merged RC_1_1 into master

This commit is contained in:
arvidn 2016-12-20 01:16:13 -05:00
commit a2c4e7490e
18 changed files with 210 additions and 64 deletions

View File

@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
* resume data no longer has timestamps of files
* require C++11 to build libtorrent
* fix socks5 support for UDP
* add setting urlseed_max_request_bytes to handle large web seed requests
* fix python build with CC/CXX environment
* add trackers from add_torrent_params/magnet links to separate tiers
* fix resumedata check issue with files with priority 0
* deprecated mmap_cache feature

View File

@ -114,7 +114,10 @@ else:
# for some reason distutils uses the CC environment variable to determine
# the compiler to use for C++
os.environ["CC"] = os.environ['CXX']
if 'CXX' in os.environ:
os.environ['CC'] = os.environ['CXX']
if 'CXXFLAGS' in os.environ:
os.environ['CFLAGS'] = os.environ['CXXFLAGS']
ext = [Extension('libtorrent',
sources = source_list,

View File

@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ namespace
d["piece"] = i->piece;
d["last_use"] = total_milliseconds(now - i->last_use) / 1000.f;
d["next_to_hash"] = i->next_to_hash;
d["kind"] = i->kind;
d["kind"] = static_cast<int>(i->kind);
return pieces;

View File

@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ class test_torrent_handle(unittest.TestCase):
ti = lt.torrent_info('url_seed_multi.torrent');
h = ses.add_torrent({'ti': ti, 'save_path': os.getcwd()})
self.assertEqual(h.file_priorities(), [4,4])
self.assertEqual(h.piece_priorities(), [4])
self.assertEqual(h.file_priorities(), [0,1])

View File

@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
int picker_options() const;
void prefer_contiguous_blocks(int num)
{ m_prefer_contiguous_blocks = std::uint8_t((std::min)(num, 255)); }
{ m_prefer_contiguous_blocks = num; }
bool request_large_blocks() const
{ return m_request_large_blocks; }
@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
// if it is 0, the download rate limit setting
// will be used to determine if whole pieces
// are preferred.
std::uint8_t m_prefer_contiguous_blocks = 0;
int m_prefer_contiguous_blocks = 0;
// this is the number of times this peer has had
// a request rejected because of a disk I/O failure.

View File

@ -780,6 +780,21 @@ namespace libtorrent
// low number, like 5
// The maximum request range of an url seed in bytes. This value
// defines the largest possible sequential web seed request. Default
// is 16 * 1024 * 1024. Lower values are possible but will be ignored
// if they are lower then piece size.
// This value should be related to your download speed to prevent
// libtorrent from creating too many expensive http requests per
// second. You can select a value as high as you want but keep in mind
// that libtorrent can't create parallel requests if the first request
// did already select the whole file.
// If you combine bittorrent seeds with web seeds and pick strategies
// like rarest first you may find your web seed requests split into
// smaller parts because we don't download already picked pieces
// twice.
// time to wait until a new retry of a web seed takes place

View File

@ -961,8 +961,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
// will return the resume data in an alert
entry write_resume_data() const;
// ================ end deprecation ============
// ``use_interface()`` sets the network interface this torrent will use
// when it opens outgoing connections. By default, it uses the same
@ -971,7 +969,10 @@ namespace libtorrent
// IPv4 or IPv6 address). When specifying multiple interfaces, the
// torrent will round-robin which interface to use for each outgoing
// connection. This is useful for clients that are multi-homed.
void use_interface(const char* net_interface) const;
// ================ end deprecation ============
// Fills the specified ``std::vector<int>`` with the availability for
// each piece in this torrent. libtorrent does not keep track of

View File

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([AX_CHECK_OPENSSL], [
AC_LANG_PROGRAM([#include <openssl/ssl.h>], [SSL_new(NULL)]),
[AC_LANG_PROGRAM([#include <openssl/ssl.h>], [SSL_new(NULL)])],

