(), &compare_torrent);