View File

@ -55,12 +55,6 @@ struct fake_peer
fake_peer(simulation& sim, char const* ip)
: m_ios(sim, asio::ip::address::from_string(ip))
, m_acceptor(m_ios)
, m_socket(m_ios)
, m_info_hash(0)
, m_accepted(false)
, m_connected(false)
, m_disconnected(false)
boost::system::error_code ec;, ec);
@ -249,19 +243,19 @@ private:
char m_out_buffer[300];
asio::io_service m_ios;
asio::ip::tcp::acceptor m_acceptor;
asio::ip::tcp::socket m_socket;
asio::ip::tcp::acceptor m_acceptor{m_ios};
asio::ip::tcp::socket m_socket{m_ios};
lt::sha1_hash m_info_hash;
// set to true if this peer received an incoming connection
// if this is an outgoing connection, this will always be false
bool m_accepted;
bool m_accepted = false;
// set to true if this peer completed a bittorrent handshake
bool m_connected;
bool m_connected = false;
// set to true if this peer has been disconnected by the other end
bool m_disconnected;
bool m_disconnected = false;
std::vector<char> m_send_buffer;
@ -283,12 +277,12 @@ inline void add_fake_peers(lt::torrent_handle& h, int const n = 5)
struct fake_node
struct udp_server
fake_node(simulation& sim, char const* ip, int port = 6881)
udp_server(simulation& sim, char const* ip, int port
, std::function<std::vector<char>(char const*, int)> handler)
: m_ios(sim, asio::ip::address::from_string(ip))
, m_socket(m_ios)
, m_tripped(false)
, m_handler(handler)
boost::system::error_code ec;, ec);
@ -296,31 +290,73 @@ struct fake_node
m_socket.bind(asio::ip::udp::endpoint(asio::ip::address_v4::any(), port), ec);
, [&] (boost::system::error_code const& ec, size_t bytes_transferred)
std::printf("fake_node::async_read_some callback. ec: %s transferred: %d\n"
, ec.message().c_str(), int(bytes_transferred));
if (ec) return;
using namespace std::placeholders;
, m_from, 0, std::bind(&udp_server::on_read, this, _1, _2));
void close() { m_socket.close(); }
void on_read(boost::system::error_code const& ec, size_t bytes_transferred)
std::printf("udp_server::async_read_some callback. ec: %s transferred: %d\n"
, ec.message().c_str(), int(bytes_transferred));
if (ec) return;
std::vector<char> send_buffer = m_handler(, int(bytes_transferred));
if (!send_buffer.empty())
lt::error_code err;
m_socket.send_to(boost::asio::buffer(send_buffer), m_from, 0, err);
if (err)
std::printf("send_to FAILED: %s\n", err.message().c_str());
std::printf("udp_server responding with %d bytes\n"
, int(send_buffer.size()));
using namespace std::placeholders;
, m_from, 0, std::bind(&udp_server::on_read, this, _1, _2));
std::array<char, 1500> m_in_buffer;
asio::io_service m_ios;
asio::ip::udp::socket m_socket{m_ios};
asio::ip::udp::endpoint m_from;
std::function<std::vector<char>(char const*, int)> m_handler;
struct fake_node : udp_server
fake_node(simulation& sim, char const* ip, int port = 6881)
: udp_server(sim, ip, port, [&](char const* incoming, int size)
lt::bdecode_node n;
boost::system::error_code err;
int const ret = bdecode(, + bytes_transferred
, n, err, nullptr, 10, 200);
int const ret = bdecode(incoming, incoming + size, n, err, nullptr, 10, 200);
TEST_EQUAL(ret, 0);
m_incoming_packets.emplace_back(, + bytes_transferred);
m_incoming_packets.emplace_back(incoming, incoming + size);
// TODO: ideally we would validate the DHT message
m_tripped = true;
void close()
return std::vector<char>();
bool tripped() const { return m_tripped; }
@ -329,15 +365,8 @@ struct fake_node
std::array<char, 300> m_in_buffer;
std::vector<std::vector<char>> m_incoming_packets;
asio::io_service m_ios;
asio::ip::udp::socket m_socket;
bool m_tripped;
std::vector<char> m_send_buffer;
bool m_tripped = false;
template<unsigned long N>

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit e450864958668f8c2ecf8b9839fa278c9c797571
Subproject commit 36b46fc2c316d34714315c04c87cf74de6efae90

View File

@ -296,3 +296,90 @@ TORRENT_TEST(socks5_tcp_announce)
TEST_CHECK(tracker_port != -1);
using namespace libtorrent;
bool tracker_alert = false;
bool connected = false;
bool announced = false;
[](lt::session& ses)
set_proxy(ses, settings_pack::socks5);
// The socks server in libsimulator does not support forwarding UDP
// packets to hostnames (just IPv4 destinations)
settings_pack p;
p.set_bool(settings_pack::proxy_hostnames, false);
lt::add_torrent_params params;
params.info_hash = sha1_hash("abababababababababab");
params.save_path = ".";
[&tracker_alert](lt::session& ses, lt::alert const* alert) {
if (lt::alert_cast<lt::tracker_announce_alert>(alert))
tracker_alert = true;
[&](sim::simulation& sim, lt::session& ses
, boost::shared_ptr<lt::torrent_info> ti)
// listen on port 8080
udp_server tracker(sim, "", 8080,
[&](char const* msg, int size)
using namespace libtorrent::detail;
std::vector<char> ret;
TEST_CHECK(size >= 16);
if (size < 16) return ret;
std::uint64_t connection_id = read_uint64(msg);
std::uint32_t action = read_uint32(msg);
std::uint32_t transaction_id = read_uint32(msg);
std::uint64_t const conn_id = 0xfeedface1337ull;
if (action == 0)
std::printf("udp connect\n");
// udp tracker connect
TEST_CHECK(connection_id == 0x41727101980ull);
auto inserter = std::back_inserter(ret);
write_uint32(0, inserter); // connect
write_uint32(transaction_id, inserter);
write_uint64(conn_id, inserter);
connected = true;
else if (action == 1)
std::printf("udp announce\n");
// udp tracker announce
TEST_EQUAL(connection_id, conn_id);
auto inserter = std::back_inserter(ret);
write_uint32(1, inserter); // announce
write_uint32(transaction_id, inserter);
write_uint32(1800, inserter);
write_uint32(0, inserter); // leechers
write_uint32(0, inserter); // seeders
announced = true;
std::printf("unsupported udp tracker action: %d\n", action);
return ret;

View File

@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ void set_proxy(lt::session& ses, int proxy_type, int flags, bool proxy_peer_conn
p.set_bool(settings_pack::proxy_hostnames, true);
p.set_bool(settings_pack::proxy_peer_connections, proxy_peer_connections);
p.set_bool(settings_pack::proxy_tracker_connections, true);
p.set_bool(settings_pack::force_proxy, true);

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ namespace libtorrent {
std::string fingerprint::to_string() const
return generate_fingerprint(name, major_version, minor_version
return generate_fingerprint(std::string(name, 2), major_version, minor_version
, revision_version, tag_version);

View File

@ -1897,7 +1897,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
// calling disconnect_if_redundant, otherwise we may disconnect even if
// we are interested
if (!t->has_piece_passed(index)
&& !t->is_seed()
&& !t->is_upload_only()
&& !is_interesting()
&& (!t->has_picker() || t->picker().piece_priority(index) != 0))

View File

@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
SET(peer_timeout, 120, nullptr),
SET(urlseed_timeout, 20, nullptr),
SET(urlseed_pipeline_size, 5, nullptr),
SET(urlseed_max_request_bytes, 16 * 1024 * 1024, 0),
SET(urlseed_wait_retry, 30, nullptr),
SET(file_pool_size, 40, nullptr),
SET(max_failcount, 3, &session_impl::update_max_failcount),

View File

@ -4863,7 +4863,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
if (!has_picker())
pieces->resize(m_torrent_file->num_pieces(), 1);
pieces->resize(m_torrent_file->num_pieces(), 4);
@ -4936,8 +4936,8 @@ namespace libtorrent
else if (prio > 7) prio = 7;
if (int(m_file_priority.size()) <= index)
// any unallocated slot is assumed to be 1
if (prio == 1) return;
// any unallocated slot is assumed to be 4
if (prio == 4) return;
m_file_priority.resize(index + 1, 4);
@ -5026,6 +5026,8 @@ namespace libtorrent
if (file_prio == 0)
// the pieces already start out as priority 0, no need to update
// the pieces vector in this case
need_update = true;
@ -5042,8 +5044,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
, pieces.begin() + last_piece + 1
, std::bind(&set_if_greater, _1, file_prio));
if (has_picker() || file_prio != 1)
need_update = true;
need_update = true;
if (need_update) prioritize_pieces(pieces);

View File

@ -446,7 +446,9 @@ void udp_socket::bind(udp::endpoint const& ep, error_code& ec)
m_socket.io_control(ioc, ec);
if (ec) return;
m_bind_port = ep.port();
error_code err;
m_bind_port = m_socket.local_endpoint(err).port();
if (err) m_bind_port = ep.port();
void udp_socket::set_proxy_settings(aux::proxy_settings const& ps)

View File

@ -75,16 +75,16 @@ web_peer_connection::web_peer_connection(peer_connection_args const& pack
std::shared_ptr<torrent> tor = pack.tor.lock();
// we always prefer downloading 1 MiB chunks
// from web seeds, or whole pieces if pieces
// are larger than a MiB
int preferred_size = 1024 * 1024;
// if the web server is known not to support keep-alive. request 4MiB
// but we want to have at least piece size to prevent block based requests
int const min_size = std::max((web.supports_keepalive ? 1 : 4) * 1024 * 1024,
// if the web server is known not to support keep-alive.
// request even larger blocks at a time
if (!web.supports_keepalive) preferred_size *= 4;
// we prefer downloading large chunks from web seeds,
// but still want to be able to split requests
int const preferred_size = std::max(min_size, m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::urlseed_max_request_bytes));
prefer_contiguous_blocks((std::max)(preferred_size / tor->block_size(), 1));
prefer_contiguous_blocks(preferred_size / tor->block_size());
std::shared_ptr<torrent> t = associated_torrent().lock();
bool const single_file_request = t->torrent_file().num_files() == 1